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Page 42
Shedahl (Story County portion) and Huxley
NOTE—Persons marked with a * own their property
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P.O. Town Section Surname Given Name Occupation Address
Sheldahl * COMSTOCK Frank retired (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * EASTON Thomas section hand (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * ERICKSON Henry mail carrier (Story county portion)
Sheldahl ERICKSON Andrew tiler (Story county portion)
Sheldahl FRANCE Daniel laborer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * GRABER R. F. banker (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * HALVERSON John section foreman (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * HORNING Frank postmaster (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * OSTEND Mrs. (Story county portion)
Sheldahl OSTEND Olaf laborer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * PETERSON Wm. implement dealer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl ROE Oscar laborer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl RYEN Ole farmer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * SAWICK Anna, Mrs. (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * SHAW D. F. elevator (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * SHELDAHL Martin merchant (Story county portion)
Sheldahl SHELDAHL Jams laborer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * SHELDAHL Osmund, Mrs. (Story county portion)
Sheldahl SHELDAHL Anna music teacher (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * SUNESS S. retired (Story county portion)
Sheldahl * TAYLOR James engineer (Story county portion)
Sheldahl TESDAHL H. H. retired (Story county portion)
Huxley APLIN Thos. farm
Huxley * ANDERSON Chris retired
Huxley BIRKELO P. C. minister
Huxley * BLAKE R. G. merchant
Huxley * BROWN P. T. garage
Huxley * BURROW Lewis farmer
Huxley * CHELSIK P., Mrs.
Huxley CHELSIK Fred lbr.
Huxley * DOBBE John implement dealer
Huxley * DOBBE Andrew retired
Huxley * DOBBE O. C. H. implement dealer
Huxley * ECKLUND A. V. real estate
Huxley * EGENES R. lumber yard man
Huxley * EIDE O. C. retired
Huxley * ERICKSON Lars farmer
Huxley * FATLAND Lars butcher
Huxley * FATLAND Louis lbr.
Huxley * FLODEN John retired
Huxley * FLODEN J. J. carpenter
Huxley FLODEN Nels carpenter
Huxley * FREED O. F., Dr. veterinary
Huxley * FRITZ O. C. retired
Huxley * FJELAND Larss carpenter
Huxley * FJELAND Sever carpenter
Huxley * HANSON Mrs.
Huxley * HANSEN M. J., Mrs.
Huxley HADVERSON Halver carpenter
Huxley * HEGGEN O. S. stockman
Huxley HILL Clarence livery
Huxley HILL B. A. farmer
Huxley HOKEL Tena, Mrs.
Huxley HOKEL Carl section hand
Huxley HOKEL Joseph meat cutter
Huxley HOKEL B, Mrs.
Huxley HOKEL Henry clerk
Huxley HOKEL Carl section hand
Huxley * JOHNSON J. N. retired
Huxley JOHNSON Albert merchant
Huxley JOHNSON Chris implement dealer
Huxley * JOHNSON O. M., Mrs.
Huxley * JOHNSON O. M. lumber dealer
Huxley * KALSEM John retired
Huxley KALSEM John Jr.
Huxley * KALSEM F. merchant
Huxley KEMPLE Louis painter
Huxley * KETLESON Bertha, Mrs.
Huxley * KLOSTER A. postmaster
Huxley KLOSTER Lars principal school
Huxley LANDE S. A. laborer
Huxley * LANDE A. O. retired
Huxley * LARSON retired
Huxley * LARSON Nels farmer
Huxley * LARSON Samuel P., Mrs.
Huxley * LARSON O. P. barber
Huxley * LEGVOLD O. C. lumber yard man
Huxley LODDEN Chris, Mrs.
Huxley * MARCUS O. C. retired
Huxley * MELAN Martin carpenter
Huxley * NASH E. hardware
Huxley NASH Seward hardware
Huxley OLESON O. J. manager creamery
Huxley OLESON James buttermaker
Huxley * OLESON Melin, Mrs.
Huxley * PETERSON H. O. carpenter
Huxley * RICHARDSON Anthon retired
Huxley * ROE Jens retired
Huxley * RULLESTAD Gunder retired
Huxley * RULLESTAD James mason
Huxley * RYEN Newton retired
Huxley SAVE Thos. mail carrier
Huxley * SAMPSON H. retired
Huxley * SAMPSON O. C. retired
Huxley SCHONEMAN Elisa dressmaker
Huxley * SEVEREID John retired
Huxley * SEVEREID O. J. druggist
Huxley * SEVEREID Joseph clerk
Huxley SEVEREID Alfred clerk
Huxley * SEVRSAK Peter blacksmith
Huxley * SHAW Helen, Mrs.
Huxley SHELDAHL H. R. elevator
Huxley * SHELDAHL Mrs.
Huxley SKROGG W. G. section foreman

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Shedahl (Story County portion) and Huxley

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