Roster and Records of Iowa Soldiers, War of the Rebellion

Historical Sketches of Volunteer Organizations, Vol. V

Roster and Records Index

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    On the 9th day of July, 1862, Samuel J. Kirkwood. Governor of Iowa issued the following proclamation:

     I have this day received from the Secretary of War a telegram, requesting me to raise as soon as practicable, for the United States service, for three years or during the war, five regiments of Volunteer Infantry. being a part of the quota of this State, under the late call of the President for 300,000 men. The preservation Of the Union, the perpetuity of our Government, the honor of our State, demand that this requisition stall be promptly met. Our harvest is upon us, and we have feared a lack of force to secure it. But we must imitate our brave Iowa boys in the field, meet new emergencies with new exertions. Our old men and our boys unfit for war, if need be, our women, must help to gather harvests, while those able to bear arms go forth to aid their brave brethren in the field. The necessity is urgent. Our national existence is at stake. The more promptly the President is furnished the needed troops, the more speedily will this unholy rebellion be crushed, and the blessings of peace again visit our land. Until then we must expect the hardships and privations of war. The time has come when men must make,as many have already made,sacrifices of ease, comfort and business, for the cause of the country. The enemy, by a sweeping conscription, have forced into their ranks all men capable of bearing arms. Our Government has, as yet, relied upon the voluntary action of our citizens. But, if need be, the same energies must be exerted to preserve our government that traitors are using to destroy it. To simplify and systematize the raising of these regiments, I have assigned one to each of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Congressional Districts, and one to the Fifth and Sixth together. This will prevent interference in recruiting, and enable those from the same section to go to the field together. Which District. will have its regiment first in the field? Places of rendezvous for the different regiments will be designated when I receive notice of their destination. I will necessarily be absent for some weeks at Washington. Meantime all information in regard to the new regiments can be obtained from Adjutant General Baker, at Clinton.

    Samuel J. Kirkwood
     Iowa City, JULY 9, 1862. 1

     1 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol. 2, pages 110-11.

     The patriotic sons of Iowa promptly responded to this earnest appeal Of the Governor. The Thirty-second Infantry was one of the five regiments that were organized and sent to the field in compliance with this call 0f the President. Recruiting began as soon as the Governor's proclamation was published. Camp Franklin, near Dubuque, Iowa, was designated by the Governor as the rendezvous Of the regiment. The ten companies were ordered into quarters as fast as their organizations Were completed. It would appear, from the wide

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discrepancy in dates upon which the orders were given, that some of the companies had been partially, if not wholly, organized in anticipation of the call, as the dates of the orders ranged from July 3 to September 8, 1862. Upon the latter date the companies had all assembled at Camp Franklin, and, on the 6th day of October, 1862, they were there mustered into the service of the United States, by Captain George S. Pierce, of the Regular Army, and the organization of the regiment was completed by the muster in of the field and staff officers on the same date.

    Colonel John Scott had resigned the office of Lieutenant Colonel of the Third Iowa Infantry, upon being tendered the appointmen, by Governor Kirkwood, of the office of Colonel of the Thirty-second Infantry. Upon the recommendation of Colonel Scott, the Governor appointed Edward H. Mix, Lieutenant Colonel, and Gustavus A. Eberhart, Major, of the regiment. These officers had all had the benefit of experience as soldiers in one of the first regiments that the State had sent into the field (the Third Iowa Infantry), and had fully demonstrated their fitness and capacity to properly discharge the duties of their respective offices. The staff officers were all men of high character and ability, and the regiment was fortunate in their selection. The same may be said of the company officers. An examination of the roster of the Thirty-second Iowa will show that the average age of both officers and men was greater than that of the earlier regiments, and there was a proportionately larger number of married men among them. The records show that there was an aggregate number of 925 men and officers in the regiment, at the date of its muster into the service. 3 During its stay at Camp Franklin, the time was utilized to the best advantage, and, when the regiment left the State, it had probably acquired a better general knowledge of the duties it would be called upon to perform than most of the regiments which preceded it had been able to obtain prior to leaving their rendezvous.

    On November 16, 1862, the regiment embarked on transports and was conveyed to St. Louis, Mo., and went into quarters at Benton Barracks. On November 25th, by order of Major General Curtis, commanding Department of Missouri Companies B, G. E, H, I and K, with the regimental headquarters, left St. Louis and were conveyed to New Madrid, Mo., and, on the next day, Companies A, D, F and G, under command of Major Eberhart, were conveyed to Cape Garardeau, Mo. From this time until March 4, 1864, the operations of the detachment of the four companies under Major Eberhart and the six companies under Colonel Scott were distinct, separate and independent of each other. The compiler is, therefore, confronted with the necessity of writing a condensed history of the movements and operations of each portion of the regiment; prior to the time it was reunited, and then taking up tile history of the regiment as a whole, during the remainder of its term of service. To do this, under the limitation of space to which he is subjected, becomes a difficult task. With the wealth of material at his command, it would be a comparatively easy undertaking to compile a more extended history, but it will be his endeavor to include in this condensed sketch the most important events in which the regiment, either as a whole or in part, participated.

    2 The compiler of this Historical Sketch can speak from personal knowledge with regard to the eminent fitness of these appointments. All three of these officers had been his comrades in the old Third Iowa Infantry. He had seen their bravery and efficiency thoroughly tested on the field of battle, and, while he regretted to see them sever their relations with the old "Third," he was gratified when these well-deserved promotions came to them. Every survivor of the Third and Thirty-second Regiments of Iowa Infantry can bear cheerful testimony as to the high character of these officers and their splendid achievements in their country's service.

    3 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol. 1, page ix, and 1863, Vol. 2, pages 35 to 67. Original Roster of the Regiment.

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     Upon arriving at New Madrid with the six companies of his regiment, Colonel Scott, in accordance with his instructions, assumed command of the post. It did not take him long to discover that, prior to his arrival, disloyal men had been favored and protected; that large amounts of merchandise of all descriptions had been distributed from New Madrid and had gone beyond the Union lines, into the possession of those who were engaged in armed rebellion. Negroes, who had escaped and sought protection of the Union soldiers, had been returned to slavery. Colonel Scott did not believe in tile policy of conciliating those who were in full sympathy with the rebellion and who were. active in their efforts to furnish aid and comfort to the enemy. The most active of those rebel sympathizers was a man who was not a naturalized citizen of the United States, and who claimed the protection of the British Government. The General in command of the Department listened to the protests of those who wanted to have Colonel Scott removed from the . command of the post and,strange as it may appear,seemed inclined to.

    On the 17th of December, a detachment from Colonel Scott's command, command of Companies C and I, under command of Captain Peebles, made a reconnaissance into the country west of New Madrid. The detachment was absent five days, marched about one hundred miles, and captured eight prisoners and a quantity of arms and stock. It discovered no considerable force of the enemy, and showed that the report that a large rebel force was moving with a detachment from his command, embarked on the steamer "Davenport" and proceeded on a tour of examination of the points along the river at which illicit trade (or smuggling goods into the enemy's lines) was being carried on, with the view to prevent same, as far as it was possible to do so with the resources at his command. On his return from this trip, Colonel Scott reported to General Thomas A. Davies, at Columbus, Ky., who had command of the Military District of Columbus, and who claimed that the post of New Madrid was included in his district, and was supported in that statement by General Fisk, who was present and who had just returned from the headquarters of General Curtis in St. Louis. Up to that time Colonel Scott had receive his orders direct from General Curtis. General Davies stated that it was necessary that Colonel Scott should at once abandon the post at New Madrid, and proceed with his command to Fort Pillow, which was in danger of being captured by the enemy. Feeling that General Davies was his superior officer, Colonel Scott took the precaution to request a written order, which was given, as follows:

    Columbus, December 27, 1862.

    Colonel Scott, Commanding Thirty-second Iowa, New Madrid: Will you immediately proceed to New Madrid, burn the gun carriages and wooden platforms, and spike the guns and destroy the ammunition totally. Take the same boat and proceed to Fort Pillow, under convoy of gunboat, and report to Colonel Wolfe, commanding at that place.

    Thomas A. Davies, Brigadier General.

    Colonel Scott, having made personal protest against the necessity for this order, proceeded to obey it, and carried out his instructions to the letter. He proceeded with his command to Fort Pillow and reported to the commander.

    4 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, pages 297, 298 and 299. Statement of Colonel Scott, showing the conflict of orders of general officers, the demoralized condition of affairs which prevailed in that portion of the Military Department of Missouri, and the difficulties with which he had to contend.

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Colonel Wolfe, for duty. General Curtis censured Colonel Scott for obeying the order of General Davies, and a Military Commission was appointed to investigate the matter and report its findings to General Curtis. After a full and complete investigation, the Commission found that Colonel Scott did right in obeying the order, that he simply performed his duty, and was honorably acquitted of all blame. 6 The report was signed by Brigadier General William K. Strong, President, and Colonel Albert G. Brackett, Recorder, of the Commission, and the findings were approved by General Curtis, and thus Colonel Scott was completely vindicated from the unjust censure, not only by the Commission, but by General Curtis himself. It is the first duty of the soldier to obey orders, otherwise it would be impossible to maintain discipline. There were many instances in which subordinate officers yielded prompt obedience to orders which, as subsequent events proved, were unwise and should not have been given, but the officer in authority had the right to demand obedience, and those under his command were bound to obey, no matter what their opinion might be as to the wisdom or unwisdom of the order. It will, therefore, be seen that Colonel Scott simply acted the part of a true soldier, and gave a good example to the officers and men of 0a own regiment, who, like himself, could not see the necessity for abandoning the post.

     The headquarters of the regiment remained at Fort Pillow until June 18, 1863. During a part of this time Company B, with Captain A. B. Miller in command, occupied the poet at Fulton, Tenn., three miles below Fort Pillow. Detachments were sent on scouts in the vicinity of the fort, from time to time, acting in conjunction with the Second Illinois Cavalry, and occasionally these scouting parties came into contact with the enemy, but the fighting which took place mainly devolved upon the cavalry which proceeded in advance, the infantry following as a support in case the enemy were found in considerable force, which was seldom the case. Garrison duty and daily drill was the principal duty of the troops at Fort Pillow. On the 17th and 18th Or June, 1863, the six companies of the Thirty-second Iowa embarked on transports and were conveyed to Columbus, Ky., at which place they went into camp and remained until January 21,1864. On July 10, 1863, Union City was captured by a force of rebels; This place was twenty-six miles south of Columbus, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Colonel Scott received orders to proceed with 0a command by rail to Union City, which order was promptly obeyed, but the enemy abandoned the place and retreated rapidly before Colonel Scott's command arrived and, in obedience to orders from General Asboth, the Colonel returned with his troops to Columbus.

     On July 11,1863, Colonel Scott succeeded to the command of the post of Columbus. .At this time Company C, Captain Peebles commanding, was mounted and attached to the Fourth Missouri Cavalry, for scouting duty. Company E:, under Captain Jones, was sent to Fort Quimby, near Columbus, and Companies H and K, under Captain Benson, were sent to Island Number Ten. This left only Companies B and I on duty at regimental headquarters, with Captain A. B. Miller in command, Lieutenant Colonel Mix being absent at that time, as President of a Court-martial at Cairo, Ill. The service performed by Company C, with the Fourth Missouri Cavalry, was arduous and important regiment was constantly in pursuit of roving bands of the enemy, engaged in securing and forwarding conscripts to the rebel army, and in committing depredations upon the property of loyal citizens in the surrounding regions. of Kentucky and Tennessee. These expeditions extended over hundreds of miles and involved much hardship to the troops engaged in them.

     5 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, page 298.

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The two companies at Island Number Ten also made frequent expeditions upon both sides of the river, in one of which John D. Baker, of Company H, was filled.

    On January 20,1864, Colonel Scott received orders to assemble the six companies of his regiment at Columbus, where they shortly afterwards embarked and were conveyed to Vicksburg, Miss., where they disembarked and went into camp. General Sherman was just then "completing his preparations for that remarkable expedition which penetrated into the heart of the State of Mississippi and inflicted a telling blow to the rebellion, in that portion of the South, from which it never fully recovered. Colonel Scott's detachment of the Thirty-second Iowa was assigned to the Second Brigade of' the Third Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps; Colonel William T. Shaw of the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry was in command of' the brigade; Brigadier General A. J. Smith commanded the division, and Major General S. A. Hurlbut was in command of the corps. The army left Vicksburg on the 3rd day of February, and returned to that place on March 4, 1864, having marched 328 miles. The troops had been supplied with but ten days rations when the march began, and, after that supply was exhausted, lived upon such food as could be obtained in the country through which they passed. This involved the necessity of sending out forage trains every day, with large details to guard them; as the enemy's cavalry in large force hovered in front and upon either flank of General Sherman's army, which was composed of' the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Corps and one division of cavalry. There wee more or leas fighting every day, mainly done by the cavalry which led the advance and by the infantry which constituted the guard to forage trains. The troops had no tents while on this expedition and suffered much from the inclemency of the weather. The six companies of the Thirty-second Iowa, under command of' Colonel Scott, performed their full share of duty upon this long and arduous march, but they did not come into contact with any considerable body of the enemy. The only casualties reported were: George A. Tod, of Company I, captured. and Edward Flood, of' Company C, killed, while engaged in guarding forage train. At the close of his official report, Colonel Scott says: "The labors and privations of this expedition were borne alike, by officers and men, with great cheeriness, and a capacity for enduring fatigue and exposure both gratifying and astonishing."

    The six companies of the regiment arrived at Vicksburg, on their return from the Meridian Expedition, on March 4, 1864, and were there joined by the other four companies from whom they had been so long separated. The reunion of the regiment was marked by the issuance of the following congratulatory order:

    6 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, page 301.

    HEADQUARTERS Thirty-second Iowa Infantry,
    In the Field, in rear of Vicksburg, Miss.,
    March 6, 1864.

    SPECIAL Orders No. 17.

    I. For a length of time nearly equal to one-half the period of its enlistment, the unity of the Thirty-second Iowa Volunteer Infantry has been broken. This was deplored by us all, and, none the less so, that all efforts to overcome our unhappy separation were unavailing. Although such disposition of our regiment was well calculated to discourage effort and to demoralize the command, It must be apparent to all that the pride and spirit of the officers and men composing this regiment are not yet destroyed. Not only is this true, but all may justly feel that a double labor has been performed, that each broken part has done the complete work of an entire regiment, and has done it well.

    II. The Colonel commanding congratulates that portion of the command with which he has shared labor and hardship, as well as more monotonous duty, upon the

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cheerful manner in which trials have been endured and toils performed, and upon the important results and honors achieved during the notable expedition to the heart of the enemy's country, from which we have just returned.

     III. Section 2, of Special Orders No. 22, from the headquarters of General Davidson's Cavalry Division, of date January 30, 1864, relative to the conduct and bearing of the detachment under command or Major Eberhart, is made part of this order, and is as follows:

     "In relieving this detachment from duty with the cavalry division, the General commanding cannot forbear expressing kits high appreciation of. the soldierly qualities they have exhibited, and the valuable services they have rendered while under his command. Although infantry, they have accompanied the march of, the cavalry division for a distance of over four hundred miles, shared in its privations and tolls without a murmur, and finally taken a noble part in its engagements and victories. The mission of the detachment With the cavalry division is accomplished, and it is now about to enter upon a new field of operations, but, wherever it may go, it will be followed by the best wishes and kindest regards of the troops with whom it has served so faithfully and well."

     IV. Amidst the happiness attendant upon so pleasant an occasion as the uniting of the command, and, glowing With anticipation of usefulness and honor in our renewed strength, let us cherish the memory of our deceased comrades in arms, whose absence from our ranks is all that mars our present Joy.

     BY order of JOHN SCOTT, Colonel Commanding Regiment.

     CHARLES H. HUNTLEY, Adjutant 7

     7 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa 1866, page 304.

     8 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, Pages 301 to 304 inclusive. Official Report of Major G A. Eberhart.

     The history of the operations of the four companies, under the command of Major Eberhart, is embraced in the official report of that officer, and covers the period from November 26, 1862, to March 4, 1864. Limitation of space prevents the compiler from quoting this excellent report in its entirety, but, omitting details, such portions of the report as relate to the leading events in which the detachment participated are here condensed, as follows: Companies A, D, F and G, of the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, under the command of Major G. A. Eberhart, embarked at St. Louis on the 26th day of' November, 1862, and were conveyed to Cape Girardeau, Mo. Upon arrival there, Major Eberhart,in compliance with his instructions,assumed command of the post. The garrison at that time consisted of the four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa, and Company D, Second Missouri Heavy Artillery. First Lieutenant Charles A. Bannon, of Company G, Thirty-second Iowa, was appointed Provost Marshal of the post. On December 27th, Captain Roszell, and Lieutenants Airy and Shannon, with fifty men, were sent on the ferry steamer "Davenport" to Lane's Landing, with orders to return by land, which was done, the detachment returning with several prisoners and some stock. No casualties reported. During the remainder of the winter the four companies were engaged in the usual duties of troops in garrison, and no event of special interest occurred. On March 10, 1863, the garrison was relieved by the First Nebraska Infantry, and, at the same time, Major Eberhart received orders to march with his command to Bloomfield, Mo., and report to General John McNiel. He reached that place,in company with other troops,on March 17th, remaining there until April 21st, upon which date the entire force (consisting of two regiments of cavalry, one battery of artillery and the four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa) marched from Bloomfield, with orders to proceed to Dallas and there await further orders. On April 21st the detachment marched thirty mile", on the 22d continued the march, crossing a swamp

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a mile wide, with water half-leg deep, and, after marching sixteen miles, reached Dallas, only to find that the rebel General Marmaduke, with a strong force was then marching in the direction of Cape Girardeau, and it became necessary for the troops to return to that place for the purpose of reinforcing the garrison. It will thus be seen that the hard march to which the command of Major Eberhart had been subjected might just as well have been avoided, for he was required to make a forced march back to Cape Girardeau, reaching that place on April 24th, just in time to take part in defending the post against the attack of the enemy. On the morning of April 25th the enemy appeared and advanced to the attack-, opening with artillery, which was promptly responded to by the field batteries and heavy guns within the fort. The fight was mainly an artillery duel, which lasted until 2 o'clock P. M., when the enemy withdrew, without having attempted to carry the fort by direct assault During the action the four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa supported a battery stationed on the right. The only casualty sustained by the detachment was one man captured while on picket duty.

    On April 28, 1863, the detachment marched with the Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry from Cape Girardeau, with orders to report to General McNeil at Bloomfield. The march began at 5 P. M. and was continued, without going into camp, until 8 P. M. of the 29th, the distance covered being fifty miles. From April 30th to May 4th the detachment was engaged, with other troops, in completing the bridge over Castor River after which it returned to Cape Girardeau and remained there until July 11th. On July 4th the men were supplied with Enfield rifles, in exchange for the old Prussian muskets with which they had previously been armed. These four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa were now about to enter upon a campaign in which the fortitude and endurance of their officers and men were to be put to the severest test They were now placed under the orders of Brigadier General Davidson, who had been assigned to the command of the District of Southeast Missouri, and on July 11th, the detachment again took up the line of march for Bloomfield and, upon its arrival there, was engaged in building fortifications until July 19th. Upon the completion of this severe labor, and without being given an opportunity to rest, the detachment was ordered to join the reserve brigade of the First Cavalry Division, and at once started on the march to Arkansas as guard to the supply train. For ten days the rapid march was continued the troops suffering greatly from the heat and scarcity of water. Upon reaching Wittsburg, on the Saint Francois River, the command was halted for a two days' rest, when the march was resumed and kept up until the Saint Anguille River was reached, when another halt of two days was made, to forward supply train to Helena, when the command pushed on-to Clarendon arriving there on the 8th of August.

    On August 12, 1863, Major Eberhart was ordered to accompany the gunboat fleet on an expedition up the White River. The detachment embarked as follow": Companies A and D, Captain DeTar commanding, on Gunboat No. 6 ("Crickett"); Companies F. and G, Captain Roszell commanding, on Gunboat Number 2 ("Marmora"). Major Eberhart accompanied Captain Bache, U. S. N., (who commanded the expedition,) on board the flag ship Lexington.

    The expedition left Clarendon on August 13th. At Des Arc a large warehouse,filled with supplies for the rebel army,was destroyed and a few rebel soldiers were captured. The gunboat "Cricket" was ordered to proceed twenty miles up the Little Red River in search of rebel transports, with orders to return to White River. The ``Lexington" and "Marmora" continued on their course up White River to Augusta, where, having learned that the rebel transports had been sent up Little Bed River, they returned to the mouth of that

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stream and, not finding the gunboat "Cricket," proceeded up the river in search of her. She was found about twenty miles up stream, with two prize steamers which she had overtaken and captured at Searcy. Finding there a pontoon bridge, Company A, of the Thirty-second Iowa, had destroyed it, while Company D had deployed as skirmishers around the town. The destruction of the pontoon bridge left the rebel General Marmaduke's division separated, only half of it having crossed the river and encamped two miles from Searcy. When opposite West Point, ten miles below Searcy, on their return, the boats were attacked by about three hundred of the enemy. The attack was mainly directed against the prize "Kaskaskia," which was manned by one-half of Company D, of the Thirty-second Iowa, under command of Lieutenant Templin. The boats were near the bank when the enemy opened fire upon them, but the men had made breastworks of cotton bales, which proved a good protection against musketry, and enabled them to inflict heavier loss upon the enemy then they received at his hands. Company D lost one man killed,Private George H. Fox,and five men wounded. The enemy was driven off with a loss,as was subsequently ascertained,Of about twenty-five killed and wounded. When within about twelve miles of White River the enemy made another attack on the boats, but were again driven off, without further casualty to the soldiers on board, while five or six of the rebels were seen to fall. The gunboats with their prizes reached Clarendon on August 15th, where the detachment of the Thirty-second Iowa disembarked, and Major Eberhart made his official report of the part taken by his command on the expedition.

    On August 16,1863, Major Eberhart was ordered to proceed with his command, in company with the Thirteenth Illinois Cavalry, to Harrison's Landing, to cover the crossing of the division at Clarendon. The troops landed in the evening and, after a slight skirmish with the enemy's pickets, held the position which they had been ordered to occupy until the 19th, on which date the detachment of the Thirty-second Iowa rejoined the division and, on the 24th, encamped twenty-five miles west of Clarendon. On the 26th the detachment marched to Devall's Bluff, as guard to the supply train, and returned with the train to the division, then in camp at Brownsville. At day-break on the 27th, the detachment,conveyed in wagons,moved rapidly forward with the reserve brigade of cavalry, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength and position of the enemy at Bayou Metaire, 9 eighteen miles from Brownsville. The enemy was encountered within four miles of the bayou. The detachment of the Thirty-second Iowa was deployed as skirmishers, and, moving rapidly forward, discovered the enemy in retreat across the bayou and setting fire to the bridge, which was destroyed. Skirmishing continued across the bayou until sundown, when the detachment returned with the cavalry to Brownsville. The loss of the Thirty-second Iowa in this skirmish was one man killed,Private Robert Atkinson of Company D,and two men wounded.

