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Buck, Bertha Marie (Engelhardt) 1877 - 1945


Posted By: Reid R. Johnson (email)
Date: 2/21/2024 at 17:31:50

Clayton County Register, 19 July 1945.

Funeral services for Mrs. Emil Buck were held at 1:30 this afternoon from the Roy Engelhardt home and at 2:00 at the Saint John's church in Farmersburg. The Rev. H. M. Adix of Waterloo officiated.

Mrs. Buck, the daughter of Mrs. Minnie Engelhardt, died suddenly, Monday, of a heart attack at her home in Des Moines. Funeral services were held at the White funeral chapel there, Wednesday, previous to bringing the body to St. Olaf.

This is the second death in the Engelhardt family in the past several days. On Friday Mrs. Engelhardt who is 86, received word of the death of a son-in-law, Arvil P. Nelson of Larzene, Calif., who died suddenly of a stroke following a game of golf. Mr. Nelson was a former athletic coach in the Strawberry Point school. His wife is the former Pearl Engelhardt.

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Clayton County Register, 26 July 1945.

Funeral services for Mrs. Emil Buck, 68, who died in a hospital at Des Moines on Monday, July 16, following a brief illness, were held at the Roy Engelhardt home in St. Olaf at 1:30 Thursday afternoon and at St. John's church in Farmersburg at 2 p.m. The Rev. H. M. Adix of Waterloo officiated. Burial was in the Farmersburg-Wagner cemetery.

Bertha Marie Engelhardt was born at St. Olaf, Ia., on May 17, 1877, the daughter of Minnie and Charles Engelhardt. She was the second child of a family of nine children.

She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church and received her grade school education in the St. Olaf schools.

On March 23, 1898 she was married to Emil H. Buck. They started housekeeping in Farmersburg where they lived until 1902, when they moved to Calmar, Iowa. In 1937, they moved to Des Moines which has since been their home.

Surviving are her husband and three sons Hugo C. Buck, Des Plaines, Ill.; Lt. Leroy L. Buck, now with the War Department in Washington, D.C.; and Woodrow J. Buck of Ames, Iowa; her aged mother, Mrs. Minnie Engelhardt, of St. Olaf, one sister, Mrs. Pearl Nelson of Encino, Calif., four brothers: George Engelhardt, of Vancouver, Wash.; Charles Engelhardt, of Lake Norden, S.D.; Fred Engelhardt, of Clinton and Ray Engelhardt of St. Olaf; also seven grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by one son Karl, her father, two brothers, Hugo and Otto and a sister Ella.

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