Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

October 8, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

October 8, 1868


As far as in us lies we shall make amends for the injury done a citizen of our town in last week’s LEDGER.  We stated that M. M. BLEAKMORE and our colored barber George, ate at the same table in Mt. Pleasant a short time ago.  We did not suppose at the time we wrote the item that we were doing violence to the feelings of any one.  We know Mr. BLEAKMORE’s open honesty would spurn to cover up anything that he did, and, although his innate modesty would forbid him publishing the good deed he performed at Mt. Pleasant in eating with one of his colored brethren, he would take it as a favor if we would do so.  But it seems that we injured the feelings of one of the parties  “Nigger” George feels aggrieved, and, although he is but an “humble colored brudder,” requests us to state that he  regrets the publication.  He says he is not a voter, but hopes to be;  if he is “only a nigger” he has a character to sustain.  He intends remaining here, and considers that our publication has injured his reputation.  He does not deny that he and Mr. BLEAKMORE ate at the same table;  but he does deny, as some state, that they ate off the same plate.  He considers himself better raised than to do anything of that kind.  He requests us to state that if his friends will overlook his youthful indiscretion and thoughtlessness on that occassion [sic], he will endeavor to do better in the future.

Mr. BLEAKMORE does not deny --- neither does he boast in his paper --- that he broke bread at the same table with a “nigger.”

[Ed. note: The use of the term “nigger” in the above article is not intended to offend anyone;  this is the verbatim transcription of the original newspaper article.]

  For the Fairfield Ledger.
SUNDAY SCHOOL PIC NIC.--- Agreeably to previous arrangements, the Howard Grove, Baptist, and McDowell Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Sunday schools, of Penn township, met for a union pic nic on Friday, 2d inst., at the McDowell Chapel.  The exercises consisted of prayer, reading the Declaration of Independence, speeches by Revs. FRISKIN, DONALDSON, ELLIOTT, HOLMES, and Mr. HUGHES, interspersed by music furnished by the schools.

The dinner was worthy of special mention;  a table was spread and fairly groaned --- being burdened with the luxuries prepared by the fair hands of the community.  The music was creditable to the performers.--- Taken altogether it was an interesting occasion which will not soon be forgotten.  We hope it may be the means of stimulating the friends of the schools to greater diligence in the cause.
  Oct. 5, 1868.

The meeting at Abingdon on Saturday night last, addressed by Capt. BURGESS, was a good one.  The building was inadequate to contain all who had assembled, and many had to take out door seats.  We are glad to hear this good report.


---August 30, 1868, by Rev. J. K. CORNELL, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Mark A. TRACY and Miss Martha E. OHMART, all of this county.

---September 29, 1868, by Rev. J. K. CORNELL, Mr. Crlvin [sic] H. GORDON and Miss Martha A. LOONY, all of this county.

LIST OF CLAIMS Allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County, Iowa, at the September Session 1868.
$   cts.
Witnesses before Grand Jury Septem- [sic] term 1868
95 80
Grand Jury fees September Term 1868
248 50
Petit Jury fees September Term 1868
199 90
Talisman Jurors September Term

  [Ed. note:  No year or amount given for this last entry;  no subtotal for this section.]

  [Ed. note:  In the following the surnames and given name are reversed for ease of finding]

KELTNER Henry house rent to M. RYAN
18 00
MOHR R. J. medical services to Mrs. DAVIS
59 00
JORDAN Bros. goods and sundries to paupers
15 70
CRAWFORD Jas. F. goods and sundries to paupers
46 60
WELLS, STEVER & AVERILL goods and sundries to paupers
3 35
PIERCE Sarah Ann balance on boarding KARNS
18 81
CHARLES A. goods furnished KARNS
37 41
HARVEY U. R . sundries to KARNS and HAFLEY
23 72
VANCE G. W. goods to paupers
8 68
HAYMOND H. board for paupers
63 00
HUDSON J. house rent for Mrs. BRANTNER
12 00
CRAINE and SLAGLE meal and molasses to pauper
1 35
7 00
2 75
GOBBLE & Co. sundries to Mrs. CHADWICK and BLOODSWORTH
21 88
SULLIVAN William house rent for SUFFACOOL
9 00
MORGAN Thomas insane pauper expenses
25 40
PRATHER B. R. taking pauper to insane asylum
  7 40
$376 05

