Iowa State Gazetteer
1918-1919 Business Directory
front matter, including Introduction, General Index, and more]
[p. 161-162 -
Population, 125. A settlement in Indiana township, Marion county, 9 miles
southeast of Knoxville, the county seat, nearest railroad station and
banking point. Has Methodist and Protestant and Methodist Episcopal
churches. Telephone connection. F. J. Mason, postmaster.
- Bridges E, general store
- Brouse Charles, hotel
- MASON F J, Hardware, Grocer and Postmaster
- Moon E A, moving pictures and harness
- Moon M A, meats
- Robuck J genl store
- Sherman R C, garage and auto repairing
[p. 169 -
In Dallas township, Marion county, 20 miles southwest of Knoxville, the county seat, and 5 from Lacona, on the Burlington route, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.
- Schneider L T, general store
[p. 213-214 - link]
Population, 750. An incorporated town on the C. B. & Q. and Wabash R. Re. (depots 100 yards apart), in Liberty township, Marion county, 19 miles se. of Knoxville, the judicial seat and 53 from Des Moines. Has Methodist Episcopal and Methodist Protestant churches, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Record. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams and W., F. & Co. L. L. Anspach, postmaster
- Anderson J W, physician
- Anspach L L, postmaster
- Bank of Bussey, James Schee & Co proprs
- Bussey Auto Co
- Bussey A C, general store
- Bussey Cornet Band
- Bussey E L, Real Estate and Insurance
- Bussey J A, live stock
- Bussey Record (weekly), W H Moon publr
- Bussey Savings Bank (capital $20,000), J A Bussey pres, W H Lowman cashr
- Cameron T B, agt Wabash Ry
- Dreibelbies C H, hardware and jeweler
- Datin J V, agt C B & Q Ry
- Earp N G, general store
- Elliott Charles, contractor
- Elliott W A, hotel
- Hill & Maddy, garage
- Johnson C, hdwe and farm implts
- Jones F G & Co, general store
- Jones Mary, milliner
- Kidd Hugh, billiards
- Lookabaugh Harry, harness
- Lowman W H, cashr Bussey Savings Bank
- McClure E H, physician
- Mick F L, drugs
- Miner I E, furniture and undertaker
- Moon W H, publr Bussey Record
- Moore J A, livery
- Moore & Sims, live stock
- Morris A meats
- Myers Orvil, general store
- Pauls Lumber Co
- Sandeland J E, electric light plant
- Shee James & Co, proprs Bank of Bussey
- Stone & Bussey, live stock
- Unique Theatre, W K Stull propr
- Visser G A, real estate
- Visser L & Co, produce
- Warman Eli, vet surgeon
- Wilkins Grain Co
- Woodard Virgil R, baker and restr
[p. 216 -
In Franklin township, Marion county, 14 1/2 miles s. w. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and 8 from Milo, its nearest banking and shipping point. Telephone connection. Has rural delivery from Lacona.
[p. 298 - link]
Population, 175. In Washington township, Marion county, 12 miles southwest of Knoxville, the judicial seat and usual shipping point. Has a Methodist Episcopal church and bank. Telephone connection. G. W. May, postmaster.
- Bridgman H L, physician
- Carter & Askren, garage
- Columbia Mutual Telephone Co
- Columbia Savings Bank (capital $25,000), A L Maddy pres, Miss Claude Carruthers cashier
- Floyd Benjamin, harness
- Maddy & Flanagan, hardware and furn
- MAY G W, Feed Mill, General Store and Postmaster
- Moorehead Charles, auctioneer
- Moorehead & Carruthers, general store
- Rinehart C M, blacksmith
- Smith L E, restaurant
- Whitlach Eli, physician
- Whitlach E G, garage
[p. 302 - link]
Population, 20. On the Wabash R. R. in Summit township, Marion county, 1 miles north of Knoxville, the judicial seat and banking point. Exp., W. F. & Co. I. G. Renaud, postmaster.
- Renaud D C, general store
- Renaud I G, Postmaster
- Shilling J L, r r, exp and tel agt
- Taylor-Patton Grain Co
- Williamson H C, general store
[p. 332 -
Population, 600. An incorporated town on the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Dallas township, Marion county, 14 1/2 miles sw. of Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has Church of Christ and Methodist Episcopal churches and a bank. Exp., Am. Telephone connections. Roscoe C. Goff, postmaster.
- Auto Service Co, Blaine Stilwell prop
- Cleveland & Burrell, restr and soft drinks
- Farmers Savings Bank, J B Nelson cashier
- Fletcher Geo, grocer
- GOFF ROSCOE C, Postmaster, Confectioner and Cigars
- Goff & Co, general store
- Hunter E J, r r and exp agt
- Mitchell Jacob, meats
- Nelson B, cashr Farmers Savings Bank
- Noble Charles W, phys and drugs
- Owens Samuel, wagonmaker
- Princess Theatre, Cleveland & Burrell
- Willis W P, novelty mnfr
[p. 465 -
On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Marion county, 5 miles west of Knoxville the judicial seat and banking point. Rural delivery from same.
