The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
July 16, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
July 16, 1868
} In District Court of said
County of Jefferson, } County, Sep. Term; 1868
To William S. DOLE, Elizabeth C. IRETON, Catherine W. FLEENOR, John S. DOLE, Mary M. SNIDER, Luranda R. DOLE, and Joseph C. DOLE.
You are hereby notified that on or before the 8th day of July 1868,
there will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court
of Jefferson County, Iowa, a Petition of Joseph R. DOLE, Rebecca S. YOST,
Mary Ann DOLE, Nancy E. VAUGHT, George A. DOLE and Jonathan O. DOLE, claiming
a right to a part and asking for a partition of the following described
real estate belonging to the estate of Joseph DOLE, deceased, to-wit:
The west half of the northwest quarter of section sixteen (16) (except
ten acres off of the west side thereof) containing seventy acres more or
less; also the northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said
section sixteen (16), and a part of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest
quarter, bring ten (10) acres in a square tract out of the northwest corner
thereof, of Section thirty (30); also ten acres off of the east side of
the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of No. nine (9) all in township
No. seventy-one (71) north of range No. (10) west, in all about one hundred
and thirty acres; and also claim their share in and partition of
all the other real estate belonging to said Joseph DOLE, and that unless
you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next
term of the Distirct [sic] Court in and for said county, to be begun and
held on the first Monday of September 1868, default will be entered against
you and judgment rendered thereon.
Atts. For Pl’ffs.
July 9, 1868.--- 4t27, p.f. $12.50
---June 18, 1868, by W. J. RODGERS, J. P., at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Jacob SHAFER and Miss Margaret DUTWEILER, both of this county.
---July 4, 1868, by Thomas MORGAN, County Judge, at his office, Mr. George FORNEY and Miss Mary Ann SPURLOCK, both of this county.
Union School Room. }
June 27th, 1868. }
Association met pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.
Inaugural address by the President, in which he made some very interesting and practical remarks in regard to the duty of teachers.
Exercises were conducted in Orthography, Mental Arithmetic and Penmanship; Messrs. BROWN, HINSHAW and CROY.
The time being very limited, further exercises were postponed until a future meeting, and the question, at what time would be best to hold an Institute, came up. Considerable interest was manifested in reference to the importance of having an Institute, and but little opposition in point of time. Early in the fall was almost universally considered to be the best time.
It was then moved and seconded, that the teachers of Jefferson county devote the last week in October to holding an Institute, at which all the teachers are expected to be present.
The President having been appointed a committee on programme, report
the following:
Object Lessons: Mrs. HOWE.
Arithmetic: Samuel SAMPSON.
Elocution: Maggie L. PATTEN.
Orthography: E. OGDEN.
Penmanship: F. M. CROY.
Grammer: Mr. YOUNG.
Select Reading: Miss Clara MUSSLEMAN.
History and Geography: A. R. PIERCE.
Declamation: Gideon SAMPSON.
School Government: W. C. DAVIS.
D. HERON, President.
Maggie L. PATTEN, Secretary.
Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the two weeks ending July 13, 1868.
Thos W. GOBBLE from W. D. PECK and wife, 33 acres in Locust Grove
township. Deed dated March 14, 1868. $150 00
B. F. HOSKINSON from J. J. CRUMLEY and wife, 80 acres in Penn township
and one lot in Pleasant Plain.—Deed dated April 8, 1867. 1,400 00
John PICKERING from Ruth PICKERING 20 acres I Penn township.
Deed dated April 16, 6868. Consideration, services rendered.
George MILLER from Samuel WILLIAMS and wife, 50 acres in Des Moines
township. Deed dated March 31, 1863. 30 00
Sarah MILLER from George WILBER, 120 acres in Des Moines township,
and 60 and 89-100ths acres in Van Buren county. Deed dated July 2,
1868. Love and affection and 1,000 00
Elihu B. STANTON from I. H. CRUMLEY, ad’r, 32 acres in Penn township.