BIRKHIMER John Township Clerk Buchanan
7 00
FRUSH Geo. W. Assessor Buchanan
7 50
GLOTFELTY N. Clerk Liberty
9 80
BROWN Dan W. Clerk Fairfield township
3 00
JUNKIN W. W. Trustee Fairfield township.
17 70
JUNKIN W. W. Trustee Fairfield township.
3 80
HUTCHIN J. T. Trustee Blackhawk township
  4 00
$52 80

LUSE & GRIGGS books &c.
71 50
WELLS & HIGLEY   books &c
8 60
WELLS A. T. work on court-house walk &c.
4 00
ACRES BLACKMAR & Co. books, &c.
9 28
JUNKIN & ROBINSON tax list &c.
369 40
BALDING William timber to repair bridges
10 00
VANCE Treasurer L. P. costs, &c., refunded on erroneous assessments
52 93
MYERS David road viewer
4 50
LEGGETT R. H. meals for jury at Sept. term
6 50
RAND & Co. E. D. lumber &c., for walk at Court House
25 12
GALLIHER J. A. repairs on Crow creek bridge
6 00
SURLS George repairs on Crow creek bridge
LABAUGH Peter repairs on Crow creek bridge
4 50
1 50
BLACK W. G. lumber to repair bridge
21 05
BRAY Jeremiah road viewer
3 00
HERON D. services as Superintendent of Schools
156 00
COLLINS J. H. services on bridge committee Agency road
25 00
CLARK Alex. services on bridge committee Agency road
12 50
DUSTIN W. F. services on bridge committee, Agency road
4 00
MINOR W. A. per W. M. READ balance for filling
abutments at READ’s mill
144 00
BROWN E. K. meals for jury Sept. Term, 1868
12 00
PRATHER B. R. bailiff at District Court September term
  18 00
$977 88

12 64
12 88
12 88
12 88
10 96
10 72
12 64
12 88
11 20
11 44
9 90

NOBLE J. P. C. E. Justice’s fee - State vs. BOWLES
1 50
PRATHER B. R. Constable fee - State vs. BOWLES
6 70
PARSHALL James Justice’s fee - State vs. JONES, et. al.
2 60
KENT John Constable fee, State vs. JONES, et. al
1 50
GANTZ Jacob S. serving venira [sic], Sept. term
16 00
GANTZ Jacob S. serving subpoenas Grand Jury - Sept. term
34 40
GANTZ Jacob S.  bedstead for jail - cleaning court-house - medicine &c.
12 35
GANTZ Jacob S. dieting A. W. HART from June 1st to September 22d 1868
74 40
GANTZ Jacob S. dieting William MURRELL from June 1st to September 19 1868
72 60
GANTZ Jacob S. dieting E. G. VAUGHN from June 12 to August 22’ 68
43 20
GANTZ Jacob S. dieting CROSBY and WALLINGFORD from August 18th to September 19th 1868
89 60
GANTZ Jacob S. taking CROSBY and WALLINGFORD to penitentiary
36 50
SMITH Washington bailiff for Grand Jury - September term
16 00
BLACK & STEVER lumber, &c., for bridge
  25 65
$357 25

 WM. LONG, Clerk.

[Ed. note: “Venire fascias” as it applies to Law is described as 1) A writ directing the appropriate official to summon a jury, or 2) the entire jury panel from which a trial jury is selected.  Source:  Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, copyright 1996, Barnes & Noble Books.]

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