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Posted By: Gordon Felland (email)
Date: 9/24/2006 at 22:10:56

George Koethke is well known as a representative farmer and stock raiser and also as a successful dairyman of Union township, Mitchell county, his home being on section 20. He was born July 10, 1861, in Hanover, Germany, and came to the United States in 1881, settling in Mitchell county, Iowa, where he has since remained. He was at that time a young man of twenty years. He at once cast in his lot with the agriculturists of the community and has given his attention to general farm work as the years have gone by. For two years he remained with Henry Toeter and for one summer was employed by Nat Patterson. He then began farming on his own account and rented land until 1890, when he purchased his present place of residence on section 20, Union township. He has here one hundred and sixty acres of land, and as the soil is naturally rich and productive, it responds readily to the care and labor which he bestows upon it in the cultivation of the fields. He raises the cereals best adapted to soil and climate and follows the most progressive methods in cultivating his crops. He also engages in the raising of graded Durham cattle and he is interested in dairying, being one of the stockholders and a director of the Lyle Creamery at Lyle, Minnesota. He is likewise a director and one of the stockholders of the Union Bank of Toeterville. His business affairs are wisely and carefully directed and managed and success has attended his efforts in substantial measure.

On the 24th of August, 1889, Mr. Koethke was united in marriage to Miss Emma Langrock, of Union township, and they have become the parents of four children: Edna; Herbert, who is drafted into the United States army and expects to be called to the colors any day; Elmer, at home; and August, who died at the age of one year.

The religious faith of the family is that of the German Evangelical Lutheran church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Koethke are members. Mr. Koethke has in his possession a very rare old Bible which was printed in 1725 and has been in the family since that year, having been handed down from generation to generation. With it are therefore connected many historic associations as regards the family, and the present owner esteems this book very highly and to him it is priceless on that account. The Bible, now nearly two hundred years old, is in a splendid state of preservation and a fine example of the printer's art of those early days. For six years Mr. Koethke has served as one of the trustees and does all in his power to aid in promoting its growth and extending its influence. Since 1906 Mr. Koethke has served as clerk of his township and for two years he occupied the position of justice of the peace. He has also been secretary of the school district and served for several years prior to that time as one of the school directors. He is interested in all that has to do with the welfare and progress of the community in which he resides and in his business affairs has so directed his efforts that success in substantial measure has come to him.

Source: History of Mitchell and Worth Counties, Iowa, 1918, Vol. II, Pages 225 & 226.


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