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 1906 Compendium

Compendium of History and Biography
of Cass County, Iowa - 1906

Pioneer History and Formation of Present County System - Patriotic War Record - Detailed Township History, With Sketches of Towns, Cities, and Prominent Citizens and Institutions.

Biographies of Old Settlers, Soldiers, Farmers, Business Men, Manufacturers, Bankers, Editors, Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians, and Others Who Have Made Cass County What It Is.

Published in Chicago by Henry Taylor & Company, 1906

Page number is provided following the name for reference purposes.

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   ********** A **********
Henry Ackerman, Noble Township  213
Adam Adams, Noble Township  247
Henry Albert, Griswold  248
James H. Alexander, Griswold  249
Luther L. Alexander, Atlantic  72
Lewis S. Allen, Pottawattamie County  250
Edgar L. Anderson, Atlantic  251
William F. Altig, Brighton Township  130
Anita  152
"Anita Republican"  157
George J. Anstey, Edna Township  252
John Archer, Reno  122
George Arnold, Massena  253
Atlantic  227
Atlantic Canning Company  427
"Atlantic Democrat"  238
Atlantic Gas and Fuel Company  574
"Atlantic Messenger"  230
Atlantic Mill and Elevator Company  286
"Atlantic Telegraph"  245
Atlantic Water Works  235

   ********** B **********
H. E. Bacon, Atlantic  223 [sic 233]
Bacon's Opera House  223 [sic 233]
Robert Bagshaw, Bridge Water  254
John E. Bailey, Washington Township  255
Jeremiah Balding, Grove Township  222
Osro Baldwin, Bear Grove Township  205
Baldwin Family, Bear Grove Township  205
Bank of Griswold  178
Bank of Lewis  357
David A. Barnett, Grove Township  222
Nicholas Bartles, Franklin Township  168
H. H. Battersby, Washington Township  257
Samuel E. Baughman, Pleasant Township  258
Hon. William Baughman, Griswold  174, 259
James M. Baxter, Lewis  107, 260
Henry P. Baxter, Lewis  262
William D. Baxter, Lewis  262
Bear Grove Township  204
Lewis Beason, Benton Township  145, 152
Dr. Charles V. Beaver, Anita  262
Frank W. Beebe, Wiota  264
Daniel P. Becker, Bear Grove Township,  264
Richard R. Bell, Wiota  266
William D. Bell, Massena  266
Benton Township  142
Argyle F. Berry, Washington Township  267
John W. Berry, Marne  130, 268
James Blake, Washington Township  203
Patrick Blake, Washington Township  203
Obed Blakeslee, Brighton Township  270
Orrin H. Blakeslee, Brighton Township  270
H. M. Boorman, Atlantic  271
Jeremiah Bradshaw, Cold Spring  48
Charles A. Breece, Atlantic  272
Harry O. Breece, Atlantic  272
Carl Brehmer, Washington Township  273
John Brenton, Edna Township  119
William F. Brenton, Edna Township  119
Brenton Family, Edna Township  119
Charles O. Brewer, Benton Township  274
J. M. Briggs, Anita  275
Brighton Township  125
James Brinkerhoff, Pymosa  115
Anson Brown, Benton Township  144
Dr. Frederick O. Brown, Lewis  276
Dr. Harry V. Brown, Griswold  277
John C. Brown, Lewis  83, 101
Orson Brown, Benton Township  144
Clarence W. Bruce, Atlantic  413
Hon. James E. Bruce, Atlantic  278
James B. Bruff, Atlantic  280
Daniel Bryant, Franklin Township  166
James C. Bryant, Griswold  282
William C. Bryant, Griswold  283
William E. Buckley, Noble Township  212
Thomas Burke, Washington Township  283
Joseph Burnes, Atlantic  285
Byrd Family  54

