Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

September 3, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

September 3, 1868


---On Tuesday morning, September 1, 1868, by Rev. T. B. KEMP, Mr. Wylie H. BLEAKMORE, Editor of the Sigourney Vindicator, and Miss Mary GODDARD, of this city.

Another Editor “set up in double column,” “imposed,” and “worked off” into the Sea of Matrimony.

May joy come to them in “fattest takes”---
  Their woes be love’s lightest taps;
May health and wealth be on their “proof”
  Their “copy” abound in small caps.

---In Fairfield, Iowa, on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1868, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. W. C. SHIPPEN, Dr. E. H. KING, of Clinton, Iowa, and Miss Hattie M. CASE, of this city.

May the case our friend KING has taken charge ever prove a pleasant one, and receive his closest attention.  With the post, may they always be able to say:

“An hour like this is worth a thousand pass’d
In pomp or ease – ‘t is present to the last!
Years glide away untold – ‘t is still the same;
As fresh, as fair as on the day it came.”

---June 24, 1868, by Rev. John SINGLETON, at the house of David MYERS, Mr. William A. LYON and Miss Sierra Nevada MYERS.

The above notice was not returned until Sept. 1st.  The minister is liable to a fine for not obeying the law.

Teachers Association.--- Court-House, August 1st, 1868. --- The Association was called to order by the President.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Exercises were conducted in Object Teaching, Elocution and Orthography, by Mrs. HOWE, Maggie PATTEN and E. OGDEN.

Some very interesting remarks were made in regard to the method of Object Teaching, and also the importance of introducing it in our schools.

Mr. McCLAIN was called on to read a select piece, and in so doing he did honor to himself and audience.

Mr. DAVIS made some very interesting and instructive remarks in regard to School Government.  Considerable interest was manifested by all the teachers present upon this important subject.

Mr. DAVIS and Miss Maggie SHRINER reported the following programme for the next meeting:  Essay --- Wm. McCRACKEN;  Mental Arithmetic --- C. S. McCLAIN,  Select Reading --- Delpha SOENER, Geography – E. ODEN;  Object Lesson --- Emma RUSSEL;  Essay --- (Our Public Schools) S. V. SAMPSON;  Grammar --- Joseph YOUNG.  Remarks after each exercise.
   Adjourned. D. HERON, Prest.
   Maggie PATTEN, Secretary

Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending August 31, 1868.

John COURTNEY from David COURTNEY and wife, 20 acres in Walnut township.  Deed dated April 19, 1868.  200 00
J. C. LEESON from G. W. LEESON, lot 7 in Whitwood’s addition to Batavia.  Deed dated August 31, 1868.  400 00
W. B. ROWLAND and Thomas BELL, Jr., from J. A. McKEMEY and wife. the south half of the west third of lot 5, block 8, old plat of Fairfield.  Deed dated August 31, 1868.  2,200 00
J. W. ADAMS from Samuel WHEELER and wife, lot 11 in Whitwood’s addition to Batavia.  Deed dated March 9, 1868.  200 00
William DAVIS from W. R. WAY and wife, 20 acres in Blackhawk township.  Deed dated Jan. 18, 1868.  2,300 00
Edward HADLEY from William DAVIS and wife, 20 acres in Blackhawk township.  Deed dated April 17, 1868.  430 00
John T. HOOPS from David HUDGELL and wife, all their right to 237 acres in Buchanan township.  Deed dated August 22, 1868.  600 00
John McCULLOCH from Lewis FAGIN and wife, 160 acres in Polk township.  Deed dated May 26, 1868.  1,600 00
John P. GUSTISON from Swan SWANSON and wife, 40 acres in Lockridge township.  Deed dated August 16, 1868.  1,000 00
Elwood HADLEY from W. D. HEADLY and wife, 20 acres in Buchanan township.  Deed dated April 4,   450 00  [Ed. note:  No year was shown.]

