Brandenberg, Charles 1866-1936
Posted By: Ken Johnson (email)
Date: 6/25/2005 at 13:54:19
Thursday, 23 April 1936, Guttenberg Press, p1, c1:
C. Brandenberg Passes Away In Farm Home
_______By Mrs. E. J. Prolow
Charles Brandenberg was born in Germany Nov. 11, 1866 and died in his home near Garber on April 17th, 1936, at 5:15 p.m. at the age of 69 years, five months and six days.
Mr. Brandenberg came to America with his mother and sisters when he was 14 years old, and settled on a [farm] near Garnavillo, where he grew to manhood.
He was married to Miss Elizabeth Wendt Feb. 25, 1891. To this union were born 11 children. One son died in infancy.
Later, he left Garnavillo, and settled on a farm north of Garber where he lived about 30 years. He moved to a small farm closer to town eight years ago. There his wife died four years ago.
He leaves to mourn two sons, Charles Brandenberg Jr. on the home farm north of Garber and Arno Brandenberg of Luana; eight daughters, Mrs. Fred Troester of Strawberry Point, Mrs. Roma Lindenberg of Garber, Mrs. Clay Noack of Postville, Mrs. Howard Noack of Osterdock, Mrs. Martin White of Guttenberg, Mrs. Earl Hageman of Garber, and [--] Alice Brandenberg of Garber; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Kahlstorf of [--]na and Mrs. Charles Zittergruen of Garber; and 11 grand children. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the Immanuel Lutheran church of Elkport, of which Mr. Brandenberg was a member. Burial was in Mt. Harmony Cemetery.
The community extends sympathy to the bereaved family.
[NOTES: Other sources spell his surname as Brandenburg. Also, the left margin of this obituary is partly obscured by the crease of the binding of the newspapers that were used for microfilming.]
Added by Verla Brandenburg Finke on 2/6/2006:
Charles Brandenburg son of Mr and Mrs Charley Brandenburg was born in Griswald, Germany, November 10, 1866. In infancy he was received through baptism into fellowship with his God. he was also instructed and confirmed at that place. At the age of about 14 he came to America and made his home here. He was united in Holy Wedlock to Elizabeth Wendt, who preceded him in death on January 9, 1932. This union was blessed with 11 children, one dying during their lifetime The deceased lived all his life in this vicinity and was well known and liked.
Last February the deceased had the misfortune to fall on the ice at his home, breaking a limb. He received the best of medical care and was on the road to recovery when sudden change came and he died. on April 17, 1936 at 5:15 p.m. He reached the age of 69 years five months and three days.
He leaves to mourn his sudden passing, ten children. Mrs Alma Troester, Mrs Bertha Webber, Mrs Roma Lindenberg, Charles Brandenburg, Mrs Helma Noack, Arnold Brandenburg Mrs Leona Noack, Mrs Edna White, Miss Alice Brandenburg and Mrs Mildred Hageman; eleven grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs Charles Zittergruen and Mrs Mary Kahlstorf.
Funeral services were held at the home of the deceased on Monday at 1:30 and at the Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel church at 2:00. Burial was made in Mt Harmony cemetery.
(This obituary most likely was clipped from the Clayton County Register.)
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