Carrier, Alvester R. 1841-1924
Posted By: Ken Johnson (email)
Date: 5/6/2005 at 21:44:15
Thursday, 24 July 1924, Guttenberg Press, p1, c4 and 5:
“This week there passed to his well-earned rest in God one who has his place on the Honor Roll of Iowa pioneers, a man respected and beloved, who had spent all his life form boyhood to a ripe old age in this vicinity and who as a farmer, business man and citizen made a very valuable contribution to the life and progress of Strawberry Point.
“Alvester Robert Carrier was born August 7th, 1841, in Jamestown, New York, a son of Robert and Calistia Carrier. He came to Iowa with his parents when quite a lad in June, 1855. The family settled two and a half miles east of town where the homestead still stands at a point familiarly known as Carrier’s Corner.
“Mr. Carrier was often heard to say with a certain pride that he grew up with Strawberry Point.
“On November 18, 1861, he was married to Arabella F. Richardson and into their home five children were born. Cora May, who died March 3, 1889; Alvah F., who resides at Windsor, New York; Glint R., who occupies the family home east of town; Fred L. of Guttenberg, Iowa; and Willie A., of Strawberry Point.
“There are 17 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. His wife died April 14, 1908.
“In his early life our friend followed the trade of a wagon maker in the town of Greely [Greeley] nearby and in 1870 purchased the farm from his father and retained the ownership up to the time of his death.
“Besides his interest in farming he was very active in developing the dairy industry of this section of the state. He was one of the five men who organized and built the fifth creamery in the state of Iowa and for seven years (1896-1903) he was secretary and manager of the local creamery which was then located 3 blocks south of the present building.
“He retired from active life and moved to town in the year 1912 and there spent the evening of his days.
“In many ways Mr. Carrier was a remarkable man. Although over 80 years old he refused to be old. He kept up his interest in his farm to the very last and was an almost daily visitor there, driving himself out in his Ford car.
“He loved to talk on any of four subjects, namely: his family of fours sons of whom he was justly proud, his farm, the growth of Strawberry Point, and his church.
“He was always possessed of a sound and steady constitution and until his last illness was strong in mind and body. he was a man of frank and outspoken nature but his judgment on everyone was always generous, just and kindly.
“In the year 1896 he became a member of the Congregational church on confession of his faith in Christ and for 28 years he was one of the most consistent and devoted members. Its worship and its school were among the first interests in his life. He was faithful in his attendance and during the last years of his life was never absent except through sickness. He was a member of the Board of Deacons and a teacher in the church school up to the beginning of the present year, and also a member in good standing of the local Masonic lodge for 41 years.
“On February 7th he was smitten suddenly with paralysis and though he rallied somewhat he was never able to cross the threshold again. After five months of weakness and suffering borne
with much patience and a truly Christian spirit he passed into sleep July 7th at the age of 82 years and 11 months.“The funeral services were held at the home Thursday, July 10, at 1:30 and later at the Congregational church. The Reverend William W. Maxwell officiated. Interment was made in the local cemetery. The Masonic Lodge attended the services as a token of respect and had charge of the committal service at the grave.”—Strawberry Point Press.
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