 September term, 1868
   You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a petition of William Y. McGAW claiming of you twenty-seven dollars as money due on account.  Also praying that an attachment may issue against your property.  And that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of said District Court, to be begun on the 7th day of September, 1868, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
4t32--$5    Attorney for Plaintiff.

EDITORS LEDGER. --- Brookville is marching on.  The Baptist Church, under the skillful management of Mr. E. G. DERDURFF, is nearly completed.  When finished it will speak well for the public spirit of the place.

Our blind broom-maker, Mr. THOMPSON, is again employed at his trade.  He is building a dwelling house, evidently intending to leave the state of single blessedness.  May success attend him.

In this connection I wish to mention friend WILLIAMS, who recently enlisted for life.  Dole is a good fellow, and made a good choice.  May peace and prosperity attend him and his fair bride.

Yesterday evening our village was excited by the announcement of the wedding of Mr. John GANTZ.  That’s right, John.  My best wishes attend you and your excellent helpmate.          CLINTON.

Our Fair.--- We hope that during the political excitement attendant on the present campaign, our County Fair will not be forgotten.  Nothing speaks so well for the prosperity of the people of a County as a first rate fair – and we honestly believe that a good display of the domestic and agricultural products of a County will do more to advance the price of lands, induce desirable emigration, and advance a people in every way, than all other things combined.  For these reasons, if for no other, let us have a good fair this fall.  Let each and every citizen add his quota --- let no one calculate to go as a spectator, but all go as exhibitors.  If this be done, we guarantee a large attendance.--- Let all go to work at once, preparing articles for exhibition --- no time is to be lost.  Jefferson is one of the best Counties in Iowa --- if not the best --- and let us see to it that we have the best County Fair that is held in the State this year.

Personal.--- Our old friend Samuel JACOBS, now of Council Bluffs, dropped in on us the first of the week.  He looks well.  We are pleased to learn that Mr. JACOBS is Secretary of the Council Bluffs and St. Joseph Railroad.

Midshipman Aleck McCRACKEN, is at home on furlough.  We are glad to see Aleck thriving, and hope his visit will be pleasant to all.

Our young Democratic friend, Fred O’DONNELL, is again with us.  Barrin’ Fred’s politics, he is a No. 1 young man.

A Surprise.--- Eight years ago, during the Wide Awake excitement, we visited Glasgow.  Until last Thursday, we have not seen it since.  The country between Fairfield and Glasgow is as rich and bountiful as any that lies in the State.  The evidences of improvement are many.  We passed the fine residences of our Democratic friends, J. D. BRADSHAW, Daniel FIDDLER and John SWOPE, together with may other new buildings.  Our whole-souled Republican friend, F. T. HUMPHREYS, is erecting a substantial residence.  None deserve success better than Fred, and he has our best wishes for it.---  The large and fine residence of Mr. FIDDLER, and the splendid barn erected by him, denote the wealthy and prosperous farmer.  His house is the finest on the road.---  The village of Glasgow has improved much since our former visit.  A number of improvements have been made, but we had not time to note all.  The citizens are happy and prosperous, and very well satisfied with their location.  Land is rating at nearly the same figures as land near this place.  We were pointed out one 40-acre field, without other improvements than the fence, that sold at $40 per acre.  We were agreeable surprised at the many evidences of prosperity we met with, and hope the citizens of Cedar and Round Prairie may continue on the road to ease and comfort.

Round Prairie.--- The Republicans of Round Prairie township met in convention on Wednesday evening, August 20th, and nominated the following ticket:  Member of the Board of Supervisors--- Elijah BILLINSLEY; Trustees--- David FELL, John HUSTON, William HASKETT;  Justices of the Peace--- W. B. FRAME, I. F. HOWELL;  Clerk--- Henry WEBB;  Assessor--- Samuel K. BILLINGSLEY;  Constables--- Henry HAMMANS, Elliott TAYLOR.

