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Lamphier, Oscar Peter 1876 - 1959


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 8/5/2021 at 20:31:24

Clayton County Register, Thur., 3 Dec. 1959.

The death of Oscar P. Lamphier, 83, occurred Monday, Nov. 23, 1959. at the Bakke rest home at Oelwein, after he was stricken suddenly with a cerebral hemorrhage. He had been in failing health for the past three months.

Oscar Peter Lamphier, son of Lyman and Betsy Page Lamphier, was born Oct. 25, 1876, on the Lamphier homestead between Volney and Wadena in Clayton County.

He was married to Miss Mabel Staffenhagen on May 2, 1906. They farmed their home place for many years, retiring to their home in Volga a number of years ago. His wife preceded him on Dec. 1, 1958.

He leaves six sons and two daughters: Francis, Glasgow, Mont.; Erwin, Fayette; Orville, Wadena; Leonard, Marion; Lyle, Randalia; Donald, Oelwein; Mrs. M. F. (Hazel) Barnes, Vinton; Mrs. F. D. (Roena) Smith, Oelwein; 32 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; One brother, Morris Lamphier, Volga, and other relatives.

Services were held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Sacred Heart Church in Volga. Msgr. Daniel A. Gorman of Elkader celebrated the requiem high mass in the absence of the regular pastor, Father Karl J. Klein. The Rev. John Barnes of Waterloo was present in the sanctuary and delivered the sermon. Burial was in Sacred Heart cemetery, Volga. Casket bearers were nephews: Herman, Dennis and Oscar Lamphier, Strawberry Point; Willis Lamphier, Elkader; Henry and Earl Lamphier, Volga.

Among those from out of town present at the funeral service were: Mr. and Mrs. John Staffenhagen, Wm. Cobett, William, Richard and Bernadette Corkery, Wadena; D. J. Raftis, Oelwein; P. H. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnes, Strawberry Point; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Christen, Illyria.


Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen


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