    9 The compiler finds that In other official reports notably those of the First Iowa Cavalry,this word Is spelled 'Metoe." He quotes It here, however, as he finds It In Major Eberhart's report.

    There was probably not another infantry command in the Union army that had been subjected to such an experience as that which befell those four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry. They had marched and kept up with a cavalry division for over four hundred miles, and it would not have been a matter for surprise if none of their officers or men had been able for duty after such exhausting work. They had also done their share of what fighting had been done, but their losses in battle had been slight, as compared with the casualties resulting from exposure and hard marching. Major Eberhart says in his report that, on the 1st of September, 1863, there

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were but fifty men of the four companies who were able for duty, and that a few days later, when he was ordered to proceed to Little Rock, he had but forty men in his command who were really able to march. At that time there were one thousand two hundred Union soldiers In hospital at Brownsville. On September 10th and 11th all the sick who were able to be moved were "conveyed from Brownsville to Little Rock, and the detachment of the Thirty-second Iowa accompanied them. There were many deaths among those left at Brownsville, and the mortality was almost as great among those who were removed to Little Rock, on account of the added suffering which they endured while being removed to that place." 10

    On October 16th the detachment moved with the brigade to Benton. twenty-five miles south of Little Rock, where it remained until December 21st, when it returned to Little Rock. The health of the men was greatly improved during their stay at Little Rock and Benton, and quite a number of the men who had been sick in hospital, and others who had been absent of furlough, returned and reported for duty, and the strength of the detachment was thus considerably increased. During the latter part of December the weather became exceedingly cold and the Arkansas River was frozen over, and ice being solid enough to enable the men to cross the river upon it. Nevertheless, the Union soldiers, being used to the long, cold winters of the Northern States, were much better able to endure such weather,even with the insufficient shelter of their tents,than the exceedingly hot weather of the previous summer, combined with malaria arising from the Southern swamps, and the health of the men continued to improve.

    On January 29, 1864, Major Eberhart received orders to proceed with his command to Memphis, Tenn., and report to the commanding officer at that place. The detachment left Little Rock of January 31st, was conveyed by railroad to Devall's Bluff, and thence to Memphis by steamer, arriving at the latter place February 6th. Orders were there received to proceed by steamer to Vicksburg and report to General A. J. Smith, commanding Third Division, Sixteenth Army Corps. That Division and Corps being absent of the Meridian Expedition at the time the detachment reached Vicksburg (February 9th) Major Eberhart was ordered to proceed with the four companies of the Thirty second Iowa, to Black River, and there await the return of the other six companies of the regiment.

    On the 4th of March, 1864, the regiment was reunited,as previously described in this sketch,and the compiler will now proceed to give a condensed history of its operations as a complete organization, during the remainder of its term of service.

    On March 9, 1864, the Thirty-second Iowa, with its brigade and division, embarked of transports and proceeded to the mouth of Red River. There were nineteen transports conveying General A. J. Smith's Division of the Sixteenth Corps, consisting of about ten thousand infantry and three batteries of artillery. A fleet of eleven gunboats accompanied the transports from Vicksburg and, at the mouth of the Red River, they were joined by several larger gunboats. This formidable naval force was under command of Admiral Porter, of the United States Navy, who was to act in connection with the land forces under command of Major General Banks, of the Red River Expedition. The fleet of gunboats and transports entered the cut-off, into which the Red River empties, and into which the Atchafalaya flows, of March 12th, and passed down the latter river to Simsport, where the troops disembarked. The

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survivors of those four companies of the Thirty-second Iowa remember this Period of their service as the saddest in all their soldier experience. There are many graves of their comrades in the vicinity of Brownsville and Little Rock, Ark. The regiment was now a part of the Second Brigade of the Third Division, Sixteenth Army Corps. The troops composing the brigade were the Fourteenth, Twenty-seventh and Thirtysecond Regiments of Iowa Infantry, the Twenty-fourth Missouri Infantry and the Third Indiana Battery. Colonel William T. Shaw of the Fourteenth Iowa,the senior officer' in rank,was in command of the brigade. 11

    11 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866. pages 305 to 331 inclusive. Official Reports of Colonel Scott, Colonel Shaw and Lieutenant Colonel Eberhart. These reports, together With others referred to in foot-notes, constitute the data from which the history of the operations of the Thirty-second Iowa in the Red River Campaign was compiled.

    At 6:00 4. M. of the morning of March 14, 1864, the Second Brigade was ordered to take the advance, and marched rapidly in the direction of Fort DeRussy, the first objective point of the expedition. The march was conducted with great vigor, and, late in the afternoon, the brigade reached the village of Marksville, two and one-half miles from the fort, where Colonel Shaw was ordered to detach one regiment of his brigade to act as rear guard of the division. The Twentyseventh Iowa was. detailed for that duty. The other regiments of the brigade, and the battery, then moved forward and soon came within range of the enemy's guns in Fort DeRussy. In his official report Colonel Shaw describes the skirmish fighting which occurred, prior to the time the order was given for a general assault upon the fort. Colonel Scott was ordered to take position with the Thirty-second Iowa, of the right of the brigade, in support of the skirmishers of the Fourteenth Iowa and the Third Indiana Battery. The order was promptly obeyed and the position gained with but slight loss. The battery was returning the fire of the enemy's guns from the fort, and the Fourteenth and Thirty-second Iowa had taken possession of a line of rifle-pits from which the enemy's skirmishers had been driven, and from which an incessant musketry fire was kept up, making it difficult for the enemy's gunners to serve their artillery. This preliminary skirmishing was still in progress when Colonel Gilbert arrived with the Twenty-seventh Iowa, and relieved the skirmishers of the Fourteenth Iowa, who had exhausted their ammunition. General Mower, who had been directing the movements of the First Brigade, now joined the Second Brigade and, placing himself at the head of the Twenty-fourth Missouri, ordered an immediate assault upon the fort. All the regiments advanced promptly when the command was given. The Twenty-fourth Missouri, led by General Mower in person, had the honor of being the first regiment of the Second Brigade to plant its colors of the walls of the fort; the advance was, however, so nearly simultaneous with the whole brigade that the different regiments reached the fort at nearly the same time. At 6:00`P. M. the fort,with the rebel troops which composed its garrison,was in possession of the Union troops. Near the close of his official report Colonel Shaw says, in part: "My command had in twelve hours marched twenty-eight miles, fought two hours, and assisted in storming and capturing Fort DeRussy." He commends the officers and men of the battery and of each of the regiments of his brigade for the promptness and good order with which they went into action, after the long and fatiguing march, and closes by saying: ``I am proud to say that not a single instance came under my observation of any officer of soldier, attempting to shun danger of duty during the engagement, and my opportunity was good for observing each regiment as it came under fire."

    The official report of Colonel Scott, as to the part taken by his regiment in the action at Fort DeRussy, coincides with that of the brigade commander.

    12 War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 34, Part 1, page 353. Report of Colonel William T. Shaw.

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Limitation of space prevents its insertion in this sketch. He commends the good conduct of the officers and men of the Thirty-second Iowa, and, at the close of his report, says: "With devout thankfulness that the list is so short, I append statement of casualties." It seems almost incredible that the regiment should have gone through the engagement without having suffered greater loss than shown in Colonel Scott's report, but,as shown by the official reports of General A. J. Smith,the entire loss of the two brigades engaged in the capture of the fort was but three killed and thirty-five wounded, while the loss of the Thirty-second Iowa was one man killed and two severely wounded. 13 The rebel garrison at Fort DeRussy consisted of but 350 men, and it must be admitted that, considering the great disparity between their number and that of the attacking force, they made a gallant defense before surrendering the fort. The incessant fire of the batteries and musketry of the two brigades kept down the fire of the rebels to such an extent as to prevent heavy loss of the part of the Union troops.

    13 War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 34, Part 1, page 305; also Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, page 305. Reports of General Smith and Colonel Scott.

    The prompt and energetic movement of General Smith's command had inaugurated the Red River Campaign with an important victory. Had General Smith then been placed in command of all the troops engaged in the expedition, there is every reason to believe that the disasters which ensued might have been prevented. After dismantling Fort DeRussy and effectually destroying it as a work of defense, the troops moved forward to Alexandria, La., where, in obedience to his orders, General Smith awaited the arrival of General Banks with the other troops under his command. The following extracts from the report of Colonel John Scott will show the movements of the Thirty-second Iowa, from the date of its arrival at Alexandria to the close of the battle of Pleasant Hill, of April 9, 1864:

    Went into camp near the town of March 16th, and remained until the morning of the 28th, when we started by the Bayou Rapids road, with rations for three days, to meet the transport at Bayou Cotile Landing, above the rapids. Marched eighteen miles of the 28th and nine miles of the 29th, reaching the landing at one o'clock P. M., where we remained until April 2d, when we again embarked of transport, and, of the next day, landed at Grand Ecore. of April 1st had battalion drill, with all the companies together for the first time since we left Dubuque, in November, 1862. Remained in camp of the bank of Red River, one mile above Grand Ecore, until the morning of April 7th, from which date. until the night of the 9th, the following official reports will show our movements and attendant incidents. The distance from Grand Ecore to battlefield near Pleasant Hill is about thirty-seven miles. The total number of the regiment when it started of the march, of April 7th, was four hundred sixty-nine, Field, Staff and line. We entered the battle with about four hundred twenty rifled muskets on the morning of April 7th, moving from Grand Ecore, according to the order of march. for that day, my regiment was in the rear of the brigade.

    Everything progressed satisfactorily until about two o'clock P. M., when we encountered the headquarters train of Major General Banks, entirely blockading the way.

    In this manner two brigades, including artillery and trains, were delayed more than four hours, in the midst of a heavy rain storm. Finally the troops passed by, in an effort to reach the assigned camping ground before dark, but failed, and camped two miles short of the proper position; subsistence, and camp equipage did not come up until the night was far advanced. of the 8th we moved forward twenty miles, and camped near Pleasant Hill at sunset. For several hours had heard heavy artillery firing some miles in advance. During the night our camp was overrun with stragglers from the front, who circulated the wildest stories of disaster, and loss of men, artillery and trains. of the morning of the 9th these were repeated and exaggerated. The road was seen filled with teams crowding to the rear. Evidences of past

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defeat and prospective retreat were everywhere viable. These were the moral surroundings as my command was moved to the extreme front, and took position in line of battle at ten o'clock A. M., relieving a portion of the Nineteenth Corps. My position in line on the extreme left of the brigade was supported on the right by the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, the other regiments of the brigade extending to the right. My left, for some reason still unknown to me, was without support, though threatened, and might be considered a key to the whole position. I rested in the edge of a wood, in the rear of an old field, across which my skirmishers occasionally exchanged shots with the enemy's pickets throughout the day, but without casualty to my command.

    About four o'clock P. M. the activity of the enemy's skirmishers increased and, in a short time, he advanced across the open space in our front, in heavy force, moving in column by battalion, deploying as he advanced. My skirmishers were recalled, and my left company, which had been thrown forward and to the left, to cover my exposed flank, was forced back with some loss, and took its position in the line. The fire of my command was reserved until the enemy was within easy range, and when opened was so destructive that he faltered, passed to my left through the open space, and to my rear, losing heavily by the fire of my left wing as he passed, but threatening to cut off my command from our main forces. I at once sent information to my superior, and to the commander of the troops on my immediate right, of this peril to the whole line; but, without orders to abandon my position, though very critical, I could do nothing but change the front of my extreme left to face the new danger, and to protect my flank and rear, if possible. This was done, and a well-directed fire kept up to the front and left, which kept the enemy at bay. Meanwhile he was steadily pouring his columns past my left, and working across to the rear of. my position, so that in a short time the battle was In full force far In my rear. In this state of affairs I discovered that all the troops of my right had been withdrawn, taking with them a portion of my right wing. Lieutenant Colonel Mix, in charge of the right wing, and Captain Miller, commanding Company B, of my extreme right, fell, fatally wounded. My attention had been chiefly directed to the front and left, as the most exposed directions, and I only came to a knowledge of the retrograde of the right when the first three companies were already gone. The timber and under-growth were so thick that I could not observe my whole line from any one point. The movement was promptly checked, but the ground thus left vacant was almost immediately occupied by the enemy, and a destructive fire opened upon us from a new direction, rendering it necessary that it should be met by a new line, which was done. My lines now faced in three directions. I was completely enveloped, without orders, and virtually in the hands of the enemy, had he dared to close in and overwhelm us with his masses now around us. This was my position until after sunset, by which time the enemy had left my front. Passing now by my right to the rear, where the fight was still raging, and observing by the fire and cheers of. our men that the enemy had been forced back of the left, and that our forges in that direction could not be far distant, I moved by the left flank about two hundred yards to the left and rear, where I met and joined our most advanced troops. My brave men were nearly out of ammunition, which for the past hour had been well husbanded; they were exhausted but not dismayed, and we felt that the battlefield was ours I enclose a list of the killed, wounded and missing, a total of two hundred ten. . . . . As we could not pass the picket lines during the night to reach our wounded still upon the field where they had fallen, and were compelled to abandon them in the morning, I fear the number of fatal casualties will exceed the number stated, and that of. those reported as missing many are either killed or wounded. Our position was such that many of the wounded, passing to the rear, must have fallen into the hands of the enemy. Lieutenant Colonel Edward H. Mix and Captain Amos B. Miller fell at their posts, while cheering and encouraging their men. In them, as also in Captain Hubert F. Peebles, Captain Michael Ackerman, First Lieutenant John Devine, all dangerously wounded, and First Lieutenant Thomas of Howard, fatally wounded, I mourn the loss of. good men as well as gallant soldiers. The record of others is found in casualty list in the body of this report. To Captain Jonathan Hutchison my special thanks are due, not only for his gallantry but also for repressing reckless exposure among the men of his command. and thus saving valuable lives. His son, a youth of much promise, was killed by his side, early in the action.

    14 The names of all the killed. wounded and missing, in this and the other engagements in which the regiment took part, together with the names of ail who died from disease and of those who were discharged for disability, will be found noted In the subjoined roster.

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     Then follows the long list of casualties, a summary of which shows that there were thirtyeight killed, one hundred sixteen wounded and fifty-six missing; total two hundred ten. about fifty per cent of the number of the regiment engaged in the battle." Many of those reported as missing were subsequently found to have been either killed of wounded. In the official report of the Brigade Commander, Colonel William T. Shaw, of the Fourteenth Iowa, mention is made of the Thirty-second Iowa and its gallant commander, as follows:

    I cannot speak too highly of my regimental commanders. of Colonel John Scott. Thirtysecond Iowa, it is sufficient praise to say that he is worthy to command the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, a regiment which, after being entirely surrounded and cut out from the rest of the command, with nearly one-half Its numbers either killed of wounded, among them many of its best and most prominent officers, successfully forged its way through the enemy lines, and was in line, ready and anxious to again meet the enemy in less than thirty minutes.

    The total loss of Colonel Shaw's Brigade at the battle of Pleasant Hill was four hundred eighty-three. The losses by regiments were as follows: Fourteenth Iowa. eighty-nine; Twentyseventh Iowa, eighty-eight; Thirty-second Iowa, two hundred ten; Twenty-Fourth Missouri, ninety-six. There were fifteen regiments belonging to the detachment of the Sixteenth Corps, commanded by General A. J. Smith, engaged in the battle, with a total loss of seven hundred fifty-three. It will thus be seen that the four regiments of Shaw's Brigade sustained nearly twothirds of the entire loss of General Smith's command. 15 With a sufficient number of troops under his command to have defeated the enemy, had they all been brought into the engagement and properly handled, General Banks utilized only a portion of his army at Pleasant Hill, and thus demon. strafed his unfitness for the command. He admitted to General Smith, of the field, that the valor of the troops of the Sixteenth corps had saved his army. 16 15 war of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 34, Part 1, page 313. Tabulated return of casualties; Detachment Sixteenth Army Corps, at Pleasant Hill, April 9, 1864. 16 War of the Rebellion Official Records, series 1, Vol. 34, Part 1, page 309. Report of Major General A. J. Smith.

    The compiler has devoted so much space to the description of the part taken by the regiment in the battle of Pleasant Hill, that it becomes necessary to more closely condense the history of its subsequent operations. That event, however, is far and away the most notable and conspicuous in the history of the regiment and, had the career of the Thirty-second Iowa ended with the battle of Pleasant Hill, its fame as one of the best and most valiant of Iowa's military organizations would have been fully established.

    Early of the morning of April 10, 1864, General Banks ordered a retreat of the entire army to Grand Ecore, during which the Thirty-second Iowa, with its brigade, was assigned to the position of rear guard. From Grand Ecore the retreat was continued to Natchitoches, and thence to Alexandria. The enemy had followed closely. Colonel Shaw's Brigade still occupied the post of greatest danger, in the rear. From Alexandria the brigade was sent below the town and occupied a position near Governor Moore's plantation, where it had frequent skirmishes with the enemy. of May 13th Alexandria was evacuated, and the army began its retreat down Red River. The rebel army continued to follow closely, and there were frequent skirmishes. of May 18th a severe

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engagement took place at Bayou DeGlaize, in which the Thirty-second Iowa and the other regiments of its brigade bore a prominent part. The regiment was at that time under the command of Major Eberhart, from whose official report the following extracts are taken:

     At ten o clock A. M., my regiment was ordered forward with the brigade to engage tee enemy. In the brigade we occupied the position of Third battalion; of the right the Twentyseventh Iowa and Twenty-fourth Missouri, of the left the fourteenth Iowa During the first part of the action, being of the second line, we were under a heavy fire of artillery. Some guns from the Third and Ninth Indiana batteries being thrown forward of the left, the Fourteenth Iowa was detached as support. At this time I received orders to move by the left flank Into the woods, but the enemy having advanced so rapidly, as the batteries came out, brigadier General Mower in person gave me orders to change front by filing the battalion to the left. which was done in time to meet the attack . . . . The enemy was repulsed after a brisk action of ten or fifteenth minutes. we were afterwards thrown forward into the woods, but were not again under fire. Owing to the Intense heat and necessary rapidity of our movements, many of the men were entirely exhausted and had to be carried from the field. officers and men conducted themselves in a creditable manner during the engagement.

     In this engagement First Lieutenant William D. Templin, of Company E, was very severely wounded, four enlisted men were also severely, and one slightly, wounded." Major Eberhart and the other regimental commanders were highly commended by Colonel Shaw for the prompt and efficient manner in which they handled their respective regiments in this engagement.

     On May 19th the brigade lay in line of battle all day and until two o'clock A. M. of the 20th, when it again took up the line of march and, of the 22d, reached the mouth of Red River, where it embarked of transports and was conveyed to Vicksburg, arriving there of May 24th. The operations of the Thirty-second Iowa and the troops with which it was associated of the Red River campaign will ever stand conspicuous in military history, for lofty courage, true devotion, and that noble spirit of sacrifice which was shown under circumstances of the most discouraging character. No troops displayed greater heroism during the War of the Rebellion.

     17 Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, page 329.

     On May 27, 1864, Colonel Scott tendered his resignation and severed his relations with the regiment. Both officers and men regretted to part with their brave commander. In a short parting address he gave his reasons for resigning, and carried with him the lasting friendship and good will of those with whom he had been so long associated. The regiment remained at Vicksburg until June 5th, when it again embarked and proceeded up the river to Greenville, Miss., at which place, and at Point Chicot, Ark., the rebel General Marmaduke, with a considerable force of infantry and artillery, was endeavoring to blockade the river, and had inflicted much damage by his attacks of the Federal transports. Disembarking of the Arkansas side of the river, June 6th, General A. J. Smith moved his command rapidly against the main force of the enemy. In the engagement which ensued, the enemy was driven from the field with heavy loss. The Thirtysecond Iowa, with its brigade, participated in the engagement and lost eight men, killed and wounded. Having accomplished the object of the expedition, the troops marched to Columbia, Ark., and. taking transports there, were conveyed to Memphis, arriving there June 10th, and remaining until June 24th, when, with its brigade and division, it started of the expedition to Tupelo, Miss. Major 1 Eberhart had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and had been in command of the regiment since the

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resignation of Colonel Scott. Colonel Gilbert, of the Twentyseventh Iowa. had succeeded Colonel Shaw in command of the brigade. The Thirty-second Iowa sustained its full share of hard service of this expedition, and participated In the battles of Tupelo and Old Town Creek, under command of Major Hutchison, where, owing to its position in line, its losses were comparatively light; but it obeyed, every order promptly and acquitted itself with honor. Returning to Memphis, it remained in camp until August 4th, upon which date it started, with its brigade and division, upon the expedition to Oxford, Miss., in which it again bore its full share of hardship,marching in pursuit of the elusive enemy, with whom it did not come into contact,and returned to Memphis at the close of the month.

    On September 5th the regiment, with its brigade and division, embarked on transports and was conveyed to Cairo, Ill., thence to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., and from there by rail to Mineral Point, Mo., returning to Jefferson Barracks of September 29th. of October 2d it marched with the army under General A. J. Smith, in pursuit of the rebel army under General Sterling Price. This remarkable march extended to the Kansas line. There is no record of the regiment having come into conflict with the enemy of this long march. There was a strong cavalry force which kept in advance and did most of the fighting. The rebel army was driven Out of the State of Missouri, the cavalry keeping up the pursuit as far as the Ozark Mountains, and the infantry returning to St. Louis. of this remarkable campaign the regiment had marched seven hundred miles, and, upon its return to St. Louis, of November 18th, many of the men. were almost barefoot. The hardships to which they had been subjected were so great as almost to reach the limit of endurance, but they were only allowed a single week in which to rest and recuperate before entering upon another campaign.

