The Fairfield Weekly Ledger |
January 11, 1868
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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by: Joey Stark
Note: Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles. Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….]. Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.
January 11, 1868
I. O. O. F. --- At the semi-annual election of Jefferson Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. S. MOORE, N. G.; Geo. H. CASE, V. G.; John M. POULTON, Sec’y; B. B. TUTTLE, Per. Sec’y; Thos. D. EVANS, Treasurer.
Encampment – At the semi-meeting of Iowa Encampment, No. 6, the following officers were elected: W. B. KASTOR, C. P.; S. M. BOLING, H. P.; D. R. BEATTY, Sr. W.; W. H. FULTON, Jr. W.; John M. POULTON, Scribe.
Free Methodists --- At the Court House the Free Methodists will hold a Quarterly Meeting on January 25th and 26th. --- Services will be held on Saturday at 2 o’clock p.m. Rev. J. W. DICKS, Pastor. All lovers of an earnest Christianity are cordially invited. Rev. J. TRAVIS, Chairman.
The MATTHEWS Case --- The case of Joseph MATTHEWS,
confined in our jail on the charge of killing his wife in May last, has
been transferred from this county on a change of venue. The probabilities
are that the case will be tried in Washington.
[Ed. note: Two more articles on this case appear on May 14,
Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the two weeks ending January 4, 1868:
David LOCKE from Geo. GILBERT, Adm’r, part of lot 5, in block 12,
old plat of Fairfield. Deed dated November 18, 1867. $90 00
Charles S. COX from James ECKERT and wife, 20 acres in Fairfield
township. Deed dated Jan. 1, 1868. 1,250 00
Francis DROZ from Jeremiah BATES, 65 acres in Cedar township.
Deed dated December 31, 1867. 1,300 00
D. A. from Isaac WINTERS and wife, 126½ acres in Cedar township.
Deed dated January 2, 1868. 3,050 00
S. F. WATKINS from Wm. M. SUMMER and wife, quit-claim deed for 40
acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated Dec. 18, 1867.
1 00
Jacob GRABER from John GRABER, 40 acres in Cedar township.
Deed dated January 2, 1868. Love, affection and 1 00
Margaret S. HEATON from James WEBB, his undivided interest in 406
acres in Round Prairie township. Deed dated Oct. 20, 1867. 500 00
Thomas PRICE from Ira PRICE and wife, one-half acre in Liberty township.
Deed dated December 12, 1768. 1,000 00
Nathaniel LOOMIS from James W. CISSNA and wife, 15 acres in Cedar
t’p. Deed dated April 29, 1864. 187 50
William LOOMIS from Nathaniel LOOMIS and wife, 40 acres in Cedar
township. Deed dated December 30, 1865. 200 00
James. F. WILSON from Elizabeth CRABB and others, 20 acres in Fairfield
t’p. Deed dated December 21, 1867. 1,250 00
Sarah GREEN from Susan E. HAWTHORN and others, quit-claim to 27½
acres and warranty to other land in Walnut township. Deed dated Dec.
4, 1867. 1,027 50
A. A. SNOOK from James H. TAYLOR and wife, 10 acres in Lockridge
township. Deed dated Dec, 18, 1867. 150 00
Joseph SPERRY from Jacob RAMEY and wife, 12 acres in Locust Grove
township. Deed dated Dec. 6, 1867. 250 00
Jacob RAMEY from Robert McELHINNY and wife, 52 acres in Locust Grove
and Polk townships. Deed dated Oct. 30, 1867. 500 00
Jacob ROTH from Adam ROTH, 40 acres in Lockridge township.
Deed dated March 5, 1861. 300 00
Louisa ROTH from Adam ROTH 40 acres in Lockridge township.
Deed dated Dec. 20, 1867. 500 00
Mordica ELLIS from Jesse MCKINNIS and wife, 40 acres in Penn township.
Deed dated Feb. 1, 1867. 700 00
Isaac R. ALTERS from David ALTERS and wife, 208 81-100 acres in
Fairfield township. Deed dated April 20, 1867. 7,621 00
John R. THOMAS from Isaac R. ALTERS and wife, 20 acres in Fairfield
township. Deed dated Dec. 18, 1866. 400 00
Nicholas M. BRIGHT from Geo. W. WOODSIDE and wife, 120 acres in
Buchanan township. Deed dated Dec. 24, 1867. 1,000 00
David ORR from Wm. FLEAGLE and wife, 36 acres in Walnut township.
Deed dated Sept. 28, 1867. 700 00
Jacob GRABER from James SPEERS and wife, 27 [Ed. note: number 2
originally set inverted.] acres in Cedar township. Deed dated
March 23, 1857. 544 40
Joseph GRABER from Jacob GRABER and wife, 27 acres in Cedar township.
Deed dated Dec. 24, 1867. 190 00
Ed. W. HERRMAN from Geo. HERMANN and wife, about 9 acres in Penn
township, and two lots in Pleasant Plain. Deed dated Dec. 24, 1867.
250 00
Thomas B. MITCHELL from Acheah J. GAINS, 160 acres in Black Hawk
township. Deed dated Dec. 2, 1867. 1,560 00
------- COPELAND from Geo. Van VALKENBURG and wife, 40 acres in
Desmoines township. Deed dated Nov. 14, 1867. 200 00
Joseph SKETO from Henry GILMAN and wife, 68 acres in Desmoines township.
