St. Andrew's parish was organized in December, 1863, the Rev. Hale Townsend being minister in charge. Articles of incorporation were filed on record February 29, 1864. The first wardens were Dr. Samuel Jones and H. S. Hoover. The first vestry was made up of Wm. Follet, Charles R. Beardsley and A. J. Tanner.

The first church edifice, being the first in Waverly, was built during the year of 1864, the first service being held January 29, 1865. The last service in the first church was held on April 29, 1885.

A new church building was erected during the year 1885, costing about $16,000. The corner-stone was laid by Bishop Perry on June 11, 188. The first service was held in the new St. Andrew's church on April 18, 1886. Forty-two received the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at that service.

The church was consecrated on the festival of S. S. Philip and James, May 1, 1866. At that time Rev. S. R. J. Hoyt was rector; H. S. Hoover and J. R. Smith, wardens; and the vestry was composed of W. R. Bowman, J. H. Bowman, J. L. Leonard, A. W. Yokum, and Robert Maunder.

From the organization of the parish until the present time, the following rectors have had charge, in the order named: Rev. Hale Townsend, Rev. Charles Stewart, Rev. William Wright, Rev. Frederick Humphrey, Rev. S. R. J. Hoyt, Rev. Chas. L. Pardee, Rev. John B. Van Fleet, Rev. Joseph A. Antrim, Rev. A. B. Shaw, Rev. George H. Bailey, and Rev. John S. Cole, who has been in chaarge of the parish since February, 1906.

The congregation recently erected a fine rectory near the church.

Last updated 4/9/16
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Last updated 10/12/13
Pioneer Days of Bremer County -- Chapter IV