   ********** C **********
R. W. Calkins, Anita  152
Dr. C. L. Campbell, Atlantic  287
Clyde F. Campbell, Atlantic  287
"Cap Sheaf," Atlantic  289
Joseph A. Campell, Lincoln, Neb.  286
Stephen T. Carey, Iranistan  90
Thomas E. Carey, Massena Township  290
Howard A. Carver, Union Township  291
Dr. Henry S. Cary, Lewis  95, 291
John C. W. Cary, Atlantic  293
John C. Casey, Victoria Township  293
Michael T. Casey, Pleasant Township  294
Cass County Abstract & Title Insurance Company,
   Atlantic  347
Cass County Bank, Atlantic  231
"Cass County Democrat"  245
"Cass County Gazette"  230
Cass Township  87
Edwin Cate, Anita  153
Frank M. Chapman, Atlantic  295
Charles F. Chase, Atlantic  297
Edwin P. Chase, Atlantic  297
Lorenzo F. Chester, Union Township  298
Junius Childs, Atlantic  299
Argus J. Clow, Bear Grove Township  301
Curtis B. Clovis, Griswold  300
John A. Collins, Brighton Township  129
Isaac V. Conine, Atlantic  302
Vincent M. Conrad, Indiantown  95, 222
William Cool, Cumberland  304
Oliver Coomes, Franklin Township  169
Thomas Coon, Washington Township  202
Jerry Cornell, Benton Township  305
Holton G. Cotton, Cass Township  305
George W. Couch, Brighton Township  129
H. K. Cranny, Indiantown  92
Philander Cranny, Indiantown  92
Crooked Creek Cowboys  146
Cumberland  138
Cumberland Savings Bank  354
Arthur P. Cuykendall, Bear Grove Township  307
J. W. Cuykendall, Atlantic  308

   ********** D **********
Uriah Daft, Noble Township  210
Philip Dasher, Franklin Township  169
E. W. Davenport, Lewis  98
I. C. Davis, Griswold  310
J. C. Davis, Noble Township  211
Dr. Mahlon J. Davis, Lewis  310
Thomas Davis, Noble Township  211
Loring L. De Lano, Atlantic  313
Watt Devore, Massena  315
Isaac Dickerson, Atlantic  72
Christian A. Dickerson, Brighton Township  316
Hiram A. Disbrow, Atlantic  318
Lawrence Dolan, Pleasant Township  176
John T. Donahoe, Pleasant Township  320
Robert A. Donohoe, Pleasant Township  321
Albert N. Downer, Cass Township  321
Thomas Dudley, Brighton Township  128

   ********** E **********
Edna Township  118
Joseph Edwards, Edna Township  120
William B. Edwards, Cumberland  322
Jesse Eller, Franklin Township  164
John Eller, Franklin Township  165
William W. Eller, Atlantic  324
George M. Elsey, Lewis  94
Dr. J. M. Emmert, Atlantic  325
John M. Engle, Franklin Township  168
Andrew P. Erickson, Massena Township  328
Emke Enken, Union Township  329
William S. Everett, Pymosa Township  116
Leonard Everly, Brighton Township  128

   ********** F **********
William Farmer, Bear Grove Township  206
D. W. Faulkner, Anita  330
Frank Fee, Massena  332
Charles M. Felt, Griswold  161, 332
Seth H. Felt, Lincoln Township  161
P. N. Finch, Franklin Township  167
John Findley, Marne  132
Dr. David Findley, Atlantic  334
Byron D. Forshay, Massena  413
John K. Forsyth, Pleasant Townshipc  337
G. Thompson Forsyth, Pleasant Township  336
Franklin Township  163
Daniel B. Frink, Union Township  338
Henry W. Fulton, Atlantic  339

   ********** G **********
Jacob Gant, Lincoln Township  160
Abner Gibson, Pleasant Township  340
John Gilbaugh, Lincoln Township  161
Jefferson Goodale, Pymosa Township  113
Joseph S. Goss, Atlantic  341
Charles H. Gould, Washington Township  342
Andrew H. Graham, Bear Grove Township  343
Dr. William F. Graham, Atlantic  345
Grant Township  149
Warren J. Grinnell, Pleasant Township  346
Griswold  177, 181
Grove City  224
Grove Township  218
Charles A. Grubb, Atlantic  348

