Maps | 1910 Huebingers Map & Guide


Pg 117 Atlantic, River to River Road Guide, Iowa


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Pg 118 Atlantic, River to River Road Guide, Iowa

7.4 M. West to Marne, 7 M. Northeast to Lorah.
HOTEL - Park, rate $2.00; three restaurants.
GARAGES - Johnson Auto Co., Wetzel Auto Co., Atlantic Auto Co.
GASOLINE - At garages.
BELL TELEPHONE - Cor. 5th and Chestnuts Sts.

Noted on map: Residence of J. A. McWaid, Atlantic Garage, Pullman Hotel, Wetzel Garage, Factory, Johnson Garage, Park Hotel, Park, Court House, Depot, Chicago Rock Island and Pacific railroad tracks, Nishnabotna River. Ads for F. M. Alexander, Atlantic National Bank, and Park Hotel, W. B. Elliott, Prop.