[p. 488 -
Population, 200. On the Des Moines river and the Wabash R. R., in Red Rock township, Marion county, 14 miles nw. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, 6 1/2 from Percy and 5 1/2 from Cordova, both of which latter places afford bank facilities. Tel., w. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. Has rural delivery from Cordova.
- Carey J P. & Bro, grocers
- Deitrick M & Son, general store
[p. 489 -
Population, 125. On the C., B. & Q. R. R., In Clay township, Marion county, 8 miles east of Knoxville, the county seat, and 1 1/2 miles from Harvey, the nearest banking point. Has Methodist church. Exp., Adams. Ida Turner, postmaster.
- Severn Earl R, general store
- TURNER IDA, Railroad, Express Agent and Postmaster
[p. 512 -
Population, 125. In Liberty township, Marion county, 14 miles southeast of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and 7 from Bussey, the nearest banking point. Is on a spur of the Wabash Ry., running from Tracy. Telephone connection. C. C. Johnson, postmaster.
- Baily G H, live stock
- Baily G H & Son, general store
- Feagins F E, grain and live stock
- Hlod Andrew, meats
- JOHNSON C C, Postmaster
- Mammoth Vein Coal Co
[p. 522 -
On the Wabash R. R., in Polk township, Marion county, 9 miles n. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and 7 from Pella, both of which places afford banking facilities. Has rural delivery from Cordova.
- Rabus Neal, general store
[p. 522 -
Population, 350. On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Knoxville township, Marion county, 4 1/2 miles e. of Knoxville the judicial seat and nearest banking point, and 39 from Des Moines. Has a Methodist Episcopal church. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U. Rural delivery from Knoxville.
- Fortner C H, coal mine
- James H Mrs. confr
- Verrcillino A, grocer
- Western Supply Co, general store
[p. 557 -
A discontinued postoffice in Washington township, Marion county, 10 miles s. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and nearest railroad station, and 2 from Columbia, the nearest banking point. Send mail to Columbia.
[p. 575 -
Population, 500. An incorporated town on the C., B. & Q. and Wabash R. Rs. (depots adjacent), in Liberty township, Marion county, 22 miles southeast of Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has a Methodist Episcopal church. Coal is mined and shipped. Lovilla, 2 1/2 miles distant, and Bussey, 2 3/4 miles distant, afford banking facilities. Stage twice dally to Buxton. Tel., W. U. Exp. Adams and W., F. & Co. F. Schnack, postmaster.
- Comet Theatre, John Jerkins prop, moving pictures
- Cross J R, physician
- Kennedy M L, jewelers
- McGruder R L r r and exp agt
- Miners Co-operative Opera House, John Jerkins prop
- Mitchell F, livery
- Redding & Son, general store
- Reynolds G, r r, exp and tel agt
- Robinson & Co, general store
- Schnack C E, general store
- SCHNACK F, Postmaster
- Schnack F A. lumber and hardware
- Schnack W A, meats
[p. 581-582 -
Population, 425. On the Des Moines river and the C., R. I & P and C. B. & Q. and the Wabash R. Rs., in Clay township, Marion county, 10 miles east of Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has Methodist Episcopal and Reformed churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Am. and W. F. & Co. Josephine Bean, postmaster.
- BEAN JOSEPHINE, Postmaster
- Bean Kenneth, news dealer
- Carlson R B. T agt
- Davis R J, exp and tel agt
- Des Moines River Sand and Gravel Co, E L Abbott mngr
- First National Bank of Harvey (capital $25,000), A L Harvey pres, W G Harvey cashr
- Harvey Brick & Tire Factory, T J Neiswanger mngr
- Harvey Coal & Mining Co, J A Powers mngr
- Harvey Lumber Co, J B Douglas mngr
- Harvey W G, cash First National Bank
- Hawk W A, excelsior mnfr
- Hull Bros, silos
- Humphrey J W, plumber
- Kelsey W B Auto Co
- Love Robert, harness
- Morgan I F, contractor
- Morgan John, wagonmaker
- Mosier C D, general store
- Nelswanger G C, restaurant
- Nelswanger T J, picture theatre
- Pascoe I J, physicians
- Pella Coal Co, G H Bevan mngr
- Phillips C E ,billiards
- Redding D, restaurant
- Roper G C, hardware
- Slack J F. blacksmith
- Taylor & Patton Grain Co, Geo J Dennis mngr
- Thomasson Bros, general store
- Thompson Laura Mrs, hotel
- Wilson F L, sand
- Wise Elizabeth Mrs, milliner
[p. 637 -
In Marion county. Knoxville is the banking town. Rural delivery from Pleasantville.