    On November 26th the regiment, with the army under General A. J. Smith, embarked on transports and proceeded to Smithland, Ky., and thence up the Cumberland River to Nashville, Tenn., where the troops landed on December 1st, marched three miles south of the city and went into camp. On the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, the regiment,with its brigade and division,advanced with the army, under Major General Thomas, to the attack of the rebel army under General Hood. of the 15th, the Thirty-second Iowa, occupying the position of the right of its brigade and conforming its movements to those of the troops of its right and front, advanced in line of battle for more than a mile. It continued of the reserve line during the day and did not come into direct conflict with the enemy. When the enemy's works had been carried by the troops in its front, the regiment moved forward one mile and half and bivouacked of the field for the night. of the morning of the 16th, the regiment,with its brigade,took the advance and soon came within range of the enemy's artillery, from their second line of works. Here it was halted ~d remained for five hours, awaiting orders. The subsequent movements of the regiment of that day are described in the official report of Lieutenant Colonel Eberhart, as follows:

    At three-thirty P. M. the right of the First Division carried the left of the enemy's works; we then moved forward at a double quick over an open field, under a severe fire from artillery and musketry, and in a few minutes gained the intrenchments, capturing about fifty prisoners and five pieces of artillery. Some of the artillerists were killed as they were leaving the guns. Private William May, of Company H, dashed forward and captured the battery guidon. The regiment moved onward in pursuit, gathering a few prisoners, until we reached the base of the mountain, when we received orders to halt. At dark, the battle being over, we were

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ordered into camp near the mountain. Too much cannot be said in praise of the conduct of the officers and men under the heavy fire during the charge; every one moved forward with a determination to carry the works. Where all behaved so creditably It is a delicate matter to make particular mention of persons, but I presume no exceptions will be taken when I speak of Lieutenant W. L. Carpenter, Acting Regimental Adjutant, who was, as usual, conspicuous for his brave and gallant conduct in the action, and was among the first over the rebel works. Also, Captain Theodore DeTar, who, after pursuing the enemy to the mountain, was wounded In the right ankle, making an amputation necessary. This will cause the loss to the regiment of one who has always been esteemed for his excellent qualities as an officer and a gentleman. First sergeant Daniel W. Albaugh, Company C, who was killed almost Instantly by a minie ball, was. one of our best non-commissioned officers, and was much loved by his company as an officer and comrade. They mourn his loss deeply. My thanks are due to Major Jonathan Hutchison, for his assistance during the action. I cannot retrain from mentioning Color Sergeant A. J. Wills, of Company G, who carried the standard. Although once thrown to the ground by a glancing shot, he refused to give the standard to anyone else, but made his way forward, and was one of the first over the works. Corporal Bell, of Company G, who bore the regimental colors, was noticed for his bravery In action. I send you a list of casualties In the regiment, which Is light, only because the artillery was aimed too high, and the infantry were Intimidated by our rapid firing as we advanced.

     The loss of the Thirty-second Iowa, in the battle of Nashville, December 16, 1864, was three killed and fifteen wounded." It had nobly sustained its well-won reputation upon other fields, as one of the best fighting regiments in the army. From the 17th to the 30th of December, it was engaged,with. the other troops,in the pursuit, of the defeated and demoralized rebel army. The pursuit was abandoned at Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and of January 1,1866, the regiment marched to Clifton, of the Tennessee River, and, embarking there of steamer, proceeded to Eastport, Miss., where it landed of January 6th and went into camp for a well-earned period of rest.

     On February 9, 1866, the regiment again embarked on steamer, was conveyed to Cairo, Ill., and thence to New Orleans, where it disembarked of the 218t and went into camp near the city. of March 7, 1866, the regiment was taken of board of ocean steamship and conveyed to Dauphin Island, where it remained but a short time, going thence to Donnelly's Landing, La., from which it again took up the line of march and arrived at Sibley's Mills, near Mobile, Ala., of March 26th. of April 3d the regiment again advanced with its brigade and joined the forces under General Steele, then engaged in the siege of Fort Blakely. The Thirty-second Iowa performed its full share of duty in the trenches during the siege, but was so well protected from the fire of the enemy that it had but one man wounded. The fort surrendered on the 9th of April, 1866, and that date marked the last conflict of the regiment. The great War of the Rebellion was practically ended.

     18 Colonel John Scott's History of the Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, page 318.

     19 Report of Adjutant General of. Iowa. 1867, Vol. 1, page 186. Official Roster of Field, Staff and Line Officers, at date of muster out.

     On April 13, 1866, the Thirty-second Iowa started of its last long march, and, of the 27th, reached Montgomery, Ala., where it went into camp, remaining there, and at another camp four miles from the city, until July 16, 1866, of which date it embarked of steamer and was conveyed down the Alabama River to Selma. From Selma it was conveyed by rail to Jackson, Miss., and from that place marched to Vicksburg, where it embarked of steamer and proceeded to Clinton, Iowa, where, on the 24th day of August, 1866, it was mustered out of the service of the United States. 9 The personal record of every officer and enlisted man of the regiment has been transcribed

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from the official records in the office of the Adjutant General of the State of Iowa, and will be found in the subjoined roster. It will be noted that but few of the officers and enlisted men have received special mention in the Official reports, from which quotations have been made in this historical sketch of the regiment. It will also be noted in the subjoined roster that, aside from those who were killed, wounded, of missing in battle, of those who died from wounds of disease, of who were discharged or transferred, there were a large number of enlisted men and officers whose brief records show only continuous service. The compiler wishes to call especial attention to the fact that such records show conclusively that the history of those men is identical with that of their regiment. They may have been,and in most instances no doubt were, engaged, with their less fortunate comrades, in the various movements and battles in which the regiment participated, and the record of their service is, therefore, a most honorable one.

     The survivors of the Thirty second Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry may well feel proud of the history which they, and their comrades who have answered the last roll call, were the makers. Posterity will lovingly cherish the memory of the brave men who gave such faithful service to their country in her time of greatest peril. The State of Iowa has performed a sacred duty in thus providing for the permanent preservation of the history of her military organizations and the personal record of her soldiers. The members of this splendid regiment, who were living at the time of its disbandment, have made their impression upon the history of the State of Iowa and of the other states of which many of them have become citizens since the close of the war. In all the honorable avocations of life, as private citizens, and in the public service of both State and Nation, they have distinguished themselves by the same devotion to duty which characterized their career as soldiers.


Total Enrollment 1,292
Killed 60
Wounded 142
Died of wounds 35
Died of disease 208
Discharged for wounds, disease and other causes 187
Buried in National Cemeteries 139
Captured 98
Transferred 35

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Term of service three years.

     Mustered into the service of the United States at Dubuque Iowa, Sept. 8, 1862, by Captain George S. Pierce, United States Army:

     Mustered out of service Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

     Roster of Field, Commissioned and Non-commissioned Staff Officers at muster in of organization, together with subsequent appointments from civil life.


John Scott. Age 38. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Appointed Colonel Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered Aug. 22, 1862. Resigned May 27, 1864. See Field and Staff, Third Infantry.

Edward U. Mix. Age 45. Residence Shell Rock, nativity, at sea. Appointed Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. See Field and Staff, Third Infantry.

Gustavus A. Eberhart. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed Major Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Lieutenant Colonel April 10, 1864; Colonel May 28, 1864, not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa. See Company I, Third Infantry.

Charles Aldrich. Age 34. Residence Webster City, nativity New York. Appointed Adjutant Sept. 19; 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Captain of Company A, July 3, 1863; not mustered. Resigned for disability Jan. 13, 1864.

Thomas C. McCall. Age 35. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Appointed Quartermaster Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for promotion as Captain and Assistant Quartermaster Aug. 1, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.

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Stephen B. Olney. Age 41. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Appointed Surgeon Sept. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 6, 1864.

Jesse Wasson. Age 40. Residence LaPorte City, nativity Indiana. Appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned April 3, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.

Philander Byam. Age 43. Residence Manchester, nativity New York. Appointed Assistant Surgeon April 3, 1863 Mustered June 4, 1863. Promoted Surgeon Jan. 15, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

William B. Waters. Age 43. Residence Marshalltown, nativity Connecticut. Appointed Assistant Surgeon Sept. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned July 22, 1863.

William L. Huston. Age 28. Residence Iowa City, nativity Ohio. Appointed Assistant Surgeon Aug. 4, 1863. Mustered Aug. 14, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1565, Clinton, Iowa. See Company B, Second Cavalry.

Lorenzo S. Coffin. Age 38. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Hampshire. Promoted Chaplain from Quartermaster Sergeant Oct. 30, 1862. Dismissed July 6, 1863, absent without proper authority.


Charles H. Huntley. Age 29. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Promoted Sergeant Major from Company B, Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Adjutant Aug. 13, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Lorenzo S. Coffin. Age 38. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Hampshire. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant from First Sergeant of Company I, Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Chaplain Oct. 30, 1862.

Jason R. Millard. Age. 35. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Commissary Sergeant from Company C, Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks and returned to Company Sept. 13, 1864.

Newcomb S. Smith. Age 23. Residence Albion, nativity New York. Promoted Hospital Steward from Company K, Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks and returned to Company May 16, 1863.

Lucian M. Stoddard. Age 32. Residence Maysville, nativity Connecticut. Promoted Drum Major from Drummer of Company H, Oct. 6, 1862. Returned to Company April 1, 1863.

Benjamin G. Scott. Age 26. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Promoted Fife Major from Company A, Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks and returned to Company Jan. 15, 1865.

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    Names of company officers at muster In of their companies. Service record given opposite their names in the alphabetical roster following.
Lewis H. Cutler, Captain. Joseph Edgington, Captain.
Allen Greer, 1st Lieutenant. John Devine, 1st Lieutenant.
Joseph P. Airy, 2nd Lieutenant. Lucius E. Campbell, 2nd Lieutenant.
Amos B. Miller, Captain. Charles A. L. Roszell, Captain.
William C. Stanbery, 1st Lieutenant. Charles A. Barmon, 1st Lieutenant.
Chauncey S. Lane, 2nd Lieutenant. Daniel Haine, 2nd Lieutenant.
Hubert F. Peeblesr, Captain. James B. Reever, Captain.
Henry C. Raymond, 1st Lieutenant. Orlando A. Lesh, 1st Lieutenant.
Benjamin F. Thomas, 2nd Lieutenant. Rufus S. Benson, 2nd Lieutenant.
Theodore DeTar, Captain. Jonathan Hutchison, Captain.
William D. Templin, 1st Lieutenant. Amos S. Collins, 1st Lieutenant.
Robert I. Shannon, 2nd Lieutenant. Alexander Dowd, 2nd Lieutenant.
John R. Jones, Captain. Joseph Cadwalader, Captain.
Alonzo Converse, 1st Lieutenant. Gideon Wheeler, 1st Lieutenant.
John F. Wright, 2nd Lieutenant. George Child, 2nd Lieutenant.

Page 22 ~ 133


Ackerman, Michael. Age 27. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 14, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal March 13, 1863; Second Lieutenant April 16, 1863, Captain Oct. 11, 1863. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Resigned Jan. 6, 1866.

Adams, Joseph. Age 31. Residence Webster City, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 26, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Airy, John M. Age 26. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity Indiana. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out July 4, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Airy, Joseph P. Age 24. Residence Iowa Fails, nativity Indiana. Appointed Second Lieutenant July 3, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned April 16, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. See Company F, First Infantry. [Joseph P. Airey.)

Aldrich, Charles. Age 34. Residence Webster City, nativity New York. Promoted Captain from Adjutant July 3, 1863; not mustered. Commission returned and canceled, the Commissary of Muster refusing to muster him in as Captain because of physical disability. See Field and Staff.

Allen, Thomas C. Age 33. Residence Webster City, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 27, 1862, St. Louis, Mo.


Adams, Charles M. Age 18. Residence Mason City, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 11, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Allen, Henry. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Andrews, Thomas W. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Albaugh, Daniel W. Age 24. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Dec. 26, 1862; Third Sergeant Dec. 21, 1863; Second Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864. Killed in action Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn.

Alexander, Orra. Age 38. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Third Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; Second Corporal July 1, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 16, 1864; Fourth Sergeant May 1, 1865; First Sergeant June 16, 1866. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1866, Clinton, Iowa.

Atkinson, Thomas. Age 31. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps Nov. 20, 1863. Discharged for disability Sept. 23, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Abercrombie, Harrison. Age 23. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Discharged for disability Dec. 16, 1864, Davenport, Iowa. See Company E, Third Infantry.


Abercrombie, Harrison. Age 23. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Discharged for disability Dec. 16, 1864, Davenport, Iowa. See Company E, Third Infantry.

Ainsworth, Willard C. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 20, 1864. Mustered Feb. 1, 1864. Mustered out May 16, 1866, Davenport, Iowa.

Anderson, Charles J. Age 33. Residence Boone County, nativity Sweden. Enlisted Feb. 24, 1864. Mustered March 7, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Andrews, Samuel. Age 36. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Annis, Francis. Age 37. Residence Boone County, nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Nov. 8, 1862. Died of disease May 30, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 556.

Arrasmith, Abner. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease June 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Atkison, James. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Atkison, John A. Age 19. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded fatally July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Died of wounds July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss.

Atkison, Robert. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action Aug. 27, 1863, Bayou Metoe, Ark.


Ackerman, Lawrence J. Age 28. Residence Butler County, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Ackerson, James. Age 32. Residence New Hartford, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Wagoner. Died of disease June 6, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.

Albright, Elias D. Age 35. Residence Butler County, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered Dec. 26, 1863. Transferred to Company C. Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Allensworth, Elias B. Age 19. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Iowa Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action June 6, 1864, Lake Chicot, Ark.

Aspey, Joseph. Age 25. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Exchanged Dec. 6, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Akin, Dewitt. Age 34. Residence Hardin county, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. No final record found.

Ash, Japheth P. Age 30. Residence Hardin County, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug., 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Austin, Enoch C. Age 24. Residence Hardin County, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps Oct. 30, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Springfield, Ill.

Austin, Nathan R. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 31.


Allen, George L. Age 20. Residence Clarkeville, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 8, 1863; Fifth Corporal May 1, 1864. Wounded. Promoted Fourth Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Allen, Sylvester E. Age 18. Residence Clarkeville, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug.; 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

Allen, William V. Age 18. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Anderson, Benjamin. Age 41. Residence Butler County, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Allen, David C. Age 19. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. See Company H, Fifteenth Infantry.

Arlege, Lemuel H. Rejected by Mustering Officer.

Armstrong, Curtis M. Age 18. Residence Hampton, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Autry, George. Age 18. Nativity Alabama. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865: (George Autrey.)

Autry, James. Age 26. Nativity Alabama. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease July 8, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 376.

Avery, John C. Age 18. Residence Chapin, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 1, 1864; Seventh Corporal Oct. 1, 1864; Fifth Corporal Jan. 1, 1866; Fourth Corporal March 23, 1866; Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1865. Discharged for disability June 26, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Allison, Alexander D. Age 18. Residence Dayton, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 28, 1864. Mustered Feb. 28, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1866.

Andrews, Celestius B. Age 26. Residence Otho, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1866, Clinton, Iowa.

Auyer, Cyrus D. Age 19. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out June 2, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.


Alderman, Isaac N. Age 30. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Jan. 23, 1863; Seventh Corporal April 9, 1864. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fifth Corporal May 24, 1864; Fourth Corporal; Third Corporal Sept. 12, 1864; First Corporal June 1, 1866. Discharged for wounds June 21, 1866, Davenport, Iowa.

Anderson, Francis M. Age 24. Residence Story City, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 8, 1863. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 23, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Appelgate, Hezekiah. Age 34. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 27, 1862.

Appelgate, James M. Age 19. Residence Nevada, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease June 22, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section 4, grave 668.

Armor, John P. Age 26. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Jan. 20, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Deserted July 6, 1864, LaGrange, Tenn.


Barnes, George W. Age 32. Residence Irvington, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1866, Clinton, Iowa.

Basham, John. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 19, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 801.

Bellvill, Archibald. Age 40. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 16, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 6.

Benchoter, George. Age 18. Residence Algona, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 7, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 68.

Betts, Linas. Age 18. Residence Belmond, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Bolton, Thomas B. Age 33. Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Died of disease Sept. 19, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 302.

Bootsmann, Menne D. Age 20. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted July 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 2, 1862, Camp Franklin, Dubuque, Iowa.

Brewer, Benjamin R. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Brock, James. Age 24. Residence Webster City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 7, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. See Company F, Second Cavalry.

Brown, Augustine. Age 18. Residence Hamilton County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Sept. 7, 1864. Mustered Sept. 7, 1864. Mustered out July 14, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Burn, Patrick. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner April 26, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Paroled May 13, 1863. Exchanged Oct. 10, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Barr, Harvey D. Age 28. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Second Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted First Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Belanskie, Charles R. Age 20. Residence Mason City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out May 31, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Bigelow, Doctor C. Age 20. Residence Worth County, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered Dec. 28, 1863. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865

Billings, Edward E. Age 18. Residence Floyd County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865. (Edwin E. Billings.)

Bloker, Benjamin. Age 29. Residence Bristol, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Boomhower, Lewis B. Age 30. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.'

Brentner, Leander L. Age 20. Residence Mason City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Brockway, Harvey N. Age 25. Residence Hancock County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862 Promoted Third Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862; First Sergeant Sept. 28, 1863. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Captain April 17, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Brown, George O. Age 19. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 25, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Brown, Jacob G. Age 18. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded fatally April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Bryant, Bruce A. Age 26. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Sixth Corporal April 8, 1863; Fifth Corporal Sept. 28, 1863; Fourth Corporal Oct. 6, 1863. Discharged for disability May 10, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Buergo, Ole T. Age 28. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Norway. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered out July 18, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Butts, David H. Age 20. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity Massachusetts, Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease April 12, 1863, Regimental Hospital, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Backus, John W. Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Bailey, Morrison. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Sergeant Major Jan. 17, 1864; Quartermaster Aug. 2, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Balcom, Elijah M. Age 35. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Baldwin, Allen T. Age 24. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 26, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Baldwin, James. Age 38. Residence Waterloo, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered Dec. 30, 1863. Died of disease June 4, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 57.

Beeker, Isaac A. Age 22. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 22, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865. (Isaac C. Buker.)

Belcher, James L. Age 18. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Transferred to Company G, Feb. 29, 1864.

Benight, Charles W. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Bennett, Cornelius. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 21, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 10, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Bond, Americus. Age 17. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal June 15, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 7, 1865. Discharged July 26, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Bowen, William H. Age 37. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 26, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Bowers, Ransom S. Age 20. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal June 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal June 15, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Brainard, Eugene C. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Brooks, Elnathan. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 3, 1865, Jefferson Barracks, (St. Louis,) Mo.

Brooks, John H. Age 39. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 24, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company H Eighth Infantry July 27 1865.

Brown, Isaac V. G. W. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease May 15, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery Memphis Tenn. Section 1 grave 107.

Burns, Charles. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 6, 1865. Mustered Jan. 6, 1865. Transferred to Company H Eighth Infantry July 27 1865.


Baker, James C. Age 18. Residence Marshall County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 1, 1864. Mustered Feb. 13, 1864. Died April 11, 1864, Alexandria, La.

Barkley, Alonzo I. Age 20. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Paroled July 1, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Battin, Peter. Age 37. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Benson, John W. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted March 17, 1864. Mustered April 11, 1864. Deserted Dec. 27,1864, Cairo, Ill.

Berry, Levi. Age 34. Residence Boone County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Mustered March 7, 1864. Died March 23, 1864, Cairo, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 445.

Berry, William S. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Blunk, Amos I. Age 23. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Nov. 1, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Blunk, Moses. Age 30. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Mustered March 20, 1864. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 28, 1865. Mustered out Oct. 2, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Blunk, Samuel C. Age 37. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded April 9,1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Sept. 4, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.

Bone, Joseph. Age 32. Residence Mineral Ridge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for promotion as First Lieutenant of Company G, Seventh Cavalry, May 12,1863, St. Louis, Mo.

Bone, Samuel. Age 33. Residence Mineral Ridge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 9 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Boone, Edward M. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out July 14, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Boone, Jesse P. Age 18. Residence Marshall County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 1, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Bourguin, Louis. Age 26. Residence New Hartford, nativity France. Enlisted Jan. 3, 1864. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Buffington, Jacob M. Age 19. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Billhimer, Henry. Age 31. Residence Clarkeville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out May 31, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Bingham, Chester. Died June 24, 1864, Memphis Tenn. See Volume VII, Roll of Honor XXI, pages 210 and 238. No other record found.

Blackman, Anson. Age 19. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 2, 1864. Died of disease March 3, 1865, Nashville, Tenn. Buried in National Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Section G, grave 621.

Blackman, Edward W. Age 19. Residence Shell Rock, nativity. New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Blackman, Elbert D. Age 18. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds June 12, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Blass, John W. Age 31. Residence Butler County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Bolton, George W. Age 24. Residence New Hartford, nativity Virginia Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 20, 1863; Seventh Corporal May 30, 1864, Fourth Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Second Corporal June 1, 1865; First Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bookman, Albert H. Age 19. Residence New Hartford, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability March 20, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Brannick, Francis. Age 35. Residence New Hartford, nativity Vermont. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 11, 1863.

Brogue, Mordecai B. Age 40. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York Enlisted July 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 5, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Burgess, Eli S. Age 19. Residence New Hartford, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 7, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Burham, John. Age 24. Residence Story City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Burham, William H. Age 23. Residence Story City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Barnett, James. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out June 3 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Baumgardner, Nathan. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Nov. 2, 1864. Mustered Nov. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Benson. Solon F. Age 22. Residence Union, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant July 11, 1863. Wounded; arm amputated; taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1864. Discharged for wounds Oct. 8, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Bond Thomas C. Age 18. Residence Marshalltown, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 3, 1864. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Bowers William J. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1863. Promoted corporal July 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; Fifth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal May 15, 1865; Third Corporal July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Boyd, J. Mitchell. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant April 10, 1863; Second Sergeant July 11, 1863; First Sergeant Dec. 1, 1864; First Lieutenant Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Boyd, Wilson. Age 26. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 14, 1863, Brownsville, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 11, grave 61.

Button, Loren. Age 27. Residence Alden, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Babcock, Joseph. Age 34. Residence Clarksville, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded severely April 7, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds June 5, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Barmon, Charles C. Age 28. Residence Clarkesville, nativity New York. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Beetle, David. Age 18. Residence Clarkesville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out June 19, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Belcher, James L. Age 18. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Discharged for disability Aug. 3, 1864, Mound City, Ill. See Company C.

Bell, Stephen G. Age 18. Residence Grundy Center, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal March 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bishop, Archibald. Age 18. Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865

Bishop, Harvey A. Age 23. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 10, 1863. Mustered Feb. 10, 1863. Promoted Second Sergeant Oct. 4, 1863; First Sergeant July 23, 1865. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry.

Bishop, William C. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out May 11, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Blake, Tyler. Age 26. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 9, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.

