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Hatfield, Ellen died 1900


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Elkader Register, Thur., 12 Apr. 1900. McGregor column.

Mrs. Marshall Hatfield died at her home on Giard Avenue, Tuesday morning, after weeks of suffering from consumption. She has spent most of her life here and died at an advanced age, leaving her aged husband alone to mourn her death.


Added by S. Ferrall 7/31/2020:

From the McGregor News, Wednesday, April 11, 1900:
Again the messenger of death has come among us. Mrs. Marshall Hatfield passed the portals at 2:10 a.m. Tuesday. She has been a suffer of consumption. She had lived to the age of 66 years, 8 months and 9 days. She leaves a husband and sister to mourn her loss.

The funeral will occur Thursday at her late residence at 10 a.m., Rev. Smith officiating. Mr. Hatfield has the sympathy of his many friends in his sad bereavement. She has gone to yonder shore waiting for her dear ones.

-- From a "I Remember" column in the North Iowa Times, Thur. February 4, 1943: "Hatfied was married but no records have been found as to the date or his wife's name, except that it was 'Ellen.' They had no children of their own, but raised two of Ellen's sister's children, Will and Martin Curtis."

-- 1870 & 1880 US census and 1885 Iowa State census also give her name as Ellen Hatfield.

-- The obituary of Marshall Hatfield stated that he wished to be buried "next to his wife". He has a gravestone in Pleasant Grove, but if Ellen had one at some time, it no longer exists.


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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