Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

February 20, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:….].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

February 20, 1868

List of Claims allowed by the Board of Supervisors of Jefferson County, Iowa,
at their January and adjourned January Session 1868.

Per diem and mileage of the members of the Board of Supervisors --- January
61 68
Per diem and mileage of the members of the Board of Supervisors --- February
125 92
Per diem and mileage of the Grand Jury --- January term
161 60
Per diem and mileage of the Petit Jury --- January term
496 90
Per diem and mileage of the Talesman Jury --- January term
17 00
 - Witnesses before the Grand Jury
20 00
Jas. CRAIL witness - State vs. KENNEDY
1 00
Jane FRESCOLN witness - State vs. KENNEDY
4 00
John SIMMONS witness State vs. STREETS
8 00
T. D. EVANS witness State vs. STREETS
1 10
Leroy KIRK one fox scalp
1 00
Caleb PICKET two  “
2 00
Isaac ELLIS one      “
1 00
Wm. COONS one    “
1 00
W. S. MOORE one wolf scalp
2 50
I. SHAFFER nine gopher scalps
W. HAYMOND one fox scalp
1 00
L. J. BIDWELL two      “
2 00
J. R. PARSONS one      “
1 00
George POHREN 12 gopher scalps
1 20

STEWART D. H. Trustee of Des Moines
township, election of 1867
3 33
WILSON Hugh “ “
3 33
VANDEVER Amos “ same
3 33
TEETER Sam’l L.  Clerk same
3 33
SMITH J. G. W. "  same
3 00
INSKEEP J. M. “ Liberty  same
3 00
GLOTFELTY N. “  “  same
3 00
FAMULENER J. Trustee “  same
3 00
RAMEY Henry “  “   same
3 00
DUNN Andrew “  “   same
3 00
GAINES Richard “  Fairfield  same
5 00
ADAMS J. A. “ “  same
5 00
GRAHAM James “ “  same
5 00
BROWN D. W. Clerk  “  same
5 00
EVANS T. D. “  “  same
5 00
WEBB Henry “ Round Prairie  same
3 00
BILLINGSLEY E. P. “  “   same
3 00
HASKETT Wm. Trustee “  same
3 00
FELL David “ “   same
3 00
BILLINGSLEY S. K. “ “  same
6 50
ECROYD J. H. “  Blackhawk  same
3 00
TRACY R. M. “ “  same
3 00
SUMMERS Perry “ “  same
3 00
HADLEY S. J. Clerk  “  same
3 00
KNIGHT George “   same
3 00
CHARLES Thomas “  Penn  same
3 00
ELLIS I. W. “  “  same
3 00
HIATT Samuel Trustee  “  same
3 00
HESTON Phineas “  “  same
3 00
WILLIAMS John “  “  same
3 00
COURTNEY Jacob “  Walnut  same
2 67
KLENTZ Christian “  “  same
 2 67
WENDLING John “  “  same
 2 67
BIDWELL Benj. Clerk “  same
  2 67
RHODES I. G. “  “  same
  2 67
LAUGHLIN W. M. “  Locust Grove same
  3 33
COLLINS Jacob “  “  same
 3 33
PARRETT D. M. Trustee  “  same
 3 33
HITE Henry “  “  same
  3 33
HOLMES H. P. “  “  same
  3 33
LYNCH W. S. “  Buchanan  same
 3 00
VANCE G. W. “  “  same
  3 00
SWITZER David “  “   same
  3 00
BIRKHIMER John Clerk  “  “   same
  3 00
DEVECMON Dan’l “  “  same
 3 00
NORVELL E. R. “  Cedar  same
  3 0 [sic]
LOUDEN Wm. “   “  same
 3 00
SHAMP Jesse Trustee “  same
  3 00
MAHON John “   “  same
 3 00
CAMBLIN P. L. G. “  “   same
 3 00
FORDICE John “   Lockridge  same
  4 00
PARK G. N. “  “  same
  4 00
CARLSON Peter “   “  same
 4 00
WILKIN John Clerk  “  same
  4 00
CARTER M. F. “   “  same
 4 00
SPERRY J. J. “  Polk  same
 3 50
COWGER E. F. “   “  same
 3 50
RANDALL A. S. Trustee  “   same
 3 50
FLINT John D. “   “  same
 3 50
DUNN Andrew Trustee of Liberty township
  5 00
LAUGHLIN W. M. Clerk Locust Grove  do
 3 00
CAMBLIN P. L. G. Trustee Cedar  do
1 00
INSKEEP J. M. Clerk Liberty  do
 3 00
BIRKHIMER John Clerk Buchanan  do
 3 00
GAINES Richard Trustee Fairfield  do
 15 25
LYNCH W. S. do Buchanan  do
  8 50
VANCE G. W. do do  do 
4 00
SWITZER David do do  do
  3 00
GRAHAM Jas. do Fairfield  do
  16 00
SUMMERS Perry do Blackhawk  do
 8 00
TEETER S. M. Clerk Des Moines  do
 15 00
HOLMES H. P. Trustee Locust Grove  do
 7 00
WEBB Henry Clerk Round Prairie  do
 13 50
ECROYD J. H. Trustee Blackhawk  do
 4 00
TRACY R. M. do do  do
  4 00
HASKETT William Trustee Round Prairie
  3 00
WILKIN John Clerk Lockridge  do
 12 25
CARLSON Peter Trustee Lockridge  do
 3 75
MAHIN John Trustee Cedar  do
  1 00
NORVELL E. R. Clerk Cedar  do
 12 50
ADAMS J. A. Trustee Fairfield  do
 5 00
HADLEY S. J. Clerk Blackhawk  do
 1 00
PARK G. N. Trustee Lockridge  do
 4 75
SPERRY J. J. Clerk Polk  do
  15 20
FLEENOR Evin Trustee Polk  do
 4 00
FLINT J. D. do do  do
  5 00
FORDICE John do Lockridge  do
 6 00
PARROTT D. M. do Locust Grove  do
 8 50
HITE Henry do do  do
  5 50
KLENTZ C. do Walnut   do
 6 00
WENDLING John do do  do
  6 00
CHARLES Thomas Clerk Penn  do
 16 25
HIATT Samuel Trustee do  do
  4 15
HESTON Phineas do do  do
  4 15
WILLIAMS John do do  do
  3 15
BROWN Dan. Clerk Fairfield  do
 6 20
FELL David Trustee Round Prairie  do
 2 00
VANDEVER Amos Trustee Des Moines  do
 11 80
WILSON Hugh do do  do
  5 00
STEWART D. H. do do  do 
4 00
COURTNEY Jacob do Walnut  do
   4 00
491 55
Ed note: ‘do’ used in place of quotes (“) to indicate‘ditto’ or ‘same as above’

