Erlich, Anna died 1872
Posted By: Audrey Haught, volunteer
Date: 4/11/2016 at 13:58:19
Died in Elkader, April 26th, 1872, of cerebre spinal meningitis, Anna, daughter of Frederick and Catharine Erlich, aged 11 years, 10 months and 14 days.
A sweet little girl was Anna, and all her suffering during eight-one long days with the dreaded spinal disease detracted not one part from her amiable temper. She was evidently not fit for this world, but was sent here from the brighter sphere to teach us a lesson. To love and trust in Him who doeth all things well.
Little Anna will be missed by her sorrowing parents and her young friends, but let them be consoled with the thought that she has gone to a better place.
Clayton County Journal: May 1, 1872
Clayton Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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