Scott family in Lucas Co., Iowa
Posted By: David (email)
Date: 4/15/2003 at 15:27:13
Looking for anyone researching. Or having the surname SCOTT in Lucas Co., Iowa. They where in Lucas County since 1849. They came with thier step-father John Howard from Jackson ( and sorrounding area ) county of Indiana. John's wife Mary Sutphin / Sulphin-Scott-Howard. Was the first person burried in Chariton Cemetery. She was burried in Oct. 1850.
Mary and first husband Jaccob Scott. Had 3 known and is shown in 1840 census for other children as well. Jaccob Scott, who died in 1834 in Jackson Co., Indiana. Jaccob is also the uncle to Noble Douglass. Noble's mother being Lydia Scott, and father being Cyrus Douglass. Jaccob and Mary's children known so far are,
Aaron Salter Scott born 1826 ( about ),
Anna Marie Scott .. married John A. J. Bentley
Cyrus Douglass Scott born 1832 ( about )
Lucas Queries maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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