- Ridler C M, general store
[p. 640-641 -
Population, 3,650. An incorporated city and the judicial seat of Marion county, is located on the C., R. I & P. Ry., and the Burlington Route (depots 500 feet apart) 8 miles sw. of the Des Moines river. 25 w. of Oskaloosa, 35 se. of Des Moines and 327 w. of Chicago. It was settled in 1846 and is surrounded by a rich farming and stock raising district. The city is lighted by electricity, has water works, fire department, telephone facilities, first-class hotels, churches of the leading religious denominations, excellent public schools, one of the finest court houses in Iowa and 5 banks. Two weekly newspapers -- Express and Journal -- are published. Large quantities of grain, produce and live stock are shipped. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams and Am. W. J. Casey, post master.
- Allen W H, county supervisor
- Amos James M, livery
- Anderson Bliss, billiards
- Anderson Gray, lawyer (USA)
- Avery-Cleland Co (Arthur J and Frank L Avery, Wm W Cleland), hardware
- Bailey Ida H, physician
- Bane & Hunt (Walter Bane, Samuel R Hunt), abstracters
- Batten & Brouse (L D Batten, J F Brouse), blacksmiths
- Bayless J, grocer and meats
- Belknap Daniel C, pianos
- Bellamy & Elliot, monuments
- Bellville J J, blacksmith
- Bittenbender John W, seeds
- Bliss-Anderson Cigar Co
- Brann John V, physician
- Brobst R E & Co, Roy E Brobst mngr, jewelers and opticians
- Brobst & Brobst (Arthur B and Barton H), abstracters and real estate
- Bybee & Metz (Lyman L Bybee, Chester L Metz), furniture and undertakers
- CASEY W J, Postmaster
- Casey & Weaver Bros (Wm J Casey, John M and Fred Weaver), publrs Knoxville Express
- Central Auto and Machine Co (J L Goff, O J Roberts)
- Central House, Wm A Amsberry propr
- Citizens National Bank (capital $50,000). L S Collins pres. J C Collins cashier
- Clark J A & J I, osteopaths
- Claussen & Co (Henry W Claussen, Charles N Lawrence), meats
- Clements Harold R, clerk of court
- Conts Jennie, milliner
- Collins J C, cashier Citizens National Bank
- Collins S L Oil Co, Lafe S Collins pres. J C Collins sec
- Commercial Hotel, W E Sibey propr
- Conrey & Frost (Harry Conrey, Ed Frost), planing mill
- Cooper Bros (James P and Harry C), shoes
- Cooner Walter C, restaurant
- Cornell C S, county coroner
- Cotter James, grocer
- Crawford Frank, county auditor
- Cronkhite S E, sheriff
- Crouch Charles N, real estate
- Crozier & Hockersmith (G W Crozier, J B Hockersmith), lawyers
- Cunningham James D, billiards
- Curtis & Gilson (Maurice L Curtis, Thomas G Gilson), publishers Knoxville Journal
- Daugherty Bros horse breeders 3 1/2 mi west
- Dawson & Son, blacksmiths
- Dickerson Bros (H M and W T) produce
- Dickerson Dwight, shoes
- Dickerson & Savage (G W Dickerson, W H Savage), plumbers
- Donahoo J Edward, billiards
- Dunlap Drug Co (Frank D and Leland Dunlap)
- Dyer J R, county treasurer
- Dykestra & Baker (C N Dykstra, C F Baker), blacksmiths
- Edwards Ora E, horse and cattle breeder 5 miles w
- Elliott Frank N general store
- ELLIOTT JOHN B, Pres Knoxville National Bank
- Elliott Wm V, livery
- English Creek Coal Co, George N Ramsey pres, F W Ewing mngr
- Ferguson S A, 2d hd goods
- Finarty Joseph W, physician
- Foidell Sebastian, ice cream mnfr
- Gamble Carl C, dry goods
- Gamble Edward H, loans
- Garrettson Isaac, lawyer
- Garrettson & Garrettson (Charles F and Walter R), dentists
- Ghrist & Waring (W N Ghrist, C C Waring), insurance
- Giorgetti George, restaurant
- Goff & Roberts (James L Goff, Ora Roberts), auto garage
- Goldizer Mae, county supt of schools
- Gradwohl B A, clothing
- Grant H A, vulcanizer
- Grant & Son (Fred P and Wm L), ice
- Griffith David S, tinner
- Guaranty State Bank (capital $50,000), G W Crozier pres. E R Jordan cashr
- Hamilton Hardware Co, W H Carr mngr
- Hammond Jacob, horse breeder 8 miles s e
- Hanks Jeptha D, dry goods
- Harrington Charles M, physician
