William J. Miller
Born: April 29, 1858, Sherman Twp, Jasper Co., Iowa W. J. Miller dies at 1:45 o'clock.
Emma Arabella (Leeper) Miller
Born: April 14, 1857, Ohio ![]() ![]() Emma Arabella MillerHundreds of friends attended the funeral of Mrs. W. J. Miller, which was held at the home southwest of this city yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Gillis of the United Presbyterian Church officiated. The music was furnished by Miss Vieth, Miss Blanche Warner, Rev. Gillis and Don Miles, and Mrs. Sayer Miles was the accompanist. The bearers were Messrs Louie Aillaud, T. Robinson, Alfred Phelps, Curtis Moffitt, William Sims and Charles Emmack. Many and beautiful were the flowers contributed by friends and loved ones, and it was one of the largest funerals ever held in this vicinity. The interment was in the Metz Cemetery. Emma Arabella Leeper was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leaper, both of whom have passes away. She was born April 14, 1857, and come with her parents to Kellogg, Iowa, in the fall of 1866. The next year the family removed to the farm west of Newton. February 26, 1878, she was united in marriage to William J. Miller. To this union were born seven children. One daughter died in infancy. The living children are Mrs. Jennie P. Traxler, of Waterville, Kansas; Ralph L. Leeper, who is married and resides on a farm about two miles from the father's home; John T, Edith, Florence A., and William F., who are still in the home. Besides the husband and children, Mrs. Miller is survived by three brothers and two sisters: W. J., Albert G., Charles C., and Miss Jennie Leeper, who reside near this city, and Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes, of Kennewick, Wash. One brother, Joseph W. Leeper, died in Omaha and was brought here for burial two months ago. Mrs. Miller had never united with any church, but she always adhered to the views of her parents, who were of the United Presbyterian faith, and was a contributor to the support of church work. She was stricken shortly after retiring, seemingly in good health, on Tuesday night, April 23, 1907, and within a half hour after her condition was discovered she passed away. All assistance that was possible to give in this time was bestowed by her loved ones, but without avail. She was a kind, true wife and mother. Her heart was in her home and she was ever trying to administer to the wants of those dearest to her. All respected and loved her, and the greatest compassion is felt by all for the members of this home, who now sorrow because of the sudden taking away of the one who filled the largest and dearest place there. ~ The Newton Daily News, Saturday, April 27, 1907, Page 1, Column 3 __________A Wife And Mother Taken - Mrs. W. J. MillerAll who knew her, were shocked when the news was received last Wednesday morning that, Mrs. Miller, wife of W. J. Miller of near Metz, was dead. She had been in her usual health all day attending to her household duties, had eaten supper with her family, and gone to bed. A little later Mr. Miller was awakened and found her struggling for breath, and she died between ten and eleven o'clock, heart trouble being the cause. The shock to the family can be well imagined. She had been a true mother to her children, the active and enduring helpmeet of her husband, the loving and ever firm friend to all who knew her. Her sudden taking-off was not unlike the instant collapse of a building that had heretofore been deemed strong and substantial leaving those who had inhabited it shocked and . Only those who have been similarly afflicted can imagine the great suffering of her immediate family. Emma Arabella Leeper was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Leeper, both of whom have passed away. She was born April 14 1857, and came with her parents to Kellogg, Iowa in the fall of 1866. The next year the family removed to the farm west of Newton. February 26, 1878 she was united in marriage to William Miller. To this union were born 7 children. One daughter died in infancy. The living children are: Mrs. Jennie, P. Traxler of Waterville, Kan., Ralph L. Miller, who is married and resides on a farm about two miles north of the father's home, John I, Edith, Florence A. and William F., who are living in the home. Besides the husband and children, Mrs. Miller is survived by three brothers and two sisters: W. J., Albert G., Charles C., and Miss Jennie Leeper, who reside near this city, and Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes, of Kennewick, Wash. One brother Joseph W. Leeper, died in Omaha and was brought here for burial two months ago. The funeral was held at the home at 2:00 p.m. last Saturday, and was one of the largest in attendance ever held in the vicinity, Rev. Gillis of Newton U. P. church, officiating. The floral offerings were abundant and very beautiful, completely covering the casket. The interment was made in Metz cemetery. The sincere sympathy of the many friends are extended to the family and friends of the deceased in the sore affliction. ~ Unknown paper, possibly Colfax, 1907 |