Boggs, Albert. Age 18. Residence Clarkesville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fourth Corporal May 1, 1864; Third Corporal June 30, 1864; First Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa

Boon, James H. Age 18. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 14.

Boon, Sidney W. Age 18. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Boon, Sylvester M. Age 21. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 3, 1863, Post Hospital, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (qt. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 41.

Boon, Warren. Age 19. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out May 18, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Bragg, Sylvester W. Age 19. Residence Clarksville, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Brooks, Henry. Age 29. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sent. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Feb. 24, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Brown, John Rush. Age 24. Residence Clarkesville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Burton, George H. Age 20. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Nov. 7, 1862; Third Corporal May 8, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Butler, James. Age 22. Residence Clarkesville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1864. Discharged for disability Oct. 5, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.


Baker, John D. Age 25. Residence Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed by guerrillas Oct. 22, 1863, Island No. 10, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Sec. 2, grave 520.

Baker, Samuel E. Age 30. Residence Franklin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 22, 1864. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal June 26, 1865. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry July 28, 1865.

Ball, William. Age 38. Residence Geneva, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Feb. 2, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Ballou, Washington. Age 32. Residence Maysville, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Feb. 12, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Beecher, Albert R. Age 18. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Beed, Thomas. Rejected by Mustering Officer.

Behnken, Thies. Age 30. Nativity Germany. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Benson, Rufus S. Age 21. Residence Geneva, nativity Ohio. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Captain June 25, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Berry, Lewis P. Age 21. Residence Geneva, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Third Corporal May 1, 1864; Second Corporal Jan. 1, 1865; First Corporal June 27, 1865 Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Birkett, Miles. Age 18. Residence Maysville, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifer Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Boyles, Cyrus. Age 19. Residence Chapin, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease April 1, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 37.

Bradshaw, John I. Age 19. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bridgman, Albert H. Age 30. Residence Maysville, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant July 30, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Cairo, Ill.

Brooks, Jacob. Age 32. Residence Geneva, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged July 6, 1865.

Brotherton, Hiram A. Age 21. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ohio Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 4, 1862, Camp Franklin, Dubuque, Iowa.

Bullis, Charles. Age 33. Residence Chapin, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bullis, German. Age 40. Residence Franklin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 22, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Discharged for disability Dec. 6, 1864, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.

Bushyager, Joseph G. Age 21. Residence Franklin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 21, 1863. Mustered Dec. 21, 1863, Mustered out May 20, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Baldridge, Isaac N. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Baldridge, James. Age 22. Residence Webster County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Wounded. Discharged for disability May 20, 1865, Davenport, Ia.

Baldridge, Samuel. Age 32. Residence Dayton, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12 1862. Mustered Dec. 24, 1862. Died of disease June 12, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 106.

Baldridge, Thomas J. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Baldwin, Philander R. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862; Fourth Sergeant May 30, 1864; Third Sergeant July 4, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Barnes, John F. Rejected Aug. 22, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Beach, Alexander. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Binkley, Perry. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Jan. 14, 1865. Mustered Jan. 14, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Birchard, Abner T. Age 27. Residence Booneborough, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant Nov. 8, 1862. Mustered but May 12, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Blackman, Henry. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered June 30, 1863. No further record found.

Blain, George. Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease July 19, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 310.

Bond, Judson A. Age 18. Residence Crawford County, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Booth, Ambrose. Age 39. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted First Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862; Second Lieutenant April 11, 1864; First Lieutenant Oct.! 14, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Booth, Henry. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity England. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. (Henry B. Booth.)

Boyle, Richard. Enlisted June 30, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered June 30, 1863. No further record found.

Brewer, Oliver. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 30, 1865. Mustered Jan. 30, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. (Oliver C. Brewer.)

Brown, Charles R. Age 22. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Byrne, James. Age 23. Residence Dayton, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Byrne, John. Age 21. Residence Dayton, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Bacon, James M. Rejected Aug. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Baker, Chesley W. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Ball, Thomas C. Age 27. Residence Story County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Ballard, William C. Age 31. Residence Story County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Bates, Joseph. Age 41. Residence Nevada, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Beeman, William L. Age 27. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal; Seventh Corporal Sept. 12, 1864; Fifth Sergeant March 5, 1865; Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bennett, William G. Age 30. Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted Feb. 10, 1864, Hillsboro, Miss.

Blair, Francis. Age 18. Residence Albion, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Deserted Nov. —, 1862, Camp Franklin (Dubuque), Iowa.

Blickenderfer, Eli. Age 18. Residence Story County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, Cairo, Ill.

Blois, Daniel J. Age 20. Residence Island No. 10, Tenn., Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Boshurs, Alfred. Age 24. Residence Island No. 10, Tenn., Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted, second time: Sept. 6, 1864.

Boshurs, William H. Age 18. Residence Island No. 10, Tenn., Nativity Alabama. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted, second time, Sept. 5, 1864.

Boyd, George. Age 33. Residence Hamilton County, Nativity Norway. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Discharged for disability July 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Brown, Lewis F. Age 18. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 24, 1864; Sixth Corporal. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fifth Corporal Sept. 12, 1864; Fourth Sergeant March 5, 1865; Third Sergeant July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Bryant, Joseph J. Age 22. Residence Albion, Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, Clinton, Iowa.

Burger, Jacob. Age 44. Residence Story County, Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Oct. 11, 1862; Second Sergeant Jan. 9, 1863. Discharged for promotion as Second Lieutenant in Sixty-third United States Colored Infantry. Dec. 30. 1864.


Canon, Thomas M. Age 19. Residence Iowa Falls, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 2, 1863, Memphis, Tenn.

Chancey, Hiram N. Age 28. Residence Webster City, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Nov. 30, 1803; Fourth Corporal May 30, 1864; Third Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Second Corporal June 6, 1865; Third Sergeant July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Church, Cephas. Age 44. Residence Hancock County, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged Aug. 28 1865, Indianapolis, Ind.

Courrier, William. Age 19. Residence Webster City, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Courtney, John. Age 32. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Coutant, William H. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease June 18, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 390.

Crockett, William T. Age 41. Residence Irvington, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Cross, James S. Age 32. Residence Webster City, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Aug. 11, 1864, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.

Cutler, Lewis H. Age 41. Residence Belmond, Nativity New York. Appointed Captain Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned July 7, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. See Field and Staff, Ninth Infantry.


Carr, Anthony. Age 30. Residence Bristol, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 6, 1865, of Hospital Boat ``D. A. January." Buried in National Cemetery, Evansville, Ind.

Christie, John. Age 21. Residence Hancock County, Nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal July 22, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864; Fourth Sergeant May 27, 1865. Mustered out May 18, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Church, Charles. Age 42. Residence Forest City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 9, 1865. Mustered Feb. 9, 1865. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865. (Charles C. Church.)

Church, Cyrus. Age 18. Residence Hancock County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Church, William B. Age 25. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Hospital Steward May 16, 1863; Assistant Surgeon Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Clark, Albert. Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered Dec. 19, 1863. Died of disease March 26, 1864, Hospital, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 441.

Clark, James. Age 32. Residence Mason City, Nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 1, 1864; Seventh Corporal July 22, 1864; Sixth Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Fifth Corporal Oct. 4, 1864; Second Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cockerton, Eben. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Cole, Allen T. Age 28. Residence Forest City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Cole, William. Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 18, 1863. Mustered Dec. 18, 1863. Died of disease May 25, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss., Section 1, grave 704.

Coleman, James. Enlisted May 7, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered May 7, 1863. No further record found.

Connell, John. Age 37. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Cope, Peter. Age 22. Residence Bristol, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 22, 1864; Seventh Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Sixth Corporal Oct. 4, 1864. Died of disease Dec. 12, 1864, Bristol, Iowa.

Cravath, James B. Age 18. Residence Bristol, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Crosier, John. Age 32. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds July 18, 1864, Cairo, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 701.

Crum, Benjamin F. Age 20. Residence Cerro Gordo County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Crum, Peter. Age 43. Residence Cerro Gordo County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Fourth Corporal Sept. 28, 1863: Third Corporal Oct. 6, 1863. Discharged for disability Jan. 11, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Curran, John A. Age 24. Residence Forest City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Campbell, William W. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1863. Mustered Dec. 14, 1863. Mustered out May 19, 1865, Louisville, Ky.

Chapman, Henry. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease July 14, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 285.

Clark, Charles C. Age 30. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862; Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Wagoner. Mustered out Aug. 9, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Clark, George D. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Clark, Robert. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Cleveland, Charles. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Colvin, William. Age 22. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cooley, James L. Age 30. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Jan. 10, 1865. Discharged June 18, 1865.

Coombs, Edward F. Age 17. Residence Eldora, Nativity Maine. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Feb. 29, 1864.

Corson, Ner M. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Couch, Hiram Jr. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease June 29, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Craypo, Joseph. Age 25. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted March 31, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Died of disease July 20, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Sec. 2, grave 388.

Cutter, I. Henry. Age 22. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862. Discharged for disability Dec. 18, 1863, Columbus, Ky.


Capps, Moses S. Age 20. Residence Marshall County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 4, 1844. Mustered Feb. 13, 1864. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Carpenter, Hezekiah P. Age 21. Residence Boone County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted April 11, 1864. Mustered April 29, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Carpenter, William D. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cline, Edward M. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 13, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Cline, Joseph I. W. Age 39. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 13, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Cree, Stephen W. Age 30. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Nov. 9, 1863; Fifth Sergeant Sept. 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Dec. 26, 1864; Third Sergeant July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cummings, Isaac B., Jr. Age 37. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Nashville, Tenn.


Carter, Frederick J. Age 20. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Chaffin, Levi H. Age 17. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 11, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Churchill, James N. Age 23. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Clayton, Dow. Age 27. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Codner, George G. Age 23. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Codner, Oliver. Age 21. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 24, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Collins, Henry C. Age 19. Residence New Hartford, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 13, 1865, Clinton, Iowa

Conner, John N. Age 20. Residence Waverly, Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted July 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Converse, Alonzo. Age 38. Residence New Hartford, Nativity Vermont. Appointed First Lieutenant July 29, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Captain Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Copeland, George R. Age 16. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 12, 1864. Mustered Feb. 12, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Caldwell, Austin M. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862 Promoted Second Corporal July 11, 1863. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted First Corporal July 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Dec. 2, 1864. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Campbell, Lucius E. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Captain Oct. 1, 1864. Discharged July 2, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Cantonwine, Henry D. Age 24. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 8, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

Champlin, William R. Age 37. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds May 21, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Christian, Ira G. Age 28. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 18, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 91.

Christy, Thomas A. Age 22. Residence Alden, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Coombs, Edward F. Age 17. Residence Eldora, Nativity Maine. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (Edwin F. Coombes). See Company C.

Couch, Luther. Age 40. Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Mustered out June 16, 1865, Cairo, Ill.

Cowan, William M. Age 21. Residence Union, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease May 21, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 366.

Cox, John M. Age 26. Residence Union, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps. Discharged for disability June 26, 1865, Burnsides Barracks, Ind.

Cundert, Abraham. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Switzerland. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps March 15, 1864. Discharged Aug. 22, 1865, Trenton, N. J.

Currier, Theodore B. Age 29. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Carpenter, William L. Age 21. Residence Epworth, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Second Lieutenant May 8, 1863; Adjutant Oct. 15, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Carter, Isaiah. Age 25. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862 as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Aug. 21, 1863, Devall's Bluff, Ark.

Carter, James H. Age 30. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cave, William R. Age 31. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out May 11, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Clark, Daniel N. Age 24. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Clark, Mortimer O. Age 19. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Clawson, Phineas. Age 24. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease June 5, 1864 Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 256.

Clawson, Wilber C. Age 27. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal May 1, 1864; Fourth Corporal June 30, 1864; Third Corporal March 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cline, Michael. Age 27. Residence Marble Rock, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Taken prisoner April 23, 1863, Bloomfield, Mo. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 1, 1864; Seventh Corporal June 30, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant July 23, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Comstock, William. Age 20. Residence Marble Rock, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Caldwell, Ebenezer. Age 44. Residence Maysville, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability July 22, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Capron, Seth K. Age 32. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Oct. 22, 1864. Mustered Oct. 22, 1864. Died of disease March 4, 1865 Memphis, Tenn. See Vol. VII, Roll of Honor XXI, pages 210 and 233.

Chambers, William G. Age 36. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 21, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease Feb. 22, 1864, Vicksburg Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave

Clinesmith, Oliver. Age 23. Residence Maysville, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease April 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery. Memphis. Tenn. Section 1, grave 61

Clock, Henry A. Age 18. Residence Maysville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal May 1, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865; Fourth Sergeant March 23, 1865; Third Sergeant May 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cole, Daniel W. Age 22. Residence Maysville, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 26, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. See Company F, Second Cavalry.

Collins, Loren. Age 35. Residence Maysville, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 14, 1862. Died of disease May 4, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 689.

Considine, Peter. Age 18. Residence Butler Center, Nativity Nova Scotia. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 5, 1862, Keokuk, Iowa.

Creed, Marion. Age 35. Residence Island No. 10, Tenn., Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Jan. 20, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Deserted Feb. 15, 1864, Morton, Miss.

Creighton, Henry, Age 30. Residence Maysville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease May 17, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 257.

Creighton, Solomon. Age 23. Residence Franklin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 9, 1863. Mustered Dec. 9, 1863. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Crily, Elihu B. Age 24. Residence Chapin, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Jan. 2, 1863. Wounded severely; arm amputated, April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Nov. 28, 1864, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Crosby, Elemuel W. Age 18. Residence Chapin, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Culner, Levi. Age 30. Residence Chapin, Nativity Louisiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Carey, James. Age 28. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Cass, George T. Age 30. Residence Dakotah, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Dec. 19, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Chandler, Robert. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Nov. 16, 1863. Deserted Jan. 25, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.

Claflin, Cornelius. Age 39. Residence Otho, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged for promotion as First Lieutenant, Fiftieth United States Colored Infantry, Dec. 30, 1863.

Clark, John H. Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Coffin, Lorenzo S. Age 38. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862. See Field and Staff.

Collins, Amos S. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Resigned for promotion in Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 13, 1864. See Company D, Sixteenth Infantry. (James S. Collins.)

Conlee, Horace D. Age 22. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Conlee, Smith T. Age 21. Residence Webster County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1865. Mustered Jan. 11, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Crosby, Charles T. Age 27. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry,—, 1865.

Crosby, George H. Age 23. Residence Kossuth County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 25, 1865. Mustered Jan. 25, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Crosby, William S. Age 16. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 28, 1863. Mustered July 28, 1863. Promoted Musician. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Cusey, Henry C. Age 18. Residence Dakotah, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Cadwalader, Charles S. Age 18. Residence Story County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 22, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Cadwalader, Joseph. Age 39. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Appointed Captain Aug. 3, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Chaplain Oct. 3, 1863. Resigned Nov. 5, 1864.

Child, George. Age 30. Residence Nevada, Nativity New Hampshire. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant Oct. 4, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Child, Smith M. Age 25. Residence Nevada, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out May 24, 1865, Greenville, La.

Church, Alexander. Age 27. Residence Hamilton County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Church, Harvey. Age 21. Residence Hamilton County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability March 18, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Clark, Lyman. Age 28. Residence Albion, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1864. Discharged Nor. 17, 1864, Camp Douglass, Ill.

Cole, Nathaniel C. Age 19. Residence Nevada, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded slightly Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Courrier, George. Rejected Aug. 16, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Cripps, Amos. Age 36. Residence Marshall County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Feb. 22, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Cunningham, Barnet H. Age 21. Residence Albion, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 28, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 23, 1864, Albion, Iowa.


Danger, Lewis. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of disease March 5, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 36.

Dean, William O. Age 28. Residence Wright County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Dixon, James B. Age 43. Residence Eagle Grove, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 10, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Doan, Amos. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Feb. 10, 1863; Second Sergeant March 13, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Downs, John. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Missouri. Enlisted July 4, 1862, Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 4, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Downs, Thomas. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted Dec. 29, 1863. Mustered Jan. 8, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Duckett, Jacob. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Duckett, James. Age 22. Residence Webster City, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Duffy, James. Age 19. Residence Wright County, Nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal March 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal June 6, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 17, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa. See Company I, Thirty-eighth Infantry.

Dyer, Winthrop. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 23, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Dack, William. Age 33. Residence Mason City, Nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 1, 1863. Discharged Aug. 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


DeWitt, Henry H. Rejected Sept. 13, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Donley, Levi. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged Nov. 18, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Doxey, Thomas B. Age 43. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Duke, Zenas J. Age 22. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Seventh Corporal May 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal June 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 15, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Davis, Cyrus M. Age 20. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Davis, James C. Age 23. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner May 13, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Defore, Willis L. Age 36. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Dec. 26, 1862. Promoted Quartermaster Sergeant June 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Delander, Andrew I. Age 37. Residence Boone County, Nativity Sweden. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 9 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

DeTar, Theodore. Age 36. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Appointed Captain Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Discharged May 15, 1865.

Dooley, John B. Age 25. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dooley, Thomas E. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged June 6, 1865, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dyer, William R. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 20, 1862. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1865, Benton Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.


Dickisson, John. Age 44. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dodge, Mordecai. Age 28. Residence New Hartford, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 5, 1864, Columbus, Ky. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section C, grave 3345.

Dunning, Abraham H. Age 21. Residence Butler County, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 1, 1863. Discharged Aug. 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Dunning, William H. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1864. Mustered Jan. 28, 1864. Discharged July 29, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Demander, George A. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Sept. 1, 1862. Mustered Sept. 1, 1862. Transferred to Company H.

Devine, John. Age 42. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ireland. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.; leg amputated. Discharged for wounds April 30, 1864.


Davis, Nathaniel W. Age 24. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dockstader, Josiah. Age 39. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862 Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Doty, Aaron. Age 26. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Illinois Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 9, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Demander, George A. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Sept. 1, 1862. Mustered Sept. 1, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Nov. 21, 1864, Davenport, Iowa. See Company F.

Demander, Nelson S. Age 31. Residence Iowa Falls, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. .Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out June 13, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Davis, Albert. Age 35. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Nova Scotia. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company A Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

DeWitt, Francis M. Age 27. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps July 30, 1864. Discharged for disability Feb. 25, 1865.

DeWitt, George W. Age 18. Enlisted Jan. 30, 1865. Mustered Jan. 30, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

DeWitt, Simon J. Age 21. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Nov. 21, 1863. Mustered Nov. 21, 1863. Died of disease March 14, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 212

Dowd, Alexander. Age 33. Residence Dayton Nativity Ohio. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Captain April 10, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dwyer, Michael. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Daniels, Francis L. Age 17. Residence Story County, Nativity Missouri. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. died of wounds Feb. 5, 1865, Iowa Centre, Iowa.

Davis, Cyrus. Age 44. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862 Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 23, 1863. Discharged for disability March 18, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Dawson, Samuel B. Age 24. Residence Albion, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 28, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Denbow, John. Age 25. Residence Albion, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner and paroled. Returned to Company June 14, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Denniston, James M. Age 30. Residence Story County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Mustered out June 16, 1865, Cairo, Ill.

Dickerson, John W. Age 19. Residence Albion, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 5, 1865; Sixth Corporal June 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dill, Israel M. Age 31. Residence Story County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Dill, John W. Age 18. Residence Story County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted March 29, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Dinnel, Samuel B. Age 28. Residence Albion, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Deserted April 24, 1863.

Duea, Jonas. Age 37. Residence Story County, Nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Jan. 23, 1863; Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Aug. 1, 1864; First Sergeant March 5, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Dunlap, George H. Age 26. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Jan. 23, 1863; Sixth Corporal April 9, 1864. Died of disease May 24, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 289.


Emerick, Frederick. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Eckstein, John. Age 24. Residence Webster City, Nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for promotion as Second Lieutenant in Company I, Sixtyeighth United States Colored Infantry, May 12, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.

Ellwood, Samuel. Age 26. Residence Clear Lake, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, May 29, 1864. Discharged July 26, 1864, Burnside's Barracks, Ind.

Emerick, Frederick. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Eberhart, Lloyd L. Age 17, Residence Black Hawk County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Feb. 3, 1864, as Drummer. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Promoted Principal Musician Jan. 15, 1865. Transferred to Company K, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (Floyd Eberhart.)

Ellis, Luther. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1863. Mustered Sept. 13, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Clinton, Iowa.

Emmitt, John. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out July 5, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Ebersole, Cyrus A. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Transferred to Invalid Corps, April 28, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 14, 1865, Springfield, Ill.

Eckley, Edward. Age 39. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Enfield, William. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company G, Seventh Cavalry.


Ede, Richard T. Age 26. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Canada. Enlisted July 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 27, 1863, St. Louis, Mo.


Edgerton, Herbert James. Age 28. Residence Iowa Falls, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease May 5, 1865, New Orleans, La. Buried in Monument National Cemetery, New Orleans, La.

Edgington, Joseph. Age 42. Residence Eldora, Nativity Ohio. Appointed Captain Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged Oct. 15, 1864.

Estabrook, Andrew J. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease May 22, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 340.

Estabrook, John. Rejected by Mustering Officer.


Ellis, Andrew. Age 18. Residence Butler County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 1, 1864 Sixth Corporal June 30, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Dec. 1, 1864; Third Sergeant July 23, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Edson, William. Age 28. Residence Otho, Nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out June 17, 1865, Chicago, Ill.

Ewing, James R. Age 22. Residence Border Plains, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 10, 1864; Fifth Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Edwards, William M. Age 27. Residence Story City, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Jan. 23, 1863; Fifth Corporal April 9, 1864; Third Corporal May 1, 1864; Second Corporal Sept. 12, 1864. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Egeland, Osmund. Age 26. Residence Story City, Nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease June 26, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 427.

Egeland, Peter. Age 26. Residence Story City, Nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease May 31, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 74.

Eliason, Henry. Age 33. Residence Story City, Nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease Aug. 20, 1863, Hospital, Columbus, Ky.

Ellwood, Stephen H. Rejected April 22, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Everstine, George L. Enlisted Dec. 2, 1864. Mustered Dec. 3, 1864.. Absent without leave from Feb. 10, 1865. No further record found.


Faught, Roderick D. Age 18. Residence Hamilton County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Ford, John H. Age 25. Residence Dakotah, Nativity Ohio. Promoted first Lieutenant from Second Sergeant of Company I, March 1, 1864. Promoted Captain Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Frank, Henry. Age 28. Residence Wright County, Nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Felt, James H. Age 25. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 5, 1863, Fulton, Tenn.

