The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
May 14, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
May 14, 1868
---May 6, 1868, by Rev. A. AXLINE, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Lewis P. VANCE and Miss Lizzie P. HERON, both of this county.
May the richest blessings of earth ever be yours. Not, however, for the greenback accompanying the notice, but our good will to the fair bride and happy groom impel us to extend our most pleasant congratulations.--- May our County Treasurer’s new assistant be a help meet [sic] for him, and may he ever extend to her the love and respect that is due from man to woman. By the way the bright spots in a poor editor’s life are more frequent.--- Our pocket-book is still lean.
---May 8, 1868, by Rev. W. MAYNARD, Mr. Mark F. KYLE, of St. Louis Co., Mo., and Miss Eliza J. STEEL, adopted daughter of Mr. John KYLE, of Walnut, Iowa.
Thanks, many thanks, for the likeness of Chief Justice CHASE which accompanied the above. May a thousand blessing [sic] ever attend you, and at the closing of life’s curtains may you be able to say: It was good for us to walk through life together.
---March 19, 1868, by John PATTERSON, J. P., Mr. Dallas KAIL and Miss Sarah R. CHADDUCK, both of Jefferson county.
Batavia.--- Until a few days ago we did not know that Batavia, in our county, had become fully incorporated and elected a Republican ticket. The following are the officers: Mayor--- M. S. FRISBEE; Trustees--- H. S. HALL, Hiram CHASE, David GRAHAM; Recorder--- Casper DURR; Marshal--- W. P. WEBB; Treasurer--- Charles CHASE; Street Commissioner--- John BROWN.
Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending May 12, 1868.
Charles WITHERSPACH from Andrew KESSEL and wife, 150 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated March 2, 1868. 2,575 00
C. J. WILSON from William KEECH, one lot in Libertyville.
Deed dated May 11, 1868. 75 00
Ward LAMSON from Arvine WHITE and wife, 40 acres in Fairfield township,
and lots 7 and 8 in block 16, new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated May
7, 1868. 1,000 00
Ellis HOSKINS from Barclay JOHNSON and wife about 24 acres in Penn
township. Deed dated February 20, 1868. 2,000 00
John IRRER and wife from John WELCH and wife, about 37 acres in
Buchanan township. Deed dated May 11, 1868. 2,000 00
O. E. STEWART from E. J. HALE, Trustee, 1 lot in Whitwood’s addition
to Batavia. Deed dated April 27, 1868. 90 00
Thomas BONFIELD from Sarah E. CULBERTSON and husband, north half
of Lots 4 and 5, block 31, new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated March
14, 1868. 1,250 00
Josiah BARLEY from Sylvester SPRAGUE and wife, one lot in Whitwood’s
addition to Batavia. Deed dated May 2, 1868. 350 00
Ellis HOSKINS from Jesse W. TRACY and others, 80 acres in Penn township.
Deed dated February 21, 1868. 214 37½ [sic]
John K. DAVIS from John C. KECK, and wife, lot 3, block 25, new
plat of Fairfield. Deed dated Nov. 27, 1866. 250 00
George H. COOK from C. H. BOERSTLER, 80 acres in Fairfield township.
Deed dated April 15, 1868. 2,450 00
Book Bindery.--- Those who have magazines, books, papers, &c., which they wish bound in the best style have now the opportunity without sending away from Fairfield. William HEWITT and W. W. STONE have established a bindery in the room over Buck’s News Depot on the Northwest corner of the Park, and are prepared to do all kinds of binding in the best style. The samples shown us are evidence of good work and their prices will compare favorable with Eastern prices. Give them a call and examine their work. Their time here is limited, and persons wanting work done must leave it soon.
Mathews’ Sentence.--- The trial, conviction and sentence of Joseph B. MATHEWS is ended. As stated by us last week, he was found guilty of murder in the second degree. On last Friday morning he was sentenced by Judge SAMPSON to the penitentiary for life, and he is already incarcerated in that institution.
History of the Murderer MATHEWS.—His Trial – The Testimony --- Evidence, Sentence, &c. --- A great deal of anxiety is manifested to read the particulars of the trial of the murderer MATHEWS, and many inquiries are made of us in regard to publishing the same. The contradictory testimony of the physicians examined, in regard to MATHEWS’ sanity or insanity, is a special theme of comment. The evidence elicited was remarkable in many respects. The testimony, together with the Judge’s charge to the jury, is too voluminous for publication in the LEDGER, but we propose to print a limited number of copies of the history of this case, and persons desirous of procuring copies will please address us. The pamphlet will contain from 24 to 32 octavo pages, and will embrace a sketch of MATHEWS and his wife, a synopsis of the evidence elicited at the coroner’s inquest, with other pertinent matter, and a full report of the proceedings of the District Court in the case, evidence, Judge’s charge, &c., reported by Dan BROWN. The pamphlet will be ready for delivery about the 23d inst., and will be sold at 25 cents per copy, five copies $1.00; 25 copies, $4.50. Orders by mail promptly attended to.
[Ed. note: ‘Octavo pages’ refers to a printer’s method, in which a sheet is folded into eight leaves or 16 pages. The finished page ranges from 5x8 inches to 6x9½ inches in size.]
A Mistake.--- The local of the State Register, in giving a list of editors whom he met at the State Convention, mentions “A. R. FULTON, formerly of the Fairfield LEDGER.” Yes, considerable “formerly” – about 17 years ago. Mr. FULTON was lately one of the editors of the Visitor.
Ah! CLARKSON, we beg your pardon. We were through the Register establishment from bottom to top, but we neglected to squeeze your “corn-stealer.” [Ed. note: Believe ‘corn-stealer’ in this instance refers to one’s hand.]
Proceedings of Teacher’s
Union School Room
Fairfield, May 2, 1868
Association met pursuant to adjournment.
Exercises were conducted in Geography, Object Teaching, Reading, Grammar, Penmanship, and Written Arithmetic, by Mr. OGDEN, Miss Nelie RUSSELL, Miss Maggie SHRINER, Mr. EVANS, Mr. LOWELL and Mr. CASE.
Essays were read by Messrs. MORRISON and McCLAIN. Subjects, Writing and Physiology. Declamations --- CROY and ROBINSON.
All the exercises were long and interesting.
Committee on programme reported the following:
Orthography, Miss STEVER; Mental Arithmetic, Maggie JEFFERS; History, D. HERON; Select Reading, W. B. MURRAY; Object Lesson, Miss KIRKPATRICK; Grammar, S. M. MORRISON; Geography, E. OGDEN; Practical Arithmetic, C. GIFT; Select Reading, Miss RUSSELL; Essay, Miss SNOOK; Miscellaneous Business.
D. HERON, President.
E. RUSSELL, Secretary.