Glass, Lorenz 1863 - 1930
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 10/7/2022 at 12:00:12
Clayton County Register, Thur., 24 July 1930.
STRAWBERRY POINT: Lorenz Glass, 67, of this place, committed suicide Monday at 7 a.m. by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun.
Mr. Glass had been despondent over his health for some time and this is thought to be the reason for his act. Since an operation four years ago for his goiter, he has been quite nervous. Monday morning Mrs. Glass had risen early and prepared to do their washing. A little before 7 o'clock she went upstairs to the bedroom and gave Mr. Glass his medicine and a glass of water, as he planned to remain in bed a while longer.
She was just starting down the cellar-way when she heard the report of the gun and on reaching the attic found him lying in a pool of blood. Help was summoned but he died in a very short time.
Mr. Glass was born at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, August 23, 1863. He moved with his parents to a farm two miles east of town in 1869. December 11, 1890 he was married to Miss Emma Jessen and for a time lived on a farm near Strawberry Point.
They then moved to Strawberry point and built the house, near the school, where they have lived. Mr. Glass has been a member of the First National Bank here for a number of years, until the annual meeting this year, when he resigned on account of his health.
Besides his wife, he leaves five brothers and three sisters to mourn his death. They are: John, of Waterloo; Chas., of Fort Atkinson; Philip of Portland, Ore.; Albert, of Dundee, and William of Strawberry Point; Mrs. Elizabeth Richter of Anaheim, Calif.; Mrs. Caroline Kratz, of Cresco, and Mrs. Mary Weger, of Strawberry Point. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.
Funeral services were held from the home, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 p.m. Interment was made in the Strawberry Point cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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