Fisher, William E. Age 27. Residence Bristol, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 22, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Florence, Fantleroy B. Age 25. Residence Mason City, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9 1864 Pleasant Hill, La Promoted Wagoner. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Clinton, Iowa.

Florence, James W. Age 19. Residence Cerro Gordo County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Feb. 15, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Ford, John P. Age 31. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Frink, Alonzo. Age 42. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Dec. 25, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Oct. 6 1863. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 5, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fifth Corporal June 14, 1864; Third Corporal July 1, 1864; Second Corporal Oct. 4, 1864. Mustered out July 16, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Frost, Chauncy H. Age 19. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Fry, James L. Age 27. Residence Mason City, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 17, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 80.

Fuller, George C. Age 34. Residence Mason City, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Died of disease June 27, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 640.


Felton, John W. Age 17. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease June 18, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill.

Filkins, Cornelius R. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease June 30, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. See Volume VII, Roll of Honor XXI, pages 210 and 238.

Fiske, Augustus. Age 22. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 3, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Flood, Edward. Age 22. Residence Waterloo, Nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action Feb. 28, 1864, Canton, Miss.


Fox, George H. Age 20. Residence Bonesborough, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Sept. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action Aug. 14, 1863, West Point, Little Red River, Ark.


Ferris, Theodore H. Age 21. Residence New Hartford, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease April 26, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 60.

Flood, William. Age 36. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Fifth Corporal June 1, 1865; Third Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Foster, Francis G. Age 27. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 19, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Fugue, William E. Age 18. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Discharged for disability July 24 1864, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.

Fulsom, Jacob G. Age 33. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Fleming, Charles. Age 28. Residence Eldora, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; Sixth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal May 16, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Fleming, James. Age 56. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. No further record found.

Foster, Francis M. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Nov. 24, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 10, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Frisbie, Morris. Rejected by Mustering Officer.


Farlow, Absalom. Age 29. Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Farlow, George. Age 21. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Farlow, Leander. Age 30. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Farlow, Uriah. Age 26. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Jan. 1, 1864; First Corporal June 30, 1864. Died of disease July 1, 1864, Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Folger, Timothy W. Age 25. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Marble Rock, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, as Fourth Corporal Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Sept. 1, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died May 4, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Forney, John C. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 30, 1864; Sixth Corporal Dec. 1, 1864, Fifth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 1. 1865. Mustered Out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Ferguson, Joseph. Age 42. Nativity Alabama. Enlisted Dec. 7, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease May 28, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss.

Fry, George W. Age 19. Residence Maysville, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Fagan, Michael. Age 18. Residence Palo Alto County, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1863. Mustered Jan. 4, 1863. Died Feb. 25, 1864 Cairo, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill.

Flaherty, Edward. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 3, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Oct. 6, 1862; Sixth Corporal Dec. 23, 1863; Fifth Corporal May 30, 1864; Third Corporal July 4, 1864, Second Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Fogarty, Edward. Age 36. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug., 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 21, 1862. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Ford, John H. Age 25, Residence Dakotah, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant of Company A, March 1, 1864.

Foster, Jeremiah. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Frahm, Joachim. Age 24. Residence Dayton, Nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Franks, Henry H. Age 23. Residence Crawford County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Discharged for disability Sept. 13, 1864, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.

Fuller, Clark. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 31, 1862. Promoted Commissary Sergeant March 14, 1864. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 15, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Fallas, William A. Age 30. Residence Albion, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Oct. 11, 1862; Fourth Sergeant Jan. 9, 1863; First Sergeant May 1, 1864; Second Lieutenant Feb. 4, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Frakes, Andrew J. Age 22. Residence Albion, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

French, Henry C. Age 34. Residence Story County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered Dec. 28, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

French, Ira. Age 18. Residence Nevada, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered Feb. 17, 1864. Mustered out May 31, 1865, New Orleans, La.

French, Isaac S. Age 33. Residence Nevada, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Jan. 9, 1863, Fourth Sergeant May 1, 1864; Third Sergeant Aug. 1, 1864; Second Sergeant March 5, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

French, Riley. Age 21. Residence Nevada, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded June 27, 1863. Promoted Eight Corporal April 9, 1864; Sixth Corporal May 24, 1864; Fifth Corporal, Fourth Corporal Sept. 12, 1864; Second Corporal June 1, 1865; First Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Funk, David. Age 18. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Gamble, James I. Age 18. Residence Webster City, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Gray, Charles. Age 28. Residence Algona, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Greer, Allen. Age 38. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Appointed First Lieutenant July 3, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Resigned Feb. 29, 1864.

Griffith, Charles H. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Memphis, Tenn. See Company C.

Griffith, William H. Age 38. Residence Eagle Grove, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered Dec. 26, 1863. Died of disease May 29, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. See Company G, Twenty-first Infantry.


Gallup, William N. Age 31. Residence Worth County, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered Dec. 19, 1863. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Gardner, Thomas S. Age 41. Residence Cerro Gordo County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 22, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Discharged for disability July 19, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Goodell, Milton P. Age 23. Residence Mason City, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 28, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds May 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Graves, Zebediah S. Age 40. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered Dec. 26, 1863. Died of disease June 8, 1864, on Steamer `'White Cloud."

Greely, Otis. Age 32. Residence Mason City. Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Greely, Solomon. Age 18. Residence Bristol, Nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Feb. 26, 1864. Mustered Feb. 26, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Griffin, Samuel W. Age 34. Residence Forest City, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted First Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862; Second Lieutenant July 15, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out June 24, 1865.

Guirt, William. Enlisted June 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered June 1, 1863. No further record found.


Gilbert, Miles B. Age 30. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 11, 1864. Mustered Feb. 11, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Giles, Edgar M. Age 18. Residence Eldora, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Jan. 6, 1864. Mustered Jan. 6, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Feb. 29, 1864.

Goodwin, Horace J. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Oct. 24, 1864. Mustered Oct. 24, 1864. Died of disease April 22, 1865, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 68.

Griffith, Charles H. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 19, 1863. Mustered Dec. 19, 1863. Transferred to Company A, Feb. 29, 1864.


Gaskill, James. Age 29. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 9, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Gilliland, Hugh R. Age 27. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Sept. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Jan. 15, 1865; Fifth Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Gilliland, John W. Age 33. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out Sept. 4, 1865, Camp Chase, Ohio.

Goodrich, Williston W. Age 30. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Discharged Jan. 16, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.

Grayson, William G. Age 28. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


German, Samuel. Age 26. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability Aug. 15, 1864.

Glenn, Edward A. Age 25. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863; Third Sergeant Aug. 15, 1864; Second Sergeant June 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Griffith, John W. Age 19. Residence New Hartford, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Guy, William H. Age 24. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1863, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863; First Sergeant Aug. 15, 1864; Second Lieutenant Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Giles, Edgar M. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; Seventh Corporal March 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal May 15, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 13, 1865. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. See Company C.

Gordon, James C. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal April 10, 1863; Seventh Corporal July 11, 1863; Sixth Corporal Oct. 22, 1863; Fourth Corporal July 1, 1864; Second Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; First Corporal May 15, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Griffin, Loyal. Age 36. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 28, 1863; Seventh Corporal April 10, 1863; Sixth Corporal July 11, 1863; Fifth Corporal Oct. 22, 1863; Third Corporal July 1, 1864. Wounded Aug. 24, 1864, Oxford Raid. Promoted First Corporal Dec. 2, 1864. Discharged for wounds May 15, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Griffin, Robert. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Gleason, Nathaniel B. Age 19. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 21, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Goodhue, James M. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability March 8, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. See Company D, Eighth Infantry.

Goodhue, Samuel Newell. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability Dec. 29, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Graves, Seth H. Age 19. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Gillett, Alvah. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company I, Fourth Cavalry.

Grandon, Isaac. Age 26. Residence Chapin, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Sept. 5, 1863, Davenport, Iowa.

Gray, Andrew J. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn., Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Left sick in Hospital, Vicksburg, Miss., March 10, 1864. No later record found.

Greeley, Daniel E. Age 25. Residence Hampton, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Gardner, Charles W. Age 19. Residence Webster County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Gardner, Peyton R. Age 21. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Gardner, Wallace P. Age 19. Residence Dayton, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease June 5, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 63.

Gatchel, Uriah D. Age 22. Residence Border Plains, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 18, 1864, Keokuk, Iowa. Buried in Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.

Gilday, Francis M. Age 18. Residence Webster County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1865. Mustered Jan. 11, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Goodrich, Benjamin B. Age 25. Residence Border Plains, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant May 30, 1864; First Sergeant July 4, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Goodrich, Ezekiel L. Age 23. Residence Webster County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Gwinn, Robert M. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request March 20, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Good, James. Enlisted Nov. 15, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted June 24, 1864.

Grubb, Elihu A. Age 18. Residence Iowa Centre, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Hamlin, William. Age 36. Residence Webster City, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Granted furlough March 6, 1863, for thirty days; never returned.

Hartman, John I. Age 30. Residence Hamilton County, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 12, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Hazen, Lewis S. Age 27. Residence Belmond, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Heckart, John C. Age 23. Residence Algona, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 6, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 17, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Henkle, Leonard. Age 28. Residence Webster City, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability June 29, 1865, Mound City, Ill.

Hensley, William T. Age 20. Residence Irvington, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 21, 1863, Benton, Ark.

Hess, Oliver M. Age 27. Residence Wright County, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Discharged for disability March 7, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Hiams, Mortimer. Age 28. Residence Wright County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Nov. 30, 1863; Fifth Corporal May 30, 1864. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Reduced to ranks at his own request Feb. 1, 1865. Died of disease June 6, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Hiserott, William P. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, Nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 28, 1862, Seventh Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; Fifth Corporal March 13, 1863; Fourth Corporal Sept., 26, 1863; Third Corporal Oct. 10, 1863, Second Corporal Nov. 30, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted First Corporal May 30, 1864, Fifth Sergeant Jan. 21, 1865; Fourth Sergeant June 6, 1865. Discharged July 17, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Hoskins, John. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Hoskins, Thomas S. Age 30. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. promoted Fourth Corporal Oct. 28, 1862; Third Corporal Feb. 10, 1863. Discharged for disability March 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Houts, George. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Hull, Abiathar. Age 38. Residence Algona, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Feb. 10, 1863; Third Sergeant March 13, 1863; Second Lieutenant Oct. 11, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Harris, William. Age 18. Residence Iowa Falls, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Oct. 2, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Hawks, William C. Age 32. Residence Fort Dodge, Nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 26, 1863. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Heiny, Ignatius. Age 18. Residence Worth County, Nativity Bohemia. Enlisted Feb. 18, 1864. Mustered Feb. 18, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865. (Ignatius Herring.)

Heiny, John Age 19. Residence Mason City, Nativity Bohemia. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease June 14, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss.

Howard, Thomas O. Age 30. Residence Clear Lake, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 19, 186S, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Second Lieutenant Dec. 1t, 1862. First Lieutenant July 14, 1863. Wounded fatally April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 11, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Hoyt, Wilbur F. Age 26. Residence Mason City, Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Hughes, Edward. Age 20. Residence Mason City. Nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Huntley, Charles H. Age 29. Residence Mason City, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Sergeant Major Oct. 6. 1862. See Field and Staff.


Haney, Solomon. Age 27. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Pennsylvania . Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Heffer, Jesse. Age 42. Residence Waterloo, Nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hewitt, Johnson B. Age 32. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 10. 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Highsmith, Amos R. Age 31. Residence Waterloo, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Hollister, Edgar D. Rejected Sept. 13, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Hunt, Chase, P. Age 31. Residence Waterloo, Nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Second Corporal Dec. 21, 1863. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted First Corporal July 1, 1864. Discharged for disability Jan. 25, 1865, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.


Haggan, James A. Age 19. Residence Boone County, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Mustered March 7, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Harter, Nicholas. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1.862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Harvey, Joseph M. Age 33. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862 as Second Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted First Sergeant Sept. 1, 1864; First Lieutenant Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Herron, John. Age 37. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 24, 1864, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Hickman, Benjamin N. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Paroled July 1, 1864. Mustered out Nov. 24, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Hickman, William C. Age 30, Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Higbee, Tyler. Age 21. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal January 15, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 8, 1865. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry.

Hinman, Lewis S. Age 20. Residence Boone County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Holmes, Jasper W. Age 22. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Dec. 26, 1864; Fourth Sergeant July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hughes Isaac W. Age 38. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Hull, Fenolen W. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity, Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 26, 1862. Wounded slightly July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Promoted Third Corporal Dec. 26, 1864; Commissary Sergeant Jan. 15, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hunter, George D. Age 30. Residence Boonesborough, Nativity Scotland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 7, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Hurlburt, Jahiel B. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1864. Mustered Oct. 6, 1864. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged for disability May 31, 1861, Rendezvous of Distribution, Virginia


Hall, Calvin. Age 20. Residence Butler County, Nativity New York. Enlisted July 24, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 24, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Hannant, Robert M. Age 31. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal June 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hare, Ovid. Age 32. Residence New Hartford, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Second Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863. Mustered out May 19, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Hartman, Mathew. Age 26. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Discharged. July 19, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Hayden, Samuel E. Age 22. Residence New Hartford, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 29, 1862 as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Jan. 1, 1863. Died of disease July 13, 1863, Columbus, Ky. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section C, grave 3210.

Hedrick, Moses. Age 29. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Virginia. Enlisted July 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 13, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Henderson, David M. Age 27. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 12, 1865, Davenport, Iowa. Buried in National Cemetery Rock Island, Ill.

Hickle, Jacob. Age 20. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Sixth Corporal July 20, 1863; Fifth Corporal May 30, 1864; Second Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Fourth Sergeant June 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

High, Isaac. Age 35. Residence Clarkesville, Nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hites, Elijah. Age 24. Residence Butler County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Hornbeck, Judd D. Age 22. Residence Cedar Falls, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1,864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Houck, Thomas. Age 26. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hough, Nehemiah R. Age 25. Residence Shell Rock, Nativity Connecticut. Enlisted July 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease June 4, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 66.

Howard, James N. Age 22. Residence Butler County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 24, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Hadden, Andrew J. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, nativity, Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted First Corporal July 11, 1863; First Sergeant July 1, 1864; Third Sergeant Dec. 2, 1864; Second Sergeant July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Harlan, Hanson J. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hartinger, James. Age 18. Residence Union, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, t862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hayden, Elijah. Age 32. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Hiday, Joseph W. Age 33. Residence Union, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Holmes, John W. Age 21. Residence Iowa Falls, Nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Aug. 80, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

House, Jason. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died Aug. 19, 1865. Buried in National Cemetery, Rock Island, Ill.

Howland, Marvin W. Age 27. Residence Alden, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability, Feb. 12, 1864, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Haine, Daniel. Age 28. Residence Butler Center, nativity Ohio. Appointed Second Lieutenant July 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned May 8, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Hall, William T. Age 32. Residence Marble Rock, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 7, 1863, Helena, Ark.

Hardman, James L. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Michigan Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Harrison, Dewitt C. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Sept. 1, 1863. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Third Corporal May 1, 1864; Second Corporal June 30, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Harter, Aaron M. Age 21. Residence Clarksville, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out July 8, 1865.

Hawks, Horace G. Age 18. Residence Marble Rock, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Hough, Bayliss. Age 24. Residence Greene County, Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Sept. 4, 1864. Discharged for disability June 26, 1865, Montgomery, Ala. See Company K;


Hall, James H. Age 23. Residence Butler County, Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Second Lieutenant June 26, 1863; First Lieutenant April 21, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hartgraves, David L. Age 19. Residence Franklin County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 29, 1863. Died of disease July 29, 1864, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks, (St. Louis) Mo. Section 31, grave 124.

Hartwell, Samuel W. Age 32. Residence Franklin County, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 30, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Hausberry, William S. Age 21. Residence Chapin, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Herman, Thomas J. Age 23. Residence Franklin County, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died May 28, 1864, Franklin County, Iowa.

Hesse, Stephen. Age 36. Residence Butler County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Feb. 9, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 38.

Hoisington, Andrew I. Age 19. Residence Butler Center, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Horner, Benjamin F. Age 21. Residence Geneva, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14 1862. Mustered Dec. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Aug. 28 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Horner, Jesse. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Horner, William C. Age 18. Residence Geneva, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hubbert, Harvey. Age 18. Residence Hampton, Nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hunt, German L. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Hunt, Samuel B. Age 36. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 20, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease Feb. 2, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 337.

Hurd, John S. Age 29. Residence Hampton, Nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Haines, George W. Enlisted June 30, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered June 30, 1863. Transferred to Second Tennessee Heavy Artillery

Hanchett, George W. Age 38. Residence Humboldt County, Nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 28, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Oct. 6, 1862; Fourth Corporal Dec. 23, 1863, Third Corporal May 30, 1864; First Corporal July 4, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hancock, Walter R. W. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hart, George D. Age 27. Residence Otho, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps March 18, 1865. Discharged for disability July 1, 1865, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo.

Hart, Sherman. Age 33. Residence Border Plains, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 19, 1863, Island No. 10, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn.

Haskins, Alfred T. Age 32. Residence Webster County, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 18, 1865. Mustered Jan. 18, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Hefley, John M. Age 37. Residence Webster County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. (John M. Heffley.)

Hightree, John. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Holland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 10, 1863, Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Howell, Daniel T. Age 32. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862; Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hulsizer, Benjamin. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Jersey Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hulsizer, Hiram. Age 36. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Feb. 4, 1863. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for disability June 2, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Hurlburt, Elmore. Age 16. Enlisted Dec. 19, 1864. Mustered Dec. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. See Company A, Forty-eighth Infantry.

Hutchison, John. Rejected Aug. 22, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Hutchison, Jonathan. Age 42. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ohio; Appointed Captain Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Major April 10, 1864; Lieutenant Colonel Aug. 23, 1865, not mustered; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel of United States Volunteers, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Hutchison, Matthias. Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Huxford, Morton V. Age 21. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862, Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Hackethorn, George W. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec.. 22, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (George W. Hackthorn.)

Hall, Alba O. Age 36. Residence Hamilton County, nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Principal Musician May 1, 1863. Discharged for disability July 16, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Hall, Davis. Age 32. Residence Albion, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease May 12, 1864, Albion, Iowa.

Halleck, Henry S. Age 18. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865. Clinton, Iowa.

Halleck, William M. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Mustered Feb. 17, 1864. Died of disease March 20, 1864, Hospital, Cairo, Ill.

Hand, Joel R. Age 21. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease April 18, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 58.

Harder, Isaac. Enlisted Nov. 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Present with Company Oct. 31, 1864. No later record found.

Harkness, Joseph L. Age 31. Residence Story City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Hefley, Edward. Age 44. Residence Nevada, nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 6, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 33.

Hefley, Robert Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 18, 1864. Mustered Feb. 17, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Henderson, John, Age 24. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862, Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 10, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Henryson, Henry B. Age 19. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Killed in action June 6, 1864, Lake Chicot, Ark.

Hilton, George F. Age 24. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Holland, Edward C. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company G, Seventh Cavalry.

Hough, Bayliss. Age 24. Residence Greene County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Company G.

Howard, James A. Age 32. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability Aug. 19, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Hurlbert, Charles S. Age 30. Nativity Vermont. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Ingalls, Amos. Age 24. Residence Clear Lake, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Inglebretson, Halvor. Age 19. Residence Bristol, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Irwin, William H. Age 31 Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Inman, Cassius P. Rejected Oct. 2, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company B, Thirty-eighth Infantry.

Inman, Robert. Age 19. Residence Butler County, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted July 1, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Fifth Corporal July 20, 1863; Fourth Corporal May 30, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Aug. 15, 1864. Mustered out July 1, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Ingraham, William H. Age 19. Residence Franklin County, nativity, Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 10, 1863. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Johnson, Benjamin. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Jenkinson, James. Age 28. Residence Mason City, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Seventh Corporal April 8, 1863; Sixth Corporal Sept. 28, 1863; Fifth Corporal Oct. 6, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Third Corporal June 14, 1864; First Corporal July 1, 1864. Mustered out July 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Jones, Marion. Age 18. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 6, 1864. Mustered Feb. 5, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 25, 1865.

Judd. Franklin. Age 27. Residence Bristol, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out May 15, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.


Jackson, John L. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Jolls, Levi. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Jewett, David S. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Dec. 26, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Second Sergeant Sept. 1, 1864. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Johnson, Frederick. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Joice, Garrett L. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Joice John F. Age 41. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease July 23, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 33.

Jones, Levi. Age 35. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


James, Lyman D. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered: Dec. 23, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Jones, Henry O. Age 17. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Jones, John R. Age 30. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Michigan. Appointed Captain July 1, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Major Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Jones, Nathan. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Illinois Enlisted July 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 20, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Joslen, Albert W. Age 19. nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Died of disease March 19, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn.


Jones, Newton. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability June 1, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.


Johnson, Martin V. Rejected by Mustering Officer.

Jones. Alexander. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 10, 1863. Promoted Seventh Corporal. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Jones, Alpheus. Age 30 Residence Maysville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Jan. 22, 1863. Discharged for disability Oct. 29, 1863, Island No. 10, Tenn.

Jones, Elijah. Age 23. Residence Maysville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Drummer Oct. 7, 1862; Seventh Corporal Jan. 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal March 23 1865; Fifth Corporal May 1, 1865; Fifth Sergeant June 26, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Justus, Isaac. Age 30. Residence Hampton, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability April 25, 1864, Mound City, Ill.


Jenkins, Andrew K. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted June 2, 1864. Mustered June 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. See Miscellaneous. (Andrew R. Jenkins.)

Jenkins, James S. Age 21. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. See Miscellaneous.

Jenkins, John S. Age 27. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. See Miscellaneous.

Jones, George W. Age 32. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. See Miscellaneous.


Jacobson, Jacob B. Age 40. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Johnson, Oliver. Age 43. Residence Story County, nativity Norway. Enlisted March 31, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Died of disease July 7, 1864, in Illinois. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 371, grave 31.

Jones, David. Age 18. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Norway. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered Dec. 28, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Joor, Cornelius. Age 40. Residence Nevada, nativity Holland. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. See Company G, Fourteenth Infantry.

Joslyn, Asa. Age 38. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Kent, James P. Age 26. Residence Eagle Grove, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 21, 1863. Mustered Dec. 21, 1863. Discharged for disability Sept. 5, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Kent, Joseph A. Age 22. Residence Wright County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; Sixth Corporal March 13, 1863 Fifth Corporal Sept. 26, 1863; Fourth Corporal Oct. 10, 1863, Third Corporal Nov. 30, 1863 Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill. La. Promoted Second Corporal May 30, 1864; First Corporal Feb. 1, 1865 Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Kersey, John S. Age 20. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862 Promoted Fifth Corporal Oct. 28, 1862; Third Corporal March 13, 1863 Second Corporal Sept. 26, 1863. Discharged for disability Oct. 5 1863, Little Rock, Ark.

