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Hauschen, Junior Bernard Bahr 1923 - 1933


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23

Clayton County Register, Thur., 12 Oct. 1933. Clayton column.

Junior Bernard Bahr Hauschen, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hauschen, nee Bahr, was born June 11, 1923, in Clayton, Ia. In September of that same year he was baptized by Rev. G. J. Zielinger of the Lutheran church at Clayton, thus early he became an heir of the heavenly kingdom.

He spent his brief life in Clayton with the exception of a few years when the family resided at Cresco. He was a faithful, obedient and diligent pupil in the public school Clayton and on Sunday he was always ready to answer the roll call at Sunday school of Clayton. So eager was he to hear the heavenly truth exponded that he was not content to sit leisurely in the pew and listen passively, but he leaned forward so as to catch every word and every meaning of the lessons which the pastor presented. Junior was an unusual child in many respects, he was endowed with gifts which fitted him into varied expressions in life and he early became a general favorite and he was never known to utter a curse word. He believed in fair play and a fair deal to everybody. Responsibility was welcomed as opportunity and he was not inclined to shrink it. He was of rather strong physique, seldom ill. He complained but little about 2 weeks before his death and continued at school and performed odd jobs at home without a complaint to his parents. The usual home remedies had been given him and the sickness was undoubtedly stayed but a ruptured appendix called for professional aid. Drs. Beyer and Blong together with nurses, Mrs. Violet Cenyon and Louise Liers performed the operation for removal of the appendix. It was then found that peritonitis had already set in. The lad made a desperate effort for five days to cling to life. He endured all uncomplainingly in hopes that he might live. Those who were at the bedside and saw the patient suffering and especially the last hours could not help but be profoundly impressed with the deeply religious trend of his mind. The evening before his death his pastor called and joined in the praying of the Lord's Prayer with a clear loud voice. There was no doubt but that he had a vision of Heaven before he passed away, for he found the path which he seemingly was traveling, narrow and dark and asked to be guided on the way. He pleaded with his God to save him and finally asked his parents to open the gates. Just before he died he stretched his arms and body toward Heaven and then lapsed into a dreamless sleep. Death came at six o'clock, September 30th, closing a brief life of ten years three months and nineteen days. Junior will be greatly missed by his parents and brother Julius and other relatives, friends and playmates.

Funeral services were conducted at the home at Clayton at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 5 and at 12 o'clock at the church and at Elkport at 2:30 p.m. because he was a faithful attendant at Sunday School when ever a visitor in Elkport. Choirs of respective churches contributed fitting selections. The floral offerings were many and beautiful.

The pall bearers were his cousins, Harry Bahr, Leroy Wittman, Carrol and Julius Wittman.


Relatives from out of town who attended Junior Hauschen's funeral here Tuesday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Bahr and son Harry, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Saur and son Walter Leroy and Julius and Leroy Wittman, all of Elkader, Mr. and Mrs. John Wittman and son Carroll, Mary and Lene Bahr and Mrs. Sophia Smith of West Haven, Mr. and Mrs. V. Hauschen and Catherine Hauschen of Dubuque, Misses Lucia and Amelia, Chas. and John Roggman of Garnavillo, Cris Hauschen of West Chicago, Mrs. Jas. Day of La Crosse, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mueller of Clermont, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fergeson of Marquette, Mrs. A. Oelke and Mrs. Mahala Ranke and daughter of Monona, Miss Minnie Hauschen of Farmersburg and Mr. and Mrs. Lois Kruger of Giard.

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