McGregor, James Jr. died 1867
Posted By: S. Ferrall - IAGenWeb volunteer
Date: 5/2/2022 at 17:47:59
We mentioned, briefly, last week the melancholy announcement of the death of the person whose name captions this article.
The 'New York Times' of March 26th, just received, contains the following:
MacGregor - On Sunday, March 24th, at the Gramercy-park House, of disease of the heart, James MacGregor, Jr., late of the City of McGregor, Iowa, in the 67th year of his age.His friends and also the friends of his nephew, James Buell, are requested, without further invitation, to attend his funeral this day, (Tuesday) at four o'clock P.M., at the Gramercy-park House.
On Tuesday, March 26th, ex-Mayor Leffingwell of this city, a nephew of the deceased by marriage, received a dispatch giving information as above. The deceased had long been a resident of this city. Himself and brother Alexander (the latter died many years since) unfortunately for all the residents here and (we think) for themselves, cultivated a law-suit as to perpetuity title which resulted in an entire estrangement for the latter years of their lives.
They are now in the other world where property dissensions will not be subjects of litigation. Both were men of good qualities, but both were as immoveable in their demands for what they thought was due them as can be imagined. We pretend not to judge them: they have each passed through the court of the SUPREME where all who read this must shortly appears.
When Alexander died our city paid municipal and personal honor to his memory; it was therefore proper that the following proceedings should have taken place:
At a special meeting of the Common Council of the city of McGregor, held March, 27th, 1867, it was
Resolved, That the members of the Common Council have learned with deep regret of the sudden death of James McGregor, Jr., long a resident of the City of McGregor
Resolved, That we recognize the loss the people of this city have sustained in his death and that for his deep interest - always manifested in whatever concerned the welfare of the city which bears his name - we are deeply sensible; and that the poor, who never solicited his charity in vain, have lost a kind and liberal friend.
Resolved, That as a mark of public respect due to the memory of the deceased, we recommend and request that all places of business in the city be closed on Wednesday, from 1 o'clock p.m. to 5 o'clock p. m. of said day.
D. Hammer, Mayor
D. Baugh, ClerkMr. Leffingwell informs us that the deceased had been to morning services with Mrs. Buel, his niece; had eaten a hearty dinner and while arranging his person for the services of the afternoon he fell prostrate and in a few minutes he was dead!
~North Iowa Times, Wednesday, April 3, 1867; pg 2
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Funeral - On Friday the body of James McGregor, Jr., reached here by Express. Mr. Buell, his principal heir, arrived on Sunday morning.
Arrangements for his funeral were completed by Ex-Mayor Douglass Leffingwell. The McGregor Band furnished the solemn music for the occasion; a large procession was formed, and the body was deposited.
The place of burial was at first designed to be the upper public square, but other counsels suggested the appropriation of a lot on the side-hill a little farther up.
Mr. Buell, as the financial representative of McGregor and the nephew of the deceased, will probably ornament the ground which contains the dust of his late liberal relative.
~North Iowa Times, May 8, 1867; pg 2
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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