Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

June 4, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

June 4, 1868


---On the 21st of May, at the Lutheran Parsonage, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. Emanuel EHRNMAN and Miss Lizzie LAUNTZ, both of Lee county.

We wish the happy couple long life and great prosperity.

Bees.--- Mr. Addison JOHNSON, at Pleasant Plain, has parties out transferring bees to the Longstroth Hive and selling individual rights.  The Longstroth has no superior.  He is also raising pure Italian Queens for sale.  Will have Italian colonies for sale after August 1st.  Persons who are indebted to him are hereby requested and urged to make payment the first time they are called on.  Be ready.  He needs the money.

Ice-Cream.—The reputation of the ice-cream sold by J. C. & H. BLACK is on the increase.   It was good at first, but it is better now, and if you are desirous of testing its merits call at their saloon over D. ACHESON’s grocery store on the North side.  They will furnish you ice-cream of the best quality, and at all hours.

Proceedings of the City Council

Council Chamber, May 28, 1868

Council met with the following members present:  Mayor C. DAVID in the Chair; Aldermen ALEXANDER, FERGUSON, MESSICK, MONFORT, and SHRINER.  Absent:  ACHESON, CRAWFORD, and PRATT.

Minute [sic] of previous meeting read and approved.

The committee to whom was referred the petition of D. P. STUBBS and others, asking that the crossing on Michigan street across Washington street be not removed, reported favorably on the same, and, on motion of Ald. ALEXANDER, the report of the committee was received and the petition granted.  Ald’n ACHESON and PRATT appeared and took their seats.

The Committee on Claims reported favorably on claims of W. W. JUNKIN for printing, $14.70, and Sol. F. STEVER for timber, $6.00, and A. HEWITT for services as Marshal, $3.15, which, on motion, were allowed.  Ayes – ACHESON, ALEXANDER, FERGUSON, MESSICK, MONFORT, PRATT & SHRINER.

Petition of P. N. WOODS and others, praying that the order on sidewalks, passed April 1, 1868, be changed so as to permit the laying of sidewalks the width of 5 feet 4 inches on the east side of Washington street from Church street south, was read, and, on motion of ACHESON, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Alleys.

Ald. ALEXANDER moved that the Committee on Streets and Alleys heretofore authorized to superintend the construction of the sewer on Jefferson street, are authorized to have the culvert on Church street remoddled [sic] and reconstructed, so as to avoid the present square angle in said culvert, and to have said sewer and culvert put at a lower grade, as may be judged best by said committee; provided that the change authorized in the culvert shall not interfere with the right of any one as heretofore given to tap said culvert with drain or drains.  Carried.

Claim of W. W. JUNKIN, for printing, of $5.00, referred to Committee on Claims.

Ald. ACHESON moved that the Street Commissioner be authorized to purchase a plow and scraper for the City.  Carried.

On motion, adjourned to Thursday, June 11, 1868, at 7 o’clock P.M.     G. H. CASE
     City Clerk.

Coal for Sale.--- Persons who wish to contract for the best coal can do so with Byron LAGRANGE, at the HOSKINSON coal banks, 6 miles Northeast of Fairfield.  Contracts made for delivery at the bank or in Fairfield.

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