Deed dated March 31, 1865. 1,400 00
Martha KING from W. G. BLACK and wife, 40 acres in Locust Grove
t’p. Deed dated October 19, 1867. 200 00
W. F. SAMONS from R. G. BAINE and wife, 40 acres in Walnut township.
Deed dated September 24, 1867. 750 00
Alfred G. WEBB from Jacob S. BLISS and wife, 20 acres in Buchanan
t’p. Deed dated Oct. 1, 1867. 250 00
James KENYON from D. P. STUBBS and wife, 80 acres in Polk township
and 20 acres in Locust Grove township. Deed dated December 28, 1867.
600 00
Wm. BUCHANAN from Isaac B. POTTER <i> et. al., <i/> undivided
3-5 of 80 acres in Liberty township. Deed dated Oct. 19, 1867.
540 00
David PATTERSON from J. D. KIRBY and wife, south half of lot 13,
in Batavia. Deed dated Nov. 19, 1867. 1,050 00
Joseph SKETO from John McQUERRY and wife, lot 67, in Batavia.
Deed dated Aug. 1, 1867. 325 00
Peter WESTLING from John JOHNSON, and others, the undivided one-half
of lot 3, block 10, old plat of the city of Fairfield. Deeds dated
April 2, 1866, June 19, 1867, and June 1, 1867. 325 00
T. M. WATSON from Treasurer of Jefferson county, 120 acres in Blackhawk
township. Deeds dated Dec. 8, 1867, and Dec. 28, 1867. 10 89
On January 2, 1868, by Rev. W. MAYNARD, at the residence of the
bride’s father, Mr. William LOUDEN and Miss Mary J. PATTISON, all of this
This is not at all unexpected to us. No man who has the genius and progressive spirit of our friend LOUDEN can long continue in a state of single misery. We congratulate both of our young friends on this important step which they have made in the right direction. May their present happiness never be diminished.
At the residence of the bride’s father in Parsonville, Jefferson county, Iowa, January 1st 1868, by Rev. R. J. KIRKPATRICK, Mr. William W. HOYE, of Hannibal, Mo., and Mrs. Victoria BROWN of this county.
A large circle of friends greeted the happy couple on the occasion
of their auspicious commencement of the New Year.
Not for this span of life alone,
Which as a blast doth fly;
And like the transient flowers of grass,
Just blossom, droop and die;
But for being without end,
This vow of love they take;
Grant them, O God ! one home at last,
For their Redeemer’s sake.
On Christmas Eve, December 24th, 1867, by the Rev. KEMP, Mr. Charles C. GODDARD and Miss Kate BARTHOLOMEW, at the residence of the bride’s father.
On the 14th day of December, 1867, by Rev. A. AXLINE, David W. CAVINESS and Miss Elizabeth GALIER, all of this county.
On the 26th of December, 1867, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. E. H. SCARFF, Mr. J. S. CLARKSON, of the <i> Iowa State Register <i/>, to Miss Anna C. HOWELL, of Pella.
November 9, 1867, by Robert BLACK, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Joshua M. PRATT and Miss Mary J. CROUCH.
November 7, 1867, by Robert BLACK, Justice of the Peace, Mr. William DENNIS and Miss Mary E. BOWLES.
November 6, 1867, by Rev. E. E. WEBBER, at the residence of the bride’s father Mr. Elliot P. TAYLOR and Miss Clara E. STRONG.
December 20, 1867, by Rev. J. F. BERGEN, Mr. John A. JOHNSON and Miss Louisa C. MONSON.
December 31, 1867, by Rev. James COWGER, Mr. Ephraim VANTINE and Miss Martha A. CRAWFORD.
Proceedings of Jefferson County Teachers Association
January 4, 1868
Association met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the President at 1½ o’clock P.M.
The regular programme was then considered and disposed of as follows:
1st. Theory and Practice, David HERON; also interesting and pertinent remarks on the same subject by Messrs. HOUD, GLOTFELTY, JONES, DAVIS and others, in which some important points respecting School Government were discussed.
2d. Grammar, W. C. DAVIS; declined conducting the exercise.
3d. Penmanship; remarks were made on this subject by Messrs. JONES, BARTON, DAVIS and others.
Mr. DAVIS read a letter from Prof. PIPER, requesting the action of the association, with regard to the establishment of Normal Schools in this state.
The President appointed Messrs. HOUD, DAVIS, and BARTON, committee to prepare a programme for next meeting.
The subject of Normal Schools was then discussed by several members of the Association.
On motion of W. C. DAVIS the following resolution was unanimously
Resolved, that we see and feel the need of institutions for
the more thorough training of teachers for our common schools, and we earnestly
recommend to the General Assembly of Iowa the importance of immediate action
on their part, to the end that we may have at the earliest practicable
moment one or more Normal Schools, established upon a good working basis.
On motion of Mr. CREAMER, the following resolution was adopted:
Whereas, W. W. JUNKIN has offered the columns of the
Fairfield LEDGER for the use of the teachers of Jefferson county, be it
Resolved, That Prof. AXLINE is hereby appointed to
edit the column devoted to the use of the teachers of the county.
Mr. HOUD as chairman of committee on programme, offered the following for the next meeting of the Association:
Essay --- W. B. MURRY; School Government, Association; each teacher will give his theories and experience on this subject. Reading --- C. S. McCLAIN; Mental Arithmetic --- Miss C. JOHNSON. Grammar --- D. HERON. Geography --- J. JONES. ---. Penmanship --- C. GIFT. Discussion to follow each exercise.
On motion Association adjourned to meet over D. ACHESON’s store, on first Saturday in February, 1868, at 9 o’clock A.M.
Chas. GIFT, tem.
D. HERON, Pres’t.