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Maxwell P. O.
NOTE—Persons marked with a * own their property
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P.O. Town Section Surname Given Name Occupation Address
Maxwell P. O. LINGENFELTER Harold merchant
Maxwell P. O. * LINGENFELTER J. F., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * LINK Geo. retired
Maxwell P. O. LINK Jacob retired
Maxwell P. O. LINK Wm. wagon maker
Maxwell P. O. LINK J. salesman
Maxwell P. O. * LINK Levi laborer
Maxwell P. O. * LONGNECKER Chas. retired
Maxwell P. O. * LONGNECKER L., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * LOOKINGBIL C. marble works
Maxwell P. O. LOWE H. retired
Maxwell P. O. * MADISON Sarah, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. MAJOR Wm. retired
Maxwell P. O. MALLORY R. C. printer
Maxwell P. O. * MASTERS Wm. mason
Maxwell P. O. * MERRIL stone cutter
Maxwell P. O. * MEYRS Henry stockman
Maxwell P. O. * MCCLINTOCK E., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * MCCLINTOCK F. W. feed mill
Maxwell P. O. MCCLUNG laborer
Maxwell P. O. * MCNABB J. W. cobbler
Maxwell P. O. * MCNALL J. laborer
Maxwell P. O. * MCQUERTER A. retired
Maxwell P. O. MCQUISTON E. retired
Maxwell P. O. * MILLER H. J. pool hall
Maxwell P. O. * MINGLE D. H., Dr. physician
Maxwell P. O. * MOURN C., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * MOURN E., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * MUNFORD J. C. painter
Maxwell P. O. * MYERS Simon retired
Maxwell P. O. NEAL Marion auto salesman
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER A. E.
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER Chas. real estate
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER Geo. trav. salesman
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER H. J. laborer
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER M. L. harness maker
Maxwell P. O. OLINGER Logan real estate
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER Philip barber
Maxwell P. O. * OLINGER R., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. O'NEIL Bert laborer
Maxwell P. O. OSBORN Jno., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. OSBORN M. M., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * OXLEY M., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. OZMUN Myra nurse
Maxwell P. O. * PARKER O. W. cashier
Maxwell P. O. * PEARSON L. retired
Maxwell P. O. * PEARSON Niles retired
Maxwell P. O. PETERSON Ida, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * PIERSON David carpenter
Maxwell P. O. * PIERSON Frank laborer
Maxwell P. O. * PIFFER Lida, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * PORTER Ella, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. POWERS Irvin movie show
Maxwell P. O. PRIESTY Prof.
Maxwell P. O. PRING D. laborer
Maxwell P. O. PROCTOR Roy drayman
Maxwell P. O. PRYOR A. hardware
Maxwell P. O. QUICK J. R., Dr. veterinary
Maxwell P. O. * RANDALL M. N. retired
Maxwell P. O. RAY Andrew farmer
Maxwell P. O. RAY Arthur farmer
Maxwell P. O. RAY H.. Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * RAY Jno., retired
Maxwell P. O. * REITZ C. Z. retired
Maxwell P. O. * ROBINSON Ed. retired
Maxwell P. O. ROSELLE Henry electrician
Maxwell P. O. * ROWSER M., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. RUBY Alfa cook
Maxwell P. O. * RUPP Peter retired
Maxwell P. O. * RUPP W. P. carpenter
Maxwell P. O. * SABO O. P. laborer
Maxwell P. O. * SALMON F. W. retired
Maxwell P. O. SALIAN Sarah, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * SCHECHTER J. J. retired
Maxwell P. O. SCOTT Wm. deliveryman
Maxwell P. O. * SERBEIN L., Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * SHAVER Chas. drayman
Maxwell P. O. SHEPHERD L. R. printer
Maxwell P. O. * SHERMAN A. M. stockbuyer
Maxwell P. O. * SHERMAN Mary, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. * SHERMAN S. hardware
Maxwell P. O. * SHIELDS A. road superintendent
Maxwell P. O. * SHOOP J. M. carpenter
Maxwell P. O. * SHOPE Mary, Mrs.
Maxwell P. O. SLAUGHTER Jesse laborer
Maxwell P. O. * SMITH F. M. farmer
Maxwell P. O. * SMITH M. mason
Maxwell P. O. * SNELTZER T. grain elevator
Maxwell P. O. SOUTHWICK C. A. Clerk
Maxwell P. O. * SOUTHWICK E. retired
Maxwell P. O. * SPAY Gus farmer
Maxwell P. O. * STARK A. H. contractor
Maxwell P. O. STONE Chas. laborer
Maxwell P. O. STORK Wm. retired
Maxwell P. O. STROMBECK O. F. druggist
Maxwell P. O. SUTTER H. L. hotel and restaurant
Maxwell P. O. * SUTTON Jas. tiler
Maxwell P. O. * TAYLOR W. F., Dr. veterinary
Maxwell P. O. * THOMPSON Geo. teamster
Maxwell P. O. THOMPSON Wm., Rev. minister
Maxwell P. O. TROTTER C., Dr. physician
Maxwell P. O. TROUT Carl garage
Maxwell P. O. TROUP Walter
Maxwell P. O. * TRUMBAUR E. laborer
Maxwell P. O. VASS Edna teacher
Maxwell P. O. VIERS Lynn laborer
Maxwell P. O. * WADE Frank retired
Maxwell P. O. WALTON A. T., Rev. minister
Maxwell P. O. * WARD Chas. retired
Maxwell P. O. * WARNER Milen mail carrier
Maxwell P. O. * WARNER Wm. painter
Maxwell P. O. * URELS Jas. grain buyer

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Maxwell P. O.

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