OLD SETTLERS' PICNIC - Clinton County, Iowa - 1892

Source: The Clinton Daily Age, Aug. 26, 1892

They Enjoy a Pleasant Time at Union Park Yesterday.

The firthteenth annual picnic of the territorial and state pioneers of Iowa was held at Union Park yesterday, and as usual it proved a very enjoyable and delightful occasion.

There was a large attendance and many familiar faces were to be seen among those present, some perhaps a trifle more wrinkled than a year ago, yet with that same pleasant smile and general good feeling which has alway predominated at these annual gatherings of the old settlers.

An abundance of lunch had been provided for the occasion, and at the conclusion of dinner all gave close attention to the several addresses delivered.

President Griswold delivered his annual address in a manner which would indicated that he had not lost any of his pleasing qualities as an entertaining speaker and good story teller, during the past year.  His remarks touching upon the early history of the state and the life of the early settler were full of historical interest and incidents entertaining to all.

Mrs. Jane V. Wilkes, of Camanche, one of the founders of the old settlers' association, and who came to Iowa in 1844, followed Mr. Griswold in a pleasing poem relating to the life of the early settler.

William Hullinger, of DeWitt, then gave a stirring address regarding "ye olden times," which proved full of deep interest, and was listened to with close attention from all.  Mr. Hullinger came to Iowa in 1832 and can tell some entertaining stories regarding his experience and dealings with the Indians.

The annual election of officers resulted as follows:

President - Geo. A. Griswold, Elk River
Vice President - L. C. Seymour, Homer Carpenter, Clinton
Secretary and Treasurer - F. P. Wilcox, Clinton
Executive committee - H. B. Shaff, Camanche; W. F. Rice, Clinton; Daniel Conrad, Bryant; Mary J. Strah, Camanche; W. D. Eaton, Lyons; Daniel Earhart, Hampshire; Jane V. Wilkes, Camanche; J. H. Barnum, Lyons; P. S. Towle and T. M. Gobble, Clinton.

Twenty-seven new members were admitted to the association yesterday, eight of whom came into the territory of Iowa prior to 1846.  The new members are:

B. S. Marvin Mary Seaton Letitia M. Marvin George Mahon
Mary A. Shadle Isabella Tallett W. F. Conrad J. Q. Jeffries
Sarah A. Farnsworth Carl Schlabach Adam Crashaw B. B. Hall
Mary Crashaw Elida Hall Albert Crapser A. H. Polly
Mary A. Hammond Aleretta Polly W. C. Miller Julia Niver
Mary J. B. Iter J. J. Jefferies Sherman Buell Diana Jefferies
Mrs. E. J. Hess Dr. Emma Pinny    

Six hundred members have been enrolled since the society was organized, ninety of whom have died.

During the past year nine members of the association have died, including tow of the executive committee.  Appropriate resolutions to the memory of the departed were unanimously adopted by the society yesterday.