St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church, of this city, one of the strongest congregations, in point of numbers, in this section of the state, was founded in 1872 by the Rev. Paul Bredow, then pastor in Maxfield township, who came regularly to minister to the few Lutherans in Waverly. The congregation, at first weak in numbers and poor in funds, tho rich in faith, passed thru a checkered career. It had a number of pastors who followed each other in rapid succession. It worshipped in several modest places of worship. In 1886 it secured its first permanent church, an unpretentious frame structure on North Elm St., just north of its present handsome edifice.

Especially during the pastorate of Rev. F. Zimmermann who came to Waverly in 1886, the congregation entered upon a rapid development. The present substantial modern parsonage was built and the parish school established, which today numbers over one hundred pupils and is conducted by three teachers under the supervision of the pastor, who has also charge of the religious instruction in the upper classes preparatory to confirmation. The English language only is used in all branches. Miss Ida Goeken is the principal, and she is ably assisted by Miss Helen Becker and Miss Laura Grube. Miss Becker is also the organist and choir leader of the congregation.

After seventeen years, Rev. Zimmermann was succeeded as pastor by Rev. Weyrauch, during whose days the present handsome church was built, costing at the time over $30,000 aside from the pipe organ, which. was purchased for the old church and removed to the new, and the baptismal font, of pure Carrara marble, which was donated by the young people's society, and which is probably the finest font of its kind in the state.

At present the congregation numbers more than fourteen hundred, with upwards of a thousand communicants. Its property is worth approximately $60,000. Its budget for 1917 was $4734.36, which sum was raised exclusively by its own members, without outside help. In addition to this amount, it contributed $3348.55 for benevolence at large. Its people purchased over $110,000.00 worth of bonds during the Third and Fourth Liberty Loan drives. The congregation is affiliated with the Synod of Iowa and other States. The Rev. Emil H. Rausch, who took charge of the work in September, 1908, is the present pastor.

Last updated 4/9/16
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Bremer County, Iowa
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Last updated 10/12/13
Pioneer Days of Bremer County -- Chapter IV