SULLIVAN J. S. house rent for SUFFACOOL
  20 00
YOUNG Dan’l “ “ M. HOGAN
12 00
12 00
HAYDEN J. W. med. attendance Miss LUCAS
3 00
COOK L. C. med. attendance, Miss ROUND
50 00
“ “  “ Mrs. WALTON
1 75
STEWART F. M. goods to Jas. KERNES
10 00
“   “ Sarah PIERCE
26 00
WEBSTER M. A. making clothing for Peter CAMPO’s family
15 15
NOBLE C. E. coffin, boy drowned at READ’s mill
7 00
JORDAN Bros.   goods to paupers
194 92
BONNET N. L. goods to BEAN and LUCAS
23 25
32 00
DORMAN James board of Jacob STONE
17 50
RANDALL A. S. provision to Mrs. BRANTNER
7 95
LEWIS J. M. med. services to “ “
27 00
WELLS STEVER & AVERILL   goods to James GROFF and others
67 40
JORDAN Bros.   goods to R. CROOKS
12 40
10 00
MOWERY David flour and pork to Malinda BRANTNER
7 35
MILLER Phillip boarding R. CROOKS
39 00
2 00
JUNKIN M. J. wood to Mrs. WILSON
3 00
CHAPMAN Geo. goods furnished for Mrs.SHOEMAKER
3 50
HOGATE N. board of Jacob STONE
59 50
Insane Hospital   board of Sam’l MACY
92 02
BALDRIDGE M. D. med. services Catherine RUSH
30 00
BALDRIDGE M. D. med. services Wm. BEAN
14 00
WELLS, STEVER & AVERILL goods to paupers
26 49
8 50
STEWART D. H. goods to paupers
15 45
CUNNINGHAM J. A. flour and meal to Mrs. WILSON
5 15
WARE J. C. med. services Mrs. COMPO
8 00
“ “ “ “ WILSON
  12 00

