The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
May 28, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
May 28, 1868
Hotel Furniture.--- D. B. SHORT has sold the “White House” to Maj. A. R. PIERCE, and will sell the furniture, consisting of beds, bedding, bureaus, stands, tables, chairs, cooking and parlor stoves, and various other articles, on next Saturday, May 23d. Great bargains will be offered to purchasers, and housekeepers will do well to attend the sale. The furniture is nearly all new and in good order. Go and buy furniture at cheap prices,
Ice-Cream.--- What happy mortals printers are, to be sure! Helter-skelter went the entire LEDGER family to Phillip LANG’s ice-cream saloon over the National Bank.--- There we found a handsomely furnished room, good tables, and everything in ship-shape. And Phillip was there, too. But best of all we found an abundance of ice-cream. None of the boys were slow in storing away a full share. If you want good ice-cream, cake, confections, &c., be sure to call at LANG’s ice-cream saloon or grocery store.
School District Report.--- To satisfy the community and set at rest the many contradictory reports in regard to the amount of money expended on the new school building in Fairfield, we publish the following full report, giving the number, name of drawee, and amount of each school order, on citizens subscription, and also the list of outstanding orders for work done, together with amount cashed by discounting, and outstanding on the 29th of February 1868. Mr. W. C. SLAGLE, the former Secretary of the Board, presents us this report. Mr. G. A. WELLS, the present Secretary, also furnishes us with a list of the orders issued by the present Board. The reports are long, but we believe it due the tax payers of this District that they should know just how the money has been expended. Mr. SLAGLE’s report shows where and how every dollar was expended, and shows that the indebtedness of the District, at the incoming of the new Board, was $12,423 14. The report of Mr. WELLS also shows where the money went that was expended by the new Board. Let the tax-payers read and study these figures, and they can then talk understandingly.
The following is a list of School House orders, cashed by citizens on subscription to secure erection of building, and outstanding at date of Feb. 29, 1868.
$250 75
706 | do |
246 00
705 | J A McKEMEY |
100 00
711 | S LIGHT |
100 00
710 | W W JUNKIN |
100 00
712 | CLARKE & SCOTT |
100 00
713. | H SEMON |
100 00
714 | D YOUNG |
100 00
704 | C S SHAFFER |
15 00
708 | do |
15 00
731 | S C FARMER |
250 00
732 | Geo WORKMAN |
20 00
728 | Wm S MOORE |
26 72
730 | D B MILLER |
25 00
725 | A T WELLS |
25 00
726 | W B KASTOR |
25 00
738 | Wm ALSTON |
100 00
721 | Ward LAMSON |
100 00
739 | do |
100 00
762 | W R WELLS |
50 00
727 | F M STEWART |
25 00
771 | J W MOORE |
25 00
761 | N M BRIGHT |
50 00
759 | G A WELLS |
100 00
756 | do |
50 00
768 | J F CRAWFORD |
25 00
722 | M C SHAMP |
25 00
754 | R McELHINNY |
100 00
757 | R A YOUNG |
50 00
50 00
50 00
50 00
736 | George W PHELPS |
50 00
753 | P N WOODS |
100 00
755 | D P STUBBS |
100 00
20 00
746 | do |
25 00
748 | do |
25 00
100 00
100 00
768 | HIGLEY Brothers |
25 00
764 | do |
25 00
774 | George D TEMPLE |
50 00
776 | W W JUNKIN |
50 00
758 | George STEVER |
100 00
788 | N S AVERILL |
50 00
787 | HIGLEY Brothers |
50 00
745 | Samuel REED |
25 00
789 | Dr KING |
10 00
752 | do |
10 00
765 | H W LEWIS |
25 00
50 00
779 | D B WILSON |
50 00
50 00
783 | CLARKE & SCOTT |
100 00
767 | M A McCOID |
25 00
751 | do |
15 00
780 | JORDAN Brothers |
100 00
798 | J F WILSON |
100 00
802 | do |
150 00
830 | J C KECK |
25 00
3 50
797 | Ed CAMPBELL |
100 00
820 | M CRAWFORD |
25 00
799 | J M SLAGLE |
100 00
786 | D E ECKERT |
15 00
734 | do |
10 00
770 | George HOWELL |
7 50
717 | do |
13 12
749 | J DAHLMAN |
11 00
804 | do |
14 00
829 | Thomas BONFIELD |
100 00
15 00
785 | do |
15 00
831 | CLARKE & SCOTT |
50 00
808 | do |
50 00
50 00
878 | John IRRER |
100 00
868 | W L McCLAIN |
5 00
839 | do |
10 00
851 | do |
25 00
709 | do |
45 00
766 | do |
15 00
883 | J M SHAFFER |
30 00
884 | do |
15 00
894 | do |
5 00
10 00
803 | C S SHAFFER |
2 00
885 | do |
10 00
928 | N STEEL |
25 00
941 | George BOND |
7 00
926 | do |
25 00
940 | do |
18 00
1030 | J MOORE |
50 00
1034 | JORDAN Brothers |
200 00
$5,237 59
List of School House orders for work and amterial [sic], unpaid, at date of March 13, 1868.