- Hart & Hart (G K and T V), lawyers and abstractors
- Harvey W G, baker
- Hawkeye Mill, Eugene C Pringle prop, four mill
- Hayes Wm S, meats
- Heykens Herman, dentist
- Hoffman Bros (Ira and Frank), live stock
- Hudson S B, county supervisor
- Hunt & Bain, abstracts
- Hunter Rouze (Inc), clothing
- Iowa State Savings Bank (capital $25,000). L S Collins pres, J C Collins cashr
- Iowa Trading Co, A B Culver pres, Loren Anderson sec, department store
- Jacobs Wm C, poultry breeder
- Johnson Samuel C, lawyer
- Jones Charles W, veterinary surgeon
- Jones Henry A, nursery
- Jordan E R, cash Guaranty State Bank
- Keeton Alex F, dentist
- King Edward, brick and tile mnfr
- Knox Coal Co, Alex Knox mngr
- Knoxville Auto & Supply Co, R D Matthews mngr
- Knoxville Bottling Co, Charles E Moore prop
- Knoxville Buick & Overland Co (F H Voss, O B Reynolds), garage
- Knoxville Clay Products Co, E O Osborne pres, E E Morgan sec, brick and tile
- Knoxville Express (weekly), Casey & Weaver Bros publishers
- Knoxville Fur Co, M W Conwell prop
- Knoxville Gas Co, F V Reaver sec
- Knoxville Journal (weekly), Curtis & Gibson publishers
- Knoxville, Land Co (Fred O Davis, A W Core)
- Knoxville Laundry Co (D B Elliott)
- KNOXVILLE NATIONAL BANK (Capital $100,000: Surplus and Profits $65,000), John B Elliott Pres. J J Roberts Cashier
- Knoxville Opera House, M W Conwell mngr
- Knoxville Public Library, Ruth Brown librarian
- Knoxville Tire & Vulcanizing Co, Harry S Grant prop
- Latimer, Hurst & Mieslang (Nicholas Latimer, James Hurst, Thomas Mieslang), dry goods
- Liike Leopold, feed yard
- Liike & Smith (Leopold Like, Harry Smith), jewelers
- Little Henry I, tinner
- Long J E, county recorder
- Longaker & Noah (H J Longaker, D A Noah), garage
- Lyon Willard H, lawyer
- McCoy Arch L, insurance
- McCoy Henry D, fruits
- McLaughlin Edward T, osteopath
- McQuillin M & H (Mary and Hortense), milliners
- Macy Motor Co, H L Macy mngr, garage
- Maddy Clifford M, cleaner and presser
- Magarian S M, physician
- Manhardt James W, real estate
- Marion County Electric Co, J S Bellamy pres
- Marion County National Bank (capital $60,000), O P Wright pres, O L Wright cashier
- May & Steele (A J May, H L Steele), groceries
- Millard John R, apiarist
- Milner A C, restaurant
- Model Market (W S Hayes, R H Randall), meats
- Morkert Emory J, grocer
- Mulky Robert G, insurance
- Neifert J A, dry goods
- Newton Benjamin F, auto repairers
- Olympia Theater, C B Barrett prop
- Osborn Ernest O, drugs
- Overton Berry, cattle breeder 5 miles s e
- Overton H A, live stock
- Overton Isaac, hog breeder
- Overton John, horse breeder
- Parks David H, wagonmaker
- Parsons House, Parsons Sisters props
- Paul's Lumber Co, Benjamin R Beach mngr
- Peterson S T, baker
- Porter & Sowden (Ralph H Porter, Ernest J Sowden), plumbers
- Power Joseph H, drugs
- Price Jewelery Co, Paul Price mngr
- Price W O, county engineer
- Quick Hattie, milliner
- Reichard & Zinn (D F Reichard, George Zinn), real estate
- Rickels George, tailor
- Roberts F M, physician
- ROBERTS J J, Cashier Knoxville National Bank
- Roberts W L, furn and undertaker
- Robinson Wm B, photographer
- Runnells & Voss, garage
- Scott Carl J, vet surgeon
- Sheahan Daniel H, cigar mnfr
- Shinn N D, lawyer and county attorney
- Shive Chester, wool and seeds
- Shivers Oscar W, live stock
- Snow & Co, meats
- Star Theatre, W E Marshall prop
- Steele Mary E, books and newsdealer
- Strasburger Benj clothing
- State Hospital for Inebriates, Dr M C Mackin supt
- Stuart L T, agt C. B & Q Ry
- Taber Co, C R Havey mngr, lumber
- Terry Albert W, tailor
- Teter Lorenzo D, lawyer
- Torbett & Torbett (Perry and Mabel), paints and wall paper
- Underhill & Keller (G T Underhill, J F Keller), wool dealers
- Vander Ploeg Wm G lawyer
- Vanderwilt, Kamerick & Co (Antonio and Dick Vanderwilt, John Kamerick), hardware and implements
