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Leete, Emma 1826 - 1919


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 2 Oct. 1919. Volga column.

Mrs. Emma Leete was born in Cold Harbor, Cambridgeshire, England, Oct. 18, 1826, where she grew to womanhood. On Sept. 4, 1849, she was united in marriage to Robert D. Leete. In the fall of 1854 they embarked for America arriving in Lockport, N.Y., Oct. 26, of that year. The following year in May 1855 they moved to Iowa and settled on a farm in Highland township where for a number of years they lived and toiled, rearing a family of nine children, six of whom are still living: Edwin T. Leete of Anamosa, Iowa; Charles C. of Montana; William C., George A. Leete, and Julia Chapman, all of Volga, Iowa; and Mrs. Hannah Alderson of Strawberry Point. Two sons, one an Infant, and Hugh Fo__y, aged 39 years, one daughter, Mrs. Jane Goodwin, having passed before. Beside these there are twenty-nine grandchildren and forty great-grandchildren who will miss Grandma Leete. In 1___ Mr. and Mrs. Leete came to Volga to spend the remaining years of their lives where they lived quietly until Dec. 12, 1909, when they were parted; God calling the companion of sixty years to his heavenly home. The last few years of her life Grandma Leete was tenderly cared for in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, a daughter and husband who with the aid of other loved ones did all in their power to make her last days comfortable and happy until on the eve of Sept. 27, God enter the Heavenly Mansion prepared for ever. Grandma Leete as she was familiarly called by those who knew and loved her was a pure, consistent Christian, living daily the profession she made of her faith in her Saviour. Mrs. Leete was early identified with the Methodist church, being one of its charter members. She loved her church, its class and prayer meetings, the preaching of His word always ready to offer prayer and to testify to his undying love for her. On her sick bed her voice was often heard in song and prayer. Her humble consistent life is a benediction on her family and on all who knew her. She took great interest in the Women's Foreign Missionary Society of which she was a member. She was also a faithful member of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church ever doing within her might, what her hands found to do. We shall miss her dear face yet we cannot mourn - only rejoice with her at her abundant entrance through the pearly gates to meet her savior and greet her loved ones.


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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