

Story County
Surname Index


Story Co., IA
Surname Index: U


These pages index all surnames found on this site. You may also find surnames using Surname Search.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X-Z*    

*International characters sort last and will appear with Zs.

SurnamePost TypeDescriptionDate
UBALLEHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UBALLEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UBANKSBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UBBENCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UBBENDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
UBBENCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UBBENCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UBBENDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UBBENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UBBENWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
UDAGERBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UDAGERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UDAGERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDAHCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UDEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDHEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDORVICHSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UDORVICHCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UDORVICHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UDORVICHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDPASocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UDPAMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UDSTUENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UDTLSENHistoryStory Co IA Roland History 1870-1970N/A
UECKERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UEMURADirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UETZDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UFFORDHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
UFFORDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
UFFORDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
UFFORDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
UFFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UFFORDLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
UFFORDMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UFFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UFFORDDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UFFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
UFFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UFFORDCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UFFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UFFORDBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UFFORDBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UFFORDDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UFFORDLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
UFFORDCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UFFORDMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UFFORDFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UFFORDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UFFORDHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
UFORDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UGLOWObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UGOLINECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UGOLINISocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UGOLINICensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UGOLINICensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UGOLINIDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
UGOLINICensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UGOLINICemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UGOLINIFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UGOLINIDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UGOLINIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UGOLINIWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
UHDECensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UHDEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UHDEBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UHDEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UHERINGDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UHLSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UHLDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UHLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
UHLCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UHLCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
UHLCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UHLCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UHLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UHLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UHLBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UHLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UHLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UHLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
UHLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UHLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UHLENHOPPSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UHLENHOPPCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UHLENHOPPHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UHLENHOPPObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UHLIGObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UHLIRObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UHLMEYERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UHRHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UHRObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UHRICensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UHRIGCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UITERMARKSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UITERMARKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
UITERMARKHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
UITERMARKCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UITERMARKHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UITERMARKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UITERMARKTSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UITERMARKTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UKENASocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UKENACensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UKENADirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UKENACemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UKENAObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UKNESObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UKNOWNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULANOWICZCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
ULARYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULCHCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
ULCHBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
ULENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULERYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
ULERYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULESTADCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
ULIBARRIDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
ULICHFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULICHNYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULICKIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULISHSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
ULITOSCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
ULLESTADSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
ULLESTADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
ULLESTADCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
ULLESTADCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
ULLESTADCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
ULLESTADCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
ULLESTADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
ULLESTADGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
ULLESTADCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
ULLESTADMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
ULLESTADMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
ULLESTADHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
ULLESTADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULLRICHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULLRICKHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
ULLRICKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
ULLRICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULLSTADBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
ULLSTADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULLUMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
ULMHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
ULMCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
ULMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
ULMANHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
ULMANCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
ULMANDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
ULMENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULMERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
ULMERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULNCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
ULRICHCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
ULRICHGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
ULRICHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
ULRICHFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULRICHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULRICHSONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
ULRICKCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
ULRICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULRICKSONMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
ULRICKSONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULSHSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
ULSHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
ULSTADGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
ULSTADFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULSTADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULSTEADCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
ULTEYBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
ULUMHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
ULUMMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1871 Military Eligible1871-06-20
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
ULUMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
ULUMMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
ULUMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
ULUMMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
ULUMCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
ULUMBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
ULUMBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
ULUMCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
ULUMMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
ULUMFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULUMDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
ULUMObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULUMWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
ULUMCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
ULVANESFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULVENObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULVENESFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
ULVESTADDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
ULVESTADCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
ULVESTADObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULVINDDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
ULWICKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
ULYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
ULZCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UMBARGERSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UMBARGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UMBARGERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UMBAUGHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UMBAUGHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
UMBAUGHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
UMBAUGHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UMBLECensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UMBLEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UMBRIGHTCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UMCKCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UMDENSTOCKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UMDERWOODCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UMFRYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UMMELDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UMPHRYCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
UMPLEBYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UMPRYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UMSTATTDCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UMTHUNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UMTRAUERCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UMWINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UNDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UNAGSTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNALMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNANGSTDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
UNBEDACHTCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNCAPHERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UNCHURCHHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UNDENCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UNDENWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERBERGObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNDERDAHLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UNDERHELLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNDERHILLHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
UNDERHILLSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UNDERHILLDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UNDERHILLCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UNDERHILLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNDERHILLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERHILLBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UNDERHILLLand RecordStory Co IA Federal Land PatentsN/A
UNDERHILLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERHILLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UNDERHILLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNDERKOFLERCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UNDERKOFLERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNDERKOFLERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERKOFLERMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNDERKOLFERMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNDERLANDSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UNDERLANDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNDERWOODHistoryHistory of Story County by William O. Payne 1911N/A
UNDERWOODHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
UNDERWOODHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
UNDERWOODMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1890 Military Eligible1890-10-31
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
UNDERWOODMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UNDERWOODLand Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
UNDERWOODMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1904 Military Eligible1904-12-15
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UNDERWOODCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERWOODBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UNDERWOODBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UNDERWOODHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
UNDERWOODDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UNDERWOODVital Record IndexStory Co IA Divorce IndexN/A
UNDERWOODMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNDERWOODMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERWOODHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UNDERWOODFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UNDERWOODDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UNDERWOODObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNDERWOODCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
UNDERWOODMilitary RecordStory Co IA Spanish-American War RosterN/A
UNDERWOODCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
UNDERWOODHistoryStory Co IA Zearing 1956 HistoryN/A
UNEYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UNGERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNGERMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNGERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UNGERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNGER-WALLACEMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UNHOLZObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNITED REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.Land Record IndexStory Co IA 1902 Atlas Index of Land OwnersN/A
UNIVERSITY A.K.A. COLLEGEGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
UNIVINDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UNKNOWNCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
UNKNOWNCensusStory Co IA 1880 Mortality Schedule1880-06-01
UNKNOWNCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
UNKNOWNGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
UNKNOWNFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UNKNOWNObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNLAUFCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UNRUHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNTRAUERSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UNTRAUERCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UNTRAUERCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1940 Colo Phone Directory1940-01-01
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
UNTRAUERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1956 Colo Phone Directory1956-05-01
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
UNTRAUERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UNTRAUERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UNTRAUERWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
UNTRAURERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNWINCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UNWINCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UNWINCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UNWINCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UNWINCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UNWINBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UNWINCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UNWINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UNWINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPCHURCHSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UPCHURCHCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1924 Colo Directory1924-01-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1926 Colo Phone Directory1926-04-01
UPCHURCHCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UPCHURCHCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1940 Colo Phone Directory1940-01-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
UPCHURCHCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1953 Zearing Phone DirectoryN/A
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1956 Colo Phone Directory1956-05-01
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UPCHURCHBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Colo High School GraduatesN/A
UPCHURCHCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UPCHURCHHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
UPCHURCHHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UPCHURCHDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UPCHURCHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPDAHLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UPDAHLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UPDEGRAFFObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPDEGRAFTCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
UPDEGRAFTCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UPDEGRAFTBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UPDEGRAFTBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UPDEGROVEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UPDIKEHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
UPDYKEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UPDYKEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPHAMFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UPPDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 ISC Directory1915-10-15
UPPADALCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
UPPERMANDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UPSANGERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSHAWObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSILLCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UPSONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UPSONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSTEVDTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSTILLSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UPSTILLCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UPSTILLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UPSTILLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UPSTILLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSTREETDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UPSTUTMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UPSTWEDTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPSWEETCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
UPSWETCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
UPTAINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UPTONCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
UPTONCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UPTONDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
UPTONCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
UPTONCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1948 Nevada Phone DirectoryN/A
UPTONCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UPTONCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UPTONMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UPTONFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UPTONDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Nevada High School GraduatesN/A
UPTONObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UQULINICensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
URAMObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URAMOTOObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URBAINObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URBANCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
URBANFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
URBANObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URBASObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URBATCHDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
URBATSCHCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
URBINACensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
URBUTTObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URDAHLCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
URDAHLDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
URDAHLCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
URDAHLBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
URDAHLBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
URDAHLDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
URDAHLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
URDAHLMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
URDAHLFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
URDAHLObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URDAHLCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
URDAHLCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
URELSDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
URIBEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URICHSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
URICHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URICKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
URMYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URNESSSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
URNESSObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UROYERBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
URSIDAObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
URWINBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
URWINFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
USBORNEMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
USBORNEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
USCHKRATHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
USCHKRATDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
USHERMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1867 Military Eligible1867-08-10
USHERCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
USHERCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
USHERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
USHERWOODMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
USKUDARLIObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
USREYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
USRYDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA 1914 ISC AlumniN/A
USRYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
USTLINGHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
USTREDCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
USTREMHistoryStory Co IA McCallsburg 1969 CentennialN/A
USTREMDirectory (eg City) IndexStory Co IA McCallsburg Pupils and FacultyN/A
USTRUDCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
USTRUDCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
USTRUDDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
USTRUDCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
USTRUDObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTACensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UTAKERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTERMARKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
UTESCHHistoryStory Co IA Milford Township and Proud Of ItN/A
UTESCHObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTHESocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UTHEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UTHECensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UTHECensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UTHECensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UTHECensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UTHEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UTHEBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UTHECemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UTHEMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UTHEMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UTHEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Maxwell High School GraduatesN/A
UTHEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTHEObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTHEWill IndexStory Co IA Will Book IndexN/A
UTHE JRDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UTHE SRDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UTHOFFCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UTHOFFObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTLENCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UTLERYMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1894 Military Eligible1894-06-13
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
UTLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1900 Census1900-06-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1905 Census Register1905-01-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UTLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1914 Directory1914-10-30
UTLEYDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1915 Ames Phone Directory1915-11-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1920 Census1920-01-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1930 Census1930-04-01
UTLEYCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UTLEYBirth Record IndexStory Co IA Birth Certificate IndexN/A
UTLEYDeath Record IndexStory Co IA Death Certificate IndexN/A
UTLEYGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
UTLEYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UTLEYMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
UTLEYMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UTLEYFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTLEYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTLEYCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
UTNEFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTSLERFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTTAAGERCensusStory Co IA 1910 Census1910-04-15
UTTERCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UTTERCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UTTERDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ames High School GraduatesN/A
UTTERObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTTERBACKHistoryHistory of Story County Iowa by W. G. Allen 18871887-03-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1854 Census1854-06-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1856 Census1856-06-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1860 Census1860-06-01
UTTERBACKMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1863 Military Eligible1863-06-23
UTTERBACKMilitary Record IndexStory Co IA 1864 Military Eligible1864-06-14
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1870 Census1870-06-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1880 Census1880-01-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1885 Census1885-01-01
UTTERBACKHistoryStory Co IA 1890 HistoryN/A
UTTERBACKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1892 Farmers Directory1892-00-00
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1895 Census1895-01-01
UTTERBACKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA 1897/98 County Directory1898-01-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1940 Census1940-04-01
UTTERBACKCensusStory Co IA 1950 Census1950-04-01
UTTERBACKBirth RecordStory Co IA BirthsN/A
UTTERBACKHistoryStory Co IA Collins SchoolN/A
UTTERBACKGravestone Photo Project IndexStory Co IA GPP IndexN/A
UTTERBACKCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA Grave Marker Volumes IndexN/A
UTTERBACKMarriage Record IndexStory Co IA Marriage IndexN/A
UTTERBACKFamily TreeStory Co IA NCHS Family Tree ProjectN/A
UTTERBACKObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTTERBACKCourt Record IndexStory Co IA Probate IndexN/A
UTTERBACKCemetery Record IndexStory Co IA WPA Graves RegistrationN/A
UTTERMARKDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Collins High School GraduatesN/A
UTZSocial Security IndexSocial Security Death IndexN/A
UTZObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UTZKEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Ballard High School GraduatesN/A
UTZKEDirectory (eg City)Story Co IA Huxley High School GraduatesN/A
UWIKCensusStory Co IA 1925 Census1925-01-01
UYObituary IndexStory Co IA Obituary Board Surname IndexN/A
UZMiscellaneous RecordsStory Co IA Inventor PatentsN/A
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