- Vaughn & Jackson (A Vaughn, C E Jackson), harness
- Vertz Thomas C, cleaner and presser
- Visser W, horse breeder
- Wake & Dixon (Thomas Wake, J A Dixon), garage
- WAY SETH & COMPANY (Seth Way, J S Belamy) Live Stock, Grain, Coal and Wood
- Webb & Zugg (John F Webb, Loren W Zugg), blacksmiths
- Weiss John M, physician
- Wells Grocery Co (Frank S and Charles H Wells)
- Welsher Ashlie, real estate
- West Belle, milliner
- West & Son (F Bent and Frank), grocers
- Whittenberg C E, chiropractor
- Wilson E C, harness
- Woodruff Fred P, clothing
- Wren John, real estate,
- Wright J Robert, physician
- Wright Lafayette D, drugs
- Wright O L, cash Marion County Natl Bank
- Wyatt Alben H, photographer
[p. 702 -
Population, 250. An incorporated town on Cedar creek, in Liberty township, Marion county, 15 miles s. e. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, 5 from Lovilia, its banking point, and 3 w. of Hamilton, the nearest railroad station. Stage twice daily to Hamilton. Telephone connection. C. C. Kendall, postmaster.
- Davies & Son. furn and harness
- Dufner Lon, restaurant
- Kendall Bros, flour mill
- KENDALL C C, General Store, Meats and Postmaster
- Kendall M, live stock
- Metz [?] Bros. general store
[p. 718 -
Population, 850. On the C., R. I. & P. Ry., in Dallas township, Marion county, 12 miles from Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has Catholic and Methodist churches, a newspaper and 2 banks. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. C. Ola Goode, postmaster.
- Armor Grain Co, lumber
- Bishop H L, publr Melcher Union and printer
- Bucklew A, meats
- Casino Theatre, D L McCoy prop
- Chambliss & Rawley. hardware and implts
- Dickey H, restaurant
- J Dunlap J W, drugs
- First Trust & Savings Bank (capital $35,000), O L Wright pres, W S Wilson cash
- Garbett Bros, billiards
- GOODE C OLA, Postmaster
- Hansacker D, grocer and meats
- Hause E H, furn and hardware
- Hollinger & Larimer, general store
- Johnson & Pederson Lumber Co
- Kennedy M W, jeweler
- McCoy R G. cashr Melcher State Bank
- Melcher State Bank (capital $25,000), E McCoy pres, R G McCoy cashr
- Melcher Union (weekly), H L Bishop publr
- Packman Joseph, drugs
- Perry Wm, restaurant
- Rasmussen R, general store
- Shaver George, restaurant
- Stotts F, general store
- Whiting N F, r r. exp and tel agt
- Wilson N. hotel
- Wilson W S, cashr First Trust & Savings Bank
[p. 754 -
In Dallas township, Marion county, 22 1/4 miles s.w. of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and 6 from Lacona, the usual shipping station and banking point, whence mail is supplied by rural delivery.
- Newman H E, garage
- Snuggs & Co, general store
- Worley W H, general store
[p. 790 -
Population, 150. On the C., R. I, Ry., in Summit township, Marion county, 15 miles n.e. of Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has Baptist and Reformed churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. H. L. Renaud, postmaster.
- De Vries Drug Co
- Heisman & Son, contractors
- Hendershot R. live stock and grain
- Kool A, county supervisor
- Otley Savings Bank (capital $10,000), A G Dykstra pres, H G Schultz cashr
- Otley Telephone Co
- Payne H C, phys
- RENAUD H L, Postmaster and General Merchandise
- Schultz H G, cashr Otley Savings Bank
- Smith C H, lumber
- Stineman & Son, hardware
- Vriezelar J B & Sons, genl store
[p. 811-812 -
Population, 3,200. Dating its settlement from 1847, is an incorporated city, located on the C. R. I. & P. Ry., in Marion county, 11 miles northeast of Knoxville, the judicial seat, and 47 southeast of Des Moines. It is lighted by electricity, is solidly built up, has broad and well-kept streets, water works, sewerage system, a good fire department, churches of the leading denominations, public library, excellent schools, the Central College, an opera house, banks, 3 weekly newspapers, etc. Exp., Am. Tel., W. U. George A. Stout, postmaster.
