Wistrick, Clara P. (Lundt) 1891 - 1916
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23
Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 3 Aug. 1916.
The death of Mrs. Wm. Wistrick occurred very suddenly Monday morning at her home near Communia. Heart failure was the cause of death.
Clara P. Lundt was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lundt, and was born in Volga township, September 29th, 1891. She grew to womanhood on the home farm and on November 16th, 1912, was united in marriage with Wm. Wistrick. Mr. Wistrick's parents moved to Elkader and left the young couple to run the farm.
On June 27th last the arrival of a daughter brought much joy, but the young mother was slow in rallying from the physical strains of motherhood. Still no serious danger was realized and the shock of her sudden death is a terrible blow to the young husband and other friends.
Besides her husband and infant daughter she is survived by her parents, three brothers: Paul Lundt, of St. Paul; Fred Lundt, of Strawberry Point; and Edward Lundt, of Volga township; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Schnack, of Strawberry Point and Mrs. Bertha Baars, of Cox Creek township, besides many other relatives and a host of friends, who sorrow at her untimely death.
The funeral services were held this afternoon first at the home and then at the German church at this place, Rev. Franke officiating, and she was laid at rest in the East Side cemetery.
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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