Jefferson County Online
The Fairfield Weekly Ledger

April 2, 1868

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Fairfield Weekly Ledger
Jefferson County, Iowa
Transcribed by:  Joey Stark

Note:  Typographical errors (followed by [sic]) and spelling variations in names in this document are intentional and reflect the actual newspaper articles.   Transcriber’s notes are occasionally included and are indicated with [Ed. note:...].  Surnames shown here are in UPPER CASE for easy location; not rendered as such in the newspapers.

April 2, 1868

Real Estate Transfers --- The following deeds to lands and town lots in Jefferson county, have been placed on record at the Recorder’s office for the week ending March 30, 1868.

A. N. RANDALL from David C. YOUNG and wife, lot 9, block 28, new plat of Fairfield.  Deed dated March 21, 1868.  $850 00
Peter DIERS from C. H. KREAMER and wife, 40 acres in Walnut township.  Deed dated March 4, 1868.  115 00
Amon PARK from Joseph KURTZ and wife, one acre in Walnut township.  Deed dated December 20, 1867.  60 00
W. H. KNERR from Amon PARK and wife, the undivided one-fourth of an acre in Walnut township.  Deed dated December 30, 1867.  7 50
Jonathan FAMULENER from Mary Jane KERR and husband, 88.13 acres in Liberty township.  Deed dated March 17, 1868. 2,350 00
Mary Jane KERR from Jonathan FAMULENER and wife, 101.16 acres in Liberty township, and lot 11, block 2 in Libertyville, Deed dated March 24, 1868.  2,300 00
Susan CLAPPER from Martin RICHARDSON and wife, 20 acres in Walnut township.  Deed dated December 16, 1864.  200 00
Susannah CLAPPER from A. M. EMORY and wife, 20 acres in Penn township.  Deed dated October 22, 1867.  350 00
M. S. FRISBEE from Mary A. HOUSEL and husband, the south half of lot 64 in Batavia.  Deed dated May 12, 1866. 43 00
John SCHLAURBRAUN from Luther M. KENNETT and wife, 80 acres in Walnut township.  Deed dated December 6, 1868 [sic]. 1,025 00
W. G. HAZELWOOD from Jas. M. WOOD and wife, 6½ acres in Penn township.  Deed dated April 26, 1867.  800 00
Charles J. COX from Jerome B. BRYANT and wife, 30 acres in Cedar township.  Deed dated March 6, 1868.  240 00
A. A. and H. SNOOK from F. J. DEMARSH and wife, 1½ acres in Penn township.  Deed dated June 7, 1865.  50 00
Amy SNOOK from Miles DRISKELL and wife, 85 acres in Penn township.  Deed dated February 25, 1864.  900 00
Ward LAMSON from Hirrm [sic] SMITH and wife, 108½ acres in Liberty township.  Deed dated March 23, 1868.  5,700 00
John BELL from James M. HUGHES and wife, 80 acres in Blackhawk township.  Deed dated March 23, 1868.  300 00

---March 26, 1868, by Rev. W. MAYNARD, at the residence of Thomas HUGHES, Mr. Robert J. HUGHES and Miss Mattie A. THOMPSON, both of this county.

For the remembrancer sent us we return our gratful [sic] thanks, and trust, that though clouds may o’ercast their path through life, they may ever say:
 “Are we not one?  are we not joined by heaven?
  Each interwoven with the others fate?
  Are we not mix’d like streams of meeting rivers,
  Whose blended waters are no more distinguish’d,
  But roll into the sea one common flood?”

---March 24, 1868, by Rev. Joseph CHESTER, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Hezekiah S. TEMPLETON and Miss Catherine GALLIHER, all of this county.

---February 23, 1868, by Rev. W. G. HAZELWOOD, at the residence of E. SAWYERS, Mr. John J. McKEE and Miss Martha J. SAWYERS.

---March 24, 1868, by Thomas MORGAN, County Judge, at his office, Mr. John S. SULLIVAN and Miss Lucy J. CLINKENBEARD, both of this county.

---March 18, 1868, at the residence of T. M. BROOKS, by Rev. D. DONALDSON, Mr. Francis E. ROBB and Miss Mary J. WARWICK, both of this county.

---February 18, 1868, by Rev. J. H. FILLMORE at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Harvey THOMPSON and Miss Esther RODABAUGH, both of this county.

Margaret J. M’LURE }
       vs. }
Elmira W. BROWN }
And Abigail W. COOK }

The undersigned, Referees in the above entitled cause, by order of the District Court of Jefferson county, Iowa, made on the 10th day of January, 1867, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House in said county, on the
    11th DAY OF APRIL, 1868,
between the hours of 9 o’clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, the East half of the South-East quarter of Section 31, Township 71 North, of Range 10 West.
  Sale to commense [sic] at 1 o’clock P.M.
  This is said to be a desirable tract of timber land.
 WILLIAM ALSTON, } Referees.
 W. D. CLAPP }
Fairfield, Iowa, March 15, 1868. –4t10 p.f. 7.50

For the Fairfield Ledger.
At a meeting of the citizens of Sub-District No. Nine, Fairfield township, Jefferson county, Iowa, on the evening of March 30th, 1868, it was unanimously resolved:
  1st.  That the citizens of this neighborhood and vicinity now assembled, tender to Mr. David BEATY their warmest thanks for his long-continued, earnest effort for the welfare of this neighborhood, in its school, its Sabbath School, in behalf of the church and every good work.

  2d.  That while we regret deeply that Mr. BEATY has deemed it his duty to leave us, our kindest wishes go with him to his new home in Des Moines, and our fervent prayers will ascend for him and all the dear ones of his household.

  In behalf of the meeting,  R. S. HUGHES.
State Register please copy.

New Grocery Store.--- Make way for the new store.  Mr. Martin MUSSER has opened a new grocery, glass and queensware store on Washington street.  Call there when you want cheap groceries, glass, queens or yellow ware, willow ware, and any of the thousand things kept in a grocery store.   [Ed. note: Queensware is a hard, cream-colored earthenware, perfected about 1765 by Wedgwood.]

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the City Charter, and the ordinance of the city, to the qualified voters of Ward No. 4, in the city of Fairfield, Iowa, that there will be held a special election for the purpose of chosing one Trustee to fill the vacancy now existing in said Ward, and that said election will be held on Monday, the 13th day of April 1868, at SIGMAN’s shoe shop in said Ward.
   Mayor of Fairfield.
Council Room April 1, 1868.

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