Meisner, Edward 1834 - 1912
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 3/30/2023 at 10:45:47
Elkader Register, Thur., 07 Nov. 1912.
The subject of this sketch was born at Moenkern, Germany, on March 10th, 1834. After graduating from school he learned the cabinet maker's trade, at which he worked for some years. In 1855 he was married to Wilhelmine Planert, of Klosterlausnitz. In the same year the young couple emigrated to this country, Elkader being the destination of their journey. Here they stayed but a few months, when they made Clayton Centre their home, where the husband worked at his trade until 1860, when the family moved onto the farm in Boardman township, which has been their home ever since. When the infirmities of the advancing years was felt, the old people, with their grandchild, Carrie, moved into the newly built house near the old home, while their son, Fred, took possession of the farm. The old gentleman had always been in good health until a few months ago, when his health visibly failed, caused by a tumor in the stomach. In spite of the pain he had, he was certainly a patient sufferer to the very last. The end came early Monday morning, Nov. 04th, at a quarter after twelve o'clock, having reached the good old age of 78 years, 7 months and 24 days. His departure will be most keenly felt by his devoted companion with whom he had shared 57 years of pleasures as well as sorrows. Eight children were born to this union, of which five preceded their father in death, viz, Mrs. Caroline Rinkert, Mrs. Bertha Schumacher, Mrs. Maria Schmidt, Mrs. Wilhelmine Beier and one son, August. Those who mourn with the aged mother at the grave of the beloved departed are: Edward, Fred and Mrs. Clara Pahlas. Besides those mentioned he leaves nine grandchildren and a number of other relatives and friends, who will sadly miss the pleasant face and cheering voice of Grandpa Meisner.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 12:45 at the house and at 2 o'clock at the German church, Rev. C. H. Franke officiating, and the remains laid at rest in the East Side cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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