Deed dated June 3, 1868. 512 00
John J. SMITH from Julia Ann SMITH, guardian, 30 acres in Liberty
township. Deed dated July 4, 1868. I25 00 [sic]
John DYSERT from Robert DYSERT and wife. 80 acres in Polk township.---
Deed dated July 6, 1868. 3,000 00
T. S. TILSON from A. P. YOUNG and wife, 80 acres in Fairfield township.
Deed dated June 25. 1868. 2,000,00 [sic]
J. J. S. SULLIVAN from John J. SMITH and wife, 40 acres in Liberty
township. Deed dated February 16, 1868. Consideration:
full compensation.
T. N. MOORE from W. H. BARTHOLOMEW and wife, one acre in Penn township.
Deed dated February 28, 1867. 100 00
John W. CHRISINGER from Wm. KEECK, 4 lots in Keech’s addition to
Libertyville. Deed dated February 27, 1867. 400 00
E. A. & F. G. FLOYD from J. W. CHRISINGER and wife, 4 lots in
Libertyville. Deed dated April 4, 1868. 400 00
J. S. GANTZ from E. J. HALE, Trustee, 3 lots in Ralroad [sic] addition
to Fairfield. Deed dated June 13, 1868. 150 00
N. W. APPLEBY from W. F. ANGSTEAD and wife, one lot in Pleasant
Plain. Deed dated July 6, 1868. 325 00
Susan JOHNSON from J. S. McCARDLE, one lot in Salina. Deed
dated June 16, 1868. 400 00
DIED – Margaret LAGRANGE, July 4th, 1868, aged 28 years.
An affectionate husband, two small children and a large circle of
friends deeply mourn the early departure of one so amiable and good.
She was a devoted and kind companion, an affectionate mother, a faithful
and consistent christian. She professed a change of heart and joined
the M .E. Church under the ministry of Rev. S. HESTWOOD, in the winter
of 1867-8. Her religious experience in heart and practice in life
were such that she was joyful and happy on the shaded couch of death.
Dr. P. N. WOODS conversed with her last, relative to her future hope.---
At 7 o’clock on the morning of the 4th, Dr. WOODS visited her for the last
time; and, to use his own language, “found her gradually but surely
sinking,” and said, “are you aware that you have but a short time to live?”
Her reply was, “I do not wish to live any longer; don’t give me anything
to keep me here.” “Do you feel prepared to die?” “I think so,
and do not wish to get well.” “Is there anything you wish to say
or have done before you die?” “I know of nothing; all is done.”
“Then you feel willing to go?” “Yes; do not give me anything
to keep me here longer.” “Would you not love to stay with your husband
and children?” “Yes, for my dear, dear husband’s sake I would like
to stay, but I am perfectly resigned.” --- “We can only go with you to
the valley of death; can you fully trust the Savior to bear you over
the dark river?” “Oh, yes! I can fully trust him, and am willing
to go.” She called and embraced her husband and children, and bade
them an affectionate farewell, saying to her husband, “Meet me in Heaven
where there is no more suffering, death or parting, and we will be happy
forever. Oh! yes, you will meet me there.” She then requested
the singing of the verse:
“Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast I lean my head
And breathe my life out sweetly there.”
At the conclusion of singing, she uttered her last words, saying,
“Oh! isn’t that sweet?” Then closing her eyes, she lay till
about 1 o’clock, and calmly breathed her last with a Heavenly smile on
her face. Her funeral was preached by the writer, in the M. E. Church,
in Fairfield, on Sunday, July 5th, at 4 P.M., from the words: “And
thou shall be missed, for the seat shall be empty” --- I. Samuel, 20c,
18v. Thus one has left us who is missed by the church, parents, husband
and children. May we be as ready and triumphant in death as she,
and meet her in Heaven.
[Ed. note: See also a correction to this obituary, July 23, 1868.]
Estray Dog.--- Lost, in Fairfield, on the Fourth of July, inst., a reddish-brindle shepherd dog, not very long hair, heavy tail, about one year old, and had a leather collar with an iron ring. A liberal reward will be paid for his return to George FRUSH, at Abingdon, Iowa, or to the LEDGER office.