   ********** H **********
John B. Hall, Noble Township  350
William Hamlin, Benton Township  55, 143
Joseph E. Hammond, Atlantic  351
Hans L. Hansen, Union Township  352
Asa Hardenberg, Grove Township  353
Thomas H. Hardenberg, Grove Township  471
Edgar S. Harlan, Cumberland  354
Albert T. Harris, Pymosa Township  116
Charles W. Harris, Pymosa Township  116
Job Harris, Pleasant Township  356
Thomas H. Harris, Massena Township  357
W. J. Harris, Lewis  358
William W. Haworth, Griswold  93, 359
Charles H. Hebing, Bear Grove Township  207
G. A. Hebing, Union Township  207
Peter Hedges, Union Township  136
William Hedges, Franklin Township  166
J. E. Heimbaugh, Cass Township  360
E. W. Hendersen, Lewis  98
Franklin H. Herbert, Brighton Township  130
Joseph K. Herbert, Brighton Township  130,361
Herbert Family, Brighton Township  130
C. L. Herring, Massena  514
Rev. E. S. Hill, Atlantic  241
G. A. Hill, Massena  362
Noble V. Hines, Cass Township  363
Rev. George B. Hitchcock, Lewis  109
Morris Hoblit, Grove Township  220
D. R. Hogan, Massena  365
J. M. Holaday, Lewis  104
Samuel M. Holaday, Massena Township  186
Wade H. Holt, Washington Township  202
Peter Hopley, Grove Township  366
William Hopley, Grove Township  203, 367
George L. Hosfield, Union Township  369
James M. Hoyt, Union Township  370
William H. Hoyt, Union Township  137
Captain Charles W. Huff, Massena Township  371
John W. Humerick, Franklin Township  167
Josiah H. Hunter, Massena Township  372
S. Guyan Hunter, Atlantic  373
George A. Hyndman, Bear Grove Township  374

   ********** I **********
Indiantown  91
Iranistan  90

   ********** J **********
R. L. Jameson, Franklin Township  165
W. W. Jameson, Franklin Township  166
Isaac Jansen, Pymosa Township  375
Gust Johnson, Washington Township  377
H. C. Johnson, Atlantic  244
William E. Johnson, Victoria Township  197
E. A. Jones, Cumberland  141
F. C. Jones, Cass Township  378
James B. Jones, Atlantic  379
Frank D. Joy, Lincoln Township  380
John Joyce, Pymosa Township  382
Ulysses Joyce, Pymosa Township  383
William Judd, Franklin Township  166

   ********** K **********
Peter Kanawyer, Grove Township  165, 222
Charles K. Kennedy, Atlantic  384
John Kerr, Griswold  179
John Keyes, Lewis  70, 97
John A. Kilpatrick, Noble Township  385
Edward Kimball, Benton Township  385
James Kincade, Pymosa Township  113
Samuel S. King, Lincoln Township  161
George W. Kinnersley, Lewis  386
John R. Kirk, Grove Township  221
Henry M. Kriger, Griswold  387
Albert J. Kunze, Cass Township  388

   ********** L **********
Nathaniel F. Lambert, Benton Township  389
Samuel H. Lamborn, Griswold  390
Peter Larson, Victoria Township  391
William Lawton, Cass Township  392
John G. Lembke, Pleasant Township  393
John Leslie, Edna Township  394
Lewis  94
Nathaniel A. Lewis, Pleasant Township  395
Lincoln Township  158
George G. Lindeman, Bear Grove Township  395
Henry Linneman, Pleasant Township  396
Henson S. Liston, Noble Township  212
Clarence E. Livingston, Washington Township  398
Hugh Livingston, Lewis Township  397
Thomas Lloyd, Edna Township  398
Lloyd Family, Edna Township  398
Judge Samuel L. Lorah, Pymosa Township  68
Loring & Bennett, Bankers, Atlantic  231
W. H. Low, Cumberland  139
John H. Lowman, Pleasant Township  399