- Anderson B W, auto repairs
- Awtry & Lankelma, furn and undertkrs
- Baptist Record (weekly). Sadler Bros & Co publrs
- Bloem John, oils
- Bloomers John & Co, flour mill
- Boat Cornelius, general store
- Boland D & Co (Dirkey Boland, Fannie Gerretse), milliners
- Boland Nicholas, auctioneer
- Brom Jacob, grocer
- Bruinekool Peter & Son, blacksmiths
- Buerkens Mnfg Co (B, C E and J A Buerkens), wagonmakers
- Carnegie-Viersen Library, Sarah Gosselink librarian
- Carpenter Fred F, physician
- Central College, John L Bailey pres
- Central College Library, Elizabeth Graham librarian
- Central Marble and Granite Works (Frank M Williamson, James A Edmond)
- Central Ray (weekly), published by students of Central College
- Cole Charles N, feed
- Cole Edward M, seeds
- Cook Wm W, insurance
- Cornelius J E, auto garage
- Cox J M, prop Hotel American
- Crew W F, physician
- DeBoer Alexander, harness
- DeCook Wm, livery
- DeKoning Joseph, shoes
- Den Adel & Co, clothing
- Dennis Charles, billiards
- De Rues Frank Mrs, milliner
- De Wit James, jeweler
- Dieleman John R, ins and autos
- Donai Louis C, restaurant
- Edmand Pearl A, dentist
- F & S RUBBER CO, H M Flint Propr, Vulcanizing, Agents for Fisk Tires and Fisher Sub-Casings, 809 Broadway, Tel 118
- Farmers National Bank (capital $50,000), Anna Van Spanckeren cashr
- Farmers Produce Co
- Fisk Auto Tile Layer Co
- Fisk Bros (J W and H M), contractors
- Fowler Telephone Co
- Fultz T G, vet surgeon
- Gaass George G, lawyer
- Gaasss P G, loans
- Gambell F R, general store
- Garden City Feeder Co, A C Van Hoewling pres, P H Van Gorp sec and treas
- Geelhoed Herman H, dry goods
- Gesman Land Co (N J Gesman)
- Gezel Henry, blacksmith
- Gosseling D, shoes
- Grundman Henry, live stock
- Haarmann Vinegar & Pickle Co
- Heeren George, wood novelties
- Hendricks Udell, cigar manufacture
- HOTEL AMERICAN (American Plan), M Cox Propr, Commercial Men's Hotel, Good Sample Rooms, On the Great White Way
- Jaarsman A H, grocer and baker
- Jelsma & Hollebrands (J S Jelsma, J I Hollebrands), real estate
- Johnson H F & Co (H F Johnson, H L Boland), publrs Weekblad
- Klein Tunis H, lawyer
- Klyn & De Winter, meats
- Kramer Martin, physician
- Kuyper A J, musical merchandise
- Kuyper John H & Co, general store
- KUYPER LUMBER CO, Peter H Kuyper Mngr, Complete Line of Building Material, Specializing High Quality, Sudden Service and Right Price, Tel 21
- Lake Prairie Creamery Co
- Leon James, confectioner
- Liter John, monuments
- McAlister H M, dentist
- Mitten & Lankelma (J C Mitten, J V Lankelma), dentists
- Old Peoples' Home
- Payne Henry C, physician
- Pell J S. hotel
- Pella Booster, George A Stout publr
- Pella Canning & Pickling Co, Abraham Ver Ploeg mngr
- Pella Chronicle, Sadler Bros & Co. publrs
- Pella Electric Light Plant (municipal),
- Pella Motor Co, automobiles
- PELLA NATIONAL BANK (Capital $50,000), R R Beard pres, H P Scholte cashr
- Pella Opera House
- PELLA OVERALL COMPANY, H J Vanden Berg Jr Pres, Y T Van Niewaal V-Pres and Treas, F B Stubenrauch Sec. John G Klein Mngr, Manufacturers of the Garden City Overalls, Coats, Pants, Etc, Tel 152
- Pella Plumbing and Heating Co, A J Kuyper
- Pella Produce Co (C P Dykstra, Ben Kuyk)
- Pella Steam Laundry, John Wisse propr
- Pella Tank & Pipe Co. C Freekn mngr
- Plette Tunis, grocer
- Popma Leonard, crockery
- Pos John A jr, notions
- Puncture Proof Retread Co, auto accessories
- Puritan Drug Co (John Heerema)