King, Henry B. Age 20. nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28 1865. See Company K.


Keerl, Henry. Age 26. Residence Mason City, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Dec. 26, 1862, Third Sergeant Dec. 28 1863; First Lieutenant April 14, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Clinton, Iowa.

Kerns, William A. Age 32. Residence Mason City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Kellogg, Jacob B. Age 32. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out May 18 1865, Memphis, Tenn.


Karby, John W. Age 26. Residence Boone County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded severely Aug.; 27, 1863, Bayou Metoe, Ark. Discharged Aug. 13, 1864, Keokuk, Iowa.

Kelly, Thomas. Age 37. Residence Boone County, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner and paroled. Died of disease April 26, 1863, Bloomfield, Mo.

Kinkead, Joseph H. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio Enlisted Aug. 11; 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Kirkendall, Henry C. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 1, 1863, Devall's Bluff, Ark.

Kirkendall, John W. Age 22. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Promoted Fourth Corporal April 9, 1864; Third Corporal Jan. 15, 1865; Second Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; First Corporal July 8, 1865. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Kelly, Marshall. Age 32. Residence Butler County, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 21, 1862, New Madrid, Mo.

Ketcham, William H. Age 24. Residence New Hartford, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged Aug. 24, 1865, Albany, N. Y.

Ketterman, Isaac W. Age 30. Residence Black Hawk County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 31, 1865. (Isaac N. Ketterman.)

Kimmel, George W. Age 21. Residence Butler Center, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 8, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 74.

Kimmel, Zacheus F. Age 22. Residence Butler Center, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease April 5, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 55.

Knight, Hinkley G. Age 34. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Enlisted July 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Kilgore, Ezekial. Age 37. Residence Eldora, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862 as First Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant Nov. 20, 1864; Captain Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa


Kane, Roselle. Age 20. Residence Clarksville, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Dec. 1, 1862; Fifth Sergeant May 8, 1863; Fourth Sergeant Jan. 9, 1864. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Keister, William A. Age 32. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 23, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out July 22, 1865, Montgomery, Ala., expiration of term of service.

Keller, Richard. Age 29. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Springfield, Ill.

Kinsley, Daniel W. Age 36. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Sept. 1, 1863. Discharged for disability Nov. 16, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Kittell, Warren. Age 38. Residence Franklin County nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 13, 1864. Died of disease July 17, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. See Vol. VII, Roll of Honor XXI, pages 210 and 239.

Kurby, Abram R. Age 33. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Oct. 1, 1862. Mustered out June 15, 1865, New Orleans, La. (See Record, A. G. O., page 199.)


Karcher, Philip. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, Clinton, Iowa.

Keates, John. Age 39. Residence Webster County, nativity England. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865 Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Kellogg, Elias D. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Feb. 4. 1863; Seventh Corporal Dec. 23, 1863; Sixth Corporal May 30 1864, Fourth Corporal Dec. 4 1864. Wounded. Mustered out May 10 1865. See Company F, Second Cavalry.

Kinning, Henry J. Age 29. Residence Monona County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Died Sept. 13, 1864, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis,) Mo. Section 31, grave 142.

Kramer, Augustus. Age 21. Residence Dayton nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 14, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Kelley, Henry C. Age 18. Residence Nevada; nativity Indiana Enlisted March 29, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865

Keys, George E. Age 39. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal June 1, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

King, Henry B. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company A.


Lathrop, Edwin I. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Lathrop, Warren D. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability March 7, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. See Company G, Forty-fourth Infantry.

Laughlin, William K. Age 30. Residence Webster City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Corporal, Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Oct. 28, 1862; Second Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; First Corporal March 13, 1863; Fifth Sergeant Sept. 26, 1863; Fourth Sergeant May 30, 1864. Discharged Feb. 17, 1865, Louisville, Ky.

Layton, David W. Age 22. Residence Homer, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Deserted July 11, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. (See record, A. G. O.)

Little, Ezra H. Age 41. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability March 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Labanway, Sylvester. Age 18. Residence Worth County, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Nov. 7, 1863. Mustered Nov. 7, 1863. Died of disease March 9, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss,

Landrue, Hiram K. Age 25. Residence Forest City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Feb. 9, 1865. Mustered Feb. 9, 1865. Discharged for disability July 28, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Lane, Chauncey S. Age 40. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 15, 1862, New Madrid, Mo.

Lanning, George R. W. Age 19. Residence Mason City, nativity New Jersey Enlisted Aug. 29, 1863, as Drummer. Mustered Aug. 29, 1863. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.

Long, Bige. Age 19. Residence Hancock County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 19, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Mustered out May 31, 1865, Louisville, Ky.


LaBarre, John Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 1, 1864, Fifth Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Fourth Corporal Dec. 16, 1864; Third Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Second Corporal May 1, 1865. Discharged for disability May 19, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Lemon, Alonzo. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered out May 24, 1865, Louisville, Ky.

Lichty, Elias S. Age 15. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 18, 1863, Waterloo, Iowa.

Lichty, Joel M. Age 30. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded fatally Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Died of wounds Dec. 21, 1864, Nashville,

Lint, Cyrus P. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 9, 1865. Mustered Jan. 9, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Longaker, David M. Age 18. Residence Black Hawk County. Enlisted Oct. 19, 1864. Mustered Oct. 19; 1864. Transferred to Company H,

Lund, S. Rejected Sept. 13, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Landers, John W. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Lawton, William B. Age 28. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Lee, Abbot. Age 22. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Lefferts, Charles. Age 40. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability July 8, 1864, Rendezvous of Distribution, Virginia.

Leonard, William P. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 13, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Linn, Gustus. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Sweden. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant. Hill, La. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 25, 1865 (Augustus Linn).


Langdon, John B. Age 26. Residence New Hartford, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862 Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out May 31, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Leverich, James P. Age 19. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864 Pleasant Hill, La. Exchanged Dec. 6, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lewis, Charles. Age 43. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner, Sept. 16, 1864, Tyler, Texas. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 18, grave 12.

Lewis, Wilbert L. Age 30. Residence New Hartford, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Long, Wesley H. Age 34. Residence Butler County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Fourth Corporal., Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Second Corporal July 20, 1863. Died of disease April 27, 1864, New Orleans, La. Buried in Monument National Cemetery, New Orleans, La.


Lacock, Thomas. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 12, 1864,. Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Lane, Charles. Age 33. Residence Alden, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant April 10, 1863. Transferred to Invalid Corps. Discharged for disability Nov. 4, 1864, Washington, D. C.

Lane, Zephaniah. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30,1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Latham, William H. Age 20 Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease July 3, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 356.

Leach, James T. Age 33. Residence Union, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out July 3, 1865, Clinton, Iowa..

Leary, John. Age 41. Residence Hardin County, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out July 10, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Lepley, George. Age 30. Residence Union, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal May 15, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 13, 1865; Fifth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lepley, William. Age 33. Residence Union, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Lenhart, John. Age 25. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted: Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability March 8, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Lenhart, Washington. Age 19. Residence Butler County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 13, 1863. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Leydig, Jacob. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted June 19, 1863. Mustered June, 19, 1863. Died of disease July 20, 1864, Butler County, Iowa.


Lee, Asa R. Age 19. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal May 1, 1864; Third Corporal Jan. 1, 1865; Fifth Sergeant March 23 1865; Fourth Sergeant May 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lesh, Orlando C. Age 24. Residence Hampton, nativity Iowa. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned April 20, 1864, Memphis, Tenn.

Lord, Ralph A. Age 26. Residence Franklin County, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. t3, 1862. Died of disease Feb. 15, 1865, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 276.

Love, John S. Age 33. Residence Maysville, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 14 1862. Promoted First Sergeant July 30, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 21, 1865;

Loveland, Joseph M. Age 29. Residence Alden, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Seventh Corporal March 23, 1865; Sixth Corporal May 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 26, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Lynn, James. Age 37. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Oct. 6, 1863; Second Corporal Dec. 23. 1863; First Corporal May 30, 1864; Fifth Sergeant July 4, 1864; Second Lieutenant Oct. 14, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lyons, Patrick. Age 28. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Larson, Erick R. Age 21. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal March 1, 1865, Fifth Corporal June 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lein, Thomas A. Age 32. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Lemons, William S. Age 30. Residence Story City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Wounded severely Dec. 10, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Died of wounds Jan. 4, 1865, Nashville, Tenn. Buried In National Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Section G, grave 709.

Long, Benjamin. Age 32. Residence Albion, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 22, 1863, Albion, Iowa.

Luellen, Francis. Age 30. Residence Polk County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 22, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


McFarland, John. Age 33. nativity Ohio. Enlisted Sept. 28, 1864. Mustered Sept. 28, 1864. Mustered out June 8, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

McFarland, Joshua. Age 20. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1864, Clinton, Iowa.

McFarland, Samuel. Age 18. Residence Hamilton County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 22, 1864. Mustered March 23, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

McMiller, John. Age 26. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for disability Feb. 14, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.


McConvill, Arthur. Age 18. Residence Dubuque, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

McNeal, James. Age 18. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn., nativity Tennessee. Enlisted June 13, 1863. Mustered June 13, 1863. Deserted July 26, 1863, Columbus, Ky.


McCall, Alexander. Age 38. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Mustered Feb. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865. (Alexander McColl). See also Company C, Thirty-first Infantry.

McCormick, Barnard. Age 33. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

McFarland, James F. Age 40. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 18, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

McIsaac, Patrick. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Second Lieutenant April 26, 1864. Resigned Jan. 19, 1865.


McCall, Zachariah S. Age 44. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 15, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 86.

McDonald, Archibald. Age 23. Residence Butler County, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Promoted Seventh Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; Sixth Corporal July 8, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

McFarling, John W. Age 21. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Dec. 21, 1863. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (John W. McFarland.)


McHenry, Alfred. Age 34. Nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 13, 1865. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

McIntosh, William W. Age 27. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 1, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 6, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.


McCain, John. Age 20. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 12, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

McClellan, George. Age 33. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Feb. 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant May 1, 1864, Drowned Nov. 25, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.


McCord, Harrison. Age 19. Residence Chapin, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

McCord, Ira. Age 23. Residence Chapin, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

McCurley, Samuel. Age 25. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

McCurley, Thomas J. Age 32. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered out May 18, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

McVey, Reuben. Age 27. Residence Chapin, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


McCauley, Robert. Age 32. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24,1865, Clinton, Iowa.

McCauley, William. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa

McHenry, Isaac. Age 23. Residence Dakotah, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

McHenry, John N. Age 25. Residence Dakotah, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Ia.

McKitrick, John. Age 35. Residence Humboldt County, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Discharged for disability June 21, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

McLean, Alexander. Age 43. Residence Humboldt County, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.


McBarnes, John. Rejected: Aug. 13, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

McCoy, John. Age 38. Residence Albion, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Jan. 23, 1863. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

McCullough, William. Age 18. Residence Nevada, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 24, 1864; Seventh Corporal; Sixth Corporal Sept. 12, 1864; Fifth Corporal March 5, 1865; Third Corporal June 1, 1865; Second Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

McGuire, Stephen T. Age 20. nativity Arkansas. Enlisted Dec. 2, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted July 6, 1864, La Grange, Tenn.

McGuire, William. Age 41. Residence Nevada, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 10, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability June 25, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Mack, Robert P. Age 19. Residence Eagle Grove, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal June 6, 1865. Mustered out July 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Mattocks, William W. Age 18. Residence Hardin County. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Maxwell, John N. Age 27. Residence Webster City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Discharged for disability March 19, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Miller, Thomas. Age 40. Residence Algona, nativity Germany. Enlisted Jan. 25, 1865. Mustered Jan. 25, 1865. Discharged for disability July 21, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Moore, William. Age 29. Residence Irvington, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 30, 1862, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Magill, Douglass. Age 22. Residence Hancock County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Magill, Thomas. Age 28. Residence Hancock County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Marsh, Henry A. Age 20. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded . May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Discharged for disability April 20, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Martin, David J. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1862. Discharged Oct. 29, 1862. No other record found.

Mason, Columbus. Age 32. Residence Bristol, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 20, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 39.

Miller, Amos B. Age 31. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed Captain Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded fatally April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 13, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Morris, Cyrus. Age 27. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Wounded April 3, 1865, Blakely, Ala. Discharged for wounds June 14, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Morris, Joseph. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Drummer. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Morris, Orrin F. Age 18. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 28, 1863. Mustered Dec. 28, 1863. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.


Marquand, Theodore F. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Mustered Feb. 9, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 26, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865. (Theodore F. Marquind.)

Martin, Samuel S. Age 42. Residence Eldora, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Martindale, Lafayette. Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease July 4, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 276.

Matthews, George F. Age 30. Residence Waterloo, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug., 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Meyer, August. Age 24. Residence Waterloo, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Millard, Jason R. Age 35. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1462. Promoted Commissary Sergeant Oct. 6, 1862. Returned to Company Sept. 13, 1864. Mustered out May 18, 1865, Memphis, Tenn. See Field and Staff.

Miller, Albert W. Age 18. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 9, 1864. Mustered Feb. 9, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Miller, David. Age 37. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 9, 1865. Mustered Jan. 9, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Miller, Levi. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Wagoner. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Mills, William H. Age 17. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois, Enlisted Jan. 13, 1864. Mustered Jan. 13, 1864. Died of disease June 27, 1864, Cairo, Ill.

Miner, Marvin C. Age 20. Residence Blackhawk County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Oct. 17, 1864. Mustered Oct. 17, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1864. (Marion C. Miner.)

Moore, Elias A. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 5, 1865, Mound City, Ill.

Myers, Jacob L. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 8, 1864, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 34, grave 186.


Mahaffey, Isaac N. W. Age 31. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Manchester, William. Age 31. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Merrick, John H. Age 27. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6j 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds while a prisoner, April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Miller, Joseph G. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New Jersey Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner July 28, 1864, Tyler, Texas. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 33, grave 16.

Moriarty, John J. Age 20. Residence Boone County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 28, 1864. Mustered Jan. 28, 1864. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


March, Alexander. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; First Corporal July 20, 1863; Third Sergeant June 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

March, William. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out June 5, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Martin, William M. Age 23. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Michigan. Enlisted July 1, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Fifth Sergeant July 20, 1863; Fourth Sergeant Aug. 15, 1864. Mustered out May 31, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Mead, Rollin P. Age: 36. Residence New Hartford, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Sept. 4, 1864.

Mix, Charles E. Age 20. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 10, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability March 16, 1865.

Mix, William N. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Enlisted Nov. 14, 1862. Mustered Nov. 14, 1862. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (William N. Nicks.)

Morse, Edward A. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 23; 1863. Mustered Dec. 23, 1863. Died of disease July 9, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. See Vol. VII, Roll of Honor, XXI, pages 210 and 239.

Munson, Benjamin. Age 48. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered May 1, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Macy, George. Age 19. Residence Grundy Center, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Wounded. Died of wounds Sept. 10, 1863, Brownsville, Ark. Buried, in National Cemetery., Little Rock, Ark. Section 10, grave 195.

Macy, Isaac H. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 6, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Maultsby, Martin V. B. Age 19. Residence Hardin County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Millslagle, Robert. Age, 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 27, 1863; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1864; Fourth Corporal Dec. 2, 1864. Died of disease Dec. 17, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Buried in National: Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Section G, grave 342.

Millslagle, Thomas. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Wagoner Nov. 1, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Mitterer, Augustus. Age 39. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal July 11, 18637. Discharged for disability Feb. 18, 1864; Little Rock, Ark.

Modlin, Nathan R. Age 19. Residence Grundy Center, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner Sept. 5, 1864, Tyler, Texas. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 30, grave 64.

Moon, Alney. Age 35. Residence Alden, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Deserted Oct. 6, 1862, Dubuque Iowa.

Mossman, Samuel E. Age 20. Residence Hardin County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Murphy, Robert H. Age 47. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 8, 1864. Discharged for disability July 17, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Myers, John R. Age 19. Residence Alden, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Killed in action, May 18, 1864, Bayou de Glaize, La.


Martin, Thomas. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Miller, Elias G. Age 33. Residence Marble Rock. Nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 12, 1863, Benton, Ark.

Miller, Francis M. Age 20. Residence Marble Rock nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 20, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks, (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 42.

Miller, George G. Age 20. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Miller, James M. Age 21. Residence Butler County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted March 26, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company G Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Modlin, Isaac N. Age 22. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds June 14, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Moffit, Apollos W. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865; Clinton, Iowa.

Muffly, William. Age 43. Residence Butler County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted March 30, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (William Muffley.)


Manifold, William C. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 10, 1863. Died of disease March 13, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery; Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 179.

May, William. Age 33. Residence Maysville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Meehan, Bartley. Age 22. Residence Franklin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Meehan, John. Age 34. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Oct. 29, 1862. Mustered Oct. 29; 1862. Discharged for disability March 15, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Merriss, Arba A. Age 19. Residence Maysville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Killed in action June 6, 1864, Lake Chicot, Ark.

Merriss, Gardner S. Age 44. Residence Maysville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Feb. 12, 1863; Third Sergeant March 23, 1865. Died of disease April 14, 1865, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 21.

Mitchell, Andrew. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Mitchell, William R. C. Age 30. Residence Maysville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of wounds April 30, 1865, Fort Gaines, Ala. Buried in National Cemetery, Mobile, Ala. Section—, grave 42.

Morris, Thomas. Age 23. Residence Chapin, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865.

Mulkins, Isaac C. Age 44. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 10, 1863. Died of disease April 9, 1864, Fort DeRussy, La.

Mulkins, Willard. Age 18. Residence Franklin County nativity Indiana Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 10, 1863. Died of disease July 24, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 292.

Murphy, John. Age 28. Residence Geneva, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Feb. 22, 1865. Discharged Aug. 26, 1865, Springfield, Ill.


Maher, Michael. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal July 4, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Maloy, David. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Marsh, John. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity England.' Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Maupin, John C. Age 28. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Mayberry, John R. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Dec. 16, 1864.

Mayberry, William F. Age 18. Residence Webster County, nativity Illinois Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Means, John. Age 34. Residence Dakota, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Metcalf, Isaac. Age 39. Residence Webster County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease March 28, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 56.

Moore, Alfred. Age 45. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered June 30, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Moore, Edmond V. Age 23. Residence Otho, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Oct. 6, 1862; First Corporal Dec. 23, 1863; Fifth Sergeant May 30, 1864; Fourth Sergeant July 4, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Morse, Bartlett M. Age 23. Residence Webster County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered out June 8, 1865, Baton Rouge, La.

Mueller, Christian. Age. 18. Residence Webster County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865. (Christian Muller.)

Munroe, Henry H. Age 21. Residence Otho, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Martin, William. Age 26. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 28, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Wagoner Sept. 24, 1864. Discharged for disability July 7, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Meecum, James P. Age 18. Residence Cambridge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862 Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa

Melton, James M. Age 20. Residence Albion, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Deserted March 1, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Middleton, Josiah. Age 26. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Milbourn, Josiah. Aug. 37. Residence Story County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 26, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Discharged for disability July 15, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Miner, Noah C. Age 36. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Discharged for disability July 23, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Modlin, Elias. Age 38. Residence Polk County, nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862 as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Jan. 23, 1863 Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Moore, David A. Age 39. Residence Iowa Centre. nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 12, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Moore, Jerome B. Rejected Aug. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Morrow, James W. Age 33. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 23, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Mount, Nathaniel A. Age 30. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Fourth Sergeant Oct. 11, 1862; Third Sergeant Jan. 9, 1863. Died of disease July 9, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 252.

Murray, Nirum. Age 34. Residence Story County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted: Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Nichols, Edwin. Age 35. Residence Clear Lake, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Fourth Sergeant July 1, 1864; Third Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864. Mustered out May 27, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Nicholas, William. Age 38. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Dec. 26, 1862; Fifth Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; Fourth Corporal July 1, 1864; Third Corporal Dec. 16, 1864; Second Corporal Feb. 17, 1865. Died of disease April 9, 1865, Waterloo, Iowa.


Nelson, Jones W. Age 22. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.,

Nutt, Edward O. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. . Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 15, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Nutt, Isaac C. Age 38. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 8, 1863, Benton, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 3, grave 37.


Needham, Edward E. Age 21. Residence Butler County, nativity Vermont Enlisted Jan. 2. 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fifth Sergeant July 1, 1865. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Needham, Henry H. Rejected Oct. 2, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Needham, Perrin O. Age 19. Residence Butler County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Discharged: Aug. 13, 1865, Clinton, Iowa, expiration of term of service.

Newcomb, Orlando S. Age 32. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Returned to Company. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Nelson, George B. Age 35. Residence Alden, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Nutt, William. Age 32. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease June 25, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 267.


Neff, John G. Age 18. Residence Chapin, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 22, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Nelson, John B. Age 26. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton; Iowa.

Nichols, Benjamin. Age 28. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 7, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted Feb. 15, 1864, Morton, Miss.

Nichols, John. Age 28. Residence Hampton, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out May, 18, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

North, Daniel M. Age 19. Residence Hampton, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 26, 1865; Sixth Corporal Aug., 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

North, John W. Age 19. Residence Hampton, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Nagle, William H. Age 20. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Nelson, John. Age 43. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 10, 1864, Island No. 10, Tenn.

Nelson. Nels L. Age 18. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Omstead, Levi. Age 30. Residence Webster City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 23, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Omstead, Nelson G. Age: 21. Residence Webster City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Mustered out June 6, 1865, Little Rock, Ark.

Orcutt, Charles E. Age 31. Residence Irvington, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner July 14, 1864, Tupelo, Miss. Died Aug. 4, 1864. Buried in National Cemetery, Mobile, Ala. Section 6, grave 635.

Overacker, Cassius M. Age 18. Residence Belmond, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 29, 1862, Davenport, Iowa.

Overacker, Simeon. Age 44. Residence Belmond, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Transferred to Invalid corps. Discharged for disability July 25, 1864, Columbus, Ohio.


Olson, Austin. Age 28. Residence Bristol, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Olson, Herbrand. Age 18. Residence Bristol, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 5, 1863, Fulton, Tenn.

Oulman, Eugene J. Age 18. Residence Winnebago County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered Feb. 29, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.


