Engen, Nels Olson 1830 - 1911
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:25
Elkader Register & Argus, Thur., 8 June 1911.
Nels Olson Engen died at his home in Highland township Saturday evening, June 3rd, aged 80 years, 9 months and 28 days. The passing years had taken their toll of his life and he sank to rest.
Mr. Engen was born August 5th, 1830, in Norway and grew to manhood and married in his native country, his wife's maiden name being Anna Embritson.
They came to America something over fifty years ago, coming to Clayton county for a short time and then going to Minnesota, where they remained about two years. They then returned to this county and it has been the family home ever since.
Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Engen, three of whom survive, Ole and Anna (Mrs. Skalet), living in Minnesota, and Peter N. at home. The faithful wife and mother died Jan. 14, 1911.
Mr. Edgen was possessed of those characteristics of rugged honesty, integrity and frugality for which his race is noted and he won the respect and regard of all who knew him. The sympathy of the community goes out to the friends, who will miss him.
The funeral services were held Tuesday at the highland church, Rev. Berset officiating, and were largely attended. The remains were laid to rest in the Highland cemetery.
(Note: The surname Engen / Edgen was spelled both ways in the article.)
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Nels Engen, who resided some eight miles east of here in Clayton county passed away Saturday and funeral services and interment took place a the Highland Lutheran church Monday.
He was a man well along in years and had been a resident of that section for many years.
Deceased was an old settler of Clayton county and his passing will be greatly regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
~Elgin Echo, Thursday, June 8, 1911
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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