Maps | 1910 Huebingers Map & Guide

Avoca - Walnut

Pg 122 Walnut to Avoca, River to River Road Guide, Iowa


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10.8 M. West to Minden, 6.6. M. East to Walnut.
HOTELS - Avoca, rate $2.00; Tamms, rate $1.00; three restaurants.
GARAGE - Norton Auto. Co.
GASOLINE - At garage and at Standard Oil Station.
BELL TELEPHONE - A. J. Maxwell's Drug Store.

Pg 123 Avoca, River to River Road Guide, Iowa

Advertisements: The Avoca Hotel, C. J. Guttenfelder, Proprietor. Rates $2.00 per day. Special Attention to Tourists. Avoca, Iowa. Norton Auto Company. Dealers in Auto Supplies, White Rose Gas, Avoca, Iowa.


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Pg 124 Avoca, River to River Road Guide, Iowa