Schoch, Henry 1855 - 1901
Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24
Elkader Register, Thur., 4 July 1901.
Henry Schoch.
At his residence in Elkader, at 11:15 a.m., on Sunday, June 30, 1901, after an illness of several months, Henry Schock passed away. He was a son of the late Chas. Schoch Sr., and was born on Bear Creek, Volga twp., of this county, on April 7th, 1855. On Dec. _th, 1878, he was united in marriage with Miss Amelia Schmidt, who died April 24th, 1887, leaving three children, Nelda, Carrie and Henry. On May 2nd, 1888, Mr. Schoch married Mrs. Henry Kiesel, who survives him.
For several years the deceased followed the occupation of a painter until after his first marriage, when he started a restaurant which he carried on until his death.
Besides the wife and children he leaves two brothers and three sisters, C. F., of Elkader; George and Mrs. Chas Ritter of Chicago; Mrs. Albert Ruegnitz, of Elgin, Ill.; and Mrs. F. Relchart, of Highland.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from his late home, being conducted by Rev. Braun, and was largely attended by sorrowing friends of the family.
(Note: The surname Schoch/Schock was spelled both ways in the article. Also, the surname Relchart may be Reichart.)
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