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Tangeman, Elizabeth Jane (Schierholz)1850 - 1933


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Clayton County Register, Thur., 09 Mar. 1933.

Mrs. Elizabeth Tangeman, an old-time resident of Garnavillo, died at the County Home Saturday morning. She had been in poor health for some time. The body was brought to Garnavillo and funeral services were held Monday afternoon.

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Clayton County Register, Thur., 09 Mar. 1933.

Elizabeth Jane Tangeman was born in Read township, Iowa, Oct. 20, 1850, and was the seventh child in a family of twelve born to Herman and Anna Schierholz.

She was united in marriage with Henry Tangeman, Feb. 20, 1879, who preceded her in death Dec. 15, 1918. The two children who were born to this union both died in infancy.

Mrs. Tangeman spent her entire life-time in Read and Garnavillo townships, and lived in Garnavillo for 40 years. Although her life was one of apparent obscurity, it contributed definitely in the moulding of this community.

On June 28, 1931, Mrs. Tangeman met with a serious accident, in that her hip was broken in a fall. After spending several weeks at Postville hospital she convalesced with a niece, Mrs. Wilma Nordeen and her sister, Mrs. Chas. Krumm, both of Postville, until her return to Garnavillo in April of the following year. Here her needs were supplied by her nephew, A. J. Walter, with the assistance of neighboring friends, until she was committed to the County Home five months ago, where she was cared for with equal concern and consideration. She died Saturday morning, March 4, aged 82 years, four months and 12 days.

She is survived by one brother, Herman Schierholz, Monona; and one sister, Mrs. Chas. Krumm, Postville; together with numerous distantly related persons.

Funeral services were held at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church at Garnavillo, at two o'clock on the afternoon of March 6, The Rev. M. J. Harder, pastor, officiating. Interment was made at the Garnavillo cemetery.

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