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Posted By: Gordon Felland (email)
Date: 9/24/2006 at 22:05:00

Fred H. Bruggemann needs no introduction to the readers of this volume, for he is a native son of Mitchell county and has spent his entire life in this part of the state.

He was born March 26, 1880, on the old family homestead a half mile north of Toeterville, being a son of Fred Bruggemann, Sr., who was born in Hamburg, Germany, on the l0th of January, 1842. He spent the first three decades of his life in his native country and then crossed the Atlantic to the new world. After a brief period spent in Madison, Wisconsin, he removed to Iowa, taking up his abode in Mitchell county in 1872, and in the public life of the community he became an active factor. He is a stockholder in the lumber and grain company, also in the creamery of Toeterville and of Lyle, Minnesota.

He was one of those most active in furthering the railroad projects which brought rail communication to Toeterville, cooperating in many plans and projects which have resulted beneficially to the community. He assisted in organizing the German Lutheran church of Toeterville, in which he served as a trustee. In the work of the church he has always been actively and helpfully interested and all who know him recognize his sterling worth. Fred Bruggemann, Sr., was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Perau, a daughter of Henry Perau, who was born in Hanover, Germany, and who came to the United States with his family when his daughter Elizabeth was a little maiden of fourteen years, her birth having occurred February 22, 1852.

On the 5th of January, 1872, she became the wife of Mr. Bruggemann and to them have been born twelve children: Gusta, who is the wife of William Hoeverman, of Wendell, Minnesota; Bertha, who became the wife of Albert Brandt and is residing in St. Ansgar township; Martha; Alice, the wife of Fred Buntrock, of London, Minnesota; Elizabeth, deceased; Emma, who married Sam Ehlke and resides in Union township; Herman, a resident of the state of Minnesota; Albert, who makes his home in Union township; Fred H.; William, residing in Union township; and Edward and George, both of whom are living on the old homestead.

Fred H. Bruggemann pursued his education in the common schools, supplemented by a course in the Osage Seminary and by further study in the Waverly Business College. He worked for his father until he reached the age of twenty-one years, thus receiving thorough training in all branches of farm work. He afterward took charge of the general store and post office of Toeterville for B. F. Muldown. He is still active in that connection and he is also identified with the banking interests of the village, being a stockholder and one of the board of directors of the Union Bank.

On the 3d of June, 1909, Mr. Bruggemann was married to Miss Ella Geffert, a daughter of Henry Geffert, and they have become the parents of two children, Elvina and Frederick.

The religious faith of the family is that of the German Lutheran church. They are well known in the community in which they reside and warm regard is entertained for them by many friends. Mr. Bruggemann gives his political allegiance to the republican party and for the past two years has served as president of the school board.

Source: History of Mitchell and Worth Counties, Iowa, 1918, Vol. II, Pages 190 & 191.


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