   ********** M **********
R. B. Mackrill, Pleasant Township  401
Dr. A. P. Macomber, Atlantic  402
Frank J. Macomber, Lewis  100, 404
Macomber Family, Lewis  100
George Magee, Franklin Township  166
Pierce Maher, Atlantic  242
Dr. Elverton E. Major, Redlands, Cal  404
Charles W. Major, Anita  405
Robert B. Marker, Bear Grove Township  406
Clayton Marion, Grove Township  221
Marne  131
Ezra M. Marsh, Bear Grove Township  407
Lorenzo D. Marsh, Bear Grove Township  206
Jesses Marshall, Grove Township  53
Joseph H. Marshall, Atlantic  408
Michael Marshall, Lincoln Township  161
Robert Marshall, Atlantic  409
Jacob T. Martin, Bear Grove Township  208
Josiah N. Martin, Bear Grove Township  411
Massena  187
Massena Savings Bank  412
Massena Farmers' Savings Bank  364
Massena Township  185
Henry C. Mattheis, Massena Township  413
John T. Mattheis, Union Township  414
Valentine B. Mayberry, Pymosa Township  415
Dr. Charles H. McClees, Marne  416
Cornelius McClintock, Cass Township  106
William W. McClure, Franklin Township  168
John Q. A. McCormick, Massena Township  187
Samuel T. McCormick, Massena Township  187
Henry McCullough, Pleasant Township  175. 417
Henry McDermott, Benton Township  144, 418
James B. McDermott, Anita  144, 419
McDermott Family, Benton Township  144
Alexander McGaffin, Benton Township  421
Robert D. McGeehon, Atlantic  52, 220, 421
Robert S. McGeehon  423
John McKnight, Franklin Township  168
J. A. McWaid, Atlantic  234,425
William A. McWaid, Atlantic  427
Camden A. Meredith, Atlantic  428
C. Parks Meredith, Atlantic  429
Lawson D. Meredith, Griswold  430
Thomas O. Meredith, Marne  71, 126, 431
George H. Messenger, Atlantic  432
S. K. Meyers, Lewis  96
Arlinden C. Miller, Noble Township  433
Daniel A. Miller, Atlantic  450
Chester C. Mills, Union Township  434
Levi C. Mills, Union Township  434
Oliver Mills, Lewis  435
A. J. Millsagel, Cass Township  49
John Moon, Cass Township  437
Lemuel E. Moorehouse, Massena  438
James L. Moreland, Atlantic  439
James S. Morgan, Franklin Township  168
Dr. T. B. Morris, Atlantic  440
Dr. G. S. Morrison, Grant Township  151
Thomas B. Morrow, Grove Township  244
John Morton, Cass Township  442
Henry H. Most, Franklin Township  168
Capt. Lafayette F. Mullins, Atlantic  443
Dr. U. S. Mullins, Atlantic  445
Dr. M. J. Murphy, Cumberland  141
George Murray, Massena Township  446
Samuel Murray, Massena Township  446
John A. B. Myers, Bear Grove Township  447

   ********** N **********
Johnson H. Needles, Atlantic  234, 448
Edward T. Neer, Pleasant Township  451
Frank Nelson, Pleasant Township  451
Cyrus W. Newlon, Union Township  137
Robert B. Newlon, Noble Township  212
Frank M. Nichols, Atlantic  454
Dr. Jonathan Nichols, Atlantic  452
William M. Nichols, Atlantic  454
Nichols Bank, Atlantic  453
Noble Township  209
C. G. Nordman, Wiota  454
Frank Nordman, Franklin Township  167
Joseph Northgraves, Benton Township  143

