Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

March 12, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

March 12, 1868

(Ed.: Marriages)
---January 23, 1868, by Rev. J. D. WALKER, Mr. Jacob YEAGER and Miss Mary McCOOL, all of this county.

---March 5, 1868, by Thomas MORGAN, County Judge, at his office, Mr. William M. HALL and Mrs. Martha J. CLINE, all of this county.

---February 20, 1868, by Rev. G. W. BERGEN, Mr. John S. LATTA and Miss Charlotte CROFT.

OBITUARY of Adam GIFT, who died suddenly, at his residence in Cedar Township, Jefferson county, Iowa, Jan. 18, 1868, in the 73d year of his age; and wife, Sarah GIFT, who died Feb. 26, 1868, aged 66 years and 2 months.

For the last 15 years they have resided in this county, having moved from Allegany Co., Md., in the fall of 1852.  By their characteristic integrity and unassuming deportment in life, they secured the esteem of a circle of friends who offer their heart-felt sympathy to the family and relatives, in this their double bereavement.  They were both members of the Methodist Protestant Church, and of their death we can say they died as they had lived, giving hope of a blessed immortality beyond the tomb.

  “Their mission on earth is done,
   Their battle fought, their victory won,
      Their life work o’er.
  The span of life’s allotment filled,
  The wheels of life together stilled,
     They’ve gone before.”

The New Council.--- The new council met in the LEDGER office on Monday evening last and organized.  It is quite an imposing assemblage, in number, when compared with the former council, but in point of ability, --- well, that has to be demonstrated. (we belonged to the former council).  After the old council had met and transacted some business, it adjourned sine die [Ed. note: without setting a date for the next meeting.]  The new council, having been sworn in, immediately organized, by drawing for long and short terms, with the following result:  George ACHESON, L. M. PRATT, R.W. ALEXANDER, and D. J. VANCE drew the short term (one year) and P. C. MONFORT, J. W. MESSICK, A. B. FERGUSON and J. F. CRAWFORD drew the long term (two years).  George ACHESON was unanimously elected President of the council, and George H. CASE was chosen Secretary.  After the appointment of various committees the council adjourned to meet again on Friday night.

Margaret J. M’LURE }
       vs. }
Elmira W. BROWN }
And Abigail W. COOK }

The undersigned, Referees in the above entitled cause, by order of the District Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, made on the 10th day of January, 1867, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House in said county, on the
    11th DAY OF APRIL, 1868,
between the hours of 9 o’clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, the East half of the South-East quarter of Section 31, Township 71 North, of Range 10 West.
  Sale to commense at 1 o’clock P.M.
  This is said to be a desirable tract of timber land.
 WILLIAM ALSTON, } Referees.
 W. D. CLAPP }
Fairfield, Iowa, March 15, 1868. –4t10 p.f. 7.50

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