The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
July 9, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
July 9, 1868
IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of Iowa, ss:
In the matter of }
David ARCHIBALD,} In Bankruptcy No. 148
Bankrupt, }
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of David
ARCHIBALD, of Buchanan township, in the county of Jefferson, and State
of Iowa, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his
own petition, by the District Court of said district.
Dated at Fairfield, 24th day of June 1868.
Isaac D. JONES
June 27—3w Assignee of said Estate
[Ed. note: In the documents being transcribed, this article is listed
twice; It is listed here only once.]
IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of Iowa, ss:
In the matter of }
Elijah DILL, } In
Bankruptcy No. 146
Bankrupt, }
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Elijah
DILL, of Fairfield, in the county of Jefferson, and State of Iowa, within
said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition,
by the District Court of said district.
Dated at Fairfield, the 24th day of June, A.D. 1868.
Isaac D. JONES
June 27—3w Assignee of said Estate
[Ed. note: In the documents being transcribed, this article is listed
twice; It is listed here only once.]
IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, for the District of
Iowa, ss:
In the matter of }
Edmund R. NORVELL, } In Bankruptcy No. 147
Bankrupt, }
To whom it may concern:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Edmund
R. NORVELL, of the city of Fairfield, in the county of Jefferson, and State
of Iowa, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his
own petition, by the District Court of said district.
Dated at Fairfield the 24th day of June, 1868.
Isaac D. JONES
July 2d—3w Assignee of said Estate
[Ed. note: In the documents being transcribed, this article is listed
twice; It is listed here only once.]
STATE OF IOWA, } In District Court of said
County of Jefferson, } County, Sep. Term; 1868
To William S. DOLE, Elizabeth C. IRETON, Catherine
W. FLEENOR, John S. DOLE, Mary M. SNIDER, Luranda R. DOLE, and Joseph C.
You are hereby notified that on or before the 8th day of July 1868,
there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court
of Jefferson County, Iowa, a Petition of Joseph R. DOLE, Rebecca S. YOST,
Mary Ann DOLE, Nancy E. VAUGHT, George A. DOLE and Jonathan O. DOLE, claiming
a right to a part and asking for a partition of the following described
real estate belonging to the estate of Joseph DOLE, deceased, to-wit:
The west half of the northwest quarter of section sixteen (16) (except
ten acres off of the west side thereof) containing seventy acres more or
less; also the northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
section sixteen (16), and a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest
quarter, bring ten (10) acres in a square tract out of the northwest corner
thereof, of Section thirty (30); also ten acres off of the east side of
the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of No. nine (9) all in township
No. seventy-one (71) north of range No. (10) west, in all about one hundred
and thirty acres; and also claim their share in and partition of
all the other real estate belonging to said Joseph DOLE, and that unless
you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next
term of the Distirct [sic] Court in and for said county, to be begun and
held on the first Monday of September 1868, default will be entered against
you and judgment rendered thereon.
Atts. For Pl’ffs.
July 9, 1868.--- 4t27, p.f. $12.50
Proceedings of the City
Council Chamber, }
June, 25, 1868. }
Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor C. DAVID in the chair.
On call of roll the following members were present: Ald. ALEXANDER,
Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
Claim of D. B. MILLER, of $6.00, for services as City Solicitor, presented, and, on motion referred to committee on claims.
Petition of G. A. WELLS and others claiming that a pond of water on the property of J. M. & P. N. WOODS endangered the health of all living near, and asking that the same might be removed.
On motion of Ald. MESSICK the pond referred to in petition was declared a nuisance, and the Mayor instructed to have the same removed.
The Committee on Streets and Alleys, to whom was referred the petition of P. N. WOODS and others, reported unfavorably.
Ald. MESSICK moved that the report of the committee be received, and the petition be not granted. Carried.
A draft for an ordinance forbiding the burning of fire crackers, Chinese crackers, torpedoes, fire balls, or fire works of any kind within the city limits, being presented, Ald. ALEXANDER moved that the rule required the reading of an ordinance on three different days be suspended. Carried. Ayes: ALEXANDER, CRAWFORD, FERGUSON, MESSICK and MONFORT. Nays: None.
Ald. MESSICK moved that said ordinance be adopted, and numbered LIX. Yeas: ALEXANDER, CRAWFORD, FERGUSON, MESSICK and MONFORT. Nays: None.
On motion of Ald. MESSICK Council adjourned to meet July 9, 1868,
at 7 P.M.
G. H. CASE, City Clerk.
Batavia, Iowa, June 20, ‘68
Afternoon exercise.
Association met pursuant to previous notice, and was called to order by T. A. ROBB.
On motion, Mr. D. HERON was called to the chair, and A. J. COMBS to act as Secretary.
Mr. J. W. CREAMER moved that the association proceed to the election of officers. Carried.
The following named persons were then elected to office for a term of three months: President, Mr. T. A. ROBB; Vice President, Mr. D. HERON; Secretary, Mr. Wm. LAUGHLIN.
On motion the following programme was adopted for the afternoon exercises:
1st. Orthography, Mr. J. W. CREAMER; 2d reading, Mr. Wm. LAUGHLIN; 3d, Penmanship, A. J. COMBS; 4th. Arithmetic, Mental, Mr. Thos. LAUGHLIN; 5th. Arithmetic, Written, Mr. T. ROBB; 6th. Grammer, Mr. D. HERON; 7th. Object Lessons, Miss Mary SHOUP; 8th. General discussion on School Government.
On motion of Mr. COLLINS, association adjourned until 1 o’clock P.M.
Afternoon exercises.
Association was called to order by the President, and the programme taken up --- the following persons performing: Orthography, Mr. J. W. CREAMER. This exercises [sic] proved very interesting. Mr. HERON’s exercise was good. His illustrations were very good, and his manner of imparting instruction to beginners was received with general satisfaction. Reading being next on programme, Mr. LAUGHLIN proceeded to conduct the exercise.--- Considerable discussion followed, and diversity of opinion seemed to be the order of the day. Penmanship. This exercise was conducted according to the old system. Mental Arithmetic, Mr. LAUGHLIN. By suggestion, Mr. LAUGHLIN was excused, and a general discussion followed. The exercise in Written Arithmetic was then conducted by Mr. T. A. ROBB. This exercise was conducted with considerable spirit and much interest was manifested. Mr. ROBB conducted the exercise admirably. Object Lessons omitted. School Government – general discussion.
On motion of Mr. LAUGHLIN it was decided that the association meet on the second Saturday of each month. Mr. COMBS then presented the following resolution, which, on motion of Mr. LAUGHLIN, was adopted:
Resolved, That we, the members of the teachers association of Batavia, Iowa, do recommend that the Teachers’ Institute of Jefferson county be held as early this fall as the 15th of November.
The committee reported the following programme for the next meeting of the association:
1st. Orthography, Thos. LAUGHLIN; 2d. Reading, Mollie GREENLAND; 3d. Penmanship, J. W. CREAMER; 4th. Arithmetic—Mental, Ellie GRAHAM; 5th. Arithmetic—Written, E. A COLLINS; 6th. Grammar, Miss JOHNSON; 7th. Geography, T. A. ROBB; 8th. Select Reading, A. J. COMBS; 9th. Object Lessons, Mollie SHOUP; 10th. Essay, Mr. CHASE; 11th. Miscellaneous exercises.
On motion the report was received, adopted, and committee discharged.
On motion, association adjourned to meet again the second Saturday
in July, at 9 o’clock A.M.
General good feeling existed during the entire session, and all
seemed desirous of promoting educational interests. All teachers
are cordially invited to attend.
A. J. COMBS, Sec’y pro tem.