Ohler, Adam. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Ordway, Nathan B. Age 33. Residence Waterloo, nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862; Fourth Sergeant Dec. 21, 1863; Sergeant Major Sept. 1, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Overman, John W. Age 21. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Jan. 10, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 40.


Olmstead, Nathan. Age 53. Residence New Hartford, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 6, 1863.

Olmstead, Orin P. Age 26. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 25, 1863. Mustered Dec. 25, 1863. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Olmstead, Robert L. Age 33. Residence Butler County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Olmstead, Theodore. Age 22. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 6, 1863.

Olmstead, Wallace W. Age 24. Residence Butler County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Orvis, Franklin. Age 20. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out July 19, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


O'Hara, Patrick. Age 26. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa..

O'Neil, Michael. Age 42. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps July 24, 1864. Died of disease March 17, 1865, Camp Douglass, Chicago, Ill.

Opstreet, Oliver. Age 43. Residence Story County, nativity Norway. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Packard, Artemus C. Age 31. Residence Wright County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Feb. 12, 1864; Sixth Corporal May 30, 1864; Fourth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Third Corporal June 6, 1865; Fourth Sergeant July 17, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Packard, Charles. Age 29. Residence Wright County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Oct. 1, 1864; Fifth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865, Fourth Corporal June 6, 1865; Second Corporal July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Packard, Cyrenius H. Age 40. Residence Wright County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Oct. 28,.1862; Fifth Sergeant Feb. 10 1863; Fourth Sergeant March 13, 1863. Died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 28.

Packard, Inrank A. Age 20. Residence Wright County, nativity Illinois Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Payne, Joseph T. Age 26. Residence Hamilton County, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Persons, Thomas J. Age 26. Residence Webster City. nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal March 13, 1863; Sixth Corporal Sept. 26, 1863; Fifth Corporal Oct. 10, 1863; Fourth Corporal Nov. 30, 1863; Third Corporal May 30, 1864; Second Corporal Feb. 1, 1865, Fifth Sergeant June 6, 1865; First Sergeant July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Philips, Theodore. Age 43. Residence Webster City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Parker, Martin B. Age 21. Residence Hancock County, nativity Indians. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 16, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Pierce, Abiel. Age 36. Residence Cerro Gordo County nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal April 8, 1863; Seventh Corporal Sept. 28, 1863, Sixth Corporal Oct. 6, 1863; Fourth Corporal June 14, 1864; Fifth Sergeant July 22, 1864, Fourth Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864; Third Sergeant May 27, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Place, Lester. Age 28. Residence Worth County, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 22, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19. 1864. Taken prisoner June 6, 1864, Lake Chicot, Ark. Died Oct. 2, 1864, while a prisoner. Tyler, Tex. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 17, grave 58.

Pratt, Henry O. Age 26. Residence Mason City, nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disease March 18, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Page, Alva. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Palmer, George N. Age 26. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Palmer, Sydney W. Age 32. Residence Black Hawk County, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds May 13, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Parmenter, Almon W. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Peebles, Hubert F. Age 25. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Appointed Captain Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862, Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 25, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La,

Phillips, David F. Age 32, Residence Waterloo, nativity Rhode Island. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease May 28, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 108.

Phillis, John S. Age 31. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out May 6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Prouty, William. Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 21, 1863. Killed in action June 6, 1864, Lake Chicot, Ark.


Parker, David U. Age 19. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Patterson, Josiah B. Age 21. Residence Boone County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 30, 1864; Sixth Corporal Sept. 1, 1864, Fifth Corporal Jan. 16, 1865; Fourth Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; Third Corporal July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Paxton, Sharon A. Age 20. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died Sept. 14, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

Payne, Thomas. Age 27. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Wagoner March 17, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Peoples, William M. Age 24. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Peterson, Peter. Age 18. Residence Boone County, nativity Sweden. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Peterson, Yons. Age 37. Residence Boone County, nativity Sweden. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Pettibone, Malburn. Age 37. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Pettit, Oscar B. Age 18. Residence Polk County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 30, 1864. Mustered March 30, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 8, 1865. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Petty, Joshua. Age 45. Residence Marion County, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Feb. 2, 1864. Mustered Feb. 18, 1864. Mustered out May I6, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Petty, Robert C. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 20, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Petty, William M. Age 23. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Nov. 8, 1863; Third Sergeant Sept. 1, 1864; Second Sergeant July 8. 1865 Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Parriott, Jasper. Age 18. Residence Butler County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded fatally and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Patten, Delos. Age 18. nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1863. Mustered Dec. 14, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Peck, Josiah. Age 35. Residence New Hartford, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 29, 1863. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Phillips, James J. Rejected Oct. 2, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Phillips, John. Rejected Oct. 2, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Plummer, Daniel C. Age 18. Residence New Hartford, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 18, 1865. Montgomery, Ala.

Plummer, John W. Age 18. Residence Grundy County, nativity Canada. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1864. Mustered Jan. 14, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Putnam, Fletcher C. Age 33. Residence Butler County, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out June 30, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Park, Asher W. Age 45. Residence Hardin County, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 8, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (Asher W. Parke.)

Perdue, Thomas. Age 29. Residence Hardin County, nativity Virginia. En- listed Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Pierce, Moses. Age 32. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Maine. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Died of disease July 14, 1864, Cairo, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 704.


Phillipi, James M. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out May 28, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Phillipi, Jehu. Age 19. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded fatally and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Phillips, Joel. Age 19. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Poisall, George C. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (George C. Poisal.)

Poisall, Hiram. Age 18. Residence Clarksville. nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for disability Feb. 11, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Poisall, William. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Parker, Thomas. Age 37. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 7, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred to Company D, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Penney, Richard. Age 27. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1863. Mustered Dec. 14, 1863. Died of disease March 16, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 60.

Penny, Newton. Age 18. Residence Hampton, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Oct. 1, 1864; Fourth Corporal Jan. 1 1865; Third Corporal March 23, 1865; Second Corporal June 27, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Perry, David. Age 23. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 3, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Died of disease July 26, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 421.

Phinney, Almerin E. Age 19. Residence Chapin. nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds, Oct. 27, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Pound. Benjamin H. Age 44. Residence Franklin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant Jan. 2, 1863. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of disease March 23, 1865, Fish River, Ala.


Pollock, William. Age 35. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862 Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Powers, William D. Age 35. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Oct. 6, 1862; Fifth Corporal Dec. 23, 1863; Fourth Corporal May 30, 1864; Second Corporal July 4, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Prescott, William T. Age 18. Residence Dickinson County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa


Payne, Henry R. Age 19. Residence Albion, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Pearson, Nathan H. Age 21. Residence Polk County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865. Clinton, Iowa.

Pearson, Samuel. Age 31. Residence Polk County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out May 23, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Pierce, William G. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Missouri. Enlisted Dec. 22, 1863. Mustered Jan. 12, 1864. Died of disease March 14, 1864, Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 70.

Pierson, George. Age 30. Residence Albion, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease March 1, 1864, Brownsville, Miss.

Prouty, Adolphus. Age 44. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Aug. 15, 1863. Discharged for disability June 25, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Purcell, Thomas C. Age 33. Residence Albion, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Jan. 23, 1863. Discharged for disability May 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Quiggle, John S. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 13, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 14, 1862. Promoted Second Corporal Oct. 28, 1862; First Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; Fifth Sergeant March 13, 1863; Fourth Sergeant Sept. 26, 1863. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Third Sergeant May 30, 1864; First Sergeant June 6, 1865. Mustered out July 13, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Quimby, John. Age 25. nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Quinn, William James. Age 21. Residence Butler County. nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Raines, George. Age 40. Residence Hamilton County, nativity New York. Enlisted Sept. 3, 1864. Mustered Sept. 3, 1864. Mustered out June 8, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Reed, John. Age 19. Residence Irvington, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Renner, William H. Age 22. Residence Webster City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 21, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark.

Ripley, Andrew J. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted Second Sergeant Feb. 10, 1863; First Sergeant March 13, 1863. Taken prisoner Nov. 11, 1863. Exchanged Nov. 23, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for disability June 5, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Rodgers, Elijah. Age 32. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 30, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Ross, Stephen P. Age 30. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 9, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Rowen, Robert T. Age 21. Residence Wright County, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Oct. 28, 1862; Sixth Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; Fourth Corporal March 13, 1863; Third Corporal Sept. 26, 1863; Second Corporal Oct. 10, 1863. Died of disease Nov. 30, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark.


Randall, James. Age 28. Residence Mason City, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Died of disease July 23, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 407.

Rendall John. Age 23. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity Scotland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged Aug. 14, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Rhodes, William. Age 27. Residence Mason City, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Robbins, Samuel C. Age 24. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 18, 1863. Mustered Dec. 18, 1863. Accidentally killed Jan. 24, 1865, Eastport, Miss.

Rogers, Francis M. Age 24. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability July 10, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Rosecrans, Charles T. Age 19. Residence Hancock County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 19, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Died of disease Aug. 1, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 265.

Rossell, John. Age 22. Residence Pleasant Valley, Ohio, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 29, 1863. Mustered Dec. 29, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company F, Eighth Infantry, July 26, 1865.


Rathburn Warren Age 26. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Raymond, Henry C. Age 25. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Captain April 26, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Redfield, James A. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 14, 1863. Mustered Dec. 14, 1863. Died of disease June 9, 1864, New Orleans, La. Buried in National Cemetery, New Orleans, La.

Redfield Leonard L. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Rice, Ziba. Age 37. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 20, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Rich, Harrison. Age 32. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 10, 1864. Mustered Feb. 10, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Richardson, John N. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 30, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Risden, Charles. Age 20. Residence Waterloo, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Roberts, Humphrey T. Age 24. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862 Promoted Second Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; First Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; Fifth Sergeant July 1, 1864; Third Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864; Second Sergeant Dec. 16, 1864; First Sergeant May 1, 1865. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Russell, Wellington. Age 32. Residence Waterloo, nativity Massachusetts Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Fourth Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; Third Corporal July 1, 1864; Second Corporal Dec. 16, 1864; First Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Fifth Sergeant July 7, 1865; Second Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Robbins, Daniel W. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Promoted Fourth Corporal Jan. 15, 1865; Third Corporal Jan. 20, 1865. Paroled May 27, 1865. Promoted Second Corporal July 8, 1865. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Rogers, Norman P. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability March 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.


Robbins, Alfred. Age 20. Residence Waverly, nativity Pennsylvania, Enlisted July 1, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 20, 1863; Sixth Corporal May 30, 1864; Third Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; First Corporal June 1, 1865. Mustered out July 1, 1865 Montgomery, Ala.

Roberts, Benjamin. Age 29. Residence Butler County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 5, 1863.

Rockwell, Binah. Rejected Oct. 2, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Rockwell, Myron. Age 22. Residence New Hartford, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Rosebrough, James M. Age 28. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Indiana Enlisted Dec. 24, 1863. Mustered Dec. 24, 1863. Died of disease May 24, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried In National Cemetery, Vicksburg Miss. Section 1, grave 48.

Royce, Albert O. Age 23. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Fourth Corporal July 20, 1863. Reduced to ranks April 11, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Royce, Amos O. Age 19. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out May 23, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.


Reed, James. Age 44. Residence Union, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered Out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Rickard, Adam Larkin. Age 42. Residence Union, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Rinehart, John. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, t862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Roberts, Joseph. Rejected Sept. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Rogers, Ezra D. Age 30. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged Oct. 4, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Rook James. Age 19. Residence Alden, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Deserted Nov. 10, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Royal James. Age 23. Residence Hardin County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Killed In action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Royer, Oscar D. Age 36. Residence Union, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Deserted April 6, 1863, from Post Hospital.


Rains, Benjamin F. Age 18. nativity Indiana. Enlisted Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Roszell, Charles A. L. Age 28. Residence Clarksville, nativity New York. Appointed Captain July 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Reed, Andrew. Age 31. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 9, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred t Company K, Eighth Infantry, July, 28, 1865.

Reeve, James B. Age 46. Residence Maysville, nativity Connecticut. Appointed Captain Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease June 24, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 95.

Roberts. Charles F. Age 19. Residence Maysville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted July 26, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24 1865, Clinton, Iowa. See Company C, Sixth Infantry.

Robinson, Solomon. Age 33. Residence Butler County, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged Oct. 7, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Ross, George W. Age 29. Residence Hampton, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 1, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Ryan, James. Rejected by Mustering Officer.


Reilley, William. Age 30. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Scotland Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Transferred to Twelfth United States Infantry, Nov. 15, 1862.

Roberts, Jonathan D. Age 34. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Roberts, Orison. Rejected Aug. 22, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Rood, Isaac P. Age 36. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. See Miscellaneous Record.

Rood, James. Age 25. Residence Otho, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Killed in action March 14, 1864 Fort DeRussy, La. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 1, grave 49.

Rosil, Moses. Age 33. Residence Columbus, Ky. Enlisted Sept. 2, 1863 as Under Cook. Mustered Sept. 2, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865,

Rowley, James A. Age 26. Residence Dakotah, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 23, 1863; Seventh Corporal March 30. 1864. Wounded fatally and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Rowley, Mathew Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1865. Mustered Jan. 11, 1865. Died of disease July 19, 1865, Montgomery, Ala. Buried in National Cemetery, Marietta Ga. Section 1, grave 573.

Ruscoe, George. Age 39; Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865..

Russell, Francis W. Age 24. Residence Dakotah, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged for disability March 29, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. See Company D, Ninth Cavalry.

Russell James. Age 21. Residence Webster County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. Jan. 14, 1865. Mustered Jan. 14, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29, 1865.

Russell, John W. Age 28 Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Ramsey, William S. Age 18. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 28, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps, Nov. 20, 1863. Died Dec. 6, 1863, Davenport, Iowa.

Randolph, Calvin. Age 26. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 7, 1862.

Reed, Riley. Age 30. Nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 8, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted Feb. 10, 1864, Hillsboro, Miss.

Ritland, John. Age 24. Residence Story City, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Rolston, Jesse. Age 26. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 15, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 23, 1863. Promoted Eighth Corporal; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1863; Fourth Corporal April 9, 1864; Fifth Sergeant; Third Sergeant March 5, 1865. Mustered out June 12, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Russell, John C. Age 24. Residence Nevada nativity Pennsylvania Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Sample, Matthew J. Age 27. Residence Irvington, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Sanderson, Rufus. Age 30. Residence Irvington, nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Scott, Benjamin G. Age 26. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Fife Major Oct. 6, 1862. Returned to Company Jan. 16, 1865. Mustered out June 7, 1865, Little Rock, Ark. See Field and Staff.

Scurlock, Jasper. Age 21. Residence Humboldt County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Feb. 10, 1863; Second Corporal March 13, 1863; First Corporal Sept. 26, 1863; Fifth Sergeant May 30, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Jan. 21, 1865; Third Sergeant June 6, 1865. Discharged June 7, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Scurlock, Levi. Age 18. Residence Humboldt County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 27, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. See Company B, Forth-eighth Infantry.

Shaffer, William F. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 14, 1863, Little Rock, Ark.

Shipman, Jerome B. Age 34. Residence Shellsburg, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 19, 1864. Died of disease June 11, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 425.

Smith, Andrew. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Discharged for promotion as Second Lieutenant, Third Arkansas Colored Infantry, Oct. 6, 1863.

Smith, Daniel H. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Smith, Enna. Age 26. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Smith Henry. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of disease Oct. 12, 1864, Tyler, Texas.

Southard, William R. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out May 22, 1865, Memphis, Tenn.

Steenblock, Dirk H. Age 25. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Feb. 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 6, 1865; Third Corporal July 17, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Striker, James D. Age 27. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease Feb. 18, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 34.

Sweeden, George M. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Sawyer, C. Philander. Age 18. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity Illinois. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Oct. 2, 1862. Discharged for disease March 10, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Scott, Chandler W. Age 35. Residence Forest City, nativity Vermont Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Dec. 25, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request April 8, 1863. Discharged for disability July 22, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Sournson. James. Age 23. Residence Worth County, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Spaulding, William H. Age 27. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Dec. 21, 1863. Mustered Dec. 21, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Stanberry, William C. Age 40. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Resigned Sept.—, 1863.

Strong, Charles. Age 28. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct. 17, 1865. No final record found.

Sumner, Jabez. Age 18. Residence Worth County, nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed by guerrillas Feb. 13, 1865, Mississippi River.

Swanger, George W. Age 29. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Feb. 18, 1864. Mustered March 2, 1864. Died of disease June 22, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 669.


Shaffer Cyrus. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 7, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Buried in National Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Section G, grave 305.

Shaffer, Frank. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 17, 1864; Seventh Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Sixth Corporal May 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal June 1, 1865; Fifth Sergeant June 16, 1865; Fourth Sergeant July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Shaffer, Frederick. Age 36. Residence Waterloo, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Shaw, Charles. Age 40. Residence Waterloo, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 18C2. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 10, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Scott, Uriah. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Smith, Robert. Age 22. Residence Blackhawk County. nativity New York. Enlisted Oct. 17, 1864. Mustered Oct. 17, 1864. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Switzer, Frederick. Age 19. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; Seventh Corporal Dec. 16, 1864; Sixth Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Fifth Corporal May 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal June 1, 1865; Third Corporal July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Switzer, William D. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 24, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Segrin, John. Age 43. Residence Boone County, nativity Sweden. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged for disability June 1, 1864, Rendezvous of Distribution, Virginia.

Shannon. Robert I. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Pennsylvania. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant March 10, 1865; Captain Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Shuffling, James. Age 33. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6. 1862. Died of disease Sept. 26, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 29.

Spicklemire, John C. Rejected Oct. 6, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Spicklemire, John S. Age 24. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. War Department reports: "No record found."

Spicklemire, Thomas H. Age l9, Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds July 1, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 287.

Spurrier, Francis M. Age 38. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Discharged for wounds Nov. 24, 1864, Davenport, Iowa.

Staley, Joseph. Age 18. Residence Boone County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 20, 1864. Mustered April 11, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Starr, Jedediah L. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

St. John, Harvey M. Age 18. Residence Marshalltown, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted March 30, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

St. John, Rufus L. Age 24. Residence Marshalltown, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 30, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Stover, William. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862 as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded slightly Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Promoted Seventh Corporal Jan. 16, 1865; Sixth Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton. Iowa.

Strunk, Elias D. Age 29. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Discharged for promotion as Captain of Fifth Regiment, Colored Infantry, March 12, 1863.

Summers, Martin. Age 27. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request. Discharged for disability Feb. 11, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Sussong, Henry W. Age 20. Residence Blackhawk County, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 10, 1863. Mustered Dec. 22, 1863. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Smith James M. Age 18. Residence Butler County, nativity Missouri. Enlisted July 31, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease July 24, 1863, Columbus, Ky. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section C, grave 3,209.

Sowash, George. Age 20. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Speedy, Clark. Age 29. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Jan. 1, 1863. Died of disease July 6, 1863, Shell Rock, Iowa.

Sperry, James U. Age 29. nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Died of disease Feb. 8, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss.

Sperry, John. Age 19, Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Ia.

Stanly, Robert. Age 36. Residence Butler County, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fifth Corporal Jan. 1, 1863; Third Corporal July 20, 1863. Discharged for disability Aug. 1, 1864.

Stockdale, William. Age 36. Residence Butler County, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 4, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Stone, Clarendon A. Age 27. Enlisted Oct. 22, 1864. Mustered Oct. 22, 1864. Discharged June 5, 1865.

Sumner, John C. Age 22. Residence Butler County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Fourth Corporal June 1, 1865; Second Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Sawyer, William H. Age 19, Residence Hardin County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Sept. 2, 1862. Mustered Sept. 2, 1862. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 15, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 13, 1865; Sixth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Sayre, Calvin M. Age 37. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal July 11, 1863. Died of disease Oct. 21, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 98.

Sayre, John L. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 1, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 23, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock Ark. Section 1, grave 262.

Scott, Chandler W. Age 36. Residence Ellington, nativity Vermont. Enlisted Feb. 12, 1864. Mustered Feb. 12, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Sellers. Davis. Age 34. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Shultz, Jesse. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Oct. 14, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. Section 1, grave 83.

Smith, Benjamin H. Rejected Sept. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Snider, John. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Spurlin, George. Age 18. Residence Grundy County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1861. Died of disease Feb. 19, 1863, St. Louis, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. section 38, grave 71.

Spurlin, John. Age 23. Residence Grundy County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 1, 1862. Discharged for disability Jan. 13, 1864, Little Rock, Ark.

Spurlin. Levi. Age 21. Residence Grundy County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Nor. 10, 1864, Keokuk, Iowa. Buried in Oakland Cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa.

Spurlin, Samuel. Rejected Sept. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Spurlin, William H. Age 19, Residence Grundy County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 6, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

Sumner, Jared W. Age 21. Residence Hardin County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Shaffer, James M. Age 18. Residence Butler County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted March 20, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Died of disease July 10, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 348.

Smith, Henry. Age 24. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Spoar, John. Age 25. Residence Clarksville, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Died of disease Aug. 4, 1864, Clarksville, Iowa.

Strawn, Asael. Age 24. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Fifth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Third Sergeant May 8, 1863; Second Sergeant July 23, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Strawn, Jabez. Age 22. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Strawn, Nicholas. Age 18. Residence Butler County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted March 26, 1864. Mustered April 9, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Sturtz, Adam. Age 22. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds May 22, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Sturtz, Michael. Age 20. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 3, 1863, Little Rock, Ark. Buried in National Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark.

Sturtz, Solomon. Age 23. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease June 6, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 646.

Surfus, Emanuel. Age 31. Residence Butler County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 5, 1862, Dubuque, Iowa.

Swim, John B. Age 18. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Shobe, Charles W. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 22, 1864. Mustered March 2, 1864. Transferred to Company K, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Shobe, Clark. Age 21. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862 Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 10, 18. Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Shobe, Morgan. Age 18. Residence Franklin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability March 10, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.

Silence, Edmund. Age 29. Residence Geneva, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Oct. 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Jan. 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal March 23, 1865; Fourth Corporal May 1, 1865; Third Corporal June 27, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Smith, Charles C. Age 19, Residence Hampton, nativity Pennsylvania Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Smith, Henry W. Age 34. Residence Geneva nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 23, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Smith, Leonard C. Age 26. nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Dec. 5, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Transferred to Company K, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Stehlin, Paul. Age 23. nativity Germany. Enlisted Dec. 12, 1863. Deserted Jan. 14, 1864, Island Number Ten, Tenn.

Stoddard, Lucian M. Age 32. Residence Maysville, nativity Connecticut. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Drum Major Oct. 6, 1862. Returned to Company April 1, 1863. Discharged for disability June 26,1865, Montgomery, Ala. See Field and Staff.