Registration.--- The Republicans of Round Prairie township have appointed one person from each school district in the township a committee on registration, to see that the names of all Republican voters are placed on the registry lists.  The committee is as follows:  District No. 1, William HASKETT;  No. 2, Charles UNKRICH;  No. 3, John HUSTON;  No. 4, John HEATON;  No. 5, Jacob METZ.

  On the eve of July 25, there was left in my keeping two mules, one 2 years old and the other 1.  Both dark brown color;  the 2 year old having on a yoke.  Since then nothing has been heard of the person who left them.  Supposed to have been stolen.  Any one claiming and proving property and paying charges, can have them.
      Union Hotel
Aug. 13, ’68.—3t32*      Libertyville, Iowa.


Pursuant to call of Central Committee, the Convention assembled in the Court-House at 1 o’clock P.M., on Saturday, August 29th, and temporarily organized by appointing W. M. READ to the Chair, and I. H. CRUMLEY, Secretary.

On motion of D. DEVECMON, the committee on credentials was as follows:  J. T. McCULLOUGH, John A. IRELAND, Perry SUMMERS.

The committee reported the representation as follows:

   Blackhawk..--- Perry SUMMERS, J. J. CAMPBELL, J. T HUTCHIN, Wm. McCRACKEN, David METZLER.
   Buchanan.--- W. D. CLAPP, Harvey BEATTY, John W. ELLIS, S. J. CHESTER, John ROCK, Sr., F. McATEE.
   Des Moines.--- W. H. COPELAND, A. G. NYE, G. C. FRY.
  Liberty.--- S. H. WATKINS, Henry RANEY, W. WIDGER, N. GLOTFELTY, J. C. FRY.
  Lockridge.--- John WILKIN, F. O. DANIELSON, John WALTERS, Archer GREEN, M. WESTENHAVER, John ROCK.
  Locust Grove.--- Joseph BALL, J. M. RUST, Samuel ROBB, Jos. ENNIS, J. A. IRELAND.
  Polk.--- Iredell TANSEY, W. B. CAMPBELL, M. ROBINSON, A. W. JAQUES, R. McCLARY, William DUKE.
  Round Prairie.--- W. B. FRAME, S. K. BILLINGSLEY, William HASKETT, John HUSTIN, Geo. COCHRAN.
  Walnut.--- Represented by H. GORSUCH.
  Cedar.--- Charles GIFT, --------- McCOY.

J. A. IRELAND offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

  Resolved,-  That townships failing to hold primary meetings shall be excluded from representation in conventions hereafter.

On motion of W. T. BURGESS, the temporary organization was made permanent.

On motion of C. E. NOBLE, the convention proceeded to cast an informal ballot for Clerk, which resulted as follows:  Wm. LONG, 23; G. H. CASE, 38;  W. K. ALEXANDER, 10.

First Formal Ballot.  Wm. LONG, 29;  G. H. CASE, 39; W. K. ALEXANDER, 8.

George H. CASE was then declared the unanimous choice of the Convention for Clerk of the District Court.

The informal ballot for Recorder was as follows:

David B. MILLER, 30; Henry C. ROCK, 38; W. J. McCULLOUGH, 1; A. J. COMBS, 2.

First Formal Ballot.--- MILLER, 34; ROCK, 36; COMBS, 1.

The nomination of Henry C. ROCK was made unanimous.

On motion of C. W. SLAGLE, the following persons were selected as the Central Committee:  W. T. BURGESS, W. W. JUNKIN, E. M. B. SCOTT.

The Convention was very harmonious, and adjourned with good feeling.
 W. M. READ, Prest.
I. H. CROMLEY, Secy.

Accident.--- On last Saturday forenoon, a man named Charlie EASTOR, a son-in-law of Mr. G. KALER, while feeding a threshing machine on the farm of Mr. James SPEER, in Cedar township, accidentally got his left hand into the machine, taking off a portion of the hand and the arm, and so lacerating it as it will probably require amputation near the elbow.

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