Ehrlich, Catherine (Fehr) died 1892
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 2/9/2023 at 01:11:46
Elkader Register, Thur., 24 Mar. 1892.
At about 5 a.m. Tuesday, March 22nd, 1892, at the residence of E. M. Paul, in Elkader, occurred the death of Catherine Fehr, wife of Frederick Ehrlich, at the age of about 76 years. She was born in Hesse, Germany, and after marriage with Mr. Ehrlich they came to this country in 1847, settling in Fairfield County, Ohio, where Mr. Ehrlich engaged in the milling business. In 1866 they came to Clayton County, where her husband engaged in farming near Elkader, and soon after became employed as miller in the Elkader mill, where he remained for eight years. They remained on their little farm near town until about five years ago, when they sold out and have since lived with their children. For a number of years Mrs. Ehrlich's health has been poor, but only recently did it develop into a disease considered almost beyond medical skill. Coming to Elkader but a few months since to reside with her daughter, she has rapidly failed and passed away. While not unexpected, to him who loses the companion of over half a century, this blow falls with terrible force; may he be consoled with the thought that there is a place where parting is not known and sorrow never comes. To the children who have endeavored to smooth the paths of their parent's failing years with every comfort, the thought that "mother has gone" will continue with them until they themselves have joined the departed. Their only consolation is the knowledge that she has ceased to suffer.
The bereaved family consists of the husband, two daughters, and three sons, C. W. Ehrlich, of We_ser, Idaho; H. C. Ehrlich, of Manson, Ia.; L. Y. Ehrlich, of East Elkport; Mrs. Edward Russell, of Iroquois, S.D., and Mrs. E. M. Paul, of Elkader.
The funeral services are to take place from Mr. Paul's residence at 2 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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