LEGGETT R. H. supper for Jury
6 00
STUBBS & McCOID   attorneys fee in case of Geo.SHELLEY vs. Jefferson county, for county
15 00
MILLS & Co.   polls books
12 00
LUSE & GRIGGS   deed records, &c
64 85
LUSE & GRIGGS   book of plats
18 00
LUSE & GRIGGS   record for Judge’s office
24 00
MILLER Mark 3 years sub. To Iowa Homestead
7 50
SAMPSON S. V. Sup’t Public Schools
16 50
HERON, David   “ “ “
139 00
“   “ “ “
42 00
YOUNG & STUBBS   125 bushels coal
18 75
District Court U. S.   Judgement vs. Jefferson county
245 39
SPEILMAN & GAINES   chimney tops court house
20 00
MILLER D. B. transcribing original entries
47 50
CRAWFORD J. F. oil,&c. to court house
23 90
MOORE W. S. Treasurer one year’s salary &c.
1,279 80
MOORE W. S. Treasurer, per cont.
12 44
“   " “ “
212 45
FRAZIER, Isaiah house rent, holding election 1867
5 00
BLEAKMORE M. M. advertising meeting of the Board of Supervisors
3 00
WELLS & WHITING   stationery for court house
25 00
LONG Wm. Clerk,  cash paid contingent expenses for office
75 60
MOORE J. horse hire for bridge committee
3 25
SNOOK John 11 days services at committee on Cedar bridge
22 00
NEGUS C. estimating stone in Cedar bridge
6 00
CRAIL B. F. commissioner on roads, &c
24 50
JUNKIN W. W. printing, &c.
181 00
SNODGRASS J. C. Bailiff District Court, January term
22 00
GANTZ J. S., Sheriff Bailiff September term of District Court
14 00
GANTZ J. S., Sheriff salary, &c.
161 10
“ “ zinc, &c.
8 24
NEGUS & CULBERTSON   attorneys fee suit of MOIR vs. Jefferson county
50 00
SLAGLE & ACHESON   attorneys fee examining title to Poor Farm
5 00
WEBB A. G. 137 bushels coal
21 76
CLARKE & SCOTT   writing fluid
3 30
COLLINS Jas. bridge committee
10 00
CLARK Alx.  
10 00
10 00
DUSTIN W. F. READ’s mill
16 00
PARKER J. M. juror and witness before Grand Jury
3 00
REED Chas J. 15½ cords wood court house
77 50
CUMMINGS J. J. agreement and bond --- John HAGERTY
3 00
UNKRICH Chas. lights, &c., election
1 00
FRUSH Henry 4 cords wood to court house
    20 00
$3,008 18

FRY Geo. C. witness State vs. HARRISON
6 80
2 00
GREENWOOD M. V. Const.  State vs. Sand STEWART
4 05
THARP Lucy State witness vs. Sand STEWART
THARP Mary “ “ “ “ “
PARROTT Jas. “ “ “ “ “
PARROTT D. M. “ “ “ “ “
McDANIEL John “ “ “ “ “
CALDWELL J. A. “ “ “ “ “
1 00
EVANS - J. P. Thos. D. “ “ J. T. RUSSELL
2 75
GANTZ - Sheriff J. S. “ “ “
1 20
“ “ keeping J. MATTHEWS and others
182 45
BROWN Dan.   reporting testimony in criminal cases
25 00
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. State vs. H. KERNES
1 50
GUDGELL - Constable A. J.    “ “
1 75
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. “ W. KERNS
1 50
GUDGELL - Constable A. J. “ “
1 75
3 50
GUDGELL - Constable A. J. “
2 05
GAUMER Jonathan& witness  “
1 10
MASTERS Wm. M. “ “
1 10
MILLER Jacob “ “
1 10
GANMER Sarah A. witness State vs. PHELABOONE
1 10
FEE George witness State vs. PHELABOONE
1 10
MILLER Mrs. J. “ “ “
1 10
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. “ “
1 50
GUDGELL - Constable A. J. “ “
8 10
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. “ “
1 50
GUDGELL A. J. - Const.
2 05
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. “ Jack RUSH
1 00
GUDGELL A. J. Const.  “ “
1 15
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. State vs. Jenny CHAMBERLAIN
1 50
NOBLE - J. P. C. E. State vs. CONNERS & DELLON
1 50
GUDGELL - Constable A. J. State vs. CONNERS &DILLON
1 80
NOBLE - J. P. C. E.   State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
2 30
NOBLE - J. P. C. E.   State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
9 45
BROWN - Clerk Dan. State vs. R. FOLKNER & HAMMOND
9 00
JONES A. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
JONES I. D. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
HOWARD W. J. State witness State vs. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
STANFORD A. State Witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
HOWARD J. W. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
HISEL Joseph State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
HISEL John State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
MYERS J. L. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
BECK J. S. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER &HAMMOND
GORSUCH S. D. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER& HAMMOND
GORSUCH Mrs. S. D. State witness State vs. R. FOLKNER& HAMMOND
GUDGELL - Constable A. J. State vs. Wm. MEAD
18 00
Do do  do J. W. FRANKLIN
3 00
Do do  do do
3 20
McCOID M. A. District Attorney
55 00
FLETCHER - Constable Ed. State vs. SUFFACOOL
2 70
SCOVIL --- guarding prisoner do do
SMITH - Constable W. J. M. do do
4 85
HAYDEN Constable J. W. do do
1 10
FLETCHER - J. P. Ed. State vs. W. J. M. SMITH
2 95
CREEK M. L. Const. do do
4 35
FLETCHER Geo. State witness do
SLIMMER P. W. do do
HOWARD David do do
FELL Samuel do do
SLIMMER David do do
ALBRIGHT Peter do do
PRATHER B. R. Bailiff District Court - January term
23 00
NEGUS C. attorney’s fees State vs. Amos PARKER and Catherine GLENN
25 00
McQUERRY John witness fees State vs. Page
3 10
FLETCHER - J. P. Ed. glandered horse
3 00
SMITH W. J. M. Const. do
2 30
SWARTZ A. witness do
1 80
SMITH Hugh do do
PLATT - Constable Elijah do
DUNN A. do
WOLDY W. W. expenses in arresting HARRISON
22 90
JAQUES W. witness fee State vs. BAXTER
8 20
SLAGLE & ACHESON   attorney fee in case of State vs. KENNEDY
50 00
ALTMAN Absalom State witness - State vs. HABER
   3 20
Attest: Wm. LONG - Clerk

