Search Again 1914 Story County Directory
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Results for Names Matching "PETERSON"

NOTE—Persons whose names are marked with a * own property in which they live.
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Results from search on Directory Surname
Page P.O. Town Section Surname Given Name Occupation Address
96 Story City R.F.D. 4 * PETERSON (Bros.)
40 Slater P. O. * PETERSON A. merchant
40 Slater P. O. * PETERSON A. L. merchant
96 Story City R.F.D. 4 * PETERSON A. O. (Hamilton county)
64 Nevada R.F.D. 3 PETERSON Andrew Nevada or Richland Twp
90 Story City P. O. PETERSON Andrew retired
40 Slater P. O. PETERSON Anna, Mrs.
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) * PETERSON C. J.
63 Nevada R.F.D. 2 PETERSON Chas. Richland, Grant or Warren Twp
63 Nevada R.F.D. 2 PETERSON Chris Richland, Grant or Warren Twp
90 Story City P. O. * PETERSON E. J. retired
51 Nevada 1st Ward * PETERSON Geo. farmer 9th Ave. N.
66 Nevada R.F.D. 4 * PETERSON Geo. Richland Twp
55 Nevada 2nd Ward PETERSON Gera nurse Iowa Sanitarium
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) PETERSON Gus
32 Ames R. R. 4 PETERSON H. C. L.
40 Slater P. O. * PETERSON H. L. merchant
42 Huxley * PETERSON H. O. carpenter
63 Nevada R.F.D. 2 PETERSON Hans Richland, Grant or Warren Twp
62 Nevada R.F.D. 1 PETERSON Hebert Nevada, Grant or Union Twp
67 Nevada R.F.D. 5 PETERSON I. J. Grand or Milford Twp
80 Maxwell P. O. PETERSON Ida, Mrs.
63 Nevada R.F.D. 2 PETERSON Iner Richland, Grant or Warren Twp
67 Nevada R.F.D. 5 * PETERSON J. K. Grand or Milford Twp
67 Nevada R.F.D. 5 PETERSON J. W. Grand or Milford Twp
67 Nevada R.F.D. 5 PETERSON Jens Grand or Milford Twp
102 McCallsburg P. O. PETERSON John real estate
16 Ames 2nd Ward PETERSON John printer 622 6th
40 Slater P. O. * PETERSON Julia, Mrs.
95 Story City R.F.D. 3 PETERSON Lars
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) * PETERSON Lars
31 Ames R. R. 3 * PETERSON Lars
96 Story City R.F.D. 4 * PETERSON Lewis
43 Huxley R.F.D. 1 * PETERSON M. A.
55 Nevada 2nd Ward * PETERSON Ole laborer Sycamore
40 Slater P. O. * PETERSON Osmund carpenter
92 Story City R.F.D. 1 PETERSON P. A.
101 Roland R.F.D. 1 * PETERSON P. I.
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) * PETERSON P. L.
35 Gilbert R. R. 1 * PETERSON P. O. Story or Boone County
101 Roland R.F.D. 1 * PETERSON Paul
28 Ames R. R. 1 * PETERSON Paul
96 Story City R.F.D. 4 * PETERSON Pete
95 Story City R.F.D. 3 PETERSON Pete
55 Nevada 2nd Ward PETERSON Peter carpenter Walnut
60 Nevada 4th Ward * PETERSON S. barber Linn
34 Gilbert P. O. PETERSON Samuel carpenter
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) PETERSON Thomas
31 Ames R. R. 3 PETERSON Wm.
38 Kelley R. R. 1 (Story and Boone Counties) PETERSON Wm.
42 Sheldahl * PETERSON Wm. implement dealer (Story county portion)

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