No. | |||
932 | A PEPPER |
Nov. 5 1867
$500 00
933 | do |
500 00
934 | do $300 |
do do do bal
100 00
1031 | R H VANDORIN |
Jan. 18, 1868
19 13
1035 | JORDAN Bros |
do 21, do
353 15
1040 | W R BLOSS |
do 24, do
10 00
1041 | do |
do do do
10 00
1042 | do |
do do do
10 00
1043 | do |
do do do
10 00
1044 | do |
do do do
5 00
1045 | do |
do do do
5 00
1046 | do |
do do do
5 00
1047 | do |
do do do
5 00
1048 | do |
do do do
7 50
1050 | B B TUTTLE |
Jan. 31, do
4 00
1041 | B B TUTTLE |
do do, do
25 00
1042 | do |
do do do
25 00
1053 | do |
do do do
44 76
1070 | Joel CAMPBELL |
Feb. 8 do
25 00
1061 | do |
do do do
24 40
1072 | James JEFFERS |
do do do
110 00
1073 | J Q CRISMAN |
do do do
5 00
1074 | do |
do do do
5 00
1075 | do |
do do do
5 00
1076 | R H VANDORIN |
do do do
18 12
1077 | J Q CRISMAN |
do 10 do
5 00
1078 | J Q CRISMAN |
Feb. 10 1868
5 00
1079 | do |
do do do
5 00
1080 | B B TUTTLE |
do 15, do
42 50
Amount at date of report |
$1,888 55
1102 | R H VANDORIN |
15 00
1103 | do |
do do do
15 00
1104 | do |
do do do
10 00
1107 | W L McLEAN |
March 13, 1868
62 00
1116 | W R BLOSS |
do do do
12 25
1117 | do |
do do do
2 75
The following is a list of orders cashed by discounting same, and outstanding at date of Feb. 29, 1868.
No. | Name, |
782 | George GIFT |
$ 50 00
777 | do |
50 00
801 | do |
50 00
781 | do |
50 00
800 | do |
100 00
819 | do |
100 00
784 | do |
100 00
812 | W ALSTON |
(since paid) 230 00
828 | do do |
150 00
843 | do do |
100 00
879 | First National Bank |
325 00
886 | do |
200 00
873 | Mrs L J PARKER |
100 00
921 | H SEMON |
300 00
826 | S W PIERCE |
100 00
880 | do |
50 00
881 | do |
150 00
887 | do |
50 00
896 | do |
150 00
900 | do |
200 00
901 | George CAMPBELL |
100 00
918 | do |
25 00
929 | do |
75 00
936 | do |
200 00
946 | do |
100 00
947 | do |
132 50
950 | do |
50 00
953 | do |
27 50
976 | do |
150 00
977 | do |
100 00
882 | do |
25 60
897 | do |
15 00
1017 | C W SLAGLE |
150 00
1022 | do |
900 00
951 | Joel CAMPBELL |
36 00
961 | do |
10 00
972 | do |
50 00
1019 | do |
4 00
1023 | do |
10 00
795 | S W PIERCE |
15 00
815 | do |
100 00
871 | do |
250 00
1008 | do |
30 00
Total |
$5,180 00
The whole amount of orders issued for expense of the building included everything pertaining thereto; except the lot pu [sic] to the date of February 29, 1868 was |
$21,997 02
Of which th re [sic] had been p’d at that date |
9,690 88
There were outstandin g [sic] on citizens subscription |
5,237 59
Discounted orders outstanding |
5,180 00
Orders to workman outstanding |
1,888 55
21,997 02 |
After the publication of the report of the former board and before the expiration of their office said board issued orders to workmen, |
117 00
Making the whole expense of the building to the incoming of present Board |
22,114 02
And making the whole indebtedness of the District at the incoming of the present board |
12,423 14
Orders issued by the present Board.
No. | Name, |
2 | R. H. VAN DORIN |
15 00
3 | do |
15 00
4 | do |
15 00
5 | W. H. FULTON |
100 00
6 | do |
118 75
7 | J. H. CRISMAN |
50 00
8 | do |
50 00
9 | do |
27 50
10 | R. H. VAN DORIN |
15 00
11 | Jas JEFFERS |
25 00
12 | do |
70 00
142 80
15 | I RUMER |
39 48
16 | Thos BARNES |
17 62
17 | John BLOSS |
10 00
18 | do |
12 50
19 | do |
9 25
20 | A SIMONS |
141 25
22 | John IRRER |
121 00
23 | do |
100 00
24 | do |
50 00
27 | do |
33 75
28 | A PEPPER |
52 00
29 | J. E. BONNEWITZ |
30 00
30 | do |
9 15
41 | W L. McLEAN |
10 00
14 50
74 | M E POLLARD |
10 20
45 | B F WOODS |
1 35
46 | S NOBLE |
1 25
47 | Thos BARNES |
12 00
48 | T K. HOPKINS |
2 00
49 | H MONROE |
4 00
50 | E JOY & Co. |
300 00
51 | M SCOTT |
5 00
52 | S LIGHT |
15 15
53 | Tim KILFOY |
3 50
54 | A PEPPER |
8 00
55 | HIGLEY Bros. |
40 00
36 10
58 | Geo CRAINE |
18 00
8 15
60 | JORDAN Bros. |
235 68
2 045 33
Claims due for which no orders
have been drawn |
2 895 47
4 940 80
Orders drawn by old Board |
22,114 02
Orders drawn by this Board |
2,045 33
Accounts for which no orders are drawn |
2,895 47
Being the total cost to this date |
27,054 82
The indebtedness of the district now is,
Citizens’ loan |
5,237 59
Discount loan |
4,680 00
Outstanding orders |
3,494 28
Accounts |
2,895 47
16,307 34
The Treasurer had paid orders to the amount of | 10,747 48 |
27,054 82