- Ramsey George W, pianos
- Reuvers & Hollebrands, photographers
- Rhynsburger Cornelius (est), general store
- Rhynsburger H J, elect supplies
- Rietveld O L, cattle breeder
- Roorda E J, grist mill
- Sack Benjamin H, tailor
- Sadler Bros & Co (R R and H H Sadler), publrs Pella Chronicle and Baptist Record
- Schakel & Co (Peter Schakel, Jacob Bogaard), live stock
- Scholte H P, cash Pella National Bank
- SECURITY STATE BANK (Capital $50,000), P G Gaass Pres, N A Van Vliet V-Pres. J H Van Vliet Cashier
- Slob Bros & Co (M C. H W and Jennie Slob), general store
- Standard Oil Co
- STAR AUTOMOBILE COMPANY (INC), P H Van Gorp Pres. F Le Cocq Sec, H P Van Gorp Treas, Ford Automobiles Exclusively, Repairing and Supplies. Tel 138
- Stegeman G F, lands
- Stegeman & Boland, shoes
- Stout George A, publr Pella Booster
- Stubenrauch Frank D, drugs
- Stubenrauch Peter H, insurance
- Stursma Andrew, cigar mnfr
- Sybenga John G, baker
- Ten Hagen A J, plumber
- Thomassen G G, general store
- Tice T D, agrl implements
- Tyseling & Van Meer, garage
- Ulrich John, meats
- Vanden Oever & Vanden Berg (Henry Vanden Oever, Henry J Vanden Berg jr), shoes
- Vander Linden B F, drugs
- Vander Linden Luke, auto garage
- Vander Linden Marius, men's furngs
- Vander Meiden A, blacksmith
- Vandermeulen & Co (H P Vandermeulen, John F Dykstra, J H De Vries, H J Boland), hdwe and farm implts
- Vander Ploeg John, baker
- Vander Ploeg Watson H, lawyer
- Vander Pol Dena Mrs, grocer
- Vander Syde Hubert, plumber
- Vander Wal Bros, harness
- Vanderzyl Bros, grain, coal and live stock
- VanDusseldorf Jesse, general store
- VanMaren Henry, hardware
- VanNiewaal Y T, dry goods
- Van Rees Lawrence, shoes
- Van Rees Wm, tire repairs
- VanRoekel Arthur, grain and implts
- VanSkike A D, hotel
- Van Vark & Schakel, plumbers
- VanVilet J T, cashr Security State Bk
- Van Wely & Schilder (W J an Wely, R A Schilder), meats
- VanZante Bros, hardware, plumbers and garage
- Veenstra, Nieburg & Co (J H Veenstra, John Nieburg), real estate
- VerDught David, resaurant [sic]
- VerPloeg Abraham, nursery
- Waechter A & Son (Adolph and G H), lumber
- Wagner Wm J, clothing and shoes
- Warner Frank C, grocer
- Weekblad (Holland weekly), H F Johnson & Co publrs
- White Way Auto Co
- White Way Hotel
- Wichhart E J, billiards
- Wieland A, vulcanizer
- Wilson J S, jeweler
- Wormhoudt H O, dentist
- Wormhoudt & Kempkes, clothing
- Wormhoudt & Plette, furniture and undertakers
[p. 813 -
Population, 100 Near the Des Moines river and on the Wabash R. R., in Perry township, Marion county, 25 miles from Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. J. L. Cochran, postmaster.
- COCHRAN J L, General Store and Postmaster
- Cowman W F, jewelery and watch repairing
- Kelso Wm, creamery
- Leuty J W, cash Percy Savings Bank
- Miner C A, general store
- Percy Savings Bank (capital $10.000), O L Wright pres, J W Leuty cashr
- Quick J E, drayage
- Shrader Thomas, poultry
- Taylor C C, exp and tel agt and poultry breeder
- Taylor & Patton Grain Co
[p. 819-820 -
Population, 800. An incorporated town on the C. B. & Q. R. R., in Pleasant Grove township, Marion county, 12 miles northwest of Knoxville, the judicial seat and 25 southeast of Des Moines. It contains 2 banks, Christian and Methodist Episcopal churches, an opera house and a weekly newspaper, the Marion County News. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. J. H. Kerr, postmaster.
