Re: John Newton Ensign killed
Posted By: Charlene (email) In Response To: John Newton Ensign killed (Donald Aikman)
Date: 7/7/2006 at 13:25:02
The Genealogical Society Library can help with your request. The newspaper article about John Ensign's death has been located. In order to assist people with their requests the society does research for the fee of $10 per hour plus copy costs of $.15 to $1.00 per page. Your cost would be $10.75 (1 hr. research)and copies of 3 pages. If you are interested you may let me know by e-mail and I will mail them off to you. We ask that you then mail our society a check for $10.75. Our mailing address is: Genealogical Society of Linn Co., P.O. Box 175, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406.
Charlene, Researcher
Linn Queries maintained by Cindy Booth Maher.
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