[Ed note: A ‘glandered’ horse according to present-day definition is one afflicted with Glanders, a disease affecting horses and mules but which can be transmitted to humans.  It is caused by a bacterium and characterized by swellings beneath the jaw and profuse mucous discharge from the nostrils.  I suspect this may have held a different meaning in 1868, possibly a castrated horse, or gelding.]

---In Fairfield, February 15, 1868, by Rev. C. DARBY, Mr. Israel E. AKERS and Miss Rachel E. GORSUCH, of Jefferson county, Iowa.

Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending February 15, 1868:

Geo. STEVER from P. F. W. MERTEN and wife, about ½ acre in Fairfield township.  Deed dated June 15, 1865.  50 00
Henry DUNN from E. A. HUGHES and husband, 80 acres in Blackhawk township.  Deed dated February 8, 1868.  970 00
Jacob COURTNEY from David COURTNEY and wife, 40 acres in Walnut township.  Deed dated Jan. 21, 1868.  400 00
Thomas ALLENDER from David R. DUNLAP and wife, 10 acres in Lockridge township.  Deed dated August 23, 1867.  300 00
G. W. HARMON from William VAUGHT and wife, 10 acres in Liberty township.  Deed dated Dec. 10, 1866.  40 00
Jas. A. CUNNINGHAM from L. C. COOK and wife, lots 1 and 2, block 16, Fairfield.  Deed dated Jan. 4, 1868. 1,000 00
John McCULLOCH from Sarah J. LYNCH, the undivided half of 160 acres in Polk township.  Deed dated Oct. 19, 1867.  375 00
John McCULLOCH from Mary Jane CAMPBELL, the undivided half of 160 acres in Polk township.  Deed dated June 5, 1867.
750 00
John McCULLOCH from John MANN and wife, 240 acres in Polk township.  Deed dates Sepbember 27, 1867.  2,000 00
Isaac HARRIS from J. B. SHOEMAKER and wife, 40 acres in Locust Grove township.  Deed dated February 7, 1867.  200 00
P. R. JOHNSON from Adam SNYDER and wife, 83 acres in Van Burren [sic] county and 20 acres in Jefferson county.  Deed dated Oct. 1, 1867.  2,500 00
G. W. HARMON from A. C. FRYMAN and wife, 40 acres in Liberty township.  Deed dated Dec. 29, 1866.  400 00
Jacob S. GANTZ from A. G. SCRANTOM and wife, lots 6, and 7, block 2, railroad addition to Fairfield.  Deed dated Feb. 14, 1868.  80 00
Byron La GRANGE from Isaiah HOSKINSON, 20 acres in Penn township.  Deed dated Febuary [sic] 15, 1868.  2,500 00
G. W. HARMEN from A. S. HARMON and wife, ten acres in Liberty township.  Deed dated Dec. 31, 1866.  40 00

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