- Badgley A A, jeweler
- Bare Elmer A, physician
- Bare Orl H, drugs
- Barringer Fred, harness
- Bell Edward P, physician
- Bristow C C, blacksmith
- Bristow & Dyer (Charles C Bristow, C E Dyer), garage
- Browning S A & Son, meats
- Charter & Son, drugs
- Citizens' Bank (capital 35,000), B F Heiny pres, C L Gose cashr
- Commercial Hotel
- Davis, Way & Co, grain and stock
- Dyer & Dyer (Melvin and John Dyer, Owen H Brice), hardware and implts
- Evans A J, furniture
- First National Bank (capital $25,000), Rube Core pres, T T Metcalf cashr
- Freel B & Son (Benona and Edward W), real estate
- Ganett S B, vet surgeon
- Gose C L, cashr Citizens Bank
- Hardin Bros, live stock
- Hart Wm L, restaurant
- Hart & Hon, grocers
- Hayes & Hayes, meats
- Hodge Rasty A, live stock
- Isenberg Daniel, grocer
- KERR H, Postmaster
- Kerr S L, grocer
- Knox Joseph, moving pictures
- Knoxville Electric Telephone Co, Faye Johnson mngr
- Lamme T W, grocer
- Leutzinger J Rudolph, shoes
- Marion County News, W G Stephenson publr
- Marsh Maud Mrs, milliner
- Merritt & Merritt (Wm H and Arthur M), physicians
- Metcalf T T, cash First National Bank
- Ogan Wm, blacksmith
- Oliver George A, r r, exp and tel agt
- Pleasantville Cornet Band
- Peppard & Curtis, hardware
- Richards Urias, cattle breeder
- Scott Wm A, physician
- Shadle F M & Sons (Frank M, Owen and Christ), general store
- Shoemaker & Lyon, bakery and restr
- Spalti Fridolin H, general store
- Stephenson W G, publr Marion County News
- Stevens Arthur E, furn and undertkr
- Stevens J J, real estate
- Steward G J & Co (G Judson and Harry B Stewart), grain and lumber
- Stringfellow R H, dentist
- Summy H E, livery
- Thornburg E A, coal
- Thornburg & Smith, grocers
[p. 850 -
A discontinued postoffice on the Des Moines river in Polk township, Marion county, 7 miles north of Knoxville, the judicial seat and banking point and 1 1/2 south of Fifeld, the nearest railroad station. Has rural delivery from Knoxville.
[p. 850 -
A discontinued postoffice in Marion county. Send mail to Knoxville.
[p. 929 -
Population, 270. An incorporated town on the C., B. & Q. R. R. in Swan township, Marion county, 16 miles n. w. of Knoxville, the judicial seat. and 19 s. e, of Des Moines. Has Christian and Methodist Episcopal churches and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Winnifred E. Wilson, postmaster.
- Acklin T J, auto livery and picture theatre
- Armour Grain Co, lumber, hardware and coal
- Bly Ross, poultry breeder
- Casg Edward. general store
- Hallowell J E, drugs
- Hooper S E, physician
- Hunt W R, hardware and coal
- Hunter L P, saw mill
- Knotts H E, real estate
- Miner J E, restaurant
- Mix C L & Son, general store
- Showers B F, livery
- Swan Grain Co, M F Henry agt, grain and coal
- Swan Savings Bank, L L McIntyre pres, W H Wier cashr
- Turnquist & Son, blacksmiths
- Underhill & Keller, B F Wellons agt. produce
- Walker I B, live stock and grain
- West J D, automobiles
- Wier W H, insurance and cashr Swan Savings Bank
- Wilson S M, r r, exp and tel agt
[p. 938-939 -
Population, 260. On the Des Moines river, and on the Burlington Route and Wabash Rys. (depots 1/4 mile apart), in Clay township, Marion county, 49 miles southeast of Des Moines, and 14 southeast of Knoxville, the judicial seat. Has a Methodist Episcopal and Reformed churches and a bank. Tel. W. U. Exp., Adams and W. F. Co. Telephone connection. J. M. Mickle, postmaster.
- Bensoter Fay, hotel and restaurant
- Cullers C C, r, exp and tel agt
- Farmers & Merchants Bank. J S McCrillis pres, W C Maddy cashr
- Fryer W C, feed mill
- Garden C B, general store
- Garden R J, poultry, eggs, cream and hides
- Grubb C, lumber
- Hartshorn F, cement
- Harvey G W & Co, general store
- Hogate P K, livery
- Hogate R L, stock dealer
- Hogate & Lyman, grain and real est
- Iowa Savings Bank (capital $12,000), L Wright pres, F W Lyman cashr
- Miller & Bruere, hardware and implts
- Miner I E, furniture and undertaker
- Osborn & Co, general store
- Owens Fred M. r. r, exp and tel agt
- Park Lewis E, physician
- Parkinson J H, blacksmith
- SMITH & MICKLE, General Store
- Sweem S J, hotel
- Tracy Auto Co
- Zeigler P C, drayman
This transcription was added by Al Hibbard on 19 Aug 2021. I started by using an idea that Rich Lowe suggested. I found the list of post offices in Marion county at the website for this book and started with those. Later, I did a general search for "Knoxville" since each town was described geographically relative to this place; this provided an extended list of towns without post offices or defunct post offices. I built the general template for the format of each page and started filling in the details. To obtain the text from, I use the Mac-based TextSniper application, which was VERY easy to use and helpful. I then cleaned up hypenation issues and spelling issues and wrapped li tags around each business. Then I added the specific page and link for each town. While I didn't actually record the time spent on the project, my estimate is about 9 hours.