Jefferson County Online
1848 Presidential Election Voters

The information provided on this page was researched by Orville and Mary Prill and Verda Baird and has been transcribed by Joey Stark.  The primary source of information is transcribed from "Vol. 2, Jefferson Co., IA Records" pages 50 - 61.

D  E

Given Name
DANIELS Harvey Walnut  
DANIELS John Walnut  
DARDEN George Polk  
DARDEN Henry J. Polk  
DAUGERTY William Cedar  
DAVID Charles Black Hawk  
DAVID George W. Fairfield  
DAVIS Henry Liberty  
DAVIS James Penn  
DAVIS John Penn  
DAVIS John Polk  
DAVIS Joseph Polk  
DAVIS Nehemiah Liberty  
DAVIS Otho Round Prairie  
DAVIS Robert Polk  
DAVIS William Black Hawk  
DAWSON Jonathan Locust Grove  
DEARDUFF John Jr. Round Prairie  
DEARDUFF John Sr. Round Prairie  
DECK Elisha Walnut  
DEEDS Silas Walnut  
DEEN Elijah Fairfield  
DEFRANCE Hugh C. Penn  
DENMARK John Fairfield  
DENNIS John Liberty  
DENNIS Louis Liberty  
DICKEY Tho. Fairfield  
DICKSON Samuel Fairfield  
DILL Reuben Fairfield  
DILL Sol Fairfield  
DILL Stephen Fairfield  
DILLEN Abram Walnut  
DILLINGER William Locust Grove  
DILLON Joseph Penn  
DILLON Samuel Penn  
DILLON Walter Penn  
DIXON John W. Penn  
DIXON Richard H. Penn  
DIXON William H. Penn  
DOLE Joseph Fairfield  
DONALDSON William Liberty  
DONALDSON Woodard Liberty  
DONNELSON Josiah Des Moines  
DOUGHTY John W. Cedar  
DOWNEY Anthony Fairfield  
DOWNEY Archibald Polk  
DOWNEY Archibald T. Locust Grove  
DOWNEY John Fairfield  
DOWNEY John Locust Grove  
DOWNEY John E. Polk  
DOWNEY Samuel Polk  
DOWNING William Lockridge  
DOWNS Aaron B. Fairfield  
DRISKILL Miles Penn  
DROWN Ezra Fairfield  
DuBOIS John W. Fairfield  
DUDLEY Moses Penn  
DUNLAP John Lockridge  
DUNLAVY Alexander Round Prairie  
DUNN James Des Moines  
DUSTIN William F. Liberty  
DUSTON John Liberty  
DUSTON William Liberty  
DUTTWILLER Christian Walnut  
DYER Charles Liberty  
DYER George W. Liberty  
DYER Jonathan Liberty  
Given Name
ECKLEY Peter Fairfield  
EDWARDS Aaron O. Des Moines  
EDWARDS Gideon D. Penn  
EDWARDS Hardin Walnut  
EDWARDS Jesse Walnut  
EDWARDS John D. Penn  
EDWARDS Lewis D. Penn  
EDWARDS William Lockridge  
EDWARDS William M. Walnut  
ELLER David Locust Grove  
ELLER Jesse Locust Grove  
ELLIOTT John Round Prairie  
ELLIOTT William Cedar  
ELLIS Isaac Penn  
ELLIS Isaac W. Penn  
ELLIS Parish Fairfield  
ELLIS William Penn  
ELLMAKER Christopher Locust Grove  
ELLMAKER Enos Des Moines  
ELLMAKER Jacob Locust Grove  
ELLMAKER Jefferson Locust Grove  
ELLMAKER Reuben Des Moines  
ELY John Fairfield  
ELY Nelson Liberty  
EMERICK Andrew Locust Grove  
EMERICK Henry Locust Grove  
EMRY James Penn  
ERSKINE Andrew Locust Grove  
ESHELMAN Samuel Liberty  
ETHERAGE Thomas Round Prairie  
EVANS David J. Fairfield  
EVANS Henry Fairfield  
EVANS James B. Cedar  
EVANS Jonathan B. Liberty  
EVANS Samuel M. Fairfield  
EVANS Thomas D. Fairfield  

If you need further information on a listed name, contact the Jefferson County Genealogical Society or post a Query on our Query Board.

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