Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

July 23, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

July 23, 1868

STATE OF IOWA,   } In District Court of said
County of Jefferson, } County, Sep. Term; 1868

To William S. DOLE, Elizabeth C. IRETON, Catherine W. FLEENOR, John S. DOLE, Mary M. SNIDER, Luranda R. DOLE, and Joseph C. DOLE.

You are hereby notified that on or before the 8th day of July 1868, there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Jefferson County, Iowa, a Petition of Joseph R. DOLE, Rebecca S. YOST, Mary Ann DOLE, Nancy E. VAUGHT, George A. DOLE and Jonathan O. DOLE, claiming a right to a part and asking for a partition of the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Joseph DOLE, deceased, to-wit:  The west half of the northwest quarter of section sixteen (16) (except ten acres off of the west side thereof) containing seventy acres more or less;  also the northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said section sixteen (16), and a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, bring ten (10) acres in a square tract out of the northwest corner thereof, of Section thirty (30); also ten acres off of the east side of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of No. nine (9) all in township No. seventy-one (71) north of range No. (10) west, in all about one hundred and thirty acres;  and also claim their share in and partition of all the other real estate belonging to said Joseph DOLE, and that unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of the Distirct [sic] Court in and for said county, to be begun and held on the first Monday of September 1868, default will be entered against you and judgment rendered thereon.
 Atts. For Pl’ffs.
July 9, 1868.--- 4t27, p.f. $12.50

This is to give notice, that on the 6th day of June, A.D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Julia A. BLEAKMORE, of Fairfield, in the County of Jefferson, and State of Iowa, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on her own petition;  that the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt to her, or for her use, and the transfer of any property by her are forbiddin [sic] by law;  that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of her estate, will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Albia in his office, before Daniel ANDERSON, Register, on the 20th day of August, A. D. A1868, AT 10 o’clock A.M.
U. S. Marshal, as Messenger, Dist. Of Iowa
July 23, 1868.—3t20   p.f. $7.00

A Narrow Escape.--- Our County Judge, Thomas MORGAN, had a narrow escape from being struck with lightning, on Sunday last.  He was in a shed when a vivid flash of lightning, followed by a very loud clap of thunder, occurred.  The Judge did not hear the crash, and was so stunned that he did not know for several minutes what had happened.  A part of the shed was torn off, the wood pile scattered in all directions, and when, fifteen minutes later, he went into the shed it was filled with sulphurous smoke.  No other damage was done.

Personal.--- Our sanctum has been enlivened by the presence of W. W. UTTZ, one of our former fellow townsboys.  Wat has grown to man’s estate, and is as pleasant and agreeable a man as he formerly was a boy.  He hails from Washington City, D. C., where he has a position as Clerk to the Union Republican Congressional and Executive Committee.  Mr. UTTZ – excuse us, Wat. --- served his time in the gallant Second Iowa.  He proposes returning to Washington in a short time.

School House.--- We had occasion to visit the school house one day last week.  We found the plasterers had finished some of the rooms in the third story and were busy at work in the hall.  Mr. CRAINE has the contract for the plastering, and Messrs. John and Joel CAMPBELL are doing the work.--- They expect to finish plastering in about one month from this time.

Married --- July 21, 1868, by his Honor, Thos. MORGAN, County Judge, at his office, Mr. John McKERCHAR and Miss Anna M. WHITE, both of this county.

DIED --- July 4th, 1868, Mrs. Mary LAGRANGE, wife of Byron LAGRANGE, age 28 years.
  Note.--- The above is a correction of the obituary published last week.  The substitution of Margaret for Mary was in the copy furnished us.

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