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Bachtell, Leland Fremont 1897-1918


Posted By: CJeanealogy (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:23

Arlington [Iowa} News Thursday January 31, 1918


In the cemetary at National, Iowa, on January 20, 1918, there was laid to rest the mortal remains of Leland Bachtell, who died on January 11 from pneumonia, at Camp Cody, Deming, New Mexico, while in the service of his country.

The principal funeral services were held on Sunday morning in St. Olaf, where his parents reside. There to a large concourse of sympathizing friends and numerous relatives, Rev. C.H. Franke of Elkader, delivered an impressive sermon from the text "I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I: Here am I, send me!"

When the casket was brought into the hall at St. Olaf, the pianist played the "Star Spangled Banner." The choir at St. Olaf gave very appropriate selections. The concluding obsequies were held in National at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius, where were gathered many friends.

Leland Fremont Bachtell was born in National on August 17, 1897. He was the only child of Ernest and Stella E. (Morgan) Bachtell.

Under the Morgan roof-tree the days of his early youth were spent. As a child and young lad he differed little from his schoolmates and boyhood companions. It was not until he was nearing his twentieth birthday that his life was set apart from the ordinary routine of living. This consecration happened when our country's summons to arms came to America's young manhood, then he paused, listened to the call, and answered by offering himself in the national defense. He enlisted on June 26, 1917; at Luverne, Minnesota, in Company F, 136th Regiment.

In this decisive action followed in the footsteps of his grandsires, Cornelius Morgan and T.D. Bachtell, both of who served their country during the Civil War, and both were members of the Twelfth Iowa Regiment of Infantry at the close of the war. His boyish imagination must often have been stirred by their tales of soldier life in camp and on the battlefield.

Mr. T.D. Bachtell, after a residence of a score of more of years in National, died there in September of 1910; his widow survives him. This grandmother, together with Mr. C. Morgan and his aged wife, the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bachtell, and a host of relatives and friends are left to mourn the loss of this young soldier, whose life was sacrificed on the altar of his country.

Although grief and the sense of personal loss come keenest to parents, aged grandparents, and friends, the taking by death of Leland Bachtell has a deeper and wider significance. The young of our country, our state, our nation have been called to defend with their young lives not only the sanctity of freedom and liberty in America, but also in the whole world. The roll of honored dead is now being made. On it there have been inscribed the names of Mathew Leuchtenmacher and Leland Bachtell, and others soon may follow. The measure of the debt that all owe to these youthful martyrs, who on the threshold of life have offered the supreme sacrifice, should daily be recognized by every one; by the old, the infirm, the young, and the helpless, who are constrained to say "They died for us." By all farmers, viewing their fair acres covered with golden grain and sleek herds; by all business men, following in safety their daily vocations; by all fathers, clasping in their arms little children,whose precious bodies have escaped the bayonet, whose unmutilated hands played about their faces; by all husbands of true wives, by all lovers of good women; beholding their loved ones protected from the grasp of an insensate foe; by all the people of Clayton county, speaking in unison there should come in befitting recognition this acknowledgement: "They died for us."

Gravestone photo (Find a Grave)

Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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