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Espoldt, Louis 1827-1911


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25

Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 10 Aug. 1911. Garnavillo News columns.

Louis Espoldt, who has been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. H. Schultz, near Elkport, passed away Monday afternoon. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon, at St. Paul's church.

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Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 24 Aug. 1911. Garnavillo News columns.

Louis Espoldt was born on Jan. 5, 1827, in Kemsehagen, Pomerania, Germany, and passed away on Monday afternoon, Aug 7th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Herman Schultz, in Volga township, this county. In 1848, when a young man of twenty-one years, he enlisted in the army and served for three years. He was united in marriage to Christina Schuldtz in 1852. Eleven children were born to this union, all but two having preceded their father in death. The family came to America in 1866 and settled in Garnavillo township, living seven years on a farm in Buck Creek and thirteen years in Cedar Creek, after which they took up their abode in Garnavillo, where in 1895, his wife died. He continued to reside here until the winter of 1910, when he went to live with his daughter, Mrs. Emil Walleser, whose death occurred on July 17, of that year. Early this spring he went to Volga township to make his home with his daughter, Mrs. Schuldtz, where he died, having reached the ripe old age of 84 years, 7 months and 2 days.

He is survived by his two daughters, Mrs. Sophia Sheffert, of Lincoln,, Neb.; and Mrs. Christina Schuldtz, besides 25 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at St. Paul's church on Thursday afternoon. Rev. Braun conducting.

(Note: The surname Schultz/Schuldtz was spelled both ways in this article.)

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Added by S. Ferrall:
Burial is in the old Garnavillo cemetery, where he shares a gravestone with his wife Christine who died in 1895. Their surname is spelled ESPOLT on the gravestone. His dates: 1/5/1827 - 8/7/1911

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