The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
January 30, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
January 30, 1868
---On the 16th inst. By Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. William H. MYERS and
Miss Martha Ann YOUNG, all of Jefferson county.
Although the fair bride has changed her name, we trust that she will ever remain young, and never fail to gladden the heart of our friend MYERS with the sunshine of perpetual spring. May they never be less happy than they are now, and may their pathway through life be strewn with flowers.
---January 16, 1868, by Rev. R. M. TRACY, Mr. John H. PECK and Miss Swana BARTLES.
Lost. ---On Friday, Jan. 24th, between BONFIELD’s store and the residence of C. DARBY, a pair of gold spectacles and case. Any persons returning them to me will be liberally rewarded. Jan. 30, 1868. C. DARBY.
Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending January 25, 1868.
Henry L. COOK from Richard GAINES and wife, 18 acres in Blackhawk
township. Deed dated January 25, 1863. $136.85
Elizabeth HUGHES from J. M. and F. A. HUGHES, 80 acres in Blackhawk
township. Deed dated January 25, 1868. 800.00
G. A. SMITHBURG from P. ANDERSON and wife, 120 acres in Lockridge
township. Deed dated May 29, ’67. 800.00
Jack LIBLEN from G. P. LIBLEN and wife, 40 acres in Cedar township.---
Deed dated January 25, 1868. 200.00
Martin V. B. MILLER from P. M. TROXELL and wife, 5 acres in Penn
township. Deed dated January 25, ’68. 125.00
A.C. FRY from Mary S. ROBB, 20 acres in Lockridge township.
Deed dated March 5, 1867. 140.00
A. C. FRY from J. P. ROBB and wife, 60 acres in Liberty township.
Deed dated November 3, 1866. 550.00
J. P. MANETRY from J. B. GARNER and wife, 220 acres in Cedar township.
Deed dated January 17, 1868. 4,650.00
John B. CROSKERY from Bernhart HETTICK and wife, 60 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated April 16, 1866. 1,100.00
Nathaniel SIMMONS from William HOPKIRK and wife, two lots in Coalport.
Deed dated September 13, 1858. 100.00
Nathaniel SIMMONS from T. C. EVANS, one lot in Coalport. Deed
dated November 11, 1867. 50.00
Richard GAINES from H. L. COOK and wife, 18 acres in Blackhawk township.
Deed dated January 24, 1868. 141.30
Joseph W. DAVIS from Richard GAINES and wife, 320 acres in Blackhawk
township. Deed dated January 24, 1868. 2,840.00
Gust. ERICKSON from L. P. MAGNESSON, 40 acres in Lockridge township.
Deed dated January 24, 1868. 325.00
Marttn [sic] MUSSER from William McGOWAN, lots 4 and 5, block 1,
new plat of Fairfield. Deed dated January 24, 1868. 2,500.00
L. C. EDWARDS from J. B. FOOTE and wife, 40 acres in Buchanan township.
Deed dated 21, ’68. 615.00
Martin MUSSER from John N. FURGUSON and others, 82 acres in Buchanan
township. Deed dated January 4, 1868. 1,000.00
William WINSLOW from Job SMITHS, 40 acres in Walnut township.
Deed dated May 18, 1855. 125.00
Franklin BAKER from William WINSLOW and wife, 40 acres in Walnut
township. Deed dated December 15, 1856. 100.00
Joseph HOWE from W. F. PUMPHREY and wife, a lot of land adjoining
Fairfield. Deed dated January 22, 1863. 50.00