   ********** O **********
William P. Oakes, Pymosa Township  455
Jack F. O'Connell, Atlantic  457
P. F. O'Connell, Atlantic  456
Andrew J. Odem, Washington Township  458
Lars S. Olsen, Franklin Township  459
Ambrose Ostrander, Wiota  171
Ole J. Ostrus, Franklin Township  460

   ********** P **********
Ambrose Pellett, Pymosa Township  462
George J. Pellett, Pymosa Township  463
William Perkins, Union township  120, 137
Robert T. Perrin, Victoria Township  464
Jerome N. Peters, Bear Grove Township  208
William E. Peters, Benton Township  152
John Peterson, Grove Township  465
Samuel F. Peterson, Pleasant Township  467
Prosper Pettinger, Cumberland  467
Hon. Julius Phelps, Atlantic  468
Hon. Ralph G. Phelps, Atlantic  470
George B. Pigg, Massena Township  472
George Platt, Victoria Township  473
Pleasant Township  173
Dr. I. Z. Plunket, Lewis  474
Martin Pont, Cass Township  475
Edward Porter, Edna Township  119
Isaiah C. Porter, Edna Township  476
Dr. Frank W. Porterfield, Atlantic  477
Columbus Prall, Atlantic  479
Thaddeus Prall, Atlantic  480
William Prall, Franklin township  167
Wilson Prall, Atlantic  481
Wilbur D. Pratt, Benton Township  484
James S. Presnall, Atlantic  485
Andrew E. Proctor, Pleasant Township  487
Simon Proctor Pleasant Township  175
Pymosa Township  112

   ********** R **********
Walter Rae, Massena  488
H. S. Rattenborg, Atlantic  489
John Redding, Pleasant Township!/a>  490
George Reeves, Washington Township  202
Louis O. Reinig, Lewis  99, 491
Hugh M. Reinig, Griswold  492
Reminiscences of Harriet L. Howard  108
Reminiscences of Robt. D. McGeehon  58
Reminiscences of Thomas Meredith  126
Reno  121
J. H. Reppert, Cumberland  141
John R. Reynolds, Atlantic  229
W. W. Richmond, Franklin Township  167
James Roberts, Griswold  492
W. L. Roberts, Griswold  492
James Robinson, Franklin Township  168
Joseph B. Rockafellow, Atlantic  493
Leander S. Rockwell, Wiota  495
Dr. V. D. Rood, Anita  154
John Rose, Noble Township  210
H. B. Roselle, Bear Grove Township  205
Meredith Rowland, Grant Township  151
John W. Russell, Brighton Township  128

   ********** S **********
Fritz Saemisch, Noble Township  496
James S. Sankey, Marne  497
Herbert Scarf, Pleasant Township  497
George F. Scarr, Cumberland  141, 498
Casper Schoen, Grove Township  223
Andrew Z. Scott, Massena Township  499
David H. Scott, Griswold  500
Frederick A. Seaman, Franklin Township  167
John Seaman, Franklin Township  167
Robert A. Shearer, Washington Township  501
Henry D. Sheets, Lewis  502
William Shepperd, Grove Township  503
Frederick Sherer, Cass Township  505
E. J. Shields, Noble Township  211
John B. Shultz, Cass Township  506
Hans Simonsen, Marne  132
Charles C. Smith, Pleasant Township  507
Frank A. Smith, Cass Township  508
Frank C. Smith, Pymosa Township  510
Thomas G. Smith, Pymosa Township  511
William T. Smither, Lincoln Township  160
Dr. William Snelson, Massena  512
John A. Spoor, Washington Township  203
George A. Spies, Massena Township  512
William J. Spies, Union Township  513
Dr. Anson B. Spinney, Massena  514
George Stedwell, Pleasant Township  175
Alfred H. Steinmetz, Grant Township  515
Steen Tragedy, Reno  122
Samuel Stetler, Pleasant Township  174
John O. Stevens, Bear Grove Township  516
John F. Stevenson, Pymosa Township  517
J. C. Stewart, Marne  518
Zadoc Stewart, Franklin Township  165
James Stier, Atlantic  519
Henry Stone, Bear Grove Township  206
Luma W. Stone, Massena Township  186
John Stoner, Lorah  521
Frederick Stoodt, Franklin Township  166
Dr. M. F. Stults, Wiota  521
Thomas B. Swan, Atlantic  523
Dr. W. B. Swisher, Lewis  95
Charles R. Switzaer, Bear Grove Township  524