Swaney, Nathaniel. Enlisted Dec. 8, 1863. Dropped. Enlisted through error.


Salisbury, William J. Age 19, Residence Emmet County, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1863. Mustered Jan. 4, 1863. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29. 1865.

Scherff, Peter. Age 29. Residence Webster County, nativity Germany. Enlisted Jan. 10, 1865. Mustered Jan. 10, 1865. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29. 1865.

Snodgrass, Andrew W. Age 23. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 4, 1864; Fourth Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Sanford, Chilson C. Age 24. Residence Hamilton County, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Jan. 23, 1863; Third Corporal April 9, 1864, Second Corporal May 1, 1864. Died of disease Sept. 11, 1864, Lakin's Grove Iowa.

Sanford, John S. Rejected Oct. 1, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Schamp, Lewis A. Age 20. Residence Hamilton County, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded slightly Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865 Clinton, Iowa.

See, Silas N. Age 18. Residence Nevada, nativity Illinois Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Sefton, Clement O. Age 19, Residence Albion, nativity Missouri. Enlisted July 31, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 23, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Sefton, William M. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity Missouri. Enlisted Feb. 22, 1864. Mustered March 3, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Sellers, Charles M. Age 20. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Died of disease April 15, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 32.

Shaw, James A. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity New York. Enlisted March 26, 1864. Mustered April 20, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Sheldall, Erick L. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Norway. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 1, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Smith, Joseph F. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Smith, Newcomb S. Age 23. Residence Albion, nativity New York. Enlisted July 28, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Hospital Steward Oct. 6, 1862. Returned to Company May 16, 1863. Discharged for promotion as Assistant Surgeon, Thirty-fifth Infantry, Dec. 12, 1864. See Field and Staff.

Smith, William L. Age 21. Residence Nevada, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Sortor, James. Age 42. Residence Story County, nativity Kentucky. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Died of disease June 16, 1864, Cairo, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 599.

Speer, James. Age 38. Residence Albion, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out May 16, 1865.

Spillers, Thomas J. Age 18. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Spindler, Clark. Age 34. Residence Albion, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Died of disease March 16, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 34.

Spindler Thomas I. Age 31. Residence Albion, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 9, 1863. Discharged for disability July 22, 1863, Columbus, Ky.

Stark, James S. Age 23. Residence Nevada, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 15,1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Sept. 12,1864; Sixth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal June 1, 1865; Third Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Stevens, William J. Age 18. Residence Story County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 8, 1864. Mustered Feb. 17, 1864. Mustered out May 17, 1865, Louisville, Ky.

Sweet, Jerome B. Age 42. Residence Albion, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Discharged for disability June 25, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Talbut, John. Age 18. Residence Algona, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 17, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Wounded severely April 9,.1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 30, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Taylor, Luther N. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Died of. disease June 28, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 361.

Tjaden, Stephen. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Germany. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Townsend, Cyrus M. Age 21. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted June 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out June 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Tenney, Henry M. Age 30. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Maine. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for promotion in United States Colored Infantry, Aug. 4, 1864, Louisville, Ky.

Tennis, Samuel Jr. Age 18. Residence Winnebago County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 29. 1864. Mustered Feb. 29. 1864. Died of disease June 9, 1864, on steamer "White Cloud."

Thorp, Edward. Age 29. Residence Hancock County, nativity Virginia. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Seventh Corporal Oct. 4, 1864; Sixth Corporal March 1, 1865; Third Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Tobin, Cornelius W. Age 21. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 5, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Towne, Albert L. Age 27. Residence Mason City, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Third Sergeant July 1, 1864; Second Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Turner, James. Age 32. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted eighth Corporal June 14, 1864; Sixth Corporal July 1, 1864; Fifth Corporal July 22, 1864; Fourth Corporal Oct. 4, 1864. Died of disease Aug. 1, 1865, Demopolis, Ala. Buried in National Cemetery, Marietta, Ga. Section 1, grave 519.

Turnure. Flavious J. Age 29. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 5, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Thomas, Benjamin F. Age 45. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Appointed second Lieutenant Aug. 8, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted First Lieutenant April 26, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Thompson, Alvaro I. W. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out June 7, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Trask, Albert. Age 23. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 1, 1864; Sixth Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Fifth Corporal Dec. 16, 1864; Fourth Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Third Corporal May 1, 1865; Second Corporal June 1, 1865; First Corporal July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Trobridge, William. Age. 19, Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Feb. 24, 1864. Mustered Feb. 24, 1864. Promoted Eighth Corporal June 15, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 7, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.


Tappin, Martin. Age 34. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease July 18, 1864, Mound City, ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City,

Templin, William D. Age 26. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Ohio. Appointed First Lieutenant Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded May 18, 1864, Yellow Bayou, La. Discharged March 30, 1865.

Thompson, Adam. Age 18. Residence Boone County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Feb. 20, 1864. Mustered March 7, 1864. Transferred to Company I, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Thompson, Thomas B. Age 18. Residence Boone County, nativity Louisiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Thomas, Henry. Age 27. Residence New Hartford, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 4, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 76.

Turner, Jesse. Age 41. Residence New Hartford, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out June 20, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.


Todd Chauncey D. Age 18. Residence Alden, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Drummer. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Thomas, Charles N. Age 27. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Tilman Oliver H. Age 22. Residence Geneva, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal June 26, 1865; Fourth Corporal June 27, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Thomas James H. Age 40. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out June 2, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Timmons, Anderson. Age 21. Residence Columbus, Ky., nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Nov. 4, 1863. Mustered Nov. 4, 1863. Deserted Dec. 1, 1864, Nashville, Tenn.

Timmons, William T. Age 22. Residence Columbus, Ky., nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Nov. 4, 1863. Mustered Nov. 4, 1863. Deserted Feb. 11, 1865, Paducah, Ky.

Tod, George A. Age 16. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Drummer. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Taken prisoner Feb. 4, 1864, Big Black River, Miss. Mustered out July 10, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Trusty, Joseph S. M. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 29. 1865. See Miscellaneous Record.


Taylor, Samuel M. Age 29. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. 6, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted April 5, 1864.

Terwilliger, Adelbert. Age 18. Residence Nevada, nativity Michigan. Enlisted Feb. 27, 1864. Mustered March 12, 1864. Transferred to Company E, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Thomas, William. Age 41. Residence Albion, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Discharged for disability Oct. 28, 1862.

Tichenor, Nathaniel A. Age 28. Residence Story County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1864. Mustered Feb. 17, 1864. Wounded fatally Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Died of wounds Dec. 18, 1864, Nashville, Tenn. Buried in National Cemetery, Nashville, Tenn. Section F, grave 113.

Tomlinson, Vincent. Age 37. Residence Nevada, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as First Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Promoted Second Lieutenant Dec. 25, 1863. Resigned for disability Feb. 1, 1865.

Tredway, Asbury F. Age 26. nativity Georgia. Enlisted Dec. 5, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Deserted June 27, 1864, La Grange, Tenn.

Tucker, Haden L. Age 18. Residence Albion, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Accidentally killed Jan. 28, 1865, Paducah, Ky.


Underwood, James. Age 31. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Second Sergeant. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862 Discharged for promotion as First Lieutenant of Company H, Fifty sixth United States Colored Infantry, July 11, 1863.

Underwood, Jonas R. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability Aug. 30, 1864, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. COMPANY ''G"

Upp, John P. Age 28. Residence Clarksville, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1861. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 1, 1864, Sixth Corporal March 1, 1865; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1865. Mustered; out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Underwood, John . Age 23. nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Dec. l5, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Wounded slightly April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Transferred to Company K, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Virden, Isaac. Age 34. Residence Waterloo, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.

Vogle, Henry. Age 24. Residence Waterloo, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Musician. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Voorhees, Eugene. Age 16. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 31, 1863. Mustered Dec. 31, 1863. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 7, 1865; Seventh Corporal July 26, 1865. Transferred to Company H, Eighth Infantry, July 27, 1865.


Valentine, David S. Age 29. Residence: Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out, Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Valentine, James H. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Vancleave, John S. Age 21. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Died of disease March 28, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 78.

Vancleave, Silas. Age 27. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1866, Clinton, Iowa.

Vandevender, John. Age 28. Residence: Webster County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 16, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Vincent, Beth, Age 18. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 24, 1862. Mustered Oct. 29, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Ward, John W. Age 32. Residence Iowa Falls, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 3, 1862. Mustered Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered out July 4, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Wasem, Adam. Age 24. Residence Eagle Grove, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Deserted June 7, 1863.

Watters, Michael. Age 44. Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 8, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 37 1/2, grave 32.

Whited, Stephen Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Whited, William. Age 37. Residence Eagle Grove, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Died of disease April 8, 1864, Vicksburg, Miss. Buried in National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. Section 1, grave 643.

Wilcox, James L. Age 32. Residence Homer, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Died of disease Dec. 6, 1862, St. Louis, Mo. Buried in National Cemetery, Jefferson Barracks (St. Louis), Mo. Section 38, grave 50.

Williams, Andrew. Age 19, Residence Webster City, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of disease May 2, 1864, Tyler, Texas.

Wright, Stephen C. Rejected Sept. 19, 1862, by Mustering Officer.


Warner, Leonard R. Age 26. Residence Mason City nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1861. Promoted Eighth Corporal Sept. 28, 1863; Seventh Corporal Oct. 6, 1863, Sixth Corporal June 14, 1864; Second Corporal July 1, 1864. Died of disease Oct. 4, 1864, Mason City, Iowa.

Washington, Thornly. Age 26. Residence Fulton, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered May 1, 1863. Missing from Feb. 18, 1864. No further record found.

Welsh, George H. Age 20. Residence Webster City, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as Wagoner. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal June 14, 1864; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1864; Fourth Corporal July 22, 1864; Third Corporal Oct. 4, 1864; First Corporal July 5, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

West, John. Age 36. Residence Mason City, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Mustered out May 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Whitted, Lewis J. Age 18. Residence New Hartford, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 6, 1864. Mustered Jan. 6, 1864. Transferred to Company G March 5, 1864.

Williams, Daniel. Age 35. Residence Fulton, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered May 1, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, Lemuel. Age 18. Residence Mason City, nativity New York. Enlisted Dec. 18, 1863. Mustered Dec. 18, 1863. Discharged for disability April 3, 1865, New Orleans, La.

Wilson, Oscar A. Age 18. Residence Mason City, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Dec. 18, 1863. Mustered Dec. 18, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 29. 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Wiltfong, Hiram A. Age 26. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease March 18, 1863, Hospital, Fort Pillow, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 36.

Winters, Oliver J. Age 27. Residence Clear Lake, nativity New York, Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability May 5, 1863, Fulton, Tenn.

Wood, Peter R. Age 31. Residence Clear Lake, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862, as First Corporal. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862; Fourth Sergeant Sept. 28, 1863. Wounded severely April 9, 18.64, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds April 20, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Woodland, Joseph. Age 25. Residence Cerro Gordo County, nativity England. Enlisted Aug. 19, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 1, 1864; Seventh Corporal March 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Ward, John N. Age 20. Residence Waterloo, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant May 1, 1866; Fourth Sergeant June 15, 1865; Third Sergeant July 7, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wardwell, Reuben S. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Feb. 29. 1864.

Webster, Edgar W. Age 20. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out May 16, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Whipple, Freeman T. Age 20. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Died of disease July 5, 1864 Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 2, grave 2052.

White, Charles. Age 25. Residence Waterloo, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

White, Charles K. Age 41. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Second Sergeant Dec. 25, 1862; First Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864. Discharged for disability April 20, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

White, Joseph B. Rejected Sept. 13, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Williams, Edward B. Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Dec. 25, 1862, Sixth Corporal Dec. 21, 1863; Fifth Corporal July 1, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864; Third Sergeant Dec. 16, 1864; Second Sergeant May 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, Frank. Age 18. Residence Waterloo, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal Sept. 2, 1864; Sixth Corporal Dec. 16, 1864. Wounded Dec. 16, 1864, Nashville; Tenn. Promoted Fifth Corporal Feb. 17, 1865; Fourth Corporal May 1, 1865; Third Corporal June 1, 1865; Second Corporal July 7, 1865. Discharged July 26, 1865, Keokuk, Iowa.

Wiltse, Charles. Age. 35. Residence Waterloo, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wood, John M. Age 28. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Dec. 25, 1862; Seventh Corporal Dec. 21, 1863, Sixth Corporal July 1, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Sept. 2, 1864; Fourth Sergeant Dec. 16, 1864; Third Sergeant May 1, 1865. Discharged for disability July 6, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Worthington, Amasa. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, nativity New York Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wright, William H. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Company F, Feb. 29, 1864.


Walker, Calvin M. J. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, nativity North Carolina. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Discharged for disability Aug. 18, 1864, Rendezvous of Distribution, Virginia.

Warwick, Austin C. Age 31 Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Second Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted First Corporal Dec. 26, 1864. discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Webster, James W. Age 18. Residence Boone County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864. Mustered April 11, 1864. Died July 10, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. See Vol. VII, Roll of Honor, XXI, pages 210 and 238.

Weston, John. Residence Boonesborough, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. C. Died of wounds May 18, 1864. Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 259.

Williams, Isaac. Age 19. Residence Boone County, nativity Iowa. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal May 28, 1864. Died of disease July 24, 1864, Mound City, Ill. Buried in National Cemetery, Mound City, Ill. Section A, grave 741.

Williams, James P. Age 31. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Tennessee. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Third Corporal Dec. 26, 1862, Second Corporal Dec. 26, 1864; First Corporal Jan. 20, 1865; Fifth Sergeant July 8, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams Richard S. Age 25. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862.. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Aug. 14, 1863, Little Red River, Ark. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, Samuel B. Age 28. Residence Boone County, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Wounded Severely Aug. 27, 1863, Bayou Metoe, Ark. Mustered out Aug. 1, 1865, Cairo, Ill.

Williams, Spencer K. Age 18. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Died of disease Sept. 5, 1863, Brownsville, Ark.

Wright John E. R. Age 32. Residence Boonesborough, nativity Maryland. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.


Walker, Richard. Age 34. Residence Fort Pillow, Tenn. Enlisted May 1, 1863, as Under Cook. Mustered May 1, 1863. No further record found.

Waters, Julius A. Age 21. Residence Butler County, nativity New York. Enlisted July 31, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Wheeler, Solomon. Age 20. Residence New Hartford, nativity Ohio. Enlisted July 29, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862 Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Whitney, Samuel B. Age 21. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New Hampshire. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Sixth Corporal June 1, 1865; Fourth Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wilcox, Austin. Age 21. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Discharged for disability April 3, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Williams, George H. Age 21. Residence New Hartford, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864., Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out July 8, 1865, Davenport, Iowa. See Company C, Eighth Infantry.

Williams, William H. Age 18. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 22, 1864. Transferred to Company C, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Wilson, Ezra S. Age 34. Residence Butler County, nativity New York. Enlisted June 10, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Died of disease May 19, 1863, Fort Pillow Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn.

Wright, John F. Age 23. Residence Shell Rock, nativity New York. Appointed Second Lieutenant Aug. 13, 1862. Wounded severely and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Exchanged Dec. 6, 1864. Returned to Company Jan. 10, 1865. Promoted First Lieutenant Aug. 23, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Walker, Alfred D. Age 20. Residence Grundy Center, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Transferred to Invalid Corps. Returned to Company Feb. 11, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 10, 1865, Washington, D. C.

Walter, Theodore S. Age 18. Nativity Illinois, Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Wardwell, Reuben S. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. See Company C.

Weiland, Sebastian L. Age 18. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wells, Simeon B. Age 26. Residence Hancock County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Feb. 19, 1864. Mustered Feb. 19, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.

Wickham, Timothy. Age 33. Residence Hardin County nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wickham, William O. Age 20. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, J. Henry. Age 22. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wilson, Joseph A. Age 30. Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted Seventh Corporal July 1, 1864; Fifth Corporal Dec. 2, 1864, Fourth Corporal March 1, 1865; Third Corporal May 15, 1865; Second Corporal July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Winans, George. Age 29. Residence Hardin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Discharged for disability April 11, 1864, St. Louis, Mo.

Wing, Ira G. Age 19, Residence Hardin County, nativity Ohio Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, as Seventh Corporal. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Sixth Corporal April 10, 1863; Fifth Corporal July 11, 1863; Fourth Corporal Oct. 22, 1863; Second Corporal July 1, 1864; Fifth Sergeant Dec. 2, 1864; Third Sergeant July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wool. Alanson F. Age 33. Residence Hardin County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, as Sixth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 8, 1862. Promoted Fifth Sergeant April 10, 1863; Third Sergeant July 11, 1863; Second Sergeant Dec. 2, 1864; Second Lieutenant; not mustered. Discharged for disability July 13, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.

Woodward, Samuel M. Age 32. Residence Hardin County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal July 11, 1863; Seventh Corporal Oct. 22, 1863, Fifth Corporal July 1, 1864; Third Corporal Dec. 2, 1864; Second Corporal May 15, 1865; Fourth Sergeant July 13, 1865. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wright, Samuel. Rejected Sept. 17, 1862, by Mustering Officer. See Company A, Third Artillery.

Wright, William H. Age 18. Residence Eldora, nativity New York. Enlisted Jan. 5, 1864. Mustered Jan. 5, 1864. Transferred to Company, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. See Company C.


Wamsly, Martin V. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded and taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner, June 26, 1864, Tyler, Texas.

Warner, Daniel D. Age 26. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Wounded April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Weeks, Ansel D. Age 25. Residence Marble Rock, nativity Massachusetts. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Died of disease Nov. 13, 1862, Camp Franklin, Dubuque, Iowa

Whited, Oliver P. Age 39. Residence Butler County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged for disability July 20, 1865.

Whited, Lewis J. Age 18. Residence New Hartford, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Jan. 6, 1864. Mustered Jan. 6, 1864. Transferred to Company B, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (See Company B, Louis J. Whitted.)

Wilson, Acheson. Age 32. Residence Clarksville nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifer. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Deserted June 15, 1863, Cape Girardeau, Mo.

Witter, Benjamin Baltzer. Age 30. Residence Clarksville, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 18, 1862. Mustered Sept. 12, 1862. Taken prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died while a prisoner Sept. 23, 1864, Tyler, Texas. Buried in National Cemetery, Alexandria, La. Section 30, grave 32.


Walker, James. Age 20. Residence Maysville, nativity Ireland. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Ward, Joseph. Age 39. Residence Maysville, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Eighth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Dec. 1, 1863. Killed in action April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Wells, Joseph M. Age 18. Residence Alden, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1833. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Feb. 25, 366. Discharged Sept. 9, 1865, St. Louis, Mo.

Whitesell, John. Age 40. Residence Maysville, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Mustered out May 25, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.

Wood, William. Age 36. Residence Maysville, nativity Canada. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Fourth Sergeant. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Reduced to ranks Feb. 7, 1863. Promoted Sixth Corporal May 1, 1864. Died of disease July 27, 1864, Memphis, Tenn. Buried in Mississippi River National Cemetery, Memphis, Tenn. Section 1, grave 290.

Woodward, John B. Age 30. Residence Franklin County, nativity Ceylon. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Dec. 21, 1862; Third Corporal Dec. 1, 1863. Wounded severely April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds, April 12, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La.

Wright, E. D. Rejected by Mustering Officer.

Wyatt, Cyrus. Age 40. Residence Alden, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, as Third Corporal. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability Feb. 24, 1865, Davenport, Iowa.


Welchle, Jacob. Age 44. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Germany. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862 Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, George P. Age 22. Residence Webster County, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 12, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, James B. Age 25. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Third Sergeant. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Second Sergeant May 30, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Williams, Thomas J. Age 20. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged for disability March 13, 1864, Mound City, Ill.

Wilson, Joel B. Age 25. Residence Webster County, nativity New York. Enlisted Aug. 15, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 30, 1864; Fifth Corporal July 4, 1864; Third Corporal Dec. 5, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Watkins, John S. Rejected Aug. 22, 1862, by Mustering Officer.

Wheeler, Gideon. Age 36. Residence Albion, nativity New York. Appointed First Lieutenant July 30, 1862. Mustered Oct. 6, 1862. Promoted Captain Oct. 4, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wickersham, Tryon. Age 33. Residence Albion, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Wood, John S. Age 34. Residence Iowa Centre, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered. Sept. 3, 1862. Wounded and taken . Prisoner April 9, 1864, Pleasant Hill, La. Died of wounds May 1, 1864, Mansfield, La.


Young, John H. Age 21. Residence Waterloo, nativity Illinois. Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1962. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.


Yaw, Marcellus. Age 16. Residence Cedar Falls, nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Feb. 12, 1864. Mustered Feb. 12, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865. (Marsellus Yaw.)

Yaw, Orsello M. Age 17. nativity Wisconsin. Enlisted Jan. 4, 1864. Mustered Jan. 4, 1864. Transferred to Company G, Eighth Infantry, July 28, 1865.


Yost, Josiah W. Age 20. Residence Butler Center, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862. Mustered Sept. 13, 1862. Discharged for disability May 4, 1863, Fort Pillow, Tenn.


Young, Ezra C. Age 24. Residence Webster County, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Jan. 11, 1865. Mustered Jan. 11, 1865. Transferred to Company A, Eighth Infantry, July 29. 1865.

Young, Lemuel L. Age 19, Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa.

Young, Levi G. C. Age 24. Residence Fort Dodge, nativity New Jersey. Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Oct. 7, 1862. Promoted Fourth Corporal Oct. 6, 1862; Third Corporal Dec. 23, 1863, Second Corporal May 30, 1864. Died of disease June 29. 1864, Fort Dodge, Iowa.


Zehner, George E. Age 21. Residence Shell Rock, nativity Pennsylvania. Enlisted July 10, 1862. Mustered Sept. 11, 1862. Promoted Eighth Corporal May 30, 1864; Fifth Corporal Aug. 15, 1864; Third Corporal June 1, 1865. Mustered out July 10, 1865, Montgomery, Ala.


Zabriskie, Amos C. Age 25. Residence Albion, nativity Indiana. Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862, as Fifth Corporal. Mustered Sept. 6, 1862. Reduced to ranks at his own request Jan. 23, 1863. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1865, Clinton, Iowa. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS.

Weir, William A. Age 32. Enlisted Jan. 2, 1864. Mustered Jan. 2, 1864. Discharged for promotion as First Lieutenant in One Hundred and Twenty-second United States Colored Infantry, Sept. 28, 1864.

Page reformatted June 9, 2018 by Lynn McCleary