Miller Burials

Jennie Miller (Traxler) | Louisa (Miller) Hanson | Louis E. Hanson | Oscar E.

Oscar E. Miller

Born: 18 May 1876, Jasper Co., Iowa
Died: 8 June 1876, Metz, Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 166, plot 18
Parents: John and Lucertia Jane (Cannon) Miller

Jennie Pearl (Miller) Traxler

Born: November 29, 1878 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Died: July 17,1914 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 88,purchased by H.W. Traxler in 1914
Married: Herbert Traxler on September 24, 1903 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Children: Estella, Victor, Esther, Edith, Elsie Traxler
Parents: William J. and Emma (Leeper) Miller
Family Group Sheet: Bert and Jennie Traxler


Mrs. Bert Traxler Died Yesterday Morning
After Short Illness

Mrs. Jennie Miller Traxler died yesterday morning at five thirty o'clock at her home four miles west of Newton. She had been suffering for some time from diabetes and no hope had been give for her recovery, although the end was not expected so soon. She had been able to be around and to perform her duties as usual until Wednesday when she received a fall. Since that time her condition rapidly grew worse until the end came.

Mrs. Traxler is the eldest daughter of W. J. Miller. She was born November 29, 1878, and was thirty-five years of age. On September 24, 1903 she was married to Herbert Traxler. They moved away from this vicinity in a short time and lived in Kansas and Wyoming until the first of last March when they returned here. Since that time they have been living on the Charles Leeper farm west of Newton.

She leaves her husband, Bert Traxler and five small children to mourn her loss. She is also survived by her father, W. J. Miller, and five brothers and sisters, Mrs. Peter Pink, Miss Florence Miller, and Ralph, John and Floyd Miller.

Mrs. Miller was a woman of exceptional character and one whom every one loved. The many friends of the family will mourn the loss of one who at all times endeavored to do the right and encouraged others to do likewise.

The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the Metz church. Interment will be made in the Metz cemetery. Mr. Traxler's parents will arrive tomorrow morning from Waterville, Kansas for the funeral. ~ The Newton Daily News, July 17, 1914.

Louisa Elenora (Miller) Hanson

Born: March 11,1886, Jasper Co., Iowa
Died: March 20, 1892, Metz, Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 166, plot 26
Married: Edmond Hanson, September 24, 1890
Child: Louis E. Hanson
Parents: John and Lucertia Jane (Cannon) Miller

Obituary: Louisa Miller Hanson

Mrs. Edward Hanson died at her home one mile ? of Metz, on Sabbath morning, March 20, 1892, from prostration following grip. Mrs. Louisa Elenora Hanson, wife of Edward Hanson, aged 32 years and nine days. Mrs. Hanson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller --was always loved in the family and a favorite in the community.

She was married to Mr. Hanson, September 24, 1890. In January 1892, she was attacked with grippe, from which she never recovered. On Saturday afternoon and night she grew gradually worse, and at four o'clock Sabbath morning, she quietly passed away. A little infant preceded her to the land of Spirits, while husband, father and mother, two brothers and one sister, are left to mourn their loss.

The funeral was conducted from the home on Monday afternoon by Rev. Brown of this city and, notwithstanding the terrible story, a large company of friends and neighbors followed the body to its last resting place in the Metz cemetery. ~ 1892

Louis E. Hanson

Born: August 25, 1891 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Died: September 30, 1891 in Jasper Co., Iowa
Buried: Lot 166, plot 27
Parents: Edmond and Louisa E. (Miller) Hanson

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Created Summer 2000 by Barbara Lane Hug and Marvelyn Lane Adams. Updated January 2005.