   ********** T **********
William Talbot, Lincoln Township  160
Thomas Tate, Victoria Township  198
Jonathan A. Taylor, Union Township  526
Matthew Taylor, Union Township  526
Willis B. Taylor, Wiota  527
William Thompson, Lincoln Township  160
Thomas M. Tice, Bear Grove Township  528
Charles E. Townsend, Edna Township  55, 108, 118
Marion S. Trailor, Brighton Township  530
William M. Trailor, Brighton Township  129, 531
Andrew Trimmer, Lincoln Township  160
Joseph Turner, Wiota  171
Robert Turner, Franklin Township  167
M. M. Tryon, Massena  413

   ********** U **********
Union Township  135
Samuel Upson, Cass Township  93

   ********** V **********
Capt. John J. Van Houten, Lewis  83, 101
Hall G. Van Vlack, Union Township  137, 206, 532
Amos W. Vaughn, Cass Township  106
Victoria Township  197

   ********** W **********
William Waddell, Atlantic  73, 471
Albert Wakefield, Grove Township  221
Rev. Asa Walden, Victoria Township  198
Arthur Walker, Atlantic  523
William Walkinshaw, Griswold  534
S. W. Wallace, Grant Township  152
Charles C. Warne, Bear Grove Township  536
William H. Warne, Bear Grove Township  535
Washington Township  201
B. R. Wasson, Atlantic  537
James M. Watson, Washington Township  203
William M. Watson, Washington Township  203
Leonard J. Weaver, Noble Township  538
Ulysses G. Weaver, Noble Township  539
Joseph Weirich, Noble Township  213
Charles H. Westfall, Noble Township  540
John A. Weston, Noble Township  541
Lester W. Wheatley, Brighton Township  542
Edwin Wheeler, Marne  132
Samuel Whistler, Edna Township  120
William L. Whistler, Union Township  138
Eseck Whitney, Massena Township  186
Franklin H. Whitney, Atlantic  70, 186, 198, 543
James G. Whitney, Atlantic  545
W. S. Whitney, Atlantic  187, 547
Paul Wiese, Brighton Township  133, 548
Hon. Hamilton Wilcox, Griswold  549
Dr. C. V. Wilder, Atlantic  551
John O. Wilken, Atlanticp  552
Dr. Robert D. Wilkin, Atlantic  554
Hon. Ezra Willard, Atlantic  555
William C. Williams, Atlantic  557
William P. Willoughby, Cass Township  558
Wiota  170
Wiota Savings Bank  265
Samuel Wilson, Edna Township  120
Henry Wissler, Bear Grove Township  559
Ben U. Wood, Atlantic  562
Hon. John H. Wood, Atlantic  560
D. W. Woodward, Cass Township  562
Wooster J. Woodward, Lewis  564
Thomas B. Worth, Cass Township  566
Solon A. Worthing, Atlantic  568
John Worthington, Cumberland  139, 569
Lyman B. Worthington, Cumberland  570
W. Theo. Woodward, Lewis  566
A. J. Wright, Griswold  571
Zenas M. Wright, Griswold  572

   ********** Y **********
John H. Yarger, Massena  573
E. J. Young, Atlantic  574
Hon. Lafayette Young, Atlantic  245
Robert T. Young, Wiota  171

   ********** Z **